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Insta suit switching during combat on EC


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wasn't Pincos at one time an illegal app? Just because you may not know of any doesn't mean there aren't any. UO assist was illegal at one time and I believe it was legalized only after certain certain things were taken out of it. Im all for people using Pincos but it shouldn't have "featurers" that should not be in game. Insta suit swapping should not be in the game. Just because things are available in EC doesnt mean they should not be balanced.
No, Pinco's UI has always been an legal UI mod. Some CC people with a grief against the EC try to spin it their way, but it's wrong.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
CC should of been stopped long ago, The dev team has been way to weak with the player base, like in any other game, the Dev team has the last word but seems enough people complained and they kept it going.
Yep, agreed. Sure some people would quit but most are that much attached to UO that they would just migrate. And most likely a fair share would also realize how handicapped they were under the CC (like in those stories when people reported how they moved from CC to EC).

Unfortunately the CC is also holding the EC back :( The new features like vendor search or the store could have such an awesome UI integration in the EC, but all they do is using that stone-ugly CC legacy gump system.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, Pinco's UI has always been an legal UI mod.
In fact, it is not even possible to come up with an illegal UI mod, since you can only use the official API. And should someone really come up with some functionality, which BS hasn't intended that way, they can adapt the API to their likings, so it won't work anymore in an upcoming patch.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In fact, it is not even possible to come up with an illegal UI mod, since you can only use the official API. And should someone really come up with some functionality, which BS hasn't intended that way, they can adapt the API to their likings, so it won't work anymore in an upcoming patch.
Yea, but try telling that to the trolls that have no technical know-how but a very strong opinion instead :)


Grand Inquisitor
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In fact, it is not even possible to come up with an illegal UI mod, since you can only use the official API. And should someone really come up with some functionality, which BS hasn't intended that way, they can adapt the API to their likings, so it won't work anymore in an upcoming patch.
Naive... but cool point



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Wasn't Pincos at one time an illegal app? Just because you may not know of any doesn't mean there aren't any. UO assist was illegal at one time and I believe it was legalized only after certain certain things were taken out of it. Im all for people using Pincos but it shouldn't have "featurers" that should not be in game. Insta suit swapping should not be in the game. Just because things are available in EC doesnt mean they should not be balanced.
No Pinco's has never been an Illegal App..... since it's not an app at all it's a UI... The EC was specifically designed for folk to use their own Custom UI... or one someone else has offered like Pinco...

Hate to burst your bubble but suit swapping is actually something incorporated into the BASE EC. Without a UI at all you can do this in the EC.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Simply because you think they'd fix it...

If you read my post carefully, you'll discover, that the exact wording I used was "which BS hasn't intended that way, they CAN adapt the API to their likings". Which just means, they have to option to do so, if they really want.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you read my post carefully, you'll discover, that the exact wording I used was "which BS hasn't intended that way, they CAN adapt the API to their likings". Which just means, they have to option to do so, if they really want.
I've been asking for me [Sarcasm][/Sarcasm] tags for years! Whoever needs a bum kick to get that movin...it would be awesome!



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.


Stratics Veteran
Insta suit switching definitely gives an unfair advantage. You can have a variety of suits for different situations. You can switch to a max mana regen suit when out of mana, then immediately switch to their regular setup after regaining their mana. Just one example.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.
Switch to EC and it's all fair now.


Grand Inquisitor
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When the devs get serious about third party apps that have many advantages that the EC does not, perhaps then it will be time to have a conversation about this. In other words, it's never going to be time to have a conversation about this because the devs have made it very clear that they don't care about third party apps anymore.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.
Did you kill their mount?

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.
1. You shouldn't be dismounting, it's pathetic and shows you don't really want pvp.

2. Yes I agree with you.

The fixes are simple - remove dismount from the game, and delete EC.
Players shouldn't be using EC anyway, it's like UO for babies.
Then focus can be put to improving just the one real client.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
1. You shouldn't be dismounting, it's pathetic and shows you don't really want pvp.

2. Yes I agree with you.

The fixes are simple - remove dismount from the game, and delete EC.
Players shouldn't be using EC anyway, it's like UO for babies.
Then focus can be put to improving just the one real client.
The real question here is why we have to use a Client which is way behind what IT could BE because of dinosaurs Like you who think the CC is a good Client and refuse to use a modern Client which in the end forces the devs to Work on 2 clients.

Obviousely you are Not a good in PvP AS you must use CC. Why are U Not using the Advantage of suit Swap yourself instead of complaining?

Iam Sure a top Tier PvP Player dont need fancy excuses about an "unfair" Feature. He or she would still wreck everyone.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The real question here is why we have to use a Client which is way behind what IT could BE because of dinosaurs Like you who think the CC is a good Client and refuse to use a modern Client which in the end forces the devs to Work on 2 clients.

Obviousely you are Not a good in PvP AS you must use CC. Why are U Not using the Advantage of suit Swap yourself instead of complaining?

Modern Client?
End of Discussion.

Lets just admit it's ****, and focus on what UO should be, the original which is what real players want to play.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Real Player? Like you?

Sorry iam Out here. Busy with laugning.

Lets compare the two of us.

  • One sits in Luna all day ripping people off trying to make himself rich in pixel land.

  • The other plays in Fel and plays all content of the game, including PvP, PvM, Crafting etc. etc.

You tell me who is who - and who the real player is?
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Sir Osis of Liver

Stratics Veteran
Im a "real player." I started back in 98 and played for a few years on Chessie and then ATL when the LUT guild made guys here, I was a big fan of the Galads back in the day. I remember the Bob vs Fred wars and all the other lil munitinae of those first few years of this game. And... Yes it was epic! I quit or really was banned for gtg mad at the game one night and posting my blue bones town looting trick. Needless to say this changed the way bodies were dealt with in the fix, u couldnt carve them up anymore. I spent the next 12 years with no UO and compared every game i played to UO. All fell short! I dont care about the L33T graphics or any of that crap i care about playability. I play in the CC because to me that is what this game really is... CC! I dont pvp anymore hell i barely have time to play with a career and all but when i log in i log in on the CC and only log into EC when some EC guy has his vendor set up all messed up and i cant get to what i want.
This is now a nostalgia game. Like it or not it is what it is. I love this game and to me this game should be played in CC with all the lousy graphics and all. I say get rid of this insta dress feature. I know its unrealistic to expect a fantasy game to incorporate realism into it but omfg its just dumb to insta undress and dress into new gear. Its dumb!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.
It's perfectly fair there is NOTHING stopping you from using the EC it is perfectly legal to use and anyone can download it... just because you don't want to use it or don't like it does not make it unfair...

It's just like people saying that Doom is perfectly doable now you just have to buck up and use a sampire like everyone else... if you don't want to or don't like it then you can just not do Doom...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As per usual @MalagAste you have completely misinterpreted my post. I didn't mean that it's unfair that people on EC can do this and people on CC cannot, I'm not suggesting this feature should be implemented into CC. I do infact use EC on my tamer. What I mean is, it's unfair this feature is available during combat. As most people are hard to catch when mounted so dismounting was invented. And people are now able to fc4 ninja form with no change to their template due to insta suit switching.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not bad. 218 posts and one necro rez before this became my client is better than yours argument.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are lots of opportunities to use the heat of combat flag to address issues specifically for PvP without messing with other aspects of the game. A few examples:

Switching characters: remove the monsters timer and use heat of battle instead.

Pet logging: tied to the character, if the character can’t insta log due to heat of battle, the pet remains in game.

Suit swapping: CC needs an auto dress function added like the EC has, the code already exists because it’s used when you click a corpse. That functionality should be disabled for both clients in heat of battle.

The list could easily go on...

If heat of battle can block a spell (recall/gate) I see no reason it can’t be used for other things specifically for PvP as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ideally, I'd like to see one game engine with multiple tile sets/views. Love the idea of EC. Cannot stand the graphics.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That functionality should be disabled for both clients in heat of battle.
If heat of battle can block a spell (recall/gate) I see no reason it can’t be used for other things specifically for PvP as well.
Wow, that would be super unrealistic.
It just like the tablecloth trick, where you pull off the tablecloth without moving the plates & cups. Just reverse. You come in so fast, that you push out the corpse of your equipment, without the equipment moving. Insta-dress! Et voilà!

Casting on the other hand is super complicated and requires quite some concentration. So that's super-realistic, that it can be interrupted...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, that would be super unrealistic.
It just like the tablecloth trick, where you pull off the tablecloth without moving the plates & cups. Just reverse. You come in so fast, that you push out the corpse of your equipment, without the equipment moving. Insta-dress! Et voilà!

Casting on the other hand is super complicated and requires quite some concentration. So that's super-realistic, that it can be interrupted...
I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at, but debating “realistic” in a video game with magic, undead and dragons seems... well unrealistic...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As per usual @MalagAste you have completely misinterpreted my post. I didn't mean that it's unfair that people on EC can do this and people on CC cannot, I'm not suggesting this feature should be implemented into CC. I do infact use EC on my tamer. What I mean is, it's unfair this feature is available during combat. As most people are hard to catch when mounted so dismounting was invented. And people are now able to fc4 ninja form with no change to their template due to insta suit switching.
And yet again, some PvP issue has to screw it up for everyone. Suit switching adds a lot of content for PvM, because instead of one suit, many of my characters need three. Those three suits per character take a long time to make or collect. The time I am making and improving those suits is the time I am not bored and wondering why I am paying for my subs.
This suggestion is also ignoring the fact that while it might be easy to remove this functionality in EC, it is virtually impossible to do the same in CC with the cheating software available.
So the end results of this suggestion will be - PvPers will still switch suits, but on CC. PvMers will lose this ability on EC. Things to do are cut tremendously for both crafters and adventurers because you can only use one suit realistically per character.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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As per usual @MalagAste you have completely misinterpreted my post. I didn't mean that it's unfair that people on EC can do this and people on CC cannot, I'm not suggesting this feature should be implemented into CC. I do infact use EC on my tamer. What I mean is, it's unfair this feature is available during combat. As most people are hard to catch when mounted so dismounting was invented. And people are now able to fc4 ninja form with no change to their template due to insta suit switching.
Maybe they'll put that in when they "fix" the EC not being able to loot a public corpse... or when they fix the crashing caused by the AoE of many boss mobs in the EC... Or when they stop tram from turning to fel at random times...

guess we can all dream can't we?


Stratics Veteran
Not allowing instant suit switching during heat of battle seems like a good solution to this problem


Stratics Veteran
Also instant suit switching does not make sense. Some ppl will argue that it doesn't need to be realistic because this is a fantasy game with magic. If magic is the explanation, then you should be required to cast a spell or something


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not allowing instant suit switching during heat of battle seems like a good solution to this problem
Except that would screw those that switch out for their luck suits at the end of a battle. That would go over about as well as a fart in church.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Heat of Battle should ONLY apply when attacking another player/their pet/or their summon.... it should NEVER apply to killing mongbats or any other mob in Trammel.. this should be a FEL only thing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This suggestion is also ignoring the fact that while it might be easy to remove this functionality in EC, it is virtually impossible to do the same in CC with the cheating software available.
...you can't do it in the CC AT ALL: It puts on/takes off one piece at a time. Also, if you need to do ANY pvm content with 3 different suits on a single character, you're doing something VERY wrong.

It's perfectly fair there is NOTHING stopping you from using the EC it is perfectly legal to use and anyone can download it... just because you don't want to use it or don't like it does not make it unfair...
Fine, I'll start using the EC when it doesn't look like an ugly pile of crap. Sound fair?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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...you can't do it in the CC AT ALL: It puts on/takes off one piece at a time. Also, if you need to do ANY pvm content with 3 different suits on a single character, you're doing something VERY wrong.

Fine, I'll start using the EC when it doesn't look like an ugly pile of crap. Sound fair?
You get over the ugly when you realize what you get and can do with the EC... the benefits outweigh the visual flaws.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not in agreement that insta suit switching should only be disabled for PvP, i think it should not be insant for PvM also. I feel it is underhanded manipulation of the intended game mechanics to instantly switch to a luck suit for the last hit on a monster, etc etc. I just feel it would make for a more challenging game if the suit switching was not instant. One of my past threads was about how nowadays death is just a debuff. It would make for a more challenging game if sampires couldn't instantly don their LRC suit upon resurection to cast vampire form (no need to carry reagents/scrolls) then with a press of a button be fully recovered.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting very annoying, i think it's unfair that people using EC can insta suit switch to Faster Casting 4, Faster cast Recovery 6 suits with +Ninjitsu jewelty and just animal form immediately when dismounted so you've no chance of catching people on EC now, even when they're dismounted.
Who is it who does this on EU?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I am not in agreement that insta suit switching should only be disabled for PvP, i think it should not be insant for PvM also. I feel it is underhanded manipulation of the intended game mechanics to instantly switch to a luck suit for the last hit on a monster, etc etc. I just feel it would make for a more challenging game if the suit switching was not instant. One of my past threads was about how nowadays death is just a debuff. It would make for a more challenging game if sampires couldn't instantly don their LRC suit upon resurection to cast vampire form (no need to carry reagents/scrolls) then with a press of a button be fully recovered.
I personally never use it... I wear my lucksuit all the time... But there is NOTHING more annoying that recalling home to quick switch out your character to find you killed that annoying mongbat that spawns nearby without ever even having a moments notice and now you have to wait forever to swap... and adding yet another thing to that stupidity is NOT something I want. As it would make getting dressed after you die take forever too... and I certainly don't want that it already takes me over a min to just die and such as it is... the death animation in the EC is completely borked.


The Enchanter
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Also instant suit switching does not make sense. Some ppl will argue that it doesn't need to be realistic because this is a fantasy game with magic. If magic is the explanation, then you should be required to cast a spell or something
Yes - it does make sense. There are plenty of moments where people want to switch from one suit to another for fighting one mob or another mob. Sometimes I want my full eater suit with lots of hit points, and in another moment, I want to switch to my SDI suit for WoD, or maybe my suit with maximum mana regen.

EC players shouldn't be limited to do this because some CC players complain they can't have it.

Fine, I'll start using the EC when it doesn't look like an ugly pile of crap. Sound fair?
CC is nothing special to look at either. I've never had a taste for the Kool-Aid that CC graphics are oh-so-much-better or that EC "hurts peoples eyes" or "makes them dizzy".

I fail to see the allure of CC graphics being so wonderful that someone who wants more functionality would choose it over EC. Choosing graphics over functionality is a choice.

i think it should not be insant for PvM also. I feel it is underhanded manipulation of the intended game mechanics to instantly switch to a luck suit for the last hit on a monster, etc etc.
Why? So people running illegal third party clients in CC can do it while other players who don't need add-on apps should be limited?

Underhanded manipulation of intended game mechanics? It's a legal button in the EC, not underhanded at all. This is just using fancy words in a complaint that carries little water.

It would make for a more challenging game if sampires couldn't instantly don their LRC suit upon resurection to cast vampire form (no need to carry reagents/scrolls) then with a press of a button be fully recovered.

Wasn't it the PVP people that were calling for "more template diversity" when combat changes were on-going? Changing a suit instantly, which may include equipment items and various jewels that have different skills/stats/mods on them, provides quite a bit of diversity. My sampire carries a second "LRC suit", and the disadvantage of doing this is the extra weight I have to carry and reduction of my pack size. My "mystic mage" carries up to four suits, depending on needs.

What's next? Forcing people in EC to have to use the CC backpack styles because it some how gives an unfair advantage that EC packs can be more organized?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Merlin, there are no third party programs (to my knowledge) that enable a player on CC to dress faster than doing in manually. And i'm also not advocating they make the option for it.

Great DC

Lore Master
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Merlin, there are no third party programs (to my knowledge) that enable a player on CC to dress faster than doing in manually. And i'm also not advocating they make the option for it.
Just for your information, animal form is not affected by FC(faster casting). That was nerfed 4 years before this thread was even started, LOLOLOL
Good try though, next time ask someone how pvp works first before posting.