It's not being scared. It's being frustrated. Like many adults out there on a typical night I have about 2 hours a night to play. When I spend those 2 hours on a spawn only to have gankers show up once the champ is up and reap the rewards for 5 minutes worth of effort - that just makes me not want to log in again. It has nothing to do with difficulty or risk vs reward. It's just that feeling when you know that someone's gameplay is built around abusing you and your effort. It's not very rewarding.
And you are thinking that putting scrolls in tram will solve the situation? What stops me from showing up at the last minute, naked with a keg of expl pots, and bomb the boss to death while laughing at your face (just an example). What are you going to about that? You know a single Exp/FS may drop me since I am naked but you just couldn't do that even if you out number me 10 to 1.
Which one is worse?:
+ You put up a fight then lost but at least you can put up a fight. Eventually you'll win some battle. Xheal and Call target is not a hard skill to learn. If your group precasted FS and drop 3-4 of those on one red target. There's zero chance that red could avoid a dirt nap. If you are out number then at least take a few of them with you. If you out number them, you may win.
Do you know where all your guild mates are (UO Cart link for example)? Do you have an evasion "lurer" to lure the red onto a dismount/AI archer trap?
Do you have a spy at the beach to warn every one that you are getting raid? Do you block the beach with boats?
If you didn't do any of those things, you only have yourself to blame.
+ You can't even put up a fight. even if you out number them 10 to 1.
I would take the first choice any time. Next time you train resist or train your awesome pet, someone can just comes in, kills whatever you are training with and laugh at your place. No doubt you would love to be able to take justice in your own hand but you just can't. That would never happen in Fel.
With all the uber posts that show ppl can take down a boss in mins, I find it hard not to be able to hold up the reds for that few mins if your guild is determined to do so. Heck, block most of the path with ball bags (put ore in them, they weight a ton) and park your pets around them is enough to slow anyone down. Energy fields, and more fields to block the rest of the path. Use your Cu, the moment the red pull back, mount it then dismount, make them pull target bars again, slowing them down. You just have to give up your chance of hitting the boss, which most PvM won't do from my experience.
Years ago, "you are trammie" was an ultimate insult in pvp community. It's a symbol of those who got "it" in the behind and just have to suck it up (because there is no alternative). I enjoy hunting in Fel solo because I know I won't be troubled with blue/tram crashers.
My guild hunts scalies and mel in the last few days. Multiple times, the hunt leader said "wait for it to go inland" or "wait for the second group to join" but no one really listened. Many ppl attacked the boss the moment they could just to get that all evasive chance of getting something. That mentality won't work in Fel.