I agree but also I think it needs to be looked at from a simple business perspective.I hope that I didn't come off like that...but I think that Cal has to understand that there are those of us that are extremely passionate about this subject. If he read the posts here, and wasn't just cherry picking (which he could have been) then I think his response was somewhat insulting. It more or less dismisses the concerns and desires that so many of us share...in short, it was a snub.
I really hope I am wrong, and I fully understand the gravity of this subject...but more importantly, I hope the devs do as well.
Cal was the only dev that has ever publicly mentioned the possibility of a Classic Shard...so I hope that he can take some criticism for his post. Feelings and memories run really deep on this subject of some of us, and I think an open and honest approach would be preferable to what we are getting so far.
This may not be popular (like anything I have to say ever is)...but we (the players) need to keep in mind that for the developers...this is a job. They are not fans, they are not players (at least probably not before they were devs), and it is not their passion. They do what they do because they are paid to do so, whereas...you, me, and every other active UO player actually PAY to do what we do. So when it comes to issues like this one, their perspective is probably going to be one of 'what will yield us the least work'. This is completely understandable for me. I know that whiny customers that want this and that can be great big pains in the arse!
So in the end, don't expect much empathy from the devs. I don't say that to offend them, or to slam them...but because I can empathize with them. I hate it when my company has a system in place that works, and someone finds something that they don't like...for no apparent reason...but they want it changed nonetheless, and it takes many labor hours to do it. What's funny, is in the end, they generally aren't any happier...because the truth is, they didn't really know what they wanted to begin with! rolleyes:
However...I don't think the Classic UO community falls into that category. We know what we want...because we had it once...and it was taken from us.
What would the cost be of putting together a classic shard and 'maintaining' it when maintenance would be minimal? Then get a good estimate of the expected number of new subscriptions because of a classic shard.
Simple Profit and Loss statement. If the bottom line is in the black do it. If its in the red don't.
Considering the residual income of new subscribers is highly likely to be more than the ongoing cost of server maintenance I believe a Classic shard is financially viable for them.