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Account Migration Issues


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Devs :

PLEASE put a freeze on any house decays or accounts that will be closed due to non payment for at least 90 days.

I have been on the phone for 2 hours with EA - they want an email address that I signed up on the account with from 13 years that that I do not remember the password for - and an email which no longer exists.

This is the only way (so they've been telling me) for me to access my accounts so I can update the billing info.

I would really, really hate to lose my houses, everything in them and my almost 14 year old account because there is no other way to get into my account information.

What happened to being able to sign into to game, hit the shield that said "account," typing in your UO account name and password and getting all the info to update?

*has a very bad feeling about all of this*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Question about Accounts not linking

No clue. I linked my accounts but it says I need to update my billing info. I can't find where to do that. It sends me in a circle. I am worried I'll lose my accounts.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

I do wish people would just take a second to actually take a look at the forum before posting. This is the third thread we have on the exact same subject.


Re: Question about Accounts not linking

Could someone post a link to the account management page people are saying they are using. All I'm finding is either the one linked from the game client that gives me the same 'offline' message as yesterday, or an ea.com page that does not give Ultima Online as a game in it's list of games to link to the account.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: WOW! Account Management

well i just wasted a hour trying to turn one of my accounts back on dunno why my house is falling,guess i have 5 days to figure it out,they should have left the bring back to brit up for a couple more days to figure this new account stuff first
for this if you just reactived it and its not already in the indanger state should refresh by tomrrow at server up


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

no, on the link page you can add the accounts manually...
just enter:
<account name>_uo

and here you go :)


There is no option to enter other account names on this page...just the ones linked to that particular email


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Question about Accounts not linking

When you pick your account from the drop down menu and then the orange and black page (warhammer page?) comes up, scroll to the bottom of the page for subscribe information.

Miri of Sonoma

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Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

YOu add them in the Master Mythic account name and password boxes uoaccountname_UO and password

That is as far as I got. After that I got confused again and went fishing *laughs*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Question about Accounts not linking

Never mind about the old email address. It says it does not even have that address in the system. I have no idea why I cannot link my two accounts.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

YOu add them in the Master Mythic account name and password boxes uoaccountname_UO and password

That is as far as I got. After that I got confused again and went fishing *laughs*

after pressing link the account will appear in list :)

or you can simply link and continue and repeat the process ;)


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

Oh in the MASTER account..GOT IT! THANKS! :)

That makes things a bit easier

Miri of Sonoma

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Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

BTW thanks to everyone helping out the lost and confused *smiles*


i got the doonotry-mythicea.com email too
where they wrote my paiment is out.
One day later i got the same email and now i cant log in in uo
and i think my house will falling down.
I made a masteraccount on the new web from mythc wich was linked in the email but i cant find my uo account.What shoud i do now?Will be my uo account tranfered there by mythic or do i still need to wait the migration and alter to find at the new master mythic account my uo account and put a new payment there again?
Or what shoud i do now my house is falling because i cant log in uo?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

Oh in the MASTER account..GOT IT! THANKS! :)

That makes things a bit easier
remember that 1 mythic account can be linked to 1 persona account.
so if is already linked there is no way to move it.

at least until they don't add an automatic account transfer :p


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

and its pretty bloody important one too!!!

what the devs gonna say tomorrow...unlucky....heres a new 6th slot token....sorry but its not EAs policy to replace lost items in game

WTF!!!! NO no ...we are not going to lose the hard skilled 6th chars because the devs wont just do a simple revert....????


Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

Could someone please post a link to this page everyone says they are using. I can't find it. All I find is an 'offline' message.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

And it seems like they are asking me to resubscribe my accounts..*runs away screaming*
This is what im afraid of as well. Will i be charged 2x for the same account?


Re: Cant Access my account. NEED HELP !!

I tried adding "_uo" and could link my two accounts! Thanks a lot!

Although I cant read sub. infos on them, reads gibberish lol

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
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Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

Could someone please post a link to this page everyone says they are using. I can't find it. All I find is an 'offline' message.
if you go to uoherald and click on account management (new/edit account) it will take you to the start page. Good luck after that!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

Guess I had to lose my forumginity sometime. Might as well be for this.

Just logged into my account. It had the 6th character slot access but not seventh. (havent bought it yet lol) My 6th character has vanished from the list. She was my thrower warrior.


The 6 Ps of programming and development. I suggest the Devs start following this code. Cause so far.... they are royally screwin a pooch on this one.



Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

if you go to uoherald and click on account management (new/edit account) it will take you to the start page. Good luck after that!
That takes me to an 'offline notice' page.

Yet there are new posts here from people who seem to be able to access the page. :[


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

Guess I had to lose my forumginity sometime. Might as well be for this.

Just logged into my account. It had the 6th character slot access but not seventh. (havent bought it yet lol) My 6th character has vanished from the list. She was my thrower warrior.


The 6 Ps of programming and development. I suggest the Devs start following this code. Cause so far.... they are royally screwin a pooch on this one.

you forget the Murphy's law: "If anything can go wrong, it will"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

hopen this is fixed i would really hate to have to retrain that imbueing again and spend another 10 mil train in up again wow this is getting old always something with this game this one just takes the cake come on guys i understand trying to make it better but dang man. I about had a heart attack this morning make it right

Miri of Sonoma

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Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

No when I use the link from uoherald, acct management I go to that page I sent.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: WOW! Account Management

Create the EA master account as the same email thats on your UO account

Go to Link Accounts - It will show every UO account attached to your email. Put in the passwords - hit link - then confirm at the bottom of the screen. You will then be able to cycle between accounts at the top of the page and adjust your subscriptions.
Worked for me. I forgot to hit the continue button at first, though, hehe.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

Thanks for the link.

You don't get this when you go there? Is it just me?
I'm pretty sure acct management is down in europe. Not sure though. That would definately explain why you're getting that mesage.

Neutron Bomb

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Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

I tried. I logged into my EA account and tried setting things up, but it sat at a "Loading" thing for an hour until I finally closed the tab.


Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

I'm pretty sure acct management is down in europe. Not sure though. That would definately explain why you're getting that mesage.
Thanks for the suggestion, however I'm in Canada.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Character missing

Before they dropped all the servers again , including test center, I made a buncha characters on test and it wouldnt let me make a 6th character which my account is entitled to.

So the problem seems to be within the "new and improved" account management system not recognizing your account entitlements.

No word yet from the Devs on how long this will take or whether or not it will even be fixxed today.



Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?


I too got that same page and i was using firefox, I didnt get the correct page with that link until i used IE. Give that a try


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got ahold of a human who sent me to a profile.ea.com page that worked. I now have an EA Account. After 4 hours I still can't get to any of my accounts to add billing info. Don't even want to know what my blood pressure is right now.

Cal, how-do-we-get-to-our-account-info-to-add-billing-info?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Account help questions (DEVS?!)

Ok, i've figured the majority of this new account system out but i still need a couple answers.

Do i have to redo my billing info since the new changes?

Also how do i give someone an account or take one over that someone gave me?


Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?


I too got that same page and i was using firefox, I didnt get the correct page with that link until i used IE. Give that a try
Actually, it just worked for me now (with Chrome). That's the 1st time in 3 hours of trying that the link has worked for me.

Got my 4 accounts linked up but one of them, the only one currently active seems broken. When I select that one in the drop-down list of linked accounts I get:

There was an error processing your request

Pandora of Baja

Re: WOW! Account Management

I just want to turn all my accounts off after going to that page :(


Stratics Veteran
1. Create an EA Account with a valid email address - this is NOT one of your UO accounts but completely separate.

2. Confirm this EA Account via a link sent to you to the above address

3. If you are not automatically logged into that account log in using above email address as login

4. Go to link accounts

5. Enter your UO-Account name (possibly followed by "_uo" and your password

6. Klick "Link"

7. Klick "Continue"

8. You can now chose the linked account in the drop down box

9. Scroll down to the accounts details. You can now change or confirm the info and subsription

I confirmed my current subscriptions and they claimed a fee for each account!!!!


Re: Character missing

I to have a missing character but it was NOT a 6th slot. I only use 5 however with the option of having 6. And, to be honest, I am not sure which of the 5 slots the missing char was in. But by the way this whole thing sounds, it could very well had been in the 5th, making this issue being more of the last slot used being "hidden" from players


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
maybe this error has something to do with gametime codes?
I use only gtc for my accounts.... and all of them got the error :|
Ohh yes my second account is also using a 6 month game time code.

Vampyre Kitty

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Re: WOW! Account Management

Anyone getting a stupid Error processing request error when trying to log in on the Master Mythic deal? I can get into my others fine but this one it wont let me in no matter wtf im doing.. very frustrating... also is there a way to change the emails so that i can link all my accounts under email addy.? When i try i get email already in use blah blah..

Vampyre Kitty

Seasoned Veteran
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Re: DEV :( where is the manual how to go to acc-management?

Molinaro~ Im having the same problem.. i was able to get my other accts set up but my one active acct im getting the same stupid error processing request bs...guess its a glitch..?


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Stratics Legend
How do I pay for my account now?!

I went to the new account management page for Ultima Online, and it could not be any more confusing.

I clicked on "Billing" tab, it said "Billing information can be updated by selecting the UPDATE RENEWAL or SUBSCRIBE buttons located under each game account.
You can access the list of game accounts at any time by selecting the SUBSCRIPTIONS tab" . However, when I click the billing tab there is no such options.

Does EA not want us to be able to pay for our accounts? Why did they have to make is so ridiculously confusing and difficult?

Korik Bloodguard

Lore Keeper
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Re: WOW! Account Management

Just did all of my accounts. Nothing was broken.

I think what you guys need to do is just slow down and take your time - read the pages, look at what is where, and take the time to learn a new system which you will be using until you stop playing.

Your "I'm quitting because of this page omg" hyperbole is silly. We get it, it makes you feel insecure. Just take your time with it.

You're adults.

Vampyre Kitty

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Re: WOW! Account Management

Korik um im not ******** i know how to read and all.. like i said i did my other accts perfectly fine.. its this One acct thats giving me a problem.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Re: How do I pay for my account now?!

Alot of people had this issue.

When you scroll down you will see this box:


See the orange button labeled Set Discription? Click on that, it will link all of your information, then you will be able to see the renewal and cancel subscription buttons at the bottom.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: How do I pay for my account now?!

Well it's quite simple.

You log in using your account info of your master account. Then you link your master account to your uo account. Wait... you login with your EA account email address and then you have to link your UO account. But it's your password with your master account when logging in with your email address. Not your email password ( I mean, major DUH, right?). Then you need to create a Persona. It can't be the same name as your linked account. Wait, you haven't linked your account yet. So, anyway, then you clicked billing? Crap dead end. Wait, you have to select your account from the drop down box. After you link it.

And then, wait the persona is another account in the drop down? I don't think you want to start a subscription with your persona. So maybe you link your persona to your email account, and your master account with your UO account, and then link your credit card with your linked master acountandthenyouclickon subscript skn sand
and then you link and click and drop down and dfdfhsdjfh FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Warning: Don't Update Too Many Accounts At Once

I've got 10 accounts in the family on different email addresses for security (or paranoia) reasons.

So i am running through the account management process, logging in each separate email address and logging out afterwards, because I want to keep each account separate and not all linked to a single email address, and on the 8th account I get this:

So now I have to make an International phone call to America from where I am, on Monday no earlier, to unblock my IP address?

Are they insane?

Thanks for treating a 12 year veteran like scum EA.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: How do I pay for my account now?!

Well it's quite simple.

You log in using your account info of your master account. Then you link your master account to your uo account. Wait... you login with your EA account email address and then you have to link your UO account. But it's your password with your master account when logging in with your email address. Not your email password ( I mean, major DUH, right?). Then you need to create a Persona. It can't be the same name as your linked account. Wait, you haven't linked your account yet. So, anyway, then you clicked billing? Crap dead end. Wait, you have to select your account from the drop down box. After you link it.

And then, wait the persona is another account in the drop down? I don't think you want to start a subscription with your persona. So maybe you link your persona to your email account, and your master account with your UO account, and then link your credit card with your linked master acountandthenyouclickon subscript skn sand
and then you link and click and drop down and dfdfhsdjfh FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Temu, that is EXACTLY how I feel! Larisa, I don't see that screen anywhere at all... ANYWHERE. Omg I'm so mad. This fu%#ing update is going to cause a lot of people's houses to fall, and possibly make a lot of people quit UO not by choice, but because they can't figure it out...just like me. I can't even send an e-mail request to the "support" tab, that just takes me to some g%d-d@mn warhammer support site.



Stratics Veteran
Re: How do I pay for my account now?!

1. Create an EA Account with a valid email address - this is NOT one of your UO accounts but completely separate.

2. Confirm this EA Account via a link sent to you to the above address

3. If you are not automatically logged into that account log in using above email address as login

4. Go to link accounts

5. Enter your UO-Account name (possibly followed by "_uo" and your password

6. Klick "Link"

7. Klick "Continue"

8. You can now chose the linked account in the drop down box

9. Scroll down to the accounts details. You can now change or confirm the info and subsription