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Slightly Crazed
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That's a tough argument to make. Who's to say there won't be a red- PVP mage that might respond back and say that a Hawkwind's Robe is a necessity to have the extra SDI in order to be competitive, but the Shadowguard encounter is not offered in Fel and thus you are forcing said red-mage to do Tram content. We start to fall down a slippery slope here.
The big difference I see between myself and a PvPer with the red mage is that he is able to make a blue PvM character for whom Shadowguard is freely accessible. No matter how many characters I make, I am restricted from doing Fel spawns by the PvPers who camp them.


Crazed Zealot
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You could implement infinite amounts of changes to Fel but it will not change the fact no one is forced to go to there.

They would almost have to delete trammel before this became true.


The Enchanter
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The big difference I see between myself and a PvPer with the red mage is that he is able to make a blue PvM character for whom Shadowguard is freely accessible. No matter how many characters I make, I am restricted from doing Fel spawns by the PvPers who camp them.
PvP'ers aren't camping Fel Spawns all that much at all anymore. Again, I do them with relative ease on the most populated server and often times later in the evening when more folks are on. If you're trying to run every spawn completely solo... well then yeah you might be an easy target. But if you go with even a small group, you're not going to run into this problem nearly as often.

Also, you have the option of selling artifacts and other loot from PVM and Trammel to be able to purchase the powerscrolls you desire.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The big difference I see between myself and a PvPer with the red mage is that he is able to make a blue PvM character for whom Shadowguard is freely accessible. No matter how many characters I make, I am restricted from doing Fel spawns by the PvPers who camp them.
That was the exact reason Fell Champ Spawns were put into the game for though. Make it a more difficult, and restrictive place for players to play in for valuable rewards. Its balanced because if you slay a medusa on ATL and get a slither and sell it, then you can buy 2 of every 20 powerscroll in the game.


The Enchanter
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On stage:
Providing one particular unique boss followed by a hard drop in fell will mainly keep pvpers focused on the goal while they get busy raiding or defending instead of trolling/ganking/flaming each others in general chat 24/7 and end up in jail for verbal harassment. They still get there 2mins of celebrating at the end of a long fight.
In an effort to get back on topic...

I like this idea of having some unique boss or encounter that is Fel based and could keep some PvP'ers busy. A boss that has a unique and valuable artifact drops. Would give some organized PvM and hybrid guilds incentive to go and try to fight this boss while holding off reds/PvP'ers, would keep some of these folks busy by giving them a central location to focus on outside of just Yew Gate or the champ spawns, and add some much needed Fel content to the game.

It would have to be something different than the Harrower. Ideally, something centrally located that could be popped without having to fight X amount of champ spawns and collecting of skulls. This is an example of the type of content I would personally like to see added to Fel.


Grand Inquisitor
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So the Primeval Lich isn't unique to Fel or full of still-valuable drops, even 6 years later? o_O


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the Primeval Lich isn't unique to Fel or full of still-valuable drops, even 6 years later? o_O
I really cant tell if this response is supposed to be saying that Fel is okay and has its unique stuff or that is has been 6 years since they added anything exlcusive to fell? hehe


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really cant tell if this response is supposed to be saying that Fel is okay and has its unique stuff or that is has been 6 years since they added anything exlcusive to fell? hehe
Partially both. :p

But seriously, the Lich spawn has some drops that sell for tens of millions and its unique to Fel. The Abyssal Infernal is unique as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The fact that unique spawns with unique drops exists in Felucca goes to show that they possess a limited appeal, and that revitalizing the facet will take more than having more of them.

I Actually PVP

I'm sorry, but why do you think people are in interested in the new content? Could it be to get new artifacts? Why are people interested in artifacts? Because they sell for a lot of gold? Why do they sell for a lot of gold? Could it be because pvpers who only play in Fel are willing to pay high amounts of gold for them? Could it be that without Fel players driving demand for Tram content that a lot of Tram players would lose interest? Could it be possible that providing Fel content, which provides the Fel community a new reason to continue paying a monthly subscription (even though said subscription is far more than many other, less buggy, more populated, and more visually pleasing games, and there are plenty of free UO alternatives with higher populations, more active devs, and (though some of you might not believe it) actual policing of scripters.)

I think the main point with recent posts are: people who only play in Fel are not happy with the current direction of the game. It seems like most posters here are happy with the way UO has been developing and are happy with their style of play. I personally think our current state is pretty darn close to the antithesis of what UO was originally meant to be.

I don't come here and attack proposals and ideas that don't affect my gameplay. How would you all feel if I came in every "holiday/vet reward idea" thread and just spammed "this is stupid, UO would be better off without Tram, this is a waste of time, etc. etc. etc. derail your thread."

We're talking about adding new content that adds an incentive to play the game. Whether it's your playstyle or not, I think increasing the attraction of the game as a whole is something that should be supported. The community here seems to be only concerned with their own style of play.

I don't think anyone can deny that Tram content has outweighed Fel content 99 to 1, why are people here bent on killing any and all mention of adding something not Tram based? (that's a rhetorical question too, don't answer with spews of powerscrolls, trash talking, rez killing, super-duper gamebreaking hax. Those are aspects of any mmo game; they're not a reason to continue hurting an essential part of the game)


Stratics Veteran
I'm sorry, but why do you think people are in interested in the new content? Could it be to get new artifacts? Why are people interested in artifacts? Because they sell for a lot of gold? Why do they sell for a lot of gold? Could it be because pvpers who only play in Fel are willing to pay high amounts of gold for them? Could it be that without Fel players driving demand for Tram content that a lot of Tram players would lose interest? Could it be possible that providing Fel content, which provides the Fel community a new reason to continue paying a monthly subscription (even though said subscription is far more than many other, less buggy, more populated, and more visually pleasing games, and there are plenty of free UO alternatives with higher populations, more active devs, and (though some of you might not believe it) actual policing of scripters.)

I think the main point with recent posts are: people who only play in Fel are not happy with the current direction of the game. It seems like most posters here are happy with the way UO has been developing and are happy with their style of play. I personally think our current state is pretty darn close to the antithesis of what UO was originally meant to be.

I don't come here and attack proposals and ideas that don't affect my gameplay. How would you all feel if I came in every "holiday/vet reward idea" thread and just spammed "this is stupid, UO would be better off without Tram, this is a waste of time, etc. etc. etc. derail your thread."

We're talking about adding new content that adds an incentive to play the game. Whether it's your playstyle or not, I think increasing the attraction of the game as a whole is something that should be supported. The community here seems to be only concerned with their own style of play.

I don't think anyone can deny that Tram content has outweighed Fel content 99 to 1, why are people here bent on killing any and all mention of adding something not Tram based? (that's a rhetorical question too, don't answer with spews of powerscrolls, trash talking, rez killing, super-duper gamebreaking hax. Those are aspects of any mmo game; they're not a reason to continue hurting an essential part of the game)
Dude what? LOL From what statistics are you pulling any of the thoughts you're having in your first paragraph or is it merely you speculating? I didn't read anything further from all the leaps through the biased leading questions of the first paragraph.

As far as Fel Love from the Devs... Well :violin: I'm not a very big fan of Fel.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Although I am very content with the masteries for pvp content this time around.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude what? LOL From what statistics are you pulling any of the thoughts you're having in your first paragraph or is it merely you speculating? I didn't read anything further from all the leaps through the biased leading questions of the first paragraph.

As far as Fel Love from the Devs... Well :violin: I'm not a very big fan of Fel.
You think he's kidding? Who do you think farmed for the Doom arties when they were new? The pvp'ers did. Granted, some non-pvp'ers did too, but by and large, they'd sell the arties to the pvp'ers. I managed to get 4-5 out of Doom myself years back, and I sold them to a friend/guildmate; I used the gold to buy stuff I needed/wanted, just as I do now. That said, I don't particularly enjoy killing the same crap over and over (I blame JRPGs for that, honestly...), since it gets monotonous hoping for that <1% drop to proc (although you can manipulate the RNG of console games via emulator, if you know how. Or use cheat codes.)

The same applies with the Crimson Cincture, Slither, Despicable Quiver, etc. The pvp'ers either buy them or get them for themselves via farming. Who do you think is buying/selling/farming for the new Shadowguard artifacts? On LS, it's always the same people there. I went there on Atlantic a few days ago and saw some Hi-5; I would probably see other guilds if I played Atl more.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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How many more LURES do you want the DEVs to throw at Fel? Fel is a dead facet and no matter what the DEVs do it remains a dead facet. I am sorry no matter what the DEVs do Fel is dead so why waste the resources trying to revive it.


Seasoned Veteran
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How many more LURES do you want the DEVs to throw at Fel? Fel is a dead facet and no matter what the DEVs do it remains a dead facet. I am sorry no matter what the DEVs do Fel is dead so why waste the resources trying to revive it.
1) What lures are you talking about? Other than a decade old power scroll, Fel hasn't gotten much of anything worth doing lately.

2) And I think that's what people here are trying to say. They're not asking for a LURE. They're asking for at least something other than a half-baked VvV system that they weren't even consulted on.

As was said earlier: In the past 5 years how much new content has Tram gotten, how many new, expensive artifacts and mini games???

Now how many has Fel gotten (and also think of the advantageous content like town bonuses, which could soooooo easily be applied to Fel and yet are ignored).

That's the point.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
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Its dead because honest players wont fight against cheaters for very long. Tram players - they came, they saw, they left.

You want populations in Fel? Make legal the 3rd party programs & client mods roughly 90% of all PvPers use so EVERYONE can benefit
or police the game like should have been done years ago. Interest in PvP will grow if the playing field is fair.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Volume III Primers appear to drop more often at Fel Champs, than anywhere else.
Mmmm interesting, u might be right actually, its a really good thing to know, coz a lot of guildies were getting level3 masteries in fell champs. We've also seen protector getting 6 masteries when 2 players where protecting and all 3 hitting the champ at some point.


Stratics Veteran
well i told this to a guy many years ago sadly dev dont see any logic to it

to have any one want to go any were in a game you need points of intrest
points of intrest can be rare pets spetial loot and so on is just so little points of intrest left in fel
sure its have the dobble resorse and luck bonus but with out any points of intrest non want to go there

the biggest problem is see for dev to add stuff to fel is wen they come out with new lands they have to look at majorety of players and lets face it pvpers aint all thats left in game and so the majorety gets the pick of the day
also to sell an exspantion you have to pick out stuff guys willing to buy i dont know if many would be intrested in paying for an exspantion that only gave new stuff to old contenct like fel

surely if you redid some there maby they would be able to put an addon to use it but that would if so only be some new dungeons or some like that and lands would be still free to get axsess by all

to make non pvpers want to go fel you need some darn good reasen to and some major loot benefit for them to see any point in going there
problem is pvpers just want some exseptional loot that they can sell for uber gold to all that dont play fel so i feal its unfear why shood a guy or lady that pvp have an advantage just because he like to murder othere players and pick them dry

id say only benefit for pvp shood be items that was only good for pvp and did not work or sell for non pvpers
then you have all the guys that love pvp going to fel to hunt for it or pvp for it and leave the rest just were they are

just make like spetial pets that spawn that is good in pvp and you have to be in a war guild to tame and
wepons and armor that only good for pvp that you have to fight over to get

like 1ws 1 fights 2ws 2 fights and so on can take that up to as high as you want like if you got an 10 ws 10 fight you have change to drop a nice item or some for winner

also maby make some modification to crafting so you can make pvp spesefic armor and wepons with some new modifcations and so

well just some pointers from me i doubth dev going to give it any intrest as not an realy big profit intrest in this as the majorety aint pvpeing then again some of the richest players in game is pvpers so they shood give them some love and just make it so that stuff is for pvpers and not for pvm


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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1) What lures are you talking about? Other than a decade old power scroll, Fel hasn't gotten much of anything worth doing lately.

2) And I think that's what people here are trying to say. They're not asking for a LURE. They're asking for at least something other than a half-baked VvV system that they weren't even consulted on.

As was said earlier: In the past 5 years how much new content has Tram gotten, how many new, expensive artifacts and mini games???

Now how many has Fel gotten (and also think of the advantageous content like town bonuses, which could soooooo easily be applied to Fel and yet are ignored).

That's the point.
1) Lures.... Oh lets see, Powerscrolls, increased resources, Primevil Liche and Abyssal Infernal drops, Pinks from T-Hunting, increased drops of Primers, VvV deco items.... Need I go on?????
2) Really???? Yes they are.... They want more reasons for folk to come to Fel and so they can PK PvP more... because they might actually find someone there who isn't the same 4 people or isn't some script/hacker..... that they can't kill in 2 hits. Sheep are easy but when they have slaughtered all the sheep they cry they don't have anymore... and they want to try to get the sheep to return. But the sheep got wise. The PvPers don't want to PvM..... they would rather wait till those who do want to PvM try to come and do the champs then they slaughter them... because the PvMers are geared and skilled to PvM not PvP and they can't defend themselves against the PvPer who is usually wearing uber gear and sporting all the skills to make killing other players much easier... But then the PvM crowd decides that Fel just isn't worth it and is no fun... so they don't return. Why work a spawn up to not get any scrolls because some PK came by and took all your hard work? Surely some buy protection from the PKers by paying a big Zerg guild to protect them so they can do the champ.... but more often than not this doesn't end well so the PvMer decides it's not worth the effort.... and just buy the scrolls.

And in my opinion trying to far scrolls is a waste of time.... you spend hours working the spawn and even if you do manage to finish and leave with the scrolls... 9 times out of 10 they are for some crap skills no one wants or you get nothing but 105's and 110's and maybe a 115... The number of times you have to actually "get lucky" and finish a spawn without getting PKed and having to start all over some other day... is FAR too large... making it a waste of time and energy... far less stressful and easier to just not go to Fel.

And I did mention several times that I too agree that Fel ought to be able to get the town bonus stuff.


Crazed Zealot
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1) Lures.... Oh lets see, Powerscrolls, increased resources, Primevil Liche and Abyssal Infernal drops, Pinks from T-Hunting, increased drops of Primers, VvV deco items.... Need I go on?????
2) Really???? Yes they are.... They want more reasons for folk to come to Fel and so they can PK PvP more... because they might actually find someone there who isn't the same 4 people or isn't some script/hacker..... that they can't kill in 2 hits. Sheep are easy but when they have slaughtered all the sheep they cry they don't have anymore... and they want to try to get the sheep to return. But the sheep got wise. The PvPers don't want to PvM..... they would rather wait till those who do want to PvM try to come and do the champs then they slaughter them... because the PvMers are geared and skilled to PvM not PvP and they can't defend themselves against the PvPer who is usually wearing uber gear and sporting all the skills to make killing other players much easier... But then the PvM crowd decides that Fel just isn't worth it and is no fun... so they don't return. Why work a spawn up to not get any scrolls because some PK came by and took all your hard work? Surely some buy protection from the PKers by paying a big Zerg guild to protect them so they can do the champ.... but more often than not this doesn't end well so the PvMer decides it's not worth the effort.... and just buy the scrolls.

And in my opinion trying to far scrolls is a waste of time.... you spend hours working the spawn and even if you do manage to finish and leave with the scrolls... 9 times out of 10 they are for some crap skills no one wants or you get nothing but 105's and 110's and maybe a 115... The number of times you have to actually "get lucky" and finish a spawn without getting PKed and having to start all over some other day... is FAR too large... making it a waste of time and energy... far less stressful and easier to just not go to Fel.

And I did mention several times that I too agree that Fel ought to be able to get the town bonus stuff.
Do me a favor and look up Primevil Liche rewards and then come tell me that's an incentive.

Trans scrolls in treasure maps are not unique to Fel.

Powerscrolls and increased resources were introduced over ten years ago.

VVV items was added to rewards because they made an unpopular move of axing factions.

Besides most of them are farmed by pvm thieves since a pvp thief is now worthless.

As far as spawns it takes me 25 minutes to knock out a barracoons by myself.

the other spawns aren't really worth doing.

frankly I could care less if any trammies came to Fel or not.

Dropping someone with a couple spells isn't much fun for us either.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am in favor of reviving Fel, but special drops in Fel should stay in Fel.
A mighty mace of Newb staughter, or a double axe of trash talk would make great Fel arti's, but should be coded to work only in Fel. Fellons(hehe) want new content fine, but Fel content should be Fel only content.
New content that players in both facets want should be available in both facets.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
1) Lures.... Oh lets see, Powerscrolls, increased resources, Primevil Liche and Abyssal Infernal drops, Pinks from T-Hunting, increased drops of Primers, VvV deco items.... Need I go on?????
2) Really???? Yes they are.... They want more reasons for folk to come to Fel and so they can PK PvP more... because they might actually find someone there who isn't the same 4 people or isn't some script/hacker..... that they can't kill in 2 hits. Sheep are easy but when they have slaughtered all the sheep they cry they don't have anymore... and they want to try to get the sheep to return. But the sheep got wise. The PvPers don't want to PvM..... they would rather wait till those who do want to PvM try to come and do the champs then they slaughter them... because the PvMers are geared and skilled to PvM not PvP and they can't defend themselves against the PvPer who is usually wearing uber gear and sporting all the skills to make killing other players much easier... But then the PvM crowd decides that Fel just isn't worth it and is no fun... so they don't return. Why work a spawn up to not get any scrolls because some PK came by and took all your hard work? Surely some buy protection from the PKers by paying a big Zerg guild to protect them so they can do the champ.... but more often than not this doesn't end well so the PvMer decides it's not worth the effort.... and just buy the scrolls.

And in my opinion trying to far scrolls is a waste of time.... you spend hours working the spawn and even if you do manage to finish and leave with the scrolls... 9 times out of 10 they are for some crap skills no one wants or you get nothing but 105's and 110's and maybe a 115... The number of times you have to actually "get lucky" and finish a spawn without getting PKed and having to start all over some other day... is FAR too large... making it a waste of time and energy... far less stressful and easier to just not go to Fel.

And I did mention several times that I too agree that Fel ought to be able to get the town bonus stuff.
1. Who still farms power scrolls? You have literally the same chance of getting a 120 Mage as you do a slither, Crimson, any shadow guard item, tinker legs..all perfectly safe things you can farm for 100's of hours without seeing another person in game and amass billions of gold to purchase your average 120 power scroll from 50k-2mil..or are you talking about the 4 scrolls still worth more than 10m? Primeval lich?? Very true every time I log into game I go there and just can't ever seem to get a round off with all the hundreds of guilds trying to do it...on the busiest shard in UO T2A, Abyssal, Lich aren't popped at all for the entire day. But such massively amazing awards. Increase resources and pinks..yep good point! I'm always farming random resource veins just so I can trade them in for trash points cause they are worth more than gold. Your talking 60k boards on most shards are 300k or less. VvV deco? I think this was farmed for what 2 weeks while the tram players hid on stealthers there and abused the silver system until it was nerfed. I can't say the towns are even done anymore maybe your shard is much more active than Atlantic who knows? Please go on and at least mention something useful but please remember that one uncontested slither can scroll out completely with 25 stat and +5 scroll(which are only available in Tram) any 2-3 characters on UO all with pretty much being afk and soloing Medusa.

2. There are still PK's? Every time I look it's Oranges on blues to take advantage of all the "free" buffs that tram offers for no risk at all.

Lastly you say takes hours to work a spawn? Come on! You have what like 40 accounts or something? Stop acting like this is your first time playing UO just to make another bash fel point. It doesn't take more than 20-30 minutes solo to do a baracoon. No more than 10 minutes with 4-5 people. You're always saying well the hours I play no one is ever on to play with. Obviously except for the multitudes of PKs that play GL. Last I checked GL is completely dead for PvP as a whole. Your left with a solid RP group that I'm sure could put together a solid Sampire each for less than 10m to farm spawns at your hearts content. Please tell me more...

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Babbling Loonie
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I really think if tweaked VVV a little and added it to trammel .....they could virtually get rid of Felucca. Anyone that wanted to Pvp would opt in to VVV and anyone that doesnt want PvP Opts out. Move Champ Spawns to tram, but you must be orange to get a scroll. Whiners and haters will complain about losing their 4 castles full of snow bells ....I would say screw them but you could leave Fel in place and make it into a housing facet...sort of like you garage where you store all the crap you dont need!


The Enchanter
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1) Lures.... Oh lets see, Powerscrolls, increased resources, Primevil Liche and Abyssal Infernal drops, Pinks from T-Hunting, increased drops of Primers, VvV deco items.... Need I go on?????
2) Really???? Yes they are.... They want more reasons for folk to come to Fel and so they can PK PvP more... because they might actually find someone there who isn't the same 4 people or isn't some script/hacker..... that they can't kill in 2 hits. Sheep are easy but when they have slaughtered all the sheep they cry they don't have anymore... and they want to try to get the sheep to return. But the sheep got wise. The PvPers don't want to PvM..... they would rather wait till those who do want to PvM try to come and do the champs then they slaughter them... because the PvMers are geared and skilled to PvM not PvP and they can't defend themselves against the PvPer who is usually wearing uber gear and sporting all the skills to make killing other players much easier... But then the PvM crowd decides that Fel just isn't worth it and is no fun... so they don't return. Why work a spawn up to not get any scrolls because some PK came by and took all your hard work? Surely some buy protection from the PKers by paying a big Zerg guild to protect them so they can do the champ.... but more often than not this doesn't end well so the PvMer decides it's not worth the effort.... and just buy the scrolls.

And in my opinion trying to far scrolls is a waste of time.... you spend hours working the spawn and even if you do manage to finish and leave with the scrolls... 9 times out of 10 they are for some crap skills no one wants or you get nothing but 105's and 110's and maybe a 115... The number of times you have to actually "get lucky" and finish a spawn without getting PKed and having to start all over some other day... is FAR too large... making it a waste of time and energy... far less stressful and easier to just not go to Fel.

And I did mention several times that I too agree that Fel ought to be able to get the town bonus stuff.
Hours working a spawn? I call shenanigans. Spoken by someone who implies they don't participate in Fel content. And you're on a non-ATL shard none the less.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I really think if tweaked VVV a little and added it to trammel .....they could virtually get rid of Felucca. Anyone that wanted to Pvp would opt in to VVV and anyone that doesnt want PvP Opts out. Move Champ Spawns to tram, but you must be orange to get a scroll. Whiners and haters will complain about losing their 4 castles full of snow bells ....I would say screw them but you could leave Fel in place and make it into a housing facet...sort of like you garage where you store all the crap you dont need!
Honestly that should of been done from the start and never introduced tram to begin with. All it did was spread everyone out even more; make housing worth even less, and made people leave in the masses even though all the statics board thumpers will insist the population grew..

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Stratics Veteran
Fel has been dead for a long long time...

let's face it, devs priority is to bring more gamers. They want to keep the life in trammel rules facets, because new players WONT go to PvP. It takes a very long time to be able to take your char to Fel, you need top notch equipment, lots of money, and a robust template; after all you're competing with people that has been playing for years. That's the reason why devs don't comment here, or barely care about Fel; if they make fel more popular, new players will see an empty world, leave the game, or go to fel and get killed, leave the game.

It's kind of unfair for us, but that's just how it is.... let's just hope the game gets more players, then maybe we will get a piece of the pie.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fel has been dead for a long long time...

let's face it, devs priority is to bring more gamers. They want to keep the life in trammel rules facets, because new players WONT go to PvP. It takes a very long time to be able to take your char to Fel, you need top notch equipment, lots of money, and a robust template; after all you're competing with people that has been playing for years. That's the reason why devs don't comment here, or barely care about Fel; if they make fel more popular, new players will see an empty world, leave the game, or go to fel and get killed, leave the game.

It's kind of unfair for us, but that's just how it is.... let's just hope the game gets more players, then maybe we will get a piece of the pie.
I agree with there being a huge learning curve in UO..but I think it's so prominent because there are no level specific zones or anything. A newbie character can walk straight into Yew and die and never come back for quite some time or never at all...especially with our player base of 25-30+ year olds acting like 10 year olds. But With that said UO is muchhhhh more mild in comparison to other games with that. Partially because it's not FTP.. As for building the player base adding random 10 hour grind fests Is not how it's going to be done. The younger gamer has a much lower patience level and needs to be coddled and led along. Without third party sites most people log into UO and say ok yup..no idea what to do..was a fun 14 day trial. And never look bac except when they see an article online 5 years from now and say wow how is that game still around.

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I really think if tweaked VVV a little and added it to trammel .....they could virtually get rid of Felucca. Anyone that wanted to Pvp would opt in to VVV and anyone that doesnt want PvP Opts out. Move Champ Spawns to tram, but you must be orange to get a scroll. Whiners and haters will complain about losing their 4 castles full of snow bells ....I would say screw them but you could leave Fel in place and make it into a housing facet...sort of like you garage where you store all the crap you dont need!
This is the truth, and it is the sad truth about Felucca - the idea that you could move VvV to Trammel and, with a few adjustments such as the champ spawn idea mentioned above, have essentially the same gameplay that you had before (with maybe a few minor differences), once again goes to show that Felucca is missing that certain special something that capitalizes on its non-consensual ruleset and distinguishes itself from the Trammel ruleset.

For all the talk in the thread that distinguishes Trammel players and Felucca players, or the talk of Fel players being a driving force of a part of the virtual economy and so forth - can it really be said that there are truly any "Fel" players on non-Siege shards? Are there really any players that aren't primarily invested in the Trammel ruleset at this point? At this point 15 years down the road from the Tram/Fel split, 15 years of Felucca decline, 15 years of those whose UO experience was shot by the split departing the game, aren't we all, Tram and Fel player alike, more or less suckling from the teat of the proverbial carebear?

I know I sound like a broken record at this point but I'll repeat my point that adding a few more bells and whistles to Felucca won't solve its real problem. Fel doesn't need more toys, it needs a revamp. Here is the question to ask: What could possibly be implemented in Felucca that could never be implemented in a Trammel ruleset, that capitalizes on its non-consensual PvP nature, and that truly invests players and keeps them there as a place to live and not as a glorified dungeon or snowball storage warehouse?


Crazed Zealot
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This is the truth, and it is the sad truth about Felucca - the idea that you could move VvV to Trammel and, with a few adjustments such as the champ spawn idea mentioned above, have essentially the same gameplay that you had before (with maybe a few minor differences), once again goes to show that Felucca is missing that certain special something that capitalizes on its non-consensual ruleset and distinguishes itself from the Trammel ruleset.

For all the talk in the thread that distinguishes Trammel players and Felucca players, or the talk of Fel players being a driving force of a part of the virtual economy and so forth - can it really be said that there are truly any "Fel" players on non-Siege shards? Are there really any players that aren't primarily invested in the Trammel ruleset at this point? At this point 15 years down the road from the Tram/Fel split, 15 years of Felucca decline, 15 years of those whose UO experience was shot by the split departing the game, aren't we all, Tram and Fel player alike, more or less suckling from the teat of the proverbial carebear?

I know I sound like a broken record at this point but I'll repeat my point that adding a few more bells and whistles to Felucca won't solve its real problem. Fel doesn't need more toys, it needs a revamp. Here is the question to ask: What could possibly be implemented in Felucca that could never be implemented in a Trammel ruleset, that capitalizes on its non-consensual PvP nature, and that truly invests players and keeps them there as a place to live and not as a glorified dungeon or snowball storage warehouse?
Here's the thing, I don't think anyone really expects Fel to make a recovery. Historically, developers have had little interest.

But it'd sure be nice to get a couple of bones thrown our way on the way down.

At least make it more interesting for a bit longer.

If not, I'd appreciate the heads up so I can move on to something else.


Slightly Crazed
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Here's the thing, I don't think anyone really expects Fel to make a recovery. Historically, developers have had little interest.

But it'd sure be nice to get a couple of bones thrown our way on the way down.

At least make it more interesting for a bit longer.

If not, I'd appreciate the heads up so I can move on to something else.
agree. these threads always go off course with the idea that the trammel players need to be "LURED" to Fel, sort of like herding the sheep to slaughter.

Never fun for the sheep.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
agree. these threads always go off course with the idea that the trammel players need to be "LURED" to Fel, sort of like herding the sheep to slaughter.

Never fun for the sheep.
that is why my suggestion is different....it involves the moving of pvpers to tram.....and ultimately the removal of fel taking us back to what the game really should have stayed with!


Stratics Veteran
Ive been playing long, time. Before the split and there is no incentive that would cause me to spend time in Fel. I have zero interest in PVP. I play to relax, not compete. If 1,000,000 gold was deposited in my bank box everytime I stepped in to Fel I would not bother.

That said, if you want to play there thats great. If they want to spend some time adding some PVP content I dont have a problem with it. The premise that whatever is added may bring me to Fel is misplaced however. If I cant buy it in Luna or get in Trammel Im fine without it.


Babbling Loonie
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Ive been playing long, time. Before the split and there is no incentive that would cause me to spend time in Fel. I have zero interest in PVP. I play to relax, not compete. If 1,000,000 gold was deposited in my bank box everytime I stepped in to Fel I would not bother.

That said, if you want to play there thats great. If they want to spend some time adding some PVP content I dont have a problem with it. The premise that whatever is added may bring me to Fel is misplaced however. If I cant buy it in Luna or get in Trammel Im fine without it.
then why are you wasting your time posting in a thread about fel???? that has got to be the all time stupidest thing I have ever heard!!!! ROFLMAO


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
then why are you wasting your time posting in a thread about fel???? that has got to be the all time stupidest thing I have ever heard!!!! ROFLMAO
Even dumber because I would gladly give him a script to hop back and forth through the moongates to collect your gold..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Stratics Veteran
If you use the words most or a lot or percentage or the phrase "<Insert Group> does this almost exclusively or overwhelmingly more>... expect to be called out on your BS. No one cares what you think you know. Show some stastics or sources.

I think PVPers have an overinflated ego and they overestimate their impact. I'm not saying they aren't a great part of the community, but they are megalomaniac-ing it a bit.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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then why are you wasting your time posting in a thread about fel???? that has got to be the all time stupidest thing I have ever heard!!!! ROFLMAO
Most of us watch and post in thread like this so you don't go getting any bright ideas about how to lure us into PvP. Which I will oppose any suggestions to add more carrots to the stick dangling into fel.


The Enchanter
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Most of us watch and post in thread like this so you don't go getting any bright ideas about how to lure us into PvP. Which I will oppose any suggestions to add more carrots to the stick dangling into fel.
In other words, you're just going to hate on Fel for no reason other than you don't want other people to enjoy a style of game play other than your own.

You reap what you sow, keep that in mind for when others (like myself) see your posts in other threads.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of us watch and post in thread like this so you don't go getting any bright ideas about how to lure us into PvP. Which I will oppose any suggestions to add more carrots to the stick dangling into fel.
How is adding more content on our side of the tracks luring you into pvp? By putting artifacts soley in trammel hasn't forced me to RP or deco my house..it has however forced me to join a group of PvMers to teach me the fastest ways to kill Mobs and in return I help them build templates, and more effective suits..it's called "community" I thought you were an advocate for that..obviously only when it caters to "your" agenda or play style. Bit one sided

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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In other words, you're just going to hate on Fel for no reason other than you don't want other people to enjoy a style of game play other than your own.

You reap what you sow, keep that in mind for when others (like myself) see your posts in other threads.
I have no desire to be in Fel to PvP... or to listen to the petty bickery of those that do...

If you had left your style of gameplay out of mine I wouldn't get in yours. Yes I reap what I sow. I don't enjoy your gameplay style and I refuse to be "forced" to do it or to pay ridiculous fees to avoid being forced into Fel... and the longer it continues and the more folk try to force the issue the louder and stronger and harder I'll fight against it. That is what I'm saying.

I have nothing against you fighting and killing one another in Fel.... I have no issue with Fel Remaining the way it is as a place where there is open PvP should you go there.... What I take issue with is the idea that you want to continue that crap in Trammel and everywhere else and further disrupt the gameplay of folk who don't care for that style of gameplay.

I'm all for making Fel more fun for you..... but keep it in Fel.


Crazed Zealot
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If your playstyle is all that wonderful it would be highly populated just with the playstyle..... but it isn't...
It was for several years of trammel-exclusive-content, pvpers can only take so much neglect...

We finally had VvV to replace factions, it was great for the first few months, was exploited, now it's somewhat rare to see anyone to fight in it.
but you know, the rewards for VvV can be obtained in other places,.. trammel... some in fel (CC only? also in trammel btw.)

I don't even think if they tied in the Governors Trade Deal Buffs to the VvV system if it would bring people back to it at this point, Most people are blue already, there would be no point in switching from a city stone to another system if it already works for you.

but hey, we get an extra 1000 luck bonus in fel it's not noticeable at all btw.

it's something though, the bosses that drop the best loot AND the best artifact pack-drops are in trammel only... very interesting.


Crazed Zealot
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So the Primeval Lich isn't unique to Fel or full of still-valuable drops, even 6 years later? o_O
So, what's unique about it? Decorative drops? because everything equip-able from it (LT sash) that's useful drops in other places easier (trammel) too...


Babbling Loonie
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Fel needs to be removed from the game.....they arent even remotely interested in reviving fel,,,,not even interested in having governors in fel. EM's hold fel based events as much to hear all the trammie haters whine as for any logical story based reason. Incorporating VVV in tram and linking VVV to champ spawns and move them into tram.....then you have one facet where all players play....all can use all content....and only those who opt in need to be concerned about pvp.

this is really a win win win for everyone including Broadsword.....


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Even dumber because I would gladly give him a script to hop back and forth through the moongates to collect your gold..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
hardly need a script to take my gold......unless you really suck! lol


Crazed Zealot
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If you use the words most or a lot or percentage or the phrase "<Insert Group> does this almost exclusively or overwhelmingly more>... expect to be called out on your BS. No one cares what you think you know. Show some stastics or sources.

I think PVPers have an overinflated ego and they overestimate their impact. I'm not saying they aren't a great part of the community, but they are megalomaniac-ing it a bit.
you lose all credibility when you start throwing generalizations and insults.


Crazed Zealot
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I have no desire to be in Fel to PvP... or to listen to the petty bickery of those that do...

If you had left your style of gameplay out of mine I wouldn't get in yours. Yes I reap what I sow. I don't enjoy your gameplay style and I refuse to be "forced" to do it or to pay ridiculous fees to avoid being forced into Fel... and the longer it continues and the more folk try to force the issue the louder and stronger and harder I'll fight against it. That is what I'm saying.

I have nothing against you fighting and killing one another in Fel.... I have no issue with Fel Remaining the way it is as a place where there is open PvP should you go there.... What I take issue with is the idea that you want to continue that crap in Trammel and everywhere else and further disrupt the gameplay of folk who don't care for that style of gameplay.

I'm all for making Fel more fun for you..... but keep it in Fel.
Do explain how you are forced into fel.

Besides how do you "RPPVP" if you don't like anything about fel?

I'm confused by your contradiction.


Stratics Veteran
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I do not think there should be anything added to fel. Look at the time and resources that went into VvV and no one even uses the system. developer resources should be used to affect the most players.