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Want to populate Felucca? Increase skillgains by 25% while there.

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You misunderstand what fel players want..we don't want you coming in on your samphire for to OMFG PwN JOo...we would rather talent and since that doesn't exist we would rather a system that is fun and entertaining for us like your beating MoBs is fun and entertaining to you. I don't see the ill logic in the system.YOU DO! What we want is better ways to PVP not lure you monkeys for us to kill..
What's your ideas for fun and entertaining then? *grabs a banana*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You misunderstand what fel players want..we don't want you coming in on your samphire for to OMFG PwN JOo...we would rather talent and since that doesn't exist we would rather a system that is fun and entertaining for us like your beating MoBs is fun and entertaining to you. I don't see the ill logic in the system.YOU DO! What we want is better ways to PVP not lure you monkeys for us to kill..
If more people were interested in spending their valuable leisure time with those who would call them "monkeys," then no incenvites would be necessary, and nor would have Trammel been necessary to begin with.

But, alas, most people want to play a game rather than be called "monkeys."

Many Fel players have openly sopen of "incentives" to "get people into Fel" which transparently have been lures for non-PvPers. Indeed, some PvPers have also spoken openly about finding ways to harm people in Tram, hence multiple posts bragging of big thefts from Trammel guilds and the old website "Felucca's Revenge," which was about guild killing, and the latter activity also bragged about on UO Power Gamers.

I guess once you consider your fellow players "monkeys," all bets are off.

And most people have voted with their feet, or this discussion would be entirely unnecessarily.

-Galen's player


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Those who want to dump Trammel apparently think that will force all UO Players to become their targets for PKing, Thieving, and griefing.
I haven't seen a thief in Fel in a solid 7 years. The only time i've ever been pked in recent years is around the 2 main high pvp spots which happen to be yew gate and despise. Your 1998 version of fel is far different from what it actually is.

You misunderstand what fel players want..we don't want you coming in on your samphire for to OMFG PwN JOo...we would rather talent and since that doesn't exist we would rather a system that is fun and entertaining for us like your beating MoBs is fun and entertaining to you. I don't see the ill logic in the system.YOU DO! What we want is better ways to PVP not lure you monkeys for us to kill..
They don't get it and never will. Some people can't get past pre tram times and are too ignorant to consider other players playstyles other than their own. People on the F2P versions act like they have more sense than people here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
enough said!
Lame idea.

Why do you want to populate felucca in the first place? To have more players for PvP? If the answer is yes, your idea is an epic fail. Ask youself one question: Why do you want to lure someone to fel who might not be interested in PvP at all?

If you want to bring more PvPers, lure them with PvP-related ideas.

I don't PvP. But I probably would go there for the bonus. When I get attacked, I won't fight back. Because dying is not expensive and I wouldn't mind, if the net gain of the bonus is higher than the time lost to continue training. If that would be the case I would try it a few times and then go back to Tram, if it's no worth it.
Do you really enjoy to slaughter cannonfodder by the masses? Do you consider this the "challenge" you're looking for in PvP? I do not think so...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually there was some unique content there, though it's been a long while so I don't recall the specifics, and, as importantly as unique content (especially since your colleage cazador has just posted something that could be read as saying Fel players specifically do not want unique content), it was for a good long while the best way to get high-end magic weapons, of the pre-AoS variety.
Surely you mean the "Unique" content were the puzzle chests, & the various mobs you could only find there?
These things still exist, but they don't offer any rewards you can't get easier somewhere else.
as a matter of fact, it's actually harder to efficiently farm in Khaldun then in other pre-revamped dungeons even still.

1. Fel only
2. you can't res in khaldun, you need to go outside.
3. the revenant spawns to fight players that kill other players, since AoS it has been broken. (10 years)

Btw The Ancient Lich hasn't spawned since the Ricardo event ended. (3+ years ago)
Zealots of Khaldun have dropped the same loot as a Bone Knight, or Skeletal Mage since AoS. (10 years)

Pre AoS, it was a good place to farm for vanquishing weapons. Khaldun died when AoS came out.

The "best" place Pre-AoS, was in Ilshenar>Exodus Dungeon> Gargoyle Destroyers. for invulnerability plate armor & vanquishing weapons. (if I had any screenshots left I'd be-able to prove it)
obviously it's all word of mouth right now though :sad3:.

What caused Khaldun to "Fail" ?

My guess, would because it has nothing unique to offer over any other dungeons. I wouldn't say it failed because it is a fel-only dungeon.
Though, based on what you said at the end of your post suggests Khaldun failed because it was in Fel.

And it was just a great, great dungeon that largely was wasted, due to popular lack of interest in the Facet it was placed in.

-Galen's player
I don't speak for all fel players. but IMO it's the lack of Facet-Unique-Content that draws more attention away from fel for everyone, Tram & Fel players alike.


Stratics Veteran
On one hand we have a couple of Fel guys talking loudly about how they don't need Tram newbies in Fel to kill. On the other hand we have 12 years of stupid "Devs here is a plan to force Trammies to come to Fel" threads. Hmm.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still for the life of me will never understand why so many people who don't or never will/have pvp comment on pvp threads, excluding this one because well let's face it extra skill gain in fel, just wouldn't work for multiple reasons, one being it doesn't increase participation in Fel Style gameplay, it just mean people training skills at home or at the bank safely in guards, but other than that if you don't PVP don't comment. Your voice shouldn't affect what we want for PVP unless its game changing and will affect you, but never the less that's never the case. With that said troll away you know who you are...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still for the life of me will never understand why so many people who don't or never will/have pvp comment on pvp threads, excluding this one because well let's face it extra skill gain in fel, just wouldn't work for multiple reasons, one being it doesn't increase participation in Fel Style gameplay, it just mean people training skills at home or at the bank safely in guards, but other than that if you don't PVP don't comment. Your voice shouldn't affect what we want for PVP unless its game changing and will affect you, but never the less that's never the case. With that said troll away you know who you are...
  1. If the idea is to get people who don't PvP to PvP, then the answer is self explanatory. It's about the same logic as when PvPers who have quit come back and talk about how they would come back if there were a free to play PvP "classic" shard with the new secret Chinese client, and the rest of us say "go away, you don't play this game and by your own admission have not for years," and then you all say "we need to learn why they left so we can get them back!" With the important exception that the players you wish to exclude are still paying customers whereas the others are not.
  2. For some reason people like to make assumptions about who does and does not PvP on the basis of a poster disagreeing with them. This can often lead to incorrect assumptions and conclusions.
  3. Most of the proposals that relate to Fel also relate to Tram, which of course is where most players are. For example the introduction of a desirable item only in the Fel rules facets, or the introduction of content which Fel players claim to have no interest in but absolutely do not want taken away (new Abyss champs, perhaps, are a good example).
  4. Kind of the flip-side of #3, people who claim to be exclusively PvP/Fel-oriented sure come onto the boards and into the Tram rules facets an awful lot and talk about things they claim to have no interest in.
-Galen's player
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Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread should have died for one simple reason. This was Eric saying, here's what would get me (and perhaps others) to visit Felucca. Nobody seems to really like the idea, and everyone seems to agree that it will not give PvPers what they want. It annoys some Trammel players who view this as yet another attempt to force them to endure a playstyle they don't enjoy just so they can get special items or benefits. Some Felucca players don't like it because they love their facet and want to continue with their chosen playstyle but can't do so without a healthy active player base. So, some Felucca players would be happy if they just had some sort of development that added a reason to PvP, which I get, as killing each other over and over would be about as entertaining as it is for PvM players to kill the same monsters over and over. Personally, when I'm bored, I find something else to do in game. When my guild ran out of things to do, I invented my own events (which ran much better on the Trammel side). Why don't PvPers design their own events, put up a betting ring where players can wager one on one, or something? This is a sandbox game, why do the devs have to do something special for Felucca to maintain player interest in that shard? Yes I'm probably not getting your point, but I'm not seeing any great ideas from anyone that doesn't involve offering incentives to go Felucca (regardless of who you're trying to attract) that would intentionally or not, make Trammel players feel like they have to go there too. Or did I miss something again?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't it funny how we get idea after idea to 'populate fel' that all essentially include luring people to play there that don't want to play there? Comical really. 'Lets put a milkshake out! How about free candy? Lets put a coupon for a free happy meal!
That's because a great number of people who've survived from those days and continue to populate Fel are the people who fed on those who had no choice but to be there. They seek to be fed again, and care little for anything else.

If you want to 'populate fel' make it worthwhile that people want to go and participate in the action. Create real skill based ladders and fair fights and other activities specific to fel and people will go.
That's 'creating PvP incentives' - not 'repopulating Fel', which is bringing people back to Fel to live and work. Two different issues with two different solutions. (Presuming solutions exist for either.)

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good I got home from work in time to post.....


I have said it once in this thread and I will say it again. The MAJORITY of PvPers don't want a new character or a crafter in Fel just to PK. We want more established characters in Fel who WANT to PvP.

Heck now adays the only time I see a miner or LJ killed is when they are scripting. It really does no good for anyone to PK them anymore since ore and wood are so cheap, unlike when UO first started.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, I have said it before, and it is true, and the fact that I keep having to say it because of a small group of vocal people with a disproportionate influence on the boards is very saddening to me.

If Fel didn't fel there would've been no need for incentives because people would never have left. People left, hence incentives were needed, and they've all failed long-term. Hence people ask for more, hence this thread.

Fel is still around because of UO's past and because of the disproportionate influence on the boards of its dwindling population.

-Galen's player
Wrong. That's like saying there is no need to provide incentives to people in trammel since they already play in trammel. And yet people are still quiting with all the incentives they get...look at all the idocs. Talk about disproportionate. How do you expect something to be successfull with no upkeep?

The sad part is that you can't even see the flaw in your argument.

Like I said, if you could run a game off a handful incentives like powerscrolls and a crappy dungeon they wouldn't have made all the existing expansions for the trammies if it were such a successfull business model....

The fact it is still around with maybe 10% of the existing incentives to the game makes one wonder if trammel wasn't the failed business model.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only way to bring people into fel is to get them comfortable with PvP and get them interested in encountering some risk. You cannot lure people there with promises of sparkly goods or uber items, particularly when there is already an abundance of this in all other facets. It may work for some and for only a little bit, but unless they are comfortable with PvP and actually want the excitement of risk, I don't believe there is any real way to bring more people into fel.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wrong. That's like saying there is no need to provide incentives to people in trammel since they already play in trammel. And yet people are still quiting...look at all the idocs. Talk about disproportionate. How do you expect something to be successfull with no upkeep?

The sad part is that you can't even see the flaw in your argument.

Like I said, if you could run a game off a handful incentives like powerscrolls and a crappy dungeon they wouldn't have made all the existing expansions for the trammies if it were such a successfull business model....
No one is arguing for Trammel incentives. The people are already there. My argument is that as people won't stay in Fel for any appreciable length of time save for the few of you who prefer that sort of thing, why waste time providing incentives that most of you say you don't want (see this very thread) and aren't enough to get most of the people to come to Fel to stay.

Trammel content is content. People want to be there, the game gives them something fun and new to do.

Fel content is incentive. People are not there, let's give them a reason.

And again...Power scrolls and Khaldun were explicitly added as an incentive, the rest being added as an incentive is an easy and quite reasonable extrapolation. The result is the number of people it drags in are small and do not stay, and the content gets under-used by the people already there.

Oh, and there's more houses falling in Tram (I'll concede that for now though I am aware of no specific evidence for it) is that there's more people there. Also remember that we don't quite know how these houses line up to canceled accounts, as numerous bugs over the years have prevented houses from falling that should have fallen years ago.

You have no actual argument, not one that makes factual or analytical sense. You have insults, faith, and misrepresentations.

For many, that's enough, but not for me.

-Galen's player

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

get rid of pvp huh...
say goodbye to this game, would not stay a float.
love us or hate us, the true A-holes of this game finance your candy land.
Where did I say "get rid of PvP", secondly where did I ADVOCATE getting rid of PvP. You don't know me too well do you?

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only way to bring people into fel is to get them comfortable with PvP and get them interested in encountering some risk.
This makes the most sense out of all that has been posted - for me, personally. I've never had any luck with it & not a lot of fun. Several times, ive asked pvpers to teach me, and they just mop the floor with me, laugh, rude namecalling, rez-kill, etc.

Maybie if some pvp vets held like, learning sessions for those who want to learn - respectful, patient; more players would pvp.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one is arguing for Trammel incentives. The people are already there. My argument is that as people won't stay in Fel for any appreciable length of time save for the few of you who prefer that sort of thing, why waste time providing incentives that most of you say you don't want (see this very thread) and aren't enough to get most of the people to come to Fel to stay.

Trammel content is content. People want to be there, the game gives them something fun and new to do.

Fel content is incentive. People are not there, let's give them a reason.

And again...Power scrolls and Khaldun were explicitly added as an incentive, the rest being added as an incentive is an easy and quite reasonable extrapolation. The result is the number of people it drags in are small and do not stay, and the content gets under-used by the people already there.

Oh, and there's more houses falling in Tram (I'll concede that for now though I am aware of no specific evidence for it) is that there's more people there. Also remember that we don't quite know how these houses line up to canceled accounts, as numerous bugs over the years have prevented houses from falling that should have fallen years ago.

You have no actual argument, not one that makes factual or analytical sense. You have insults, faith, and misrepresentations.

For many, that's enough, but not for me.

-Galen's player

Yet again you miss the point entirely. The whole game is incentive based. Why do you think they put out more pixel crack? And they don't have to ask for it, they devs give pixel crack freely.

You base your entire argument off a few single incentives given to fel, yet these are over 15 years. How many did trammel get?

Khaldun is underused because there isn't anything there worth going for. Why do you think they updated all the trammel dungeons? Failed business model?

So lets look at this. You call fel a failed business model because it got a few incentives. Given the number trammel received, it must be a failed business model by your definition too.

As far as incentives we don't want, we wouldn't order a steak and expect to receive a hamburger.

You can't simply dismiss something because you don't agree and then call it false.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The title of this thread is :
Want to populate Felucca? Increase skillgains by 25% while there.

The only Players this could be intended to draw into fel are those with characters who are not fully trained and would be easy targets for the supersuited pkers in fel. This change would not have much interest for, nor draw in those with already developed PvP characters who could actually give the fel pkers a serious fight. The thread title makes it very clear this thread was started to try and get a way to draw in easy targets for the pkers of fel, not draw in PvPers who are good at PvP.

Read the thread title carefully and think about it. It doesn't take a legendary sage to figure this out. :p

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one is arguing for Trammel incentives. The people are already there. My argument is that as people won't stay in Fel for any appreciable length of time save for the few of you who prefer that sort of thing, why waste time providing incentives that most of you say you don't want (see this very thread) and aren't enough to get most of the people to come to Fel to stay.

Trammel content is content. People want to be there, the game gives them something fun and new to do.

Fel content is incentive. People are not there, let's give them a reason.

And again...Power scrolls and Khaldun were explicitly added as an incentive, the rest being added as an incentive is an easy and quite reasonable extrapolation. The result is the number of people it drags in are small and do not stay, and the content gets under-used by the people already there.

Oh, and there's more houses falling in Tram (I'll concede that for now though I am aware of no specific evidence for it) is that there's more people there. Also remember that we don't quite know how these houses line up to canceled accounts, as numerous bugs over the years have prevented houses from falling that should have fallen years ago.

You have no actual argument, not one that makes factual or analytical sense. You have insults, faith, and misrepresentations.

For many, that's enough, but not for me.

-Galen's player

I don't understand what you are talking about... All of Tram is incentive based and not content. Just go to an EM event and see how many people show up. They are there for that one special EM Item so they can sell it for millions or keep it them self. If an EM were to announce at the start of an event there would be no EM drop 75% of the people would leave.

Look at all of the new drops in SA it was to make an incentive for Tram players to go there.

What about High Seas look at all the new drops to get people to do Corgul and Scalis. And on a side note High Seas has been out for less than 2 years and there are already players screaming for an update to it, yet Fel hasn't been updated in years.

***** EDIT***** IBTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I don't understand what you are talking about... All of Tram is incentive based and not content. Just go to an EM event and see how many people show up. They are there for that one special EM Item so they can sell it for millions or keep it them self. If an EM were to announce at the start of an event there would be no EM drop 75% of the people would leave.

Look at all of the new drops in SA it was to make an incentive for Tram players to go there.

What about High Seas look at all the new drops to get people to do Corgul and Scalis. And on a side note High Seas has been out for less than 2 years and there are already players screaming for an update to it, yet Fel hasn't been updated in years.

***** EDIT***** IBTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not disagreeing that Fel and PvP need an update. I'm right with you 100%. However, I don't think continual "lures" are the answer. People who do NOT want to be involved in PvP are NOT going to want to be involved in PvP regardless of what "lures" of double this and 25% that are put into place. I mine in Fel because the locations I have selected are 100% SAFE and I get double resources to boot at all resource levels (which kind of really defeats the purpose, doesn't it?). PvP has NOTHING to do with that decision in my view.

UO NEEDS a robust, attractive, and reasonably (because "perfectly" is simply not possible) balanced PvP system to ATTRACT people to it FOR PvP. Trying to lure non-PvP players to Fel and into PvP/PK situations simply is no longer going to work (and hasn't for over a decade).

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm not disagreeing that Fel and PvP need an update. I'm right with you 100%. However, I don't think continual "lures" are the answer. People who do NOT want to be involved in PvP are NOT going to want to be involved in PvP regardless of what "lures" of double this and 25% that are put into place. I mine in Fel because the locations I have selected are 100% SAFE and I get double resources to boot at all resource levels (which kind of really defeats the purpose, doesn't it?). PvP has NOTHING to do with that decision in my view.

UO NEEDS a robust, attractive, and reasonably (because "perfectly" is simply not possible) balanced PvP system to ATTRACT people to it FOR PvP. Trying to lure non-PvP players to Fel and into PvP/PK situations simply is no longer going to work (and hasn't for over a decade).

I agree with you 100% that is why I have posted twice in this thread that I (and the majority of PvPers) don't want the devs to "lead the sheep to the wolves", but instead woud like a reason for non PvPers to say "Hey that looks fun!!! Maybe I will stick my toe in the water and see what it is about". I honestly beleive if a "trammie" would give PvP a honest attempt/shot for 3 months they would walk away saying "Hey PvP isn't too bad, I might try it a little more."

The million dollar question is how to make that happen.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The bigger question (from a non-PvP player who has played the game since pre-T2A) to me is an addendum to yours OF: "How to make that happen without having a certain segment of the playerbase screw it up for everyone else?"

(Note: I started to be a bit more specific than the term "certain segment of the playerbase", but thinking about it, it would not have been fair to single out one side or the other in regards to the question posed)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm not disagreeing that Fel and PvP need an update. I'm right with you 100%. However, I don't think continual "lures" are the answer. People who do NOT want to be involved in PvP are NOT going to want to be involved in PvP regardless of what "lures" of double this and 25% that are put into place. I mine in Fel because the locations I have selected are 100% SAFE and I get double resources to boot at all resource levels (which kind of really defeats the purpose, doesn't it?). PvP has NOTHING to do with that decision in my view.

UO NEEDS a robust, attractive, and reasonably (because "perfectly" is simply not possible) balanced PvP system to ATTRACT people to it FOR PvP. Trying to lure non-PvP players to Fel and into PvP/PK situations simply is no longer going to work (and hasn't for over a decade).

This. Though I use the term "incentive" to include content.

When I shut off all but one of my accounts they asked what they could do to reactivate them on the survey.

Answer: More fel content.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
The only thing sadder than a please come play Siege thread is a play Felucca thread. There are 20 some odd Fel shards. How many get played? Seriously?

Are you Fel players really looking across some kind of rainbow bridge and hoping to lure happy players over to the dark side? *laughs*

Are you kidding me? If you Fel folks really just wanted to fight you would do the transfer thing to test. You really would never lose an item... ever.

You will never get the majority of players to come to whatever piece of Fel you occupy. Those folks just want to play their game. That is OK. Hell, I am all about house deco and flowers where I play too.

No one is coming to Fel... I hope you warriors will last long. You only have each other though. You can move about and battle each other but you are a dying breed. There are only two shards left where all styles of players are in a non consensual PvP environment. Deal with that and wrap yer mind around yer need for 7 characters to play an account.

You could pave the streets with gold and make skills grow on trees... most of UO players are not coming.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing sadder than a please come play Siege thread is a play Felucca thread. There are 20 some odd Fel shards. How many get played? Seriously?

Are you Fel players really looking across some kind of rainbow bridge and hoping to lure happy players over to the dark side? *laughs*

Are you kidding me? If you Fel folks really just wanted to fight you would do the transfer thing to test. You really would never lose an item... ever.

You will never get the majority of players to come to whatever piece of Fel you occupy. Those folks just want to play their game. That is OK. Hell, I am all about house deco and flowers where I play too.

No one is coming to Fel... I hope you warriors will last long. You only have each other though. You can move about and battle each other but you are a dying breed. There are only two shards left where all styles of players are in a non consensual PvP environment. Deal with that and wrap yer mind around yer need for 7 characters to play an account.

You could pave the streets with gold and make skills grow on trees... most of UO players are not coming.
You think having one character is hard? I could delete all my characters but one and soulstone all their skills. How is this any different from siege? Because it took you a little longer to gain skills? No, a majority of my skills were finished a long time ago when it actually took time to GM something.

I don't even care if people come from tram to play in fel, give the rest us something worth staying for.

They've already done that for Siege and Trammel.
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Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
This is not a Siege thread, OK? This is a Fel thread. This is about getting folks to play a non consensual PvP instance with all the insurance and good stuff the game has to offer. No one will ever have to lose an item. Fel is as safe as Tram. The monsters just trash talk a little more. *chuckles*

There is not much more the devs can do to get yer sheep there...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is not a Siege thread, OK? This is a Fel thread. This is about getting folks to play a non consensual PvP instance with all the insurance and good stuff the game has to offer. No one will ever have to lose an item. Fel is as safe as Tram. The monsters just trash talk a little more. *chuckles*

There is not much more the devs can do to get yer sheep there...
Then why compare the two?

Pretty much the only thing is about making this game worth playing for those who like pvp/fel is adding content to it.

The things I remember most is the pvp, not the endless grind to get pixel crack.

Insurance sucks, but while we are comparing the two, I've played Siege and there is no pvp.

Makes not having it pretty pointless doesn't it?
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Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think they should open ish up to reds :p Let them run for their lives !!!!
Wouldnt be a bad Idea if not for the karma thingy. Be a good place for pvp cuz no housing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scanning over this thread I see no arguments I have not already addressed. The problem isn't lack of evidence with which to refute my opponents, it is their lack of willingness to acknowledge the evidence that is there. I grow weary of repeating myself endlessly.

Sadly no amount of evidence or reason can challenge such misplaced faith, and as these discussions usually do it ends with my fervent wish that those in positions of power see those arguments for what they are.

-Galen's player


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scanning over this thread I see no arguments I have not already addressed. The problem isn't lack of evidence with which to refute my opponents, it is their lack of willingness to acknowledge the evidence that is there. I grow weary of repeating myself endlessly.

Sadly no amount of evidence or reason can challenge such misplaced faith, and as these discussions usually do it ends with my fervent wish that those in positions of power see those arguments for what they are.

-Galen's player
These threads always end up the same way. People like you show up (actually you ALWAYS do, why you would even care IDK) and complain about those who are asking for anything in fel. Maybe its because you think it would take away from the extra piece of pixel crack you might have got instead.

You act as if you have some point to make and dismiss whatever someone else has to say, even though I shot holes through your "evidence".

Just lock the thread, you guys have no real argument. Just a bunch of board warriors.


Slightly Crazed
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As a final note for the evening, it is absurd to think you can sustain something based on changes made 10+ years ago.

Why do people think there are threads like this that keep popping up?

Good night.

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
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Then why compare the two?

Pretty much the only thing is about making this game worth playing for those who like pvp/fel is adding content to it.

The things I remember most is the pvp, not the endless grind to get pixel crack.

Insurance sucks, but while we are comparing the two, I've played Siege and there is no pvp.

Makes not having it pretty pointless doesn't it?

What are you talking about Seige has insurance.

Someone just posted the other day that if people on Seige like you they will let you buy your suit back for cheap.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
These threads always end up the same way. People like you show up (actually you ALWAYS do, why you would even care IDK) and complain about those who are asking for anything in fel. Maybe its because you think it would take away from the extra piece of pixel crack you might have got instead. Because what happens in Fel affects all of UO.

You act as if you have some point to make and dismiss whatever someone else has to say, even though I shot holes through your "evidence". NOT

Just lock the thread, you guys have no real argument. Just a bunch of board warriors. Guess he doesn't like Board PvP, no shinies.
And these threads are always the same Iwant my shinies. I want more sheep.

PvP for the sake of PVP is dead without thier shinies.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I can't see how this alone would do much to increase the Felucca population to a noticeable extent.
What EA needs to do is make it so each shard shares one population which frequents both Fel and Tram rule sets for life. It's the impossible unknown. Other than PvP, you have better fame and better T-Hunt loot. I think that's the extent, so far. Well, there's silver farming. After that I can't think of anything. Not sure I would go to Fel for skill gain, but I guess why not. Still, if people go to Fel for skill gain, that's people exploiting Fel for skill gain. Going to a corner of the world, leaving. That's not meaningful. Skill gain off monsters, or specific regions? Now we're getting somewhere. Now champ spawns give another incentive.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. But I think you'd need a lot more incentive to get people to come to Felucca such as double gold on all monsters and a better chance of useful items weapons and armor, a reworked and fun faction system, a new bounty system, SOTs and SOAs only function in Felucca, and the ability to place a 2nd house there.
Factions has to be THE impossible unknown. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to PvP, other than what I've seen some complain about, the whole PvP attitude and /globalchat. But there's also a distinct difference between organized PvP (Factions) and Blue vs. PK (Red). I knew a few players back home who felt that way. They were into doing champ spawns but they weren't into getting into any new PvP-only games after they quit UO. What they wanted most was just to play with friends, work for something and get it done without interference from other players.

I can understand that mind set, I can also understand someone who no longer needs power scrolls, or anything like that, and doesn't want to spend a few hours straight defending a Factions base, or fielding for a Harrower fight. When Fel came out it was Blue vs. Red, before guilds like Champs formed these heavily organized job-like groups, with 24/7 monitoring and specific niche roles. There's obviously no going back to Blue vs. Red like it was, but the question, in my opinion, is how do you give players the incentive to do that again? How do you get everyone playing your game on the same screen?

In before /shardmerger (I'm sure someone has said it by now, but worth a shot).


Stratics Veteran
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. But I think you'd need a lot more incentive to get people to come to Felucca such as double gold on all monsters and a better chance of useful items weapons and armor, a reworked and fun faction system, a new bounty system, SOTs and SOAs only function in Felucca, and the ability to place a 2nd house there.
What great ideas. I have some of my own in a similar vein.

1) Armor can only be worn in Felucca.

2) Any skill with a name beginning in a consonant only works in Felucca.

3) Account gets banned if you don't play in Felucca.

4) Developer comes to your door IRL and punches you if you don't play in Felucca.

Basically **** Felucca. I don't go there and don't care if anyone else does either. If you try to punish me to make me go there, I'll quit first.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What great ideas. I have some of my own in a similar vein.

1) Armor can only be worn in Felucca.

2) Any skill with a name beginning in a consonant only works in Felucca.

3) Account gets banned if you don't play in Felucca.

4) Developer comes to your door IRL and punches you if you don't play in Felucca.

Basically **** Felucca. I don't go there and don't care if anyone else does either. If you try to punish me to make me go there, I'll quit first.

Out of all the post, this was the bloody funniest one.. Thank you for the morning laugh. :)

Better than a cup of java.

Conall of Chaos

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Stratics Legend
Your find most of the old school PvP'ers played Darkfall online and are now waiting for the sequel to Darkfall online to release this year, it's these players that filled Fel before the AoS insurance debacle, but left soon after.

Just go and make a "Who played UO" thread on their forums if you don't believe me. :p
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