Only if the Bushido guy spent ten times as much on gear getting different elemental/slayer combinations to replace Consecrate Weapon, the mob doesn't buff, nobody else hits it first, he doesn't get a random miss streak, nobody else Honors the target first, and he has enough HCI (or mana leech to sustain Lightning Strike endlessly) plus HLD to maintain a 75% or greater connect rate, or else he'll never get far up the Perfection scale.
As I stated, the tradeoff is between certainty of good damage (Chivalry) versus the potential for great damage (Bushido).
And the highest damage templates use both skills and don't have to choose.
I also, outlined another scenario wherein a Samurai can lose his damage edge quickly: Stringing a few misses together.
I actually do know of sampires who collect 100% damage weapons just so they do not have to rely on consecrate weapon.
Doesn't need to be vast. Even if something is 60/60/60/50/60 Consecrate is a straight 20% damage multiplier. If a target has resists of 90/90/80/90/90 then Consecrate Weapon is a straight 100% increase in damage, subject to no cap or limitation whatsoever. Unless of course you went over to your giant Batman wall of a thousand weapons you bought specifically because you don't have Consecrate, and selected the perfect combination of elemental and slayer type for just this fight in particular.
Firstly, most sampires exist to fight one creature (Peerlesses) or one type of creature (Champ Spawns) at a time. The point isn't to wander the realm and run into things.
You also don't need elemental damages as much because Lightning Strike's Critical hits are direct damage, which bypasses resists, equivalent to an armor ignore. I was just fighting a Minion in the new event earlier tonight, and landed three critical hits in a row for a total of over 360 damage.
Granted, you could also miss a lot....But, again, as I've continued to state, it's about certainty versus potential. Chivalry gives you certainty, hence why I personally prefer it.
It's not about power, it's about how much space on a template something takes up.
Clearly it's about power, because if it weren't, then it wouldn't matter at all how much or how little room something takes up. 40 Spellweaving on a template is nearly pointless. 40 Chivalry, the argument goes, means something.
Chivalry hasn't been the driver of imbalance because it does too much damage, it's been the driver of imbalance because you only needed like 65 points of it. Thankfully the developers have had sense enough to fix that without actually nerfing the damage output at high skill.
And, again, if you thought Chivalry had no power then it wouldn't matter how much or how little points it took. The argument, clearly, can only be that Chivalry itself is the driver of the damage.
As someone who's played characters with Chivalry and with Bushido and with both, I disagree.
That's fine, since a low-damage tank is making an actual trade-off.
No one said anything about a "low damage tank." Tanks IRL do high damage and, for that matter, so did the Knights of the Middle ages, who were analogous to tanks in many but not all respects.
Furthermore there's a limit to how much he'll leech with his lower damage.
You greatly exaggerate how much less damage he will do.
Or, rather, how much damage he
can do. Because, again the trade-off is between certainty and potential.
For the reason suggested above. If Chivalry were really the damage driver, as opposed to Bushido? As the argument in essence requires (note how many times you above assert that without Bushido the damage input is lower? By definition that means you are arguing Chiv is the damage driver), even if it's not specifically admitted as such, then we would see more people experimenting with Chivalry and Necromancy in combination.
We aren't, we are seeing very little.
I can't think of a way to decouple Necro from Bushido without horribly breaking one of them,
You don't have to de-couple anything, just find ways to nerf the vamp form itself; several ideas have been proposed in this thread.
Now, I don't think the purpose of the changes is necessarily to nerf the sampire.
And they won't, so it's good that such is not likely their purpose.
They will, however, need to make sampires rethink themselves and work harder.
Overall a good thing.
-Galen's player