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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I do not think there should be anything added to fel. Look at the time and resources that went into VvV and no one even uses the system. developer resources should be used to affect the most players.
I'd take a look again, about everyone who pvps is in VVV.
People who are still have to do the towns To get consumables and gear


Stratics Veteran
I wish they add more to Fel. I don't actively pvp (in this game) however I do either defend myself or hide/attempt to escape. I love actually having a challenge. AI is only as good as its limitations, and frankly I know that I can get out of nearly any pvm situation. It gets boring doing hack/slash in is, heal, hack/slash, heal over and over. At least with the possible pvp element I have an aggressive opponent who I know will be almost as smart as/ or smarter than me. I see it more as a battle of minds. Can I outwit my opponent before he kills me?
I would love to see pvp only rewards though. Like another poster said, usable only in Fel for PvP. It's highly successful on other MMOs. Also lets get incentive to have housing on Fel again. increased storage would be great. This would lower down some of the housing on Trammel for new/ returning players too. This is called an incentive by the way. It does not force anyone anywhere. It just provides a bonus for those tho choose to take it. The same as extra resources. You always have the choice of playing smarter or harder.

Edit: Corrected some of the wording. That's what I get from allowing autocheck to run rampant on my phone
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be for accessible armor only usable in Fel. We have the VvV that's for some reason only a Fel system but every PvMer takes advantage of the artifacts and never enters Fel. Not quite sure how that makes sense. Make VvV worldwide!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be for accessible armor only usable in Fel. We have the VvV that's for some reason only a Fel system but every PvMer takes advantage of the artifacts and never enters Fel. Not quite sure how that makes sense. Make VvV worldwide!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Risk VS Reward

If the risk is higher, the reward is higher.

This is what FEL is supposed to be all about.
Leaving the content only on the Trammel side is just like punching in cheat codes for any other game.
It's fun for the first week.. Then the population dwindles until there is new content, losing a few more players in between.

However, add risk as a factor and it adds excitement.
It gives you that 'feeling' of 'OH SH.." that we all can relate to.

That thrill feeling is what people are still striving to get.

FEL definitely needs more exclusive content than tram. Competing against NPC's is only fun for so long and you can only improve your skills to a certain level because it doesn't ever get any harder. None of the bosses in tram will evolve, you'll figure out a fast way to kill that monster, repeat it 100 times and then you'll never do it again..

Competing against other players makes it challanging.. And the challange only gets harder as players evolve.. Making it desirable to want to play. Because when you see improvement in yourself, it's exciting.. And when you finally achieve that goal that you have been striving for, it feels so much more rewarding!

Increase that risk. Increase that reward.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Risk VS Reward

If the risk is higher, the reward is higher.

This is what FEL is supposed to be all about.
Leaving the content only on the Trammel side is just like punching in cheat codes for any other game.
It's fun for the first week.. Then the population dwindles until there is new content, losing a few more players in between.

However, add risk as a factor and it adds excitement.
It gives you that 'feeling' of 'OH SH.." that we all can relate to.

That thrill feeling is what people are still striving to get.

FEL definitely needs more exclusive content than tram. Competing against NPC's is only fun for so long and you can only improve your skills to a certain level because it doesn't ever get any harder. None of the bosses in tram will evolve, you'll figure out a fast way to kill that monster, repeat it 100 times and then you'll never do it again..

Competing against other players makes it challanging.. And the challange only gets harder as players evolve.. Making it desirable to want to play. Because when you see improvement in yourself, it's exciting.. And when you finally achieve that goal that you have been striving for, it feels so much more rewarding!

Increase that risk. Increase that reward.
Thank you moose, every pvper cant agree less with you. Handing the masteries to trammies was the biggest mistake ever imop. Trammies shouldnt be able to control fell economy, best example is 120magery ps, or even +25stat scrolls, i also see a lot of ps prices going up lately which is a really good thing. I deeply hope the devs will come out with some fel exclusive drops in the future.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thank you moose, every pvper cant agree less with you. Handing the masteries to trammies was the biggest mistake ever imop. Trammies shouldnt be able to control fell economy, best example is 120magery ps, or even +25stat scrolls, i also see a lot of ps prices going up lately which is a really good thing. I deeply hope the devs will come out with some fel exclusive drops in the future.
We couldn't agree more, however masteries are dropping on the champs FYI.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Risk VS Reward

If the risk is higher, the reward is higher.

This is what FEL is supposed to be all about.
Leaving the content only on the Trammel side is just like punching in cheat codes for any other game.
It's fun for the first week.. Then the population dwindles until there is new content, losing a few more players in between.

However, add risk as a factor and it adds excitement.
It gives you that 'feeling' of 'OH SH.." that we all can relate to.

That thrill feeling is what people are still striving to get.

FEL definitely needs more exclusive content than tram. Competing against NPC's is only fun for so long and you can only improve your skills to a certain level because it doesn't ever get any harder. None of the bosses in tram will evolve, you'll figure out a fast way to kill that monster, repeat it 100 times and then you'll never do it again..

Competing against other players makes it challanging.. And the challange only gets harder as players evolve.. Making it desirable to want to play. Because when you see improvement in yourself, it's exciting.. And when you finally achieve that goal that you have been striving for, it feels so much more rewarding!

Increase that risk. Increase that reward.
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.

Jack Daniels

Stratics Veteran
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
First off, when was the last time you saw a PvP guild run with 15 - 20 people on at any one time. Total BS shows your lack of knowledge regarding PvP right there. Personally I haven't seen 5 pvp'rs on GL so not sure what your crying about. In one week I have seen 6 reds on ATL, wow ..

And what are you risking by having VvV on all facets? NOTHING, not a dam thing. Your not in VvV so no one can kill you, so what are you risking?? Your constantly babbling about things you know nothing about, and every argument you have is about how this will affect YOU.

And since there is insurance why are you crying about Fel all the time, you know nothing about it. No one is asking you to go there, no one is asking you to join VvV. OMG is there some pixle crack that you can't get to POOR BABY.. We are talking about ways to revive fel for players that enjoy playing that aspect of the game, and all you care about is yourself.

And if people want to sell stuff for R/L cash then more power to them, you don't like that, well guess what NO ONE CARES.

Maybe it's time you just grow a pair and think about whats best for the entire community rather than just yourself


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Eh I think you find that most of the the major income in fact comes from "rares" which in turn is tram.

Most people would attend an event then fight over a champ due to the fact of how much money you can make from event.

So you whole point is kinda moot tbh, in fact most of the large gold sellers only play tram.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
Lol @MalagAste, do u bother capping towns to get antique arties in ur cool blue cities? Ever heard of a trap box? do u require to leave the field and grab pots at all in your deadly pvm missions? Ever heard of stat loss?

Lets not forget about ur town buffs! Fc1, ss5, hci and more, and ur still trying to convince us that trammel farming is harder than fell, screw that....
Btw,I love that you get looted by mobs, how often does that happen? Lemme guess ur perma dead in trammel or what?!

Pls name me that champ that no pvper can kill in fell... Listen well my friend, its not by the number of lines or posts that stratics users will admire you , u just keep singing the same songs over and over with not a single reasonable argument and 0 content. Please step out from this thread if u dont feel concerned, or make a little effort reading to whom it is addressed in the 1st place.

Thank you


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
First off, when was the last time you saw a PvP guild run with 15 - 20 people on at any one time. Total BS shows your lack of knowledge regarding PvP right there. Personally I haven't seen 5 pvp'rs on GL so not sure what your crying about. In one week I have seen 6 reds on ATL, wow ..

And what are you risking by having VvV on all facets? NOTHING, not a dam thing. Your not in VvV so no one can kill you, so what are you risking?? Your constantly babbling about things you know nothing about, and every argument you have is about how this will affect YOU.

And since there is insurance why are you crying about Fel all the time, you know nothing about it. No one is asking you to go there, no one is asking you to join VvV. OMG is there some pixle crack that you can't get to POOR BABY.. We are talking about ways to revive fel for players that enjoy playing that aspect of the game, and all you care about is yourself.

And if people want to sell stuff for R/L cash then more power to them, you don't like that, well guess what NO ONE CARES.

Maybe it's time you just grow a pair and think about whats best for the entire community rather than just yourself
Grow a pair really? Just because I don't care for your playstyle then my opinion doesn't matter? Think about the community? I am... I can say for a FACT that a Vast majority of the community does NOT want Fel BS in Trammel... we don't want it in our Gen Chat with all the Fel punk talk we don't want it at the Tram EM events... we don't want it running all about and we surely don't want it scamming and exploiting it's way into our playstyle and we surely don't want any more carrots thrown your way to try to get us to join you there.

If fighting one another is such a big thrill for you then why do you need all the extra bling to get folk to come do it with you??? If it was so wide and wonderful why aren't their WAY more people in Fel???? Well I got a news flash for you.... it's because they don't want to be there.

Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about this (and I'm sure this isn't a new idea)...one new shard - let's just call it the PvP shard for now. It has all the same lands as a current shard but with one important difference - everyone is red the second they log in and all lands are open to reds. It's a free one way token for any character that wants to move there but you can't move back (no shard shields) and after two months you can't move there from another shard. We might even be able to convert one of the quieter shards over to the PvP shard by allowing current citizens of that shard to take over the castles and keeps that the PvPers will be abandoning when they leave their shards en masse.

As for the other shards, Felucca is considered conquered/abandoned and comes under the Trammel rule set. Now all the concerns about not getting to do champ spawns and other Fel exclusive content goes away. Maybe as a nod to what Fel is supposed to represent, they could make all the monsters stronger on the Fel side, giving PvM a greater element of risk and reward.

Now all shards have the same content with the rule set they want. As a nod to what Felucca used to represent, the new PvP shard can have their "Felucca" side become even more dangerous by taking away item insurance, etc. to give that risk versus reward all the PvPers say they want. Don't want to lose your stuff? No problem, stay on what used to be the Trammel side - all the PvP and no risk.

Once that's done I don't ever want to see anyone from the new PvP shard asking for new features to "entice" players from other shards to move to their shard because they're bored. Anyone that does so will prove what a lot of the Trammel players are saying.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
How about this (and I'm sure this isn't a new idea)...one new shard - let's just call it the PvP shard for now. It has all the same lands as a current shard but with one important difference - everyone is red the second they log in and all lands are open to reds. It's a free one way token for any character that wants to move there but you can't move back (no shard shields) and after two months you can't move there from another shard. We might even be able to convert one of the quieter shards over to the PvP shard by allowing current citizens of that shard to take over the castles and keeps that the PvPers will be abandoning when they leave their shards en masse.

As for the other shards, Felucca is considered conquered/abandoned and comes under the Trammel rule set. Now all the concerns about not getting to do champ spawns and other Fel exclusive content goes away. Maybe as a nod to what Fel is supposed to represent, they could make all the monsters stronger on the Fel side, giving PvM a greater element of risk and reward.

Now all shards have the same content with the rule set they want. As a nod to what Felucca used to represent, the new PvP shard can have their "Felucca" side become even more dangerous by taking away item insurance, etc. to give that risk versus reward all the PvPers say they want. Don't want to lose your stuff? No problem, stay on what used to be the Trammel side - all the PvP and no risk.

Once that's done I don't ever want to see anyone from the new PvP shard asking for new features to "entice" players from other shards to move to their shard because they're bored. Anyone that does so will prove what a lot of the Trammel players are saying.
They have 2 shards like that.... They are called Siege and Mugen. But appearently that's too much risk for their reward to play there without insurance and 6 other characters to hop on when they can't handle the PvP.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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I have no desire to be in Fel to PvP... or to listen to the petty bickery of those that do...

If you had left your style of gameplay out of mine I wouldn't get in yours. Yes I reap what I sow. I don't enjoy your gameplay style and I refuse to be "forced" to do it or to pay ridiculous fees to avoid being forced into Fel... and the longer it continues and the more folk try to force the issue the louder and stronger and harder I'll fight against it. That is what I'm saying.

I have nothing against you fighting and killing one another in Fel.... I have no issue with Fel Remaining the way it is as a place where there is open PvP should you go there.... What I take issue with is the idea that you want to continue that crap in Trammel and everywhere else and further disrupt the gameplay of folk who don't care for that style of gameplay.

I'm all for making Fel more fun for you..... but keep it in Fel.
The only person's petty bickering we're listening to is yours.

Who is forcing a style of gameplay onto you? NO ONE.

Who is forcing you to pay ridiculous fees? NO ONE.

Who is forcing you to come to Felucca? NO ONE.

If you have nothing against us killing one another, then let us discuss ways to improve Fel, which is what this thread was created for. Are we even allowed to do that? You sit here and say "I'm all for making Fel more fun for you" but then you just troll everyone of our posts with lies and non-sense and exaggerations.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
Uhh...what? Bandies, pots, etc, looted and you can't get them back because you can't get to your corpse in time? In the Trammel ruleset?

First off, if you're fighting something that tough, chances are there's a group around, so this isn't even an issue. Second, if you DO get looted, you're allowed to loot the corpse to get the items you lost, even if you don't have looting rights from killing it.

If you don't want to read the nonsense in Gen Chat, here's two ideas: Put the people on ignore or go into another channel. You go on and on about every PvP'er being hackers, scripters, zergs, etc. If you actually spent time PvP'ing you'd know that this is the furthest from the truth. That said: Yes, it does go on. I've been in vent with guys that have mentioned programs. Scripts? Please. It's easy to figure out when one's being used and act accordingly.

VvV is a PvP system. Why are people who never pvp allowed to reap the rewards from it? VvV fighting SHOULD be allowed in Trammel.

First off, when was the last time you saw a PvP guild run with 15 - 20 people on at any one time. Total BS shows your lack of knowledge regarding PvP right there. Personally I haven't seen 5 pvp'rs on GL so not sure what your crying about. In one week I have seen 6 reds on ATL, wow ..
Moose's guild does it, although VERY rarely - more often than not, they average 6-7 people for fights. Even on Atl you might see this happen ONCE every couple months, though I'm not sure of the average guild size over there (most I remember seeing at one time are, on different occasions, 6 Hi-5 and 4 BOOB)


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
This entire post is DERP.

Everything @Mooselisted said is spot on accurate: More Risk = More Reward.

No one PvP's in groups of 25. Another falsehood on your part.

I think we all know the only person around here spreading BS on this thread...


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Grow a pair really? Just because I don't care for your playstyle then my opinion doesn't matter? Think about the community? I am... I can say for a FACT that a Vast majority of the community does NOT want Fel BS in Trammel... we don't want it in our Gen Chat with all the Fel punk talk we don't want it at the Tram EM events... we don't want it running all about and we surely don't want it scamming and exploiting it's way into our playstyle and we surely don't want any more carrots thrown your way to try to get us to join you there.

If fighting one another is such a big thrill for you then why do you need all the extra bling to get folk to come do it with you??? If it was so wide and wonderful why aren't their WAY more people in Fel???? Well I got a news flash for you.... it's because they don't want to be there.
No one here has suggested taking Fel activity to Trammel. It was you who cast the first stone by accusing others of this being the motive. But because people like you won't even allow anyone to have a discussion about Felucca without your pointless interjections and lies, that's all you seem to get out of it.

Stop blaming Gen Chat trolls on Fel. There are griefers in all facets of the game that talk garbage in Gen Chat. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER LIE YOU CONTINUE TO REPEAT.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
Risk VS Reward.
I play the game to its entirety. I PVM and I PVP. I see both sides of the fence.
I never once said to completely remove the drops from Trammel.
I feel that the drop rate in Tram should be lower than in Fel because of the risk.

When you argue "What risk?" I am referring to the boss, spawn, monster, etc. That you are trying to kill for the "Reward".
You risk losing control of it, and in turn losing the potential of a drop. Same thing with champ spawns.

And like @Jack Daniels said, there aren't many guilds fielding that many people now days.
If you can PVM with a group in tram, you can do the same in fel. Teamwork.

We all started out somewhere, I played this game before trammel was introduced. I had to learn to survive and adapt.
I found other players in a similar situation that I was in, teamed up with them and we started learning how to defend our "Reward".

I'm not telling you to leave Trammel. If you enjoy fighting big freaking scary mobs that loot your bandaids all day long, that is your choice.

However, I personally feel the reward should be higher in Fel than in Tram because of the Risk.

When UO was born, UO-PVP was born with it and has been here since the beginning. Trammel came at a later time.
PVP is a large part of the "Core" of what is still holding UO together, whether you believe it or not.
UO has a large FEL dedicated population that PVP's AND PVM's. The population is slowly dying and a large part of that is because of the lack of content added to Fel and how easy the new **** is to obtain.

When the RISK is taken away, it drastically reduces the challenge.
And over time becomes "Easy".
When it becomes "Easy" it is no longer "Fun".
When it is no longer "Fun".. Well, you can figure the rest out.

Continuing to cater to one side of the fence will ultimately lead to the death of UO.

When the PVP / Risk / Thrill is dead.. I can guarantee you a large amount of the population will NOT want to log on to just go kill some huge freaking scary mobs for some artifacts that NO one wants. Because most of the players that would have wanted them will no longer be logging on.

You want to maintain population?
Stop making **** so easy. Stop giving so much **** out.
UO was at its prime when the game was more of a challenge.
You're killing the game by

Handing out 10-20 event items EVERY month from EVERY server is overkill when there is only 30-50 people attending the events.
Does anyone remember how hard the "Ornament of the Magician"
Or the "Inquisitors Resolution"?

Compare that to the 200 hawkwind robes already out there.
Or any other new artifact for that matter.

You keep spoiling the players, they become spoiled brats and start to think that everything should just be EASY and handed to them.

Make it harder.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
If that's your thing great..... but don't give me that risk vs reward BS... Most folk in Fel aren't risking a freaking thing when they roll with 10 to 25 other folk. And THEY get all the reward which includes a big FAT out of game check as they have for many years. Making a killing by controlling all the reward and selling the gold for cash... so don't BS me. It's THAT which irks me to no end. There are several guilds like that on many shards. Running sites that sell items and gold for money... and they hail from big guilds they grow by offering anything from free suits and training to free scrolls and everything else to gain "loyalty" which they use to generate a very large income keeping a strangle hold on the economy of many shards... wasn't until transfers became popular and easy that many of these guilds lost control and the income started to dwindle. If you want to talk about reality. There have been numerous documented cases of this that have been big news.

So don't give me any BS. There is no more risk for many than there is if you were fighting in Tram. And since there is INSURANCE WTF do you think your risking anyway????? Someone taking your scrolls? Bandaides? Pots? Well that crap can happen in Tram too when the mobs loot you and then someone kills them and before you get back to your corpse and theirs it's gone.

So NO just because you favor PvP doesn't mean that folk who don't should be forced to give you an income.
I think you're a bit off man, the gold but may have been the case 10 years ago but certainly isn't the case now.

There also hadn't been a guild with that many on a good deal of time. You might see some crew and AMF together but even then it's nowhere near that. The most people on Great Lakes pvping in the last few months has maybe been half a dozen.

Most money comes from event drops and Idocs. I've made more money off idocs than anything in game, that is until they "fixed" it.

Besides if there's no more risk in fel than in trammel doesn't that contradict half (if not all) the arguments you've made against it?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Again these are all YOUR opinions on YOUR gamestyle and I will once again remind you all that that gamestyle you love so much is NOT shared by the majority of players. The majority would rather not PvP.

My objections are to adding more carrots to a facet that promotes a gamestyle many do not care to participate in. If the gamestyle were that wonderful and great it wouldn't need any carrots to begin with and we'd still be playing fel rules everywhere because it would have been the popular choice.

So trying to get more people into fel by adding carrots isn't working, it will never work and it should STOP being used.

Come up with some REAL ways to make PvP more fun and enjoyable and that ought to be it's own reward. But giving rewards for being in PvP? Sure a title.... which you can get for doing the tournaments... which some of you do.... and that's great. They added arena's all over for you all to enjoy PvP... That's great. But the fact is most of what might or could be added to make Fel more appealing and fun also can be exploited too. And history tells us that if it can happen it will.

Back when there were such things as bounties this was a lot of fun for folk... but sadly there was that dark side that made it not fun.... where folk cheated and exploited it for their own gains. Having buddies kill them so they could split the reward moneys... and such... and then there were those who took being a L33T PvPer to sick extremes by standing over someones corpse and emoting some really sick things... This is the legacy and reputation that being a Fel PvPer/PK has left you. Sorry that you don't like it or that you all feel you can't be categorized by the actions of a few. Well I have a news flash for you... it has happened and while yes there are some in the PvP community who are decent... remember that one bad act gets told to 10X the number of folk that 1 good act will. And everyone who plays UO will have a story of a bad act that happened to them.... something that they remember that RUINED PvP and Fel for them. Sorry but your bad apples have spoiled the lot. And trying to make everyone believe that it isn't the way anymore isn't going to happen when day in day out we hear the same BS in Gen Chat... and while yes we could put them on Ignore... and yes we could switch channels.... why should we when we aren't the ones spoiling the waters? Hard to help folk who need help if you stay out of Gen Chat.

I've seen and heard the way some folk needing help are treated in Gen Chat and well I'll say that it really isn't very conducive to adding new players to the game and potentially new players to enjoy YOUR type of gameplay...

So while you sit here wasting time bashing me for my opinion and arguing pointless things you are not really bringing any new arguments to the table about what could actually be done in FEL to change the opinions of folk like me who have ZERO desire to promote or participate in YOUR gameplay style. Now you could be actually offering ideas on how to improve things in Fel to get more people interested... but instead you've chosen to ridicule others gameplay and attempt to get the DEV's to give you more carrots so you can have more lambs at the slaughter that you all "claim" isn't what you want... if it's not what you want then don't ask for it. Figure out ways to improve PvP and make it more enjoyable, more appealing and more fun.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
And while I'm at it I might add that many free shards have games in Fel like Capture the Flag style games and such which make PvP more fun. Perhaps seeing how that might work in real UO might be something you could ask about.

Perhaps they might get a FEL PEC who can start such things.... like a stealing game.... and things like that which YOU all could promote and ask the PEC to help you with....

Just saying there are FAR better courses to pursue than to bash others, add carrots, or piss and moan about how things "used" to be.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Again these are all YOUR opinions on YOUR gamestyle and I will once again remind you all that that gamestyle you love so much is NOT shared by the majority of players. The majority would rather not PvP.

My objections are to adding more carrots to a facet that promotes a gamestyle many do not care to participate in. If the gamestyle were that wonderful and great it wouldn't need any carrots to begin with and we'd still be playing fel rules everywhere because it would have been the popular choice.

So trying to get more people into fel by adding carrots isn't working, it will never work and it should STOP being used.

Come up with some REAL ways to make PvP more fun and enjoyable and that ought to be it's own reward. But giving rewards for being in PvP? Sure a title.... which you can get for doing the tournaments... which some of you do.... and that's great. They added arena's all over for you all to enjoy PvP... That's great. But the fact is most of what might or could be added to make Fel more appealing and fun also can be exploited too. And history tells us that if it can happen it will.

Back when there were such things as bounties this was a lot of fun for folk... but sadly there was that dark side that made it not fun.... where folk cheated and exploited it for their own gains. Having buddies kill them so they could split the reward moneys... and such... and then there were those who took being a L33T PvPer to sick extremes by standing over someones corpse and emoting some really sick things... This is the legacy and reputation that being a Fel PvPer/PK has left you. Sorry that you don't like it or that you all feel you can't be categorized by the actions of a few. Well I have a news flash for you... it has happened and while yes there are some in the PvP community who are decent... remember that one bad act gets told to 10X the number of folk that 1 good act will. And everyone who plays UO will have a story of a bad act that happened to them.... something that they remember that RUINED PvP and Fel for them. Sorry but your bad apples have spoiled the lot. And trying to make everyone believe that it isn't the way anymore isn't going to happen when day in day out we hear the same BS in Gen Chat... and while yes we could put them on Ignore... and yes we could switch channels.... why should we when we aren't the ones spoiling the waters? Hard to help folk who need help if you stay out of Gen Chat.

I've seen and heard the way some folk needing help are treated in Gen Chat and well I'll say that it really isn't very conducive to adding new players to the game and potentially new players to enjoy YOUR type of gameplay...

So while you sit here wasting time bashing me for my opinion and arguing pointless things you are not really bringing any new arguments to the table about what could actually be done in FEL to change the opinions of folk like me who have ZERO desire to promote or participate in YOUR gameplay style. Now you could be actually offering ideas on how to improve things in Fel to get more people interested... but instead you've chosen to ridicule others gameplay and attempt to get the DEV's to give you more carrots so you can have more lambs at the slaughter that you all "claim" isn't what you want... if it's not what you want then don't ask for it. Figure out ways to improve PvP and make it more enjoyable, more appealing and more fun.

How are you using the lure argument when you just said fel isn't any riskier than trammel?

Com'on man, you know what you're doing. We don't care about how you play the game, we just ask that you respect ours.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Again these are all YOUR opinions on YOUR gamestyle and I will once again remind you all that that gamestyle you love so much is NOT shared by the majority of players. The majority would rather not PvP.

My objections are to adding more carrots to a facet that promotes a gamestyle many do not care to participate in. If the gamestyle were that wonderful and great it wouldn't need any carrots to begin with and we'd still be playing fel rules everywhere because it would have been the popular choice.

So trying to get more people into fel by adding carrots isn't working, it will never work and it should STOP being used.

Come up with some REAL ways to make PvP more fun and enjoyable and that ought to be it's own reward. But giving rewards for being in PvP? Sure a title.... which you can get for doing the tournaments... which some of you do.... and that's great. They added arena's all over for you all to enjoy PvP... That's great. But the fact is most of what might or could be added to make Fel more appealing and fun also can be exploited too. And history tells us that if it can happen it will.

Back when there were such things as bounties this was a lot of fun for folk... but sadly there was that dark side that made it not fun.... where folk cheated and exploited it for their own gains. Having buddies kill them so they could split the reward moneys... and such... and then there were those who took being a L33T PvPer to sick extremes by standing over someones corpse and emoting some really sick things... This is the legacy and reputation that being a Fel PvPer/PK has left you. Sorry that you don't like it or that you all feel you can't be categorized by the actions of a few. Well I have a news flash for you... it has happened and while yes there are some in the PvP community who are decent... remember that one bad act gets told to 10X the number of folk that 1 good act will. And everyone who plays UO will have a story of a bad act that happened to them.... something that they remember that RUINED PvP and Fel for them. Sorry but your bad apples have spoiled the lot. And trying to make everyone believe that it isn't the way anymore isn't going to happen when day in day out we hear the same BS in Gen Chat... and while yes we could put them on Ignore... and yes we could switch channels.... why should we when we aren't the ones spoiling the waters? Hard to help folk who need help if you stay out of Gen Chat.

I've seen and heard the way some folk needing help are treated in Gen Chat and well I'll say that it really isn't very conducive to adding new players to the game and potentially new players to enjoy YOUR type of gameplay...

So while you sit here wasting time bashing me for my opinion and arguing pointless things you are not really bringing any new arguments to the table about what could actually be done in FEL to change the opinions of folk like me who have ZERO desire to promote or participate in YOUR gameplay style. Now you could be actually offering ideas on how to improve things in Fel to get more people interested... but instead you've chosen to ridicule others gameplay and attempt to get the DEV's to give you more carrots so you can have more lambs at the slaughter that you all "claim" isn't what you want... if it's not what you want then don't ask for it. Figure out ways to improve PvP and make it more enjoyable, more appealing and more fun.
I am just wondering if you actually read my post.

If you enjoy Trammel, stay in Trammel. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I enjoy a challenge, killing players that are unable or unwilling to defend themselves is not fun for me or any real PVPer.

The last thing i would care to do is to "Lure" defenseless players to their slaughter. That sounds miserable for both sides.

I am the PVPer that would have fun inviting a bunch of Trammel players to Fel to kill a champion or boss while myself and my guild attempted to defend it against another guild.

Things like this is fun for both sides and there is still a "thrill" factor there for both sides.

I am saying that there is minimal "Risk" in Trammel.
There is higher "Risk" in Fel.

Therefore the reward should be higher in Fel... No?

I am not saying to remove any of the content for Tram. If anything place the content in both facets.

However the content in Tram has a lot lower spawn / drop rate.

As it should be.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Again these are all YOUR opinions on YOUR gamestyle and I will once again remind you all that that gamestyle you love so much is NOT shared by the majority of players. The majority would rather not PvP.

My objections are to adding more carrots to a facet that promotes a gamestyle many do not care to participate in. If the gamestyle were that wonderful and great it wouldn't need any carrots to begin with and we'd still be playing fel rules everywhere because it would have been the popular choice.

So trying to get more people into fel by adding carrots isn't working, it will never work and it should STOP being used.

Come up with some REAL ways to make PvP more fun and enjoyable and that ought to be it's own reward. But giving rewards for being in PvP? Sure a title.... which you can get for doing the tournaments... which some of you do.... and that's great. They added arena's all over for you all to enjoy PvP... That's great. But the fact is most of what might or could be added to make Fel more appealing and fun also can be exploited too. And history tells us that if it can happen it will.

Back when there were such things as bounties this was a lot of fun for folk... but sadly there was that dark side that made it not fun.... where folk cheated and exploited it for their own gains. Having buddies kill them so they could split the reward moneys... and such... and then there were those who took being a L33T PvPer to sick extremes by standing over someones corpse and emoting some really sick things... This is the legacy and reputation that being a Fel PvPer/PK has left you. Sorry that you don't like it or that you all feel you can't be categorized by the actions of a few. Well I have a news flash for you... it has happened and while yes there are some in the PvP community who are decent... remember that one bad act gets told to 10X the number of folk that 1 good act will. And everyone who plays UO will have a story of a bad act that happened to them.... something that they remember that RUINED PvP and Fel for them. Sorry but your bad apples have spoiled the lot. And trying to make everyone believe that it isn't the way anymore isn't going to happen when day in day out we hear the same BS in Gen Chat... and while yes we could put them on Ignore... and yes we could switch channels.... why should we when we aren't the ones spoiling the waters? Hard to help folk who need help if you stay out of Gen Chat.

I've seen and heard the way some folk needing help are treated in Gen Chat and well I'll say that it really isn't very conducive to adding new players to the game and potentially new players to enjoy YOUR type of gameplay...

So while you sit here wasting time bashing me for my opinion and arguing pointless things you are not really bringing any new arguments to the table about what could actually be done in FEL to change the opinions of folk like me who have ZERO desire to promote or participate in YOUR gameplay style. Now you could be actually offering ideas on how to improve things in Fel to get more people interested... but instead you've chosen to ridicule others gameplay and attempt to get the DEV's to give you more carrots so you can have more lambs at the slaughter that you all "claim" isn't what you want... if it's not what you want then don't ask for it. Figure out ways to improve PvP and make it more enjoyable, more appealing and more fun.
Just because the majority of the game population lives in facets with Trammel rules doesn't mean that Felucca players don't exist or that our Fel communities should be marginalized. We have the right to request changes and new content in our facet or shard or wherever it might be, just as much you do in yours.

This isn't about simply trying to lure people with carrots... it's about adding content to get current Fel players to stay engaged as well. There are plenty of folks of subscribe mainly for PVP and Fel related content. We need ALL subscribers for all different types of content.


In each of your posts, you attempt to tie in different items not pertaining to Fel and imply that these activities are caused by Fel players. For example, do you honestly think that cheating and scripting exists only amongst Fel players? Players will cheat and exploit whatever they can, wherever they can. It has nothing to do with Fel or Trammel.

Yes, there are "L33T" PvP'er extremes. But there are also plenty of PVM folks that have billion dollar suits and are capable of running over almost all content in game. Again, this is not just something that happens in Fel, but also in Trammel. In most cases, these are Veteran players who have earned there gear. In other cases, it is players who have bought gold and armor pieces to become "L33T". Either way, at this point in Ultima Online's life cycle, we need everyone to keep subbing, no matter your moral opinion of how they got elite.

General Chat in-game is trolled by anyone who wants to be a jerk. This is not exclusive to Fel or PVP'ers. Are there PVPers who smack talk? Yes, there sure are. But there are JUST AS MANY other creepers in Gen Chat who are saying obnoxious and offensive things that have nothing to do with PvP.

And while I'm at it I might add that many free shards have games in Fel like Capture the Flag style games and such which make PvP more fun. Perhaps seeing how that might work in real UO might be something you could ask about.

Perhaps they might get a FEL PEC who can start such things.... like a stealing game.... and things like that which YOU all could promote and ask the PEC to help you with....

Just saying there are FAR better courses to pursue than to bash others, add carrots, or piss and moan about how things "used" to be.

This is the most useful comment you posted and exactly the kind of ideas people in Fel should be asking get some attention. Having a Fel based PEC and something like Capture the Flag or some type of Thief competition would be great. However, we aren't ever able to get to these types of ideas every time we have to hear a rant about how you personally don't enjoy Felucca game play.

Also, while some Fel events like that should certainly be on the list of things to add to the facet, this doesn't mean we aren't going to continue asking for unique drops and unique encounters specific to our facet.



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
How are you using the lure argument when you just said fel isn't any riskier than trammel?

Com'on man, you know what you're doing. We don't care about how you play the game, we just ask that you respect ours.
I have respect for your gamestyle choice.... I chose not to do it as well. And no it's not riskier... maybe it was again with the same argument you all have 10 years ago... but when folk keep crying about I have no one to kill.... maybe there is a reason for that?

Make things shard bound... ? why? Because then people can't go to a low population shard and get stuff they have to come through me and our Zerg guild to get things because we have controlled FEL for so long no one but us will come here.... we want to make them come here so we can easily outnumber and kill them on our shard instead. There are other reasons people go to other shards... it's because they don't want to encounter you. They aren't interested in PvPing. You win they listened.... crap is shard bound. But wait!?! that didn't bring people to FEL? What's that you say no one is going there? Well probably because they aren't interested no matter what carrots are there.

It's always the same 5 people in fel.... well probably because you've driven off all the rest of the people... They decided to let you have it.... all to yourselves. So now it seems to me you are asking for more things to lure people... but then you all argue that it's not fun to fight folk who don't fight back and just die in .2 seconds... but then why are you asking for more lures??

So don't tell me I"m being the Hippocrit.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Just because the majority of the game population lives in facets with Trammel rules doesn't mean that Felucca players don't exist or that our Fel communities should be marginalized. We have the right to request changes and new content in our facet or shard or wherever it might be, just as much you do in yours.

This isn't about simply trying to lure people with carrots... it's about adding content to get current Fel players to stay engaged as well. There are plenty of folks of subscribe mainly for PVP and Fel related content. We need ALL subscribers for all different types of content.


In each of your posts, you attempt to tie in different items not pertaining to Fel and imply that these activities are caused by Fel players. For example, do you honestly think that cheating and scripting exists only amongst Fel players? Players will cheat and exploit whatever they can, wherever they can. It has nothing to do with Fel or Trammel.

Yes, there are "L33T" PvP'er extremes. But there are also plenty of PVM folks that have billion dollar suits and are capable of running over almost all content in game. Again, this is not just something that happens in Fel, but also in Trammel. In most cases, these are Veteran players who have earned there gear. In other cases, it is players who have bought gold and armor pieces to become "L33T". Either way, at this point in Ultima Online's life cycle, we need everyone to keep subbing, no matter your moral opinion of how they got elite.

General Chat in-game is trolled by anyone who wants to be a jerk. This is not exclusive to Fel or PVP'ers. Are there PVPers who smack talk? Yes, there sure are. But there are JUST AS MANY other creepers in Gen Chat who are saying obnoxious and offensive things that have nothing to do with PvP.

This is the most useful comment you posted and exactly the kind of ideas people in Fel should be asking get some attention. Having a Fel based PEC and something like Capture the Flag or some type of Thief competition would be great. However, we aren't ever able to get to these types of ideas every time we have to hear a rant about how you personally don't enjoy Felucca game play.

Also, while some Fel events like that should certainly be on the list of things to add to the facet, this doesn't mean we aren't going to continue asking for unique drops and unique encounters specific to our facet.

NO I rant when you start asking for more exclusive FEL content to LURE more people there.

And if it were up to me VvV items like arifacts and talismans and such would NOT be able to be worn in Trammel. They are meant for Fel PVP... and that's where they should stay.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NO I rant when you start asking for more exclusive FEL content to LURE more people there.

And if it were up to me VvV items like arifacts and talismans and such would NOT be able to be worn in Trammel. They are meant for Fel PVP... and that's where they should stay.
I agree with the VvV items. It's ridiculous to me that they can be used by people who join VvV but never actually pvp.

And we're not asking for more content in Fel to lure people. We're asking for more content so we have something new to fight over. While pvp is definitely more fun than any pvm content, it does get boring fighting over the same things all the time, in the same places...but it's still far more challenging than anything pvm has to offer. Shadowguard? I can kill all 4 of the roof's bosses in a little over a half hour (31-32 minutes) with a 3-man group...and with a little tweaking to the setup, it can be done even faster.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
NO I rant when you start asking for more exclusive FEL content to LURE more people there.

And if it were up to me VvV items like arifacts and talismans and such would NOT be able to be worn in Trammel. They are meant for Fel PVP... and that's where they should stay.
WE ARE ALLOWED TO ASK FOR MORE FEL CONTENT. What's so hard to understand that we're players too and we have a game play style that we also enjoy?

Also, you're not just ranting. You're being an OUTRIGHT OBNOXIOUS TROLL.

I have respect for your gamestyle choice.... I chose not to do it as well. And no it's not riskier... maybe it was again with the same argument you all have 10 years ago... but when folk keep crying about I have no one to kill.... maybe there is a reason for that?

Make things shard bound... ? why? Because then people can't go to a low population shard and get stuff they have to come through me and our Zerg guild to get things because we have controlled FEL for so long no one but us will come here.... we want to make them come here so we can easily outnumber and kill them on our shard instead. There are other reasons people go to other shards... it's because they don't want to encounter you. They aren't interested in PvPing. You win they listened.... crap is shard bound. But wait!?! that didn't bring people to FEL? What's that you say no one is going there? Well probably because they aren't interested no matter what carrots are there.

It's always the same 5 people in fel.... well probably because you've driven off all the rest of the people... They decided to let you have it.... all to yourselves. So now it seems to me you are asking for more things to lure people... but then you all argue that it's not fun to fight folk who don't fight back and just die in .2 seconds... but then why are you asking for more lures??

So don't tell me I"m being the Hippocrit.
You seem to know so much about Fel, while attesting to choosing to not participate in it's content.

Fel isn't riskier than Tram? Come on now. That just has DERP written all over it.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I have respect for your gamestyle choice.... I chose not to do it as well. And no it's not riskier... maybe it was again with the same argument you all have 10 years ago... but when folk keep crying about I have no one to kill.... maybe there is a reason for that?

Make things shard bound... ? why? Because then people can't go to a low population shard and get stuff they have to come through me and our Zerg guild to get things because we have controlled FEL for so long no one but us will come here.... we want to make them come here so we can easily outnumber and kill them on our shard instead. There are other reasons people go to other shards... it's because they don't want to encounter you. They aren't interested in PvPing. You win they listened.... crap is shard bound. But wait!?! that didn't bring people to FEL? What's that you say no one is going there? Well probably because they aren't interested no matter what carrots are there.

It's always the same 5 people in fel.... well probably because you've driven off all the rest of the people... They decided to let you have it.... all to yourselves. So now it seems to me you are asking for more things to lure people... but then you all argue that it's not fun to fight folk who don't fight back and just die in .2 seconds... but then why are you asking for more lures??

So don't tell me I"m being the Hippocrit.
So again it's not riskier most of your points are moot, especially the "lure" argument.

Not sure what shard bound has to do with my response to this but okay?

It's also not a lure if they work around a pvp system for fel, but you've managed to convince yourself there's no validity to any suggestion involving pvp.

I wouldn't call you a hypocrite, I just think you're wrong and are using some pin pointed occurrences to justify your reasoning.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's always the same 5 people in fel.... well probably because you've driven off all the rest of the people... They decided to let you have it.... all to yourselves. So now it seems to me you are asking for more things to lure people... but then you all argue that it's not fun to fight folk who don't fight back and just die in .2 seconds... but then why are you asking for more lures??

So don't tell me I"m being the Hippocrit.
Same 5 people? Funny. Ignoring alts, there are well over a dozen players (the actual number is closer to 30, I would guess, although that's probably a bit low) active on LS that pvp there regularly, and even more than that on Atlantic.

It's not that we've driven people off, nor that we want to lure them back. The problem is, to be perfectly honest, people like you that don't pvp, but yet you think you know what goes on in Fel. Yeah, there's gen chat trash talk, but so what? For all the negatives to gen chat, there's just as much civil conversation.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
Risk VS Reward

If the risk is higher, the reward is higher.

This is what FEL is supposed to be all about.
Leaving the content only on the Trammel side is just like punching in cheat codes for any other game.
It's fun for the first week.. Then the population dwindles until there is new content, losing a few more players in between.
Talk of "dwindling population" is pretty rich considering it's the Feluccans who've spent the last fifteen years watching tumbleweeds roll by while they beg on their knees for the developers to please make people come to their empty facet.

However, add risk as a factor and it adds excitement.
It gives you that 'feeling' of 'OH SH.." that we all can relate to.

That thrill feeling is what people are still striving to get.

FEL definitely needs more exclusive content than tram. Competing against NPC's is only fun for so long and you can only improve your skills to a certain level because it doesn't ever get any harder. None of the bosses in tram will evolve, you'll figure out a fast way to kill that monster, repeat it 100 times and then you'll never do it again..

Competing against other players makes it challanging.. And the challange only gets harder as players evolve.. Making it desirable to want to play. Because when you see improvement in yourself, it's exciting.. And when you finally achieve that goal that you have been striving for, it feels so much more rewarding!

Increase that risk. Increase that reward.
Nobody cares. You just spent like four paragraphs repeating "PVP is fun!" with different words, but guess what? Fel is still empty. Nobody cares. If anyone agreed with you, you guys wouldn't have needed to spend year after year begging on the forums for more population.

You want the developers to add more content to Felucca? Eh okay, whatever. But make no mistake, the only effect that content will have is to give you some new crap to sell on a vendor.

Because this fantasy you guys have? Where the developers finally add that one magical thing to Felucca, and suddenly everyone has to have it, and they all come over and discover the fun and excitement of PVP, and Felucca enjoys a flourishing and revived population? Yeah that's never ever going to happen.

It's just going to be you and those same five guys at Yew gate forever. The rest of us are never coming over. Get used to what you have. Because, say it with me: Nobody. Else. Cares.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Talk of "dwindling population" is pretty rich considering it's the Feluccans who've spent the last fifteen years watching tumbleweeds roll by while they beg on their knees for the developers to please make people come to their empty facet.

Nobody cares. You just spent like four paragraphs repeating "PVP is fun!" with different words, but guess what? Fel is still empty. Nobody cares. If anyone agreed with you, you guys wouldn't have needed to spend year after year begging on the forums for more population.

You want the developers to add more content to Felucca? Eh okay, whatever. But make no mistake, the only effect that content will have is to give you some new crap to sell on a vendor.

Because this fantasy you guys have? Where the developers finally add that one magical thing to Felucca, and suddenly everyone has to have it, and they all come over and discover the fun and excitement of PVP, and Felucca enjoys a flourishing and revived population? Yeah that's never ever going to happen.

It's just going to be you and those same five guys at Yew gate forever. The rest of us are never coming over. Get used to what you have. Because, say it with me: Nobody. Else. Cares.
Thank you for demonstrating that this type of demeanor isn't universal to fel.

If we wanted your opinion, we would have asked you for it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talk of "dwindling population" is pretty rich considering it's the Feluccans who've spent the last fifteen years watching tumbleweeds roll by while they beg on their knees for the developers to please make people come to their empty facet.

Nobody cares. You just spent like four paragraphs repeating "PVP is fun!" with different words, but guess what? Fel is still empty. Nobody cares. If anyone agreed with you, you guys wouldn't have needed to spend year after year begging on the forums for more population.

You want the developers to add more content to Felucca? Eh okay, whatever. But make no mistake, the only effect that content will have is to give you some new crap to sell on a vendor.

Because this fantasy you guys have? Where the developers finally add that one magical thing to Felucca, and suddenly everyone has to have it, and they all come over and discover the fun and excitement of PVP, and Felucca enjoys a flourishing and revived population? Yeah that's never ever going to happen.

It's just going to be you and those same five guys at Yew gate forever. The rest of us are never coming over. Get used to what you have. Because, say it with me: Nobody. Else. Cares.
You, like Malagaste, are laboring under the delusion that we want people to come to Fel because we want fresh meat to kill. We don't. There's no fun in fighting someone that doesn't have the skill, or desire, to fight back. We want new content in Fel for one reason: BECAUSE WE'VE HAD THE SAME THINGS HERE FOR WELL OVER A DECADE. I would hardly consider the deco items of the Primeval Lich worthwhile, especially since nobody ever does the two Stygian Abyss spawns.

If we get people to come to Fel to pvp, that's fine. You can make all the excuses you want about why you don't: cheaters, scripters, suits, etc. If you don't want to, we don't care. But you don't see the people that pvp going into threads about deco, pvm, etc and whining about it, do you?


The Enchanter
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The tumbleweeds that have been blowing through Felucca since Bill Clinton was still President speak for us all.
Please enlighten us more with the completely negative BS attitude that you have on every topic.

Talk of "dwindling population" is pretty rich considering it's the Feluccans who've spent the last fifteen years watching tumbleweeds roll by while they beg on their knees for the developers to please make people come to their empty facet.

Nobody cares. You just spent like four paragraphs repeating "PVP is fun!" with different words, but guess what? Fel is still empty. Nobody cares. If anyone agreed with you, you guys wouldn't have needed to spend year after year begging on the forums for more population.

You want the developers to add more content to Felucca? Eh okay, whatever. But make no mistake, the only effect that content will have is to give you some new crap to sell on a vendor.

Because this fantasy you guys have? Where the developers finally add that one magical thing to Felucca, and suddenly everyone has to have it, and they all come over and discover the fun and excitement of PVP, and Felucca enjoys a flourishing and revived population? Yeah that's never ever going to happen.

It's just going to be you and those same five guys at Yew gate forever. The rest of us are never coming over. Get used to what you have. Because, say it with me: Nobody. Else. Cares.
Clearly people do care.

And are you blind? There are entire shards that are dead, not just individual Fel facets.

Atleast we're trying to come up with some sort of set of ideas or changes that can be made to maintain the current player base and keep the game fresh.

What was the purpose of your post? To try and rub out face in ****? Bravo, Spock-Derp.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
Please enlighten us more with the completely negative BS attitude that you have on every topic.

Clearly people do care.

And are you blind? There are entire shards that are dead, not just individual Fel facets.

Atleast we're trying to come up with some sort of set of ideas or changes that can be made to maintain the current player base and keep the game fresh.

What was the purpose of your post? To try and rub out face in ****? Bravo, Spock-Derp.
The developers added Trammel and Felucca emptied out overnight. The few people still in Felucca begged and begged for the developers to find a way to make people come back, but nobody ever did. The same people pointed out how many people were supposedly playing on some PK freeshard, but nobody else ever cared and whatever effect they hoped that would have never actually happened. Every new game that was supposed to recapture "that old UO magic" from the PK days (Shadowbane, Darkfall, etc.) was some kind of obscure flop.

Years and years passed and nothing ever happened to make EA regret throwing the PK contingent under the bus. UO style PK action died a miserable and unloved death, with no one in UO willing to bother with it once there was a choice, and no other game able to make a living from it. The end.

But that doesn't mean I think the few people left in Felucca don't deserve any content. They pay their $13 or whatever per month, so of course they do. But you know, the dev team is so small now, and so little content gets produced, and you guys are such a tiny fragment of the population anymore. I think VvV alone probably represents as big a slice of the pie as you guys are entitled to for quite some time.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I know it has been a long time since I have debated...

I do know that the "because I said so" is the weakest argument ever.


Crazed Zealot
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It is interesting to me that being such "a tiny fragment" gets so much discussion in favor of fel content versus other threads.

The other thread that generated more interest was another fel content thread.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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It is interesting to me that being such "a tiny fragment" gets so much discussion in favor of fel content versus other threads.

The other thread that generated more interest was another fel content thread.
It's not that it gets that much interest... It's that it gets such debate... And it's the same debate over and over and over again...

Wha!!!!! There is no one in FEL! No one is PvPing with me!! WHA!!!!! Make more stuff here so people will come here and I can kill them! I'm bored because I don't want to do anything you put in game all i want to do is kill people in FEL and no one wants to come here and get killed by me... Booo Hooo.

I'm sorry but how can you make killing people more exciting and enjoyable? How about you try to figure that out and stop trying to get people like me to go there.

Why don't you all go dress in regular GM armor and battle with no insurance just like the old days... Mages can wear nothing but plain leather armor and they must carry regs that Thieves can steal..... and if you all do it then guess what?! You'll all have something new and challenging. And if you build your template round that...... and get like minded people to work with you at it .... then it'll be JUST like the old days... except without the lambs.

IT's like the guy crying about how fighting MOBs in Trammel and such is too easy.... well of course it is..... If you use every uber piece of gear you can get and max out every weapon you can and have every advantage in the game of course it's going to be easy.... So if you wanted to challenge yourself then don't do all that and put on a GM crafted suit with no mods and give yourself a regular GM weapon and go down and try to kill a shadow wyrm....... See how easy that is...

And as for the snide comment about so what if punks are in Gen Chat talking trash..... well excuse me for not wanting to listen to it.... and excuse me if I'd rather young new and returning players didn't have to listen to it and could get some genuine help without being subjected to a bashing because some Fel punk wants to scream cheater for the next 30 min... in gen chat and make threats and accusations and doesn't want to stop so someone can help someone else. So the new/returning player just gets fed up and remembers why he quit this game or decides the game sucks because he can't get any help. And that one person.... tells 10 people that the game sucks.... and those 10 people tell 10 people that the game sucks....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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nonsensical rant
Do you know WHY it gets so much debate? Because of people like you who weigh in, despite not pvp'ing at all. You repeat the same nonsense over and over, which turns every Fel-oriented thread into...well, this.

btw, you're confusing challenging with stupid. Turning back the clock to pvp in a manner that hasn't existed for well over a decade is asinine. If we wanted to do that, there are any number of free shards with that ruleset. But I will tell you this: where pvm is concerned, having GM-made gear would have no bearing whatsoever on my ability to kill things.

Gen chat: The ignore feature exists, as does going into another channel.


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
It's not that it gets that much interest... It's that it gets such debate... And it's the same debate over and over and over again...

Wha!!!!! There is no one in FEL! No one is PvPing with me!! WHA!!!!! Make more stuff here so people will come here and I can kill them! I'm bored because I don't want to do anything you put in game all i want to do is kill people in FEL and no one wants to come here and get killed by me... Booo Hooo.

I'm sorry but how can you make killing people more exciting and enjoyable? How about you try to figure that out and stop trying to get people like me to go there.

Why don't you all go dress in regular GM armor and battle with no insurance just like the old days... Mages can wear nothing but plain leather armor and they must carry regs that Thieves can steal..... and if you all do it then guess what?! You'll all have something new and challenging. And if you build your template round that...... and get like minded people to work with you at it .... then it'll be JUST like the old days... except without the lambs.

IT's like the guy crying about how fighting MOBs in Trammel and such is too easy.... well of course it is..... If you use every uber piece of gear you can get and max out every weapon you can and have every advantage in the game of course it's going to be easy.... So if you wanted to challenge yourself then don't do all that and put on a GM crafted suit with no mods and give yourself a regular GM weapon and go down and try to kill a shadow wyrm....... See how easy that is...

And as for the snide comment about so what if punks are in Gen Chat talking trash..... well excuse me for not wanting to listen to it.... and excuse me if I'd rather young new and returning players didn't have to listen to it and could get some genuine help without being subjected to a bashing because some Fel punk wants to scream cheater for the next 30 min... in gen chat and make threats and accusations and doesn't want to stop so someone can help someone else. So the new/returning player just gets fed up and remembers why he quit this game or decides the game sucks because he can't get any help. And that one person.... tells 10 people that the game sucks.... and those 10 people tell 10 people that the game sucks....
As I've said multiple times in this thread, trash talk and naughty speech in gen chat can't be blamed on Felucca. Sure there is some PVP trash talk, but there's even more nasty and obnoxious speech that comes from Trammel. That's an entirely separately topic that has been debated on Stratics again and again to no end. And furthermore, shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not Felucca gets any additional content.


Grand Inquisitor
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They think Fel is dead because everyone loves trammel..I love that! Fel is dead because the devs stopped giving a damn and left broken systems in game(factions)..and stopped updating Fel all together. After 8 years of champ spawns being the only fighting grounds..guess what they didn't move to trammel..they moved to free shards where there is actual content/updates and devs who cared about them and not just adding new towels and rubber duckies..

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They think Fel is dead because everyone loves trammel..I love that! Fel is dead because the devs stopped giving a damn and left broken systems in game(factions)..and stopped updating Fel all together. After 8 years of champ spawns being the only fighting grounds..guess what they didn't move to trammel..they moved to free shards where there is actual content/updates and devs who cared about them and not just adding new towels and rubber duckies..
I was going to post something similar to this. There is a strange logic in this thread that Fel shouldn't get any meaningful updates because nobody plays there, yet it completely discounts the fact that the reason nobody plays there is because it doesn't get any meaningful updates. There is a whole shadow fanbase out there that isn't playing because there is little here for them. It is unreasonable to expect that Felucca should fill up before improvements can come - first the improvements must come, then the population will come.