I agree... all UO visions can come as one.
I am the only one who is left with the UO "tone" ; obviously because you can all feel the emotion culminating, I won't be speaking in riddles.
Stat loss was never meant to be implemented... it is a very simpleton system that was put into place to offset the "seriousness" of UO and how it became political. I mean really... stat loss ; applied by whom ? God ? We have here an element of religion symbolised in a sandbox where all human minds are innocent until proven guilty ; it takes the power away from the individual. I saw it happen very clearly ; to make it OK to accept real money for UO is each time poisoning a bit the community, without judging here those that at least have the honesty to admit doing so. It's suppose to be a living world, not a game !
Let us speak then about death ; I'm sure everyone will understand this...
Even the best of trammies, they must be able to die or it means absolutely nothing to have accomplished structure, friendship and unconditional love ; and this ties in with the question that left everyone's blood silent and glacial since the day... oh but Avatar... you don't have to die either ! You can res. You did lose cool artifacts (yes server birth too) but... BUT you are still alive until you find the next lesson. But are you yourself ? Will you accept and play another role ? That might be because you consider that it was a fair death... where does your ego stop ?
What is roleplay ?
Being ?
Tell me aha Avatar, for without the medicine I wilth'n'die.
This whole thing is just a distraction... if any trammie is within a community of people that care, you'd be surprised HOW ORGANISED and GENUISFULLY EVIL would a murderer have to be to actually realise the feat of killing and looting them in todays pretty much lag free *AHEM* environement. Especially is the very logical idea of player towns and guards in there. When the deed it is done it will mean SOMETHING for HISTORY... and progeny, for what is a civilisation without remaining witness, common sense ? Who would even have a bit of creativity without caring about the darker side of human species ; why would people HATE so much those who had fun doing it. Those that didn't do it fairly are left with a sour taste in their mouths... so what. they might not do it this time because of the magnitudinal community, at least without playing a role that is and also DYING for GOOD. *key words are highlighted*
When my Brainbug died, he died for good, I killed over 3000 players who gave pvp a shot at me over a summer-fall, not miners, it was in dungeons. I repeat that I have not profited one dime off my bounty that I was at liberty of claiming grace to my friend Nick-of-Time who amongst a throng of at least 50 very angry players ; in a sea of pet caused lag *I know, it sounds crispy* managed... and I highly suspect him of having chugged red pots all the way in at JUST the right timing... EPIC ! To grab my head, yes, my decapitated head, which was worth a good stack of real hard cash. HE was so much of a friend that he handed it to me, this time in an abysmal sea of the most timewarping UO ever experienced, which even included forward in time jump backs. And well... I have never seen him since ; lots of people knew him.
I left UO without any remorse, as a companion, and I return as a companion. Now the situation is so enflamed, that we don't hear anymore about anything remotely close to what UO lore is supposed to be. I am immortal in that sense and also your best friend.
Please forgive my insistant tone but, WHEN DOES IT START ?
I have devised many fair ways of preventing and catalysing the need for macroing in UO without turning it into a game with evil in its center, evil is a parody to learn good ethics ; if you never live to the life of the avatar you'd mean nothing. You'd be empty. There'd be no music !
THAT IS CLASSIC !!!!! *refer to my post about bard music on the guitar* Do you realise this guy could have his own little guitar loop ?
Do you realise how heavy the conversation is so that noone even comes up with ideas like this ?
This is my last dream that I would like to see come true.
Thank you for the hope alone suffices me.
I feel alive.