Who let the trammys try to remake pvp again?
why are the bases decorated like that? this isnt trammel we dont care about that it just creates lag
am I the only one who thinks the new score boards for factions looks suspeciously like the wow battle ground points system?
points for healing? benefits allready include staying alive :S
points for stealthing whats that all about? STEALTH SUCKS THERE IS NOTHING COOL ABOUT HIDING FROM A FIGHT!!
so whats gonna happen to our war horses?
incase you didnt realise the reason we join factions is because we like fel we dont want 3 new luna banks
the punkte system is designed for kills because thats what pvp is about whos the best killer it should stay that way dont think we spent time earning our punkte for you to change the system
factions play an important part in the history of uo and their origins go back to before ultima was even online now your just adding 3 new factions with terrible names without any story progression what so ever - keep the original names.
if you get rid of faction arties you not only made us waiste our time effort and silver/gold you also ruin most of our suits :/
the new faction arties allow fel players to build good suits that are more even and dont require huge amounts of gold or time spent in tram I HATE TRAM
prehaps you should need to control a town to purchase a faction artifact?
you cant just add in arties let us build suits around them and then whipe them a few months later seriously whats that about?
since silver is earned from killing it means that the best pvpers get the faction items which incourages the lesser pvpers to get better pvp has allways been about whos leet and whos not
mabey make the faction items craftable for faction crafters?
having a town gives little to no benefits and the amount of time it takes to corrupt sigils for these benefits is stupid
we need to be able to heal our red faction members within towns to make town fighting possible just remove guards from fel we dont need them anyway its all about the fights
move com's base or remake magincia - you did it to haven
add placeable guards to the new bases/faction monsters/guards that reveal/better traps if your intent on keeping the horrible looking new bases
the bases are way too big uo isnt like it used to be on some shards we dont have hundreds of players commited to fighting wars, the bases are too wide in areas you couldnt deffend that with a small army let alone the small handful of players still pvping on alot of shards
stat loss timer is essential but too long