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Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many years ago since SOTs and Stats scrolls where brought to Fel, weve seen nothing but exclusive Trammel only drops... Starting from dungeon doom, to ML dungeons, to stygian abyss dungeon ending with shadowguard encounter.

Im sad to say fell population is being dragged away to trammel again.

I cant deny that the VvV system was a success, but very limited considering that the silver system was not very rewarding, time limited and easy to get (non xferable decos, antique arties, and a couple potions...)

Doesn't fell deserve to have a certain unique decent drop as well, or trammies gona come and start crying about it?

Lets think about this...
Trammel got around 100+ exclusive items from arties to resources & i cant find think of a single arti that drops exclusively in fell... The only advantage of being in fell nowadays is the ability of getting SOTs, a couple more resources/gold/items in chests/corpses, or some cheap +20/25powerscrolls...

Killing people in vvv towns at yew gate or even raiding champs is becoming less fun, and less challenging; Loot got nerfed on champions, arties drop rate is very low, mosts sots hardly sell for anything, and its not even worth the effort to pop harrowers to get +25stat scrolls anymore... So whats the point in pvping nowadays? Where is the challenge? Where is the element of surprise of getting a decent drop... of getting something u cant get in trammel.

Fel is suffering today from "hate", most players feel insulted for getting killed for no reason at yew gate in vvv towns or even afk sitting inside their houses... Why? Coz pvpers cant find the perfect stage to fight, they curse the game and kill however comes in their way...

The devs should understand that the empty kill stage that exist in ultima online today menaces the whole fell population. Its like the devs are saying "you can kill each other in fell, but u wont get anything from that" so go to tram!

In theory:
They devs should realize that there is a big difference between killing a player for no reason AND killing a player to get a particular drop. It feels less personal, and the main goal is to take over or defend that certain champ.

On stage:
Providing one particular unique boss followed by a hard drop in fell will mainly keep pvpers focused on the goal while they get busy raiding or defending instead of trolling/ganking/flaming each others in general chat 24/7 and end up in jail for verbal harassment. They still get there 2mins of celebrating at the end of a long fight.

We've seen an amazing Halloween pvp event in Europa October 25th, a lot of players are looking forward to see more common action.

I suggest something like having a unique champ that pops in randomly upon capping a VvV town, or adding more pvp events to the game but those are just two little examples, i know the Devs has tons of great ideas if they plan to revive fell...

A lot of fellucians badly wished that masteries exclusively dropped in pvp champ spawns :( knowing that trammies were given the whole privilege of getting all the decent arties at shadowguard encounter...

Id love to hear a clear answer/explanation from the dev team regarding this thread.

Is there any plans in the future to boost fel action & economy?
Last edited:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No Dev will reply to this as it's a taboo subject and one that's swept under the carpet.

Also providing a unique monster/drop is a band aid fix for pvp.

The vvv system isn't a success it's just something that replaced factions.

They need to build on it and make it worth while.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
As soon as you use a derogatory-sounding term like "trammie" instead of "in Trammel", you lose your own argument. Your motive that you just want more people to kill becomes apparent. You lost the argument in sentence #4.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As soon as you use a derogatory-sounding term like "trammie" instead of "in Trammel", you lose your own argument. Your motive that you just want more people to kill becomes apparent. You lost the argument in sentence #4.
I really got nothing to say to u if u feel insulted by the word "trammies". I did also mention the term fellucians, how come u did not consider that to be an insult as well?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I don't want to delve into this too much but:

A. Masteries do drop at Fel champs

B. I like the idea of a different peerless/champ in Fel even it had some of the same drops at a slightly higher drop rate. Revamp Khaldun, as it stands it worthless now anyways.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
As soon as you use a derogatory-sounding term like "trammie" instead of "in Trammel", you lose your own argument. Your motive that you just want more people to kill becomes apparent. You lost the argument in sentence #4.
Derogatory term? Please. This word has been around since the Tram-Fel facet split. Anyone who is so short sighted that they think an argument is lost at that point is just looking for any excuse to write off any calls for more Fel content.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Op's post comes from the standpoint of how to lure trammel players to fel. People that don't feel comfortable Pvping have no desire to be lead to fel and be easy pickings for that player base.

The long term problem with fel has been the lack of content available there that cannot be attained on the Tram side. I don't see that changing anytime soon. The amount of gold you can make without risking death from another player is such there is no reason for anyone to goto fel who doesn't want to pvp.

There is no real answer here tbh. pvp is what it is in this game now.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Change the Fel ruleset to Trammel. Fel is fixed!
If you have nothing productive or if value to add I'd ask you to refrain from your pointless interjections.



Stratics Veteran
, or trammies gona come and start crying about it?
The OP is derogatory. It is too bad that threads need to start out setting a hateful tone. If someone uses a term only to insult people, then it will start to sound like an insult--but here there is an actual straightforward insult, so I don't see why there is any doubt that the OP disdains Trammel players.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Pvp is cyclical with the seasons. So unless we are able to repopulate the game as a whole, it will inevitably drag during the summer etc.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
The OP is derogatory. It is too bad that threads need to start out setting a hateful tone. If someone uses a term only to insult people, then it will start to sound like an insult--but here there is an actual straightforward insult, so I don't see why there is any doubt that the OP disdains Trammel players.
Well to be forward with you, "trammies" here on the board wouldn't have found this thread favorable regardless of sentiment or approach.

It is safe to say the only thing left of this beaten horse are the bones.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We've almost killed it, why the heck do we want to revive it. :p

Kidding aside it just wont happen. You stay on your side of the bed and we'll stay on our side.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Fel needs a lot of tlc. This isn't about luring people there. Trammel players can stay in tram while the Fel players have more cool content in the zone they enjoy playing. Tram players can purchase it from us if they want it. Just like we have to purchase loads of things if we don't want to play in tram. And yes, many fel players do not play there.
So tired of the luring comments. It has nothing to do with luring at all. Tram content has nothing to do with luring fel players there... the same goes the other way. I would never leave fel if every pvm thing I enjoy doing was offered to me there. Having something special there would be a huge perk to my playstyle. It has nothing to do with tram players at all.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Fel needs a lot of tlc. This isn't about luring people there. Trammel players can stay in tram while the Fel players have more cool content in the zone they enjoy playing. Tram players can purchase it from us if they want it. Just like we have to purchase loads of things if we don't want to play in tram. And yes, many fel players do not play there.
So tired of the luring comments. It has nothing to do with luring at all. Tram content has nothing to do with luring fel players there... the same goes the other way. I would never leave fel if every pvm thing I enjoy doing was offered to me there. Having something special there would be a huge perk to my playstyle. It has nothing to do with tram players at all.
If your playstyle is all that wonderful it would be highly populated just with the playstyle..... but it isn't... so the DEV's for whatever fool reason have tried luring people to go there and play with you... this concept doesn't work... yet they fail to understand this.... so they put more and more things into Fel in an attempt to get folk to go there and play that playstyle.... but what that has done is cause a resentment and disgust with other players and has actually widened the gap by making people in Trammel more irritated with Fel... Thereby causing them to be detrimentally against going to Fel and it's guilt by association that you get when folk talk about Fel Players because of it.

And it doesn't help that most of the time when they have been successfully "lured" into Fel that they have come across the path of a large number of cheaters and gloaters who delight in killing, rez killing, using exploits to steal things that shouldn't be stealable and other things further causing them to detest fel and everything and everyone who is in it. And it also doesn't help that when they are going about their day in Trammel trying to ignore the fact that Fel exists they are bombarded in Gen Chat with a bunch of bad language and Fel Banter that resembles grade school bullying or sounds much like two cocks in a hen house... trying to impress a bunch of ducks who could care less.

I Actually PVP

If your playstyle is all that wonderful it would be highly populated just with the playstyle..... but it isn't... so the DEV's for whatever fool reason have tried luring people to go there and play with you... this concept doesn't work... yet they fail to understand this.... so they put more and more things into Fel in an attempt to get folk to go there and play that playstyle.... but what that has done is cause a resentment and disgust with other players and has actually widened the gap by making people in Trammel more irritated with Fel... Thereby causing them to be detrimentally against going to Fel and it's guilt by association that you get when folk talk about Fel Players because of it.
And it doesn't help that most of the time when they have been successfully "lured" into Fel that they have come across the path of a large number of cheaters and gloaters who delight in killing, rez killing, using exploits to steal things that shouldn't be stealable and other things further causing them to detest fel and everything and everyone who is in it. And it also doesn't help that when they are going about their day in Trammel trying to ignore the fact that Fel exists they are bombarded in Gen Chat with a bunch of bad language and Fel Banter that resembles grade school bullying or sounds much like two cocks in a hen house... trying to impress a bunch of ducks who could care less.
1) The fact that there are numerous free shards with populations 5x the size of Atlantic pretty much proves that the pvp play style is popular. Just because the remaining population on prodo shards are largely folks who value pixels and housing over everything else and are a vocal majority here on stratics doesn't make your arguments valid or good.

2) What recent content are you speaking of that the Dev team put in Fel to "lure" people there??? Powerscrolls?

I've only been on stratics for a week and have already given up on this community. I get it, you're all mostly old and out of touch with modern gaming communities; you don't like swear words, you don't like having to compete with people, you don't like losing and you don't like dying in a virtual world and losing your precious pixels. Great, no productive PvP conversations will ever take place here, point taken.

Lets all just move on, pretend that prodo UO is booming, talk about the holiday/vet rewards we'd like and talk about new player content (because we all like to pretend that UO is actually attracting new players LOL).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
1) The fact that there are numerous free shards with populations 5x the size of Atlantic pretty much proves that the pvp play style is popular. Just because the remaining population on prodo shards are largely folks who value pixels and housing over everything else and are a vocal majority here on stratics doesn't make your arguments valid or good.

2) What recent content are you speaking of that the Dev team put in Fel to "lure" people there??? Powerscrolls?

I've only been on stratics for a week and have already given up on this community. I get it, you're all mostly old and out of touch with modern gaming communities; you don't like swear words, you don't like having to compete with people, you don't like losing and you don't like dying in a virtual world and losing your precious pixels. Great, no productive PvP conversations will ever take place here, point taken.

Lets all just move on, pretend that prodo UO is booming, talk about the holiday/vet rewards we'd like and talk about new player content (because we all like to pretend that UO is actually attracting new players LOL).
Numerous Free Shards can't compare to Production Shards.... First off they are free... Apples to Oranges..... Just saying and most of them don't offer anything beyond T2A.... So you basically are stuck in time.... but with all that is in UO today that sort of attitude and whatnot doesn't fly.

Doesn't matter about recent.... it's taken years since they started putting in lures to fel to build up the resentment and such we are talking about. Free Shards get this too but you don't notice it as much because folk just leave and never come back.

We are WAY beyond T2A....


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
If your playstyle is all that wonderful it would be highly populated just with the playstyle..... but it isn't... so the DEV's for whatever fool reason have tried luring people to go there and play with you... this concept doesn't work... yet they fail to understand this.... so they put more and more things into Fel in an attempt to get folk to go there and play that playstyle.... but what that has done is cause a resentment and disgust with other players and has actually widened the gap by making people in Trammel more irritated with Fel... Thereby causing them to be detrimentally against going to Fel and it's guilt by association that you get when folk talk about Fel Players because of it.

And it doesn't help that most of the time when they have been successfully "lured" into Fel that they have come across the path of a large number of cheaters and gloaters who delight in killing, rez killing, using exploits to steal things that shouldn't be stealable and other things further causing them to detest fel and everything and everyone who is in it. And it also doesn't help that when they are going about their day in Trammel trying to ignore the fact that Fel exists they are bombarded in Gen Chat with a bunch of bad language and Fel Banter that resembles grade school bullying or sounds much like two cocks in a hen house... trying to impress a bunch of ducks who could care less.

Fel content causes resentment and disgust? Detest Fel and everything and everyone in it? Is this Palestine and Israel we're talking about here, or a video game?

We've had a few people post up discussions recently about how we could help revive Fel, and each time you have to give one of your rants/sermons about how terrible Fel is. If you don't like it, that's fine. I comment frequently in Stratics about the things I don't like, so I can relate a little there. But your rhetoric is out of control.

Regarding Gen Chat - stop blaming all naughty comments in Gen Chat on Fel. That's complete BS and a misguided statement on your part. Bad language and other filth from Gen chat is related to Fel and PVP just as much as it is with "Trammel" and other general griefing and trolling in game. PVP Smacktalk is not the cause of all that is wrong with Gen Chat.


Always Present
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If you have nothing productive or if value to add I'd ask you to refrain from your pointless interjections.

You simply disagree with me, that doesn't make my suggestion non-productive or of no value.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You simply disagree with me, that doesn't make my suggestion non-productive or of no value.
Actually, it does. There is still pvp in this game, and it will always exist. Don't like it? That's fine. Doesn't mean you should try to ruin it for the people that do. Which you're doing every single time the subject of pvp pops up.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I feel the whole 'getting people from Tram to Fel' argument/discussion is pretty much a dead discussion. Most of the people who play production UO don't PvP.

If you want to increase the population on production shards in fel, you need to have a conversation with the people who play on the free shards (well, they call them free, but they are pretty much pay to win shards).

There was a comment made about free shards and their population. Those shards allow the use of unapproved program enhancements. I don't think anything short of allowing those on production shards will get anyone from there to here. Those people feel they cannot compete without the use of those extras.

I think a conversation with people who play free shards and what it would take to get them to play on production shards is a conversation that needs to take place. But, I also realize that since UO doesn't actively allow the use of those enhancements, I don't think there will be a migration of any kind.


Crazed Zealot
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You simply disagree with me, that doesn't make my suggestion non-productive or of no value.
When it's a majority the problem isn't my end.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tram players can purchase it from us if they want it. Just like we have to purchase loads of things if we don't want to play in tram.
And that is the ultimate difference. Fel residents have full access to Trammel and may only limit themselves by their own choice. Trammel residents who do not PvP are not free to safely hunt in Fel anytime they wish. So the whole argument of - Tram has this exclusive content, therefore Fel should have other exclusive content is dishonest. The only exclusivity is on Fel side, and it's only purpose is to create a monopoly for PvPers while luring unwilling victims there.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
And that is the ultimate difference. Fel residents have full access to Trammel and may only limit themselves by their own choice. Trammel residents who do not PvP are not free to safely hunt in Fel anytime they wish. So the whole argument of - Tram has this exclusive content, therefore Fel should have other exclusive content is dishonest. The only exclusivity is on Fel side, and it's only purpose is to create a monopoly for PvPers while luring unwilling victims there.
This is false, as both play styles limit themselves by their own choices.

Most days you can freely roam Fel without even running into a player who pvps.

This voids the luring argument you all clutch to so dearly.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Wow, so minorities don't matter? What an opinion.
Nice straw man argument. But let me clarify for your benefit;

When the majority find your interjections, not anyone else's, or opinions to hold no value, then you should take a look at what you are posting.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is false, as both play styles limit themselves by their own choices.

Most days you can freely roam Fel without even running into a player who pvps.

This voids the luring argument you all clutch to so dearly.
No, not if you "roam" in order to get things that are not available in Trammel. Good luck doing a champ spawn without getting slaughtered on any semi-populated shard.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Nice straw man argument. But let me clarify for your benefit;

When the majority find your interjections, not anyone else's, or opinions to hold no value, then you should take a look at what you are posting.
Actually, it does. There is still pvp in this game, and it will always exist. Don't like it? That's fine. Doesn't mean you should try to ruin it for the people that do. Which you're doing every single time the subject of pvp pops up.

Don't feed this troll that's just trying to DERP everything up. Merely responding to him is letting him win and ruin the discussion.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
No, not if you "roam" in order to get things that are not available in Trammel. Good luck doing a champ spawn without getting slaughtered on any semi-populated shard.
I chained 3 barracoons in despise the other day without seeing anyone. And this was in Great Lakes which is considered to have more active pvp and considerably populated.

I am pretty sure you are making "facts" up as you go along.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Don't feed this troll that's just trying to DERP everything up. Merely responding to him is letting him win and ruin the discussion.
Good call.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Good luck doing a champ spawn without getting slaughtered on any semi-populated shard.
This paralyzing fear of Fel spawns and the possibility of getting raided boggles my mind.

Fel isn't so dangerous that completing champ spawns (or other Fel content) are impossible tasks. I do atleast one or two every night on Atlantic, the most populated shard, with a group of about a half dozen of us. Do we get raided? Sometimes, sure. But more often then not we get through spawns peacefully and efficiently and can usually sniff it out if we start seeing random blues or others pop up before a raid is about to occur.

And if you do get raided once in a blue moon... so what? Have your stuff insured and you are fine. If you die to a red, yeah it sucks, but not the end of the world.

And that is the ultimate difference. Fel residents have full access to Trammel and may only limit themselves by their own choice. Trammel residents who do not PvP are not free to safely hunt in Fel anytime they wish. So the whole argument of - Tram has this exclusive content, therefore Fel should have other exclusive content is dishonest. The only exclusivity is on Fel side, and it's only purpose is to create a monopoly for PvPers while luring unwilling victims there.
Trammies can come to Fel whenever they please to hunt. PvP does not dominate all Fel activity. As noted above, spawns can be done even on Atlantic pretty regularly without issue. I'm sure even on the mildly populated other shards its fairly easy. The paranoia needs to end.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am pretty sure you are making "facts" up as you go along.
Right, I am pretty sure that playing on Pacific, in the summer (low pop time) on weekdays, last five times I tried to do a spawn I was raided. It's not once in awhile for me, it's every time. So I stopped because there is no point. What it means in practical terms that a portion of game's content is denied to me in order to accommodate the play style of people like you. And then you are surprised by the opposition.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
I've been hearing about the billions of people supposedly playing PK freeshards for the last FIFTEEN YEARS. Guess what? Nobody cares. Nobody ever cared. The UO devs never cared, devs making other games never cared, no one who the PKers wished would care about the population of their freeshard ever did. The end.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a lot of potential in improving Felucca, but I think that adding a new resource or champ or artifact has a very limited appeal before we're back here asking for another to revive the facet. A truly meaningful change would be something that compels a player to make an investment in the facet in some way, something that transcends PvP but incorporates non-consensual PvP as an essential component. Otherwise, aren't we all just trammies venturing into Felucca from time to time? To be honest I don't really have an idea off the top of my head that really expresses this idea, but at the very least, I would say that building more robust PvP systems (like VvV) with more meaningful incentives and competition would be a start.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Change the Fel ruleset to Trammel. Fel is fixed!
Change the Fel ruleset to Trammel. Fel is fixed!
I do enjoy reading things like this. What's even funnier..id say over half of the people who farm non stop in Tram, are farming to gear up their pvpers. Do you honestly believe that over 60-70% of people who play UO do it because they enjoy bashing on Monsters mindlessly, to gear up more PvM characters rinse and repeat? I would agree there is much fewer hardcore PvPers as there is hardcore exclusive PvMers..but I would also say emphatically, without the PvPers those exclusive PvMers sale market drops exponentially..I'm all for the equality of the game not once facet of the next. As we stand now our devs spend more time designing cool new bath tubs that less than 10% of the population enjoy instead of immersive content for ALL players to enjoy.

Some half baked quick idea.
Re-Populate Khaldun
Artifact fragments.
Increase the difficulty and make 1 of however many fragments drop.
You can specify to the Artifact Miner outside of the caves what Treasure you seek. And based off of its rarity he will give you a hunting quest to obtain the fragments.
Example: Ornament of the Magician
Collect 10 Artifact Fragments..bring them to the Miner and he assembles a 100/100 Durability shard bound Antique Ornament of The Magician. The item isn't wearable to it's been worked on a soul forge by an imbuer. The cost of the ticket to make it wearable could be like 100k. Now it's easier, less grindy, not permanent, community building, non transferable, gold sink..all in Fel. If you are too scared you can oh I don't know..find a group and hunt together. Hire an enemy group for protection. Ya know...work together. Or grind away mindlessly in Tram and let RNG take its course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
Right, I am pretty sure that playing on Pacific, in the summer (low pop time) on weekdays, last five times I tried to do a spawn I was raided. It's not once in awhile for me, it's every time. So I stopped because there is no point. What it means in practical terms that a portion of game's content is denied to me in order to accommodate the play style of people like you. And then you are surprised by the opposition.

Your posts are full of exaggerations and fallacies.

Please stop misleading people to fit an argument. Plus you are not denied content as clearly you were using it.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice straw man argument. But let me clarify for your benefit;

When the majority find your interjections, not anyone else's, or opinions to hold no value, then you should take a look at what you are posting.
"If you're a minority, shut up and go sit in the back of the bus until you're no longer a minority"


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't feed this troll that's just trying to DERP everything up. Merely responding to him is letting him win and ruin the discussion.
"Don't listen to anyone whose opinion differs from yours, they're unclean"

Tinky Feetz

Stratics Veteran
Some half baked quick idea.
Re-Populate Khaldun
Artifact fragments.
Increase the difficulty and make 1 of however many fragments drop.
You can specify to the Artifact Miner outside of the caves what Treasure you seek. And based off of its rarity he will give you a hunting quest to obtain the fragments.
Example: Ornament of the Magician
Collect 10 Artifact Fragments..bring them to the Miner and he assembles a 100/100 Durability shard bound Antique Ornament of The Magician. The item isn't wearable to it's been worked on a soul forge by an imbuer. The cost of the ticket to make it wearable could be like 100k. Now it's easier, less grindy, not permanent, community building, non transferable, gold sink..all in Fel. If you are too scared you can oh I don't know..find a group and hunt together. Hire an enemy group for protection. Ya know...work together. Or grind away mindlessly in Tram and let RNG take its course.

Mee liks dis idea.

Mees also wuns VvV in Trammel, so dat VvV guilds kin fight udder VvV guilds eburwheer. It still bees Consashul PvP, if yoo no wunz tu fights VvV in Trammel yoo noo joins VvV. Mees liks da VvV arties beddur tu.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Right, I am pretty sure that playing on Pacific, in the summer (low pop time) on weekdays, last five times I tried to do a spawn I was raided. It's not once in awhile for me, it's every time. So I stopped because there is no point. What it means in practical terms that a portion of game's content is denied to me in order to accommodate the play style of people like you. And then you are surprised by the opposition.
You were on a low pop shard at a low pop time on week days and got raided every time?

Respectfully, I call Shenanigans here. Unless you were soloing the same spawn over and over again (i.e. Despise) and taking hours and hours to do it, I find that too hard to believe.

Additionally, this game is large enough that you can find something else to do in game. No one is forcing you to do Fel content or abide by someone else's play style.

I do enjoy reading things like this. What's even funnier..id say over half of the people who farm non stop in Tram, are farming to gear up their pvpers. Do you honestly believe that over 60-70% of people who play UO do it because they enjoy bashing on Monsters mindlessly, to gear up more PvM characters rinse and repeat? I would agree there is much fewer hardcore PvPers as there is hardcore exclusive PvMers..but I would also say emphatically, without the PvPers those exclusive PvMers sale market drops exponentially..I'm all for the equality of the game not once facet of the next. As we stand now our devs spend more time designing cool new bath tubs that less than 10% of the population enjoy instead of immersive content for ALL players to enjoy.

Some half baked quick idea.
Re-Populate Khaldun
Artifact fragments.
Increase the difficulty and make 1 of however many fragments drop.
You can specify to the Artifact Miner outside of the caves what Treasure you seek. And based off of its rarity he will give you a hunting quest to obtain the fragments.
Example: Ornament of the Magician
Collect 10 Artifact Fragments..bring them to the Miner and he assembles a 100/100 Durability shard bound Antique Ornament of The Magician. The item isn't wearable to it's been worked on a soul forge by an imbuer. The cost of the ticket to make it wearable could be like 100k. Now it's easier, less grindy, not permanent, community building, non transferable, gold sink..all in Fel. If you are too scared you can oh I don't know..find a group and hunt together. Hire an enemy group for protection. Ya know...work together. Or grind away mindlessly in Tram and let RNG take its course.

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Don't feed this troll. He has no intention of having a productive discussion, only derailing the thread.
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Always Present
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Don't feed this troll. He has no intention of having a productive discussion, only derailing the thread.
All you do is personally attack me when you respond to me, I'm not sure how to have a productive discussion with that.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your posts are full of exaggerations and fallacies.

Please stop misleading people to fit an argument. Plus you are not denied content as clearly you were using it.
Your posts are full of empty accusations lacking actual arguments. Please stop trying to teach others how to post.


Crazed Zealot
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Your posts are full of empty accusations lacking actual arguments. Please stop trying to teach others how to post.
Clearly I am not the only one who saw through your posts as noted above.

When you can back an argument without posting fallacies then I will stop asking you to avoid doing so.


Slightly Crazed
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Additionally, this game is large enough that you can find something else to do in game. No one is forcing you to do Fel content or abide by someone else's play style.
Ah, but the game is forcing me. Powerscrolls are pretty much a necessity for a decent template these days. And if I cannot afford to pay the monopoly prices of our local PK guild, Fel is where I have to go. If it was not for PSs, I would not care at all.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
No, not if you "roam" in order to get things that are not available in Trammel. Good luck doing a champ spawn without getting slaughtered on any semi-populated shard.
It is extremely easy to do champs without getting raided. I would imagine it's even possible on Atlantic. I've done multiple Despise on LS without getting raided, during peak hours too. I'd say Despise takes me about 20-30 minutes start to finish if I'm doing it by myself. I've also done two-person Deceit in under 30 minutes.

If you don't want to get raided, minimize the possibility of it happening by finishing the spawn as quickly as possible. Yes, that means bringing a group - 4-5 people can finish a Despise in under 10 minutes.

Ah, but the game is forcing me. Powerscrolls are pretty much a necessity for a decent template these days. And if I cannot afford to pay the monopoly prices of our local PK guild, Fel is where I have to go. If it was not for PSs, I would not care at all.
Trust me, it's faster to buy the scrolls. If you don't want to spawn because of the fear of getting raided (which is BS, the days of ghost cams and every shard having the activity of Atlantic are long gone), there are other things you can do to make money: Shadowguard, the Shadowlords in Ararat, Exodus, etc. Even the cheapest Shadowguard drops (Shanty's boots, which I paid 55m for a few days ago) would easily net you a 120 Magery/Eval/Resist set, and you could buy some more scrolls with what's left over. Then there's the monster loot - the right pieces will get you a ****load of gold, likely far more than most EM items would give you.
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Crazed Zealot
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Ah, but the game is forcing me. Powerscrolls are pretty much a necessity for a decent template these days. And if I cannot afford to pay the monopoly prices of our local PK guild, Fel is where I have to go. If it was not for PSs, I would not care at all.
Another fallacy, there are alternatives to getting powerscrolls.

Otherwise you wouldn't have any maxed characters or you'd be lieing about being able to doing champ spawns.

Which is it?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another fallacy, there are alternatives to getting powerscrolls.

Otherwise you wouldn't have any maxed characters or you'd be lieing about being able to doing champ spawns.

Which is it?
It's a second time you are accusing me of lying without any evidence. Try to find some (evidence) for your next post. It might be refreshing.
Now to the reading comprehension part. I said that there is no alternative apart for paying monopoly prices to PK guilds. That is how I got ones that I do have.


The Enchanter
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Ah, but the game is forcing me. Powerscrolls are pretty much a necessity for a decent template these days. And if I cannot afford to pay the monopoly prices of our local PK guild, Fel is where I have to go. If it was not for PSs, I would not care at all.
That's a tough argument to make. Who's to say there won't be a red- PVP mage that might respond back and say that a Hawkwind's Robe is a necessity to have the extra SDI in order to be competitive, but the Shadowguard encounter is not offered in Fel and thus you are forcing said red-mage to do Tram content. We start to fall down a slippery slope here.

I can understand that if you want to have 5 or 6 skills maxxed to 120 that it can be a pricey endeavor, but that's part of the game. Your option is to do other in-game Tram content, sell your artifacts and drops, and use the proceeds to buy artifacts/powerscrolls from Fel content that you don't wish to participate in.

Also, UO was meant to be a game played with a community. My guild openly shares powerscrolls if they get one and someone else in our guild needs it. Usually it is done free or at a fraction of the market rate (i.e. the low price on Vendor Search). That way if you get a scroll or a mastery someone else needs and you don't, you can either sell it and use the gold to get powerscrolls you need, or push it forward by giving away to guildies knowing that the favor will likely be returned to you sometime soon after.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
It's a second time you are accusing me of lying without any evidence. Try to find some (evidence) for your next post. It might be refreshing.
Now to the reading comprehension part. I said that there is no alternative apart for paying monopoly prices to PK guilds. That is how I got ones that I do have.
You provided the information yourself.

First line you say you are forced to go to Fel.

Yet then you say the alternative is to buy them.

I'm not sure how you don't see a contradiction here.