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Okay. The Bible SUCKS!

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Just a thought.

Mag said rudely: *sighs*
It's hard to make sense based on anything you post.

MMII said rudely: *yawn*

True, these are mild compared to the usual comments made by a lot of peeps here toward just about anyone.

My question is, Who raised you all to be so rude? I could understand you giving back what was dished, if someone was rude to you at first. I was raised not to be rude. And I'm not. Until people start being rude. Then I might reply in kind -- ur, unkind.

I've noticed more and more in the last 5-10 years "rudeness" seems to have gone beyond fad into an art form. I don't mind people disagreeing with me (or disagreeing in general) but the ****ing rudeness continually makes me wonder what rocks you all crawled out from -- and or what kind of parents you must have had. Apparently as rude as you.

Rude doesn't denote, create, or even prove "strength or wisdom." Rudeness is just rudeness.

Or is that a prerequisite here on Stratics? Does it *really* serve a valid purpose? I'm seriously asking. I personally think it stifles good conversation. It puts up walls. It creates grudges and other bad feelings. It then begins to pit people or groups of people against each other. On over into, the ruder one person or group can be, the more the rest of their group High 5s and giggles and feels ooooooh soooo cool.


Come on, can't we do better than this? Or do you *really* want to drag me down to your level and teach me to be a rude pancake on wheels to match yours? Doesn't sound at all attractive or inviting to me.


When a large majority find your posts silly and/or boring they might be onto something, no??

Thought about that?


List countries which:
were NEVER based upon nor enfluenced in ANY way by Christianity,

Wist, honey, ever since the age of Discoveries (from 15th century onwards) there are NO such countries or territories. Wherever Portuguese, Spanish - especially these - but also English and Dutch sailors set foot on land they were immediately followed by missionaries. Degree of success in cristianizing the natives was different from place to place, but the influence was/is everywhere.

BTW, i like the way how you broadened your initial statement from US to all christian-influenced countries... How about successful, oh so democratic and very christian Latin America? Paraguay? Bolivia?

Is orthodox christian enough for you?
December 9 he was born in Gori, Georgia.
1888 September he enters the elementary clerical school in Gori.
1894 June he graduates from the Gori school with highest marks.
September he enters first grade of the Tiflis Theological Seminary.
Who would this be, getting his orthodox christian education so dilligently?


As amusing as i find your post, i think it will only get you in trouble..

Not all the mods have the same sense of humour, trust me - i've "worked" with some of them/php-bin/shared/images/icons/biggrin.gif


So how about them Blazers??

I have some family in Junction City, OR - and they promised to take me to a game sometime.. Just need to save up for the flight..

Worth the time??


Eh, it's up in the air. After getting booted outa the playoffs first round this season (like so many before, although this series was a great ride), and their dismal off-court record, nobody knows for sure what the team will be like next year. The two top players are probably gonna get traded, and the owners talk of exchanging--erroniously, if you ask me--talent for "good people." Those being people who don't get busted for smoking pot and fined for refusing to talk to the media.

But man, when that team gets on a roll, they really roll. Absolutley worth the time. Great showmanship. Game 6 blew my ****ing mind, they were so good.


Well i've been a Phoenix fan since the 92/93 finals(they aired those at crap in the morning over here, and i've always liked the underdogs so..)

Portland has been up there too though, like their playstyle.
Now we are stuck with 1 game a week on TV, and that just started recently...

A few years ago there would be at least 3 or 4 games on TV a week, but stupid EU rules made it impossible to watch the German channel that aired them.

Feel my pain?!


Yeah man. It's rough with Portland, they've got one of the best win records in the NBA right now (#4 over the last 6 years), have made the playoffs a consecutive 20 years in a row (more than any other team), and this year they brought a 3-0 playoff series deficit to a tie (one of 3 teams in history), but they still can't seem to deliver the goods when it counts. Aggrivating as all hell.

I kinda like the Suns, they got one of the Stoudemire gang, so they can't be all bad. As far as watching it on TV goes, it's a ****ing pain in the ass. You need cable to see anything decent anymore. Half the homegames are ****ing blacked out anyways... ****ers.


Well we HAD cable, but they took off the German channel because Canal+ bougt the rights to show NBA games in Scandinavia.. And that was an additional $25 a month - for 2 games a week. Fat chance.


So you cannot list any totally non-religious, specially non-Christian countries/governments that have been as successful (humanitarian-wise and freedom-wise) as U.S.? I was genuinely asking. And, no, I didn't broaden my original post. I clarified what I meant. I was stating that from what I know of history, it seems the most successful and lasting governments were based on Christianity, namely U.S., and the ones that have failed or fallen have been those that are anti-religion, specially anti-any humanitarian religion like Christianity. Israel has done well, considering what their people have been through, but they are also a humanitarian-based religion, which is closely related to Christianity.

I also was pointing out that the U.S. owes much to Christianity in general; without it, the Christians who first arrived and colonised and then formed the laws, would not have been Christians, and this continent could have wound up communist or -- gee, can't really imagine what -- though as prominent as Christianity is the last couple thousand years, perhaps it was inevitable. Though if UK hadn't driven out the puritans... and if some other country, religion, or anti-religon taken over the American contenent and then all the others, awful thought! As much harm as Christianity has done throughout history (if you wish to go all the way back to the Crusades and also include what the catholic/Spanish did), it has done at least as much good.

Though you atheists are probably sure the world would be really great today if religion had NEVER been "invented."

Though, I say it was destined. Not necessarily predestined, but a viable option in the human race which could evolve stronger or weaker, depending upon choice.

Then again, some would say it was predestined... God willed it... at least to the point of being AWARE there were CHOICES; after which, free choice.




I thought you and Bethusda were kidding. But after checking out your link, there really are oreo cows? Is that what they call them or is that just a joke? So if they aren't a joke, were they bred that way, or was it just an accident? So, do they give chocolate/vanilla milk, too, to go with the Oreo cookies?


Make up your mind:
»I was stating that from what I know of history, it seems the most successful and lasting governmentS were based on Christianity, namely U.S.«

So is it just the US or governmentS you don't name? Told you already that Latin America is full of very christian governments like Paraguay and Bolivia. Very successful, democratic and freedom-loving.

But you see what you want to see, conveniently overlooking that good christian people killed other people in Salem, we don't have to invoke crusades or Spanish Inquisition here.

»also was pointing out that the U.S. owes much to Christianity in general; without it, the Christians who first arrived and colonised and then formed the laws, would not have been Christians, and this continent could have wound up communist or -- gee, can't really imagine what «

Again, who told you that not christian = communist? Try to see fuller picture. If New Testament had never been written and Paul had never decided to preach to the Gentiles most probably there would be some other religion. And since christianity is based in many aspects on MidEastern/Roman beliefs it would not be that much different. December 25th would still be a holiday just Sol Invictus and not Christmas. Women might even be better off as priestesses and worshippers of the Great Mother Cybele than in so humanitarian christian churches.

You also fail to see that foundation of the US was an unique experiment in history - a tabula rasa, so dear to Illuminist philosophers, where theories like of Englishman John Locke, that established the notion that the people needed a government in order to protect their inalienable rights, the authority of the government, according to Locke, was based on the "consent of the governed" (in other words, popular sovereignty).
Weren't the authors of the Constitution rather 18th century free-thinkers rather than devout religious people?

PS. There's no such thing as totally non-religious contry. Devotion to Chairman Mao or the Kim family has every trace of a state religion...

Mother Zub

I guess I'm bad at arguing for christianity.. I decided to "randomly argue for the other side" I'll try again.

What I'm trying to say is:


I'm saying it's stupid to think that the hundreds of thousands--or more--people killed by the tyranny of religion would still be killed. By who, the Polish? Give me a break.


1) who cares if they wouldnt have died others would have died in their place for other reasons. It wouldnt have made fewer people die in the long term, just those specific people would not have died for those specific reasons.

2) they likely wouldnt have been born because it would have been a different world.

if the whole thing would have turned out completely neutral to the origional reality..... then what is your point?

What is the point of even bringing the argument up?

It doesnt mean christianity is harmful (more harmful than any other group)

It doesnt mean christianity is evil: Acts of individuals and governments do not speak for Christianity because Christianity is based on the idea of the individual and independant soul and a Book that itself cannot commit acts.

It doesnt mean Christianity is wrong: its truth or falsehood is not tied to the actions of any human beings.

so..... what are you trying to say?


<font color=blue>So you cannot list any totally non-religious, specially non-Christian countries/governments that have been as successful (humanitarian-wise and freedom-wise) as U.S.?</font color=blue>

I'm more and more convinced that rather than seeing the opinions you post as somewhat naive and imprudent, one has to see them as a rare kind of refined troll /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif.

You talk in very ambiguous terms yet draw (or rather imply) very exact conclusions, without as much as attempting to examine the "evidence", other than the stated "USA is very successful Christian country" kind.

First, when you say "have been", where is your reference point with regards to successful and what is the yardstick? Right now? 50 years ago? 100 years ago?

By today’s standards, a term of successful religious country or government is a contradiction in itself. Would you declare a country/government religious based on the majority of people qualifying themselves as practicing theists?

Even if so, right now there are plenty of countries that are in the ambiguous humanitarian and freedom terms as successful or even more successful than USA (think EU), yet overwhelming majority of people do not practice any religion (at least 3/4, if I'm not mistaken).

Taking into account that decisive shift away from the ill-advised view of religion constituting some sort of embodiment the morality and humanity is largely attributable to the last century, that fact alone is very remarkable.

<font color=blue>I was stating that from what I know of history, it seems the most successful and lasting governments were based on Christianity, namely U.S., and the ones that have failed or fallen have been those that are anti-religion, specially anti-any humanitarian religion like Christianity.</font color=blue>

From what I know from history, a government of Byzantine, which could serve as an example of Christianity blending in with and assuming the role of hierarchy, ceased to exist something like 800 years ago...

If you remember the quotes I gave in your "sex poll", those alone are enough to show an assertion that Christianity was "humanitarian-based" religion to be false. What it used to be would today be as repulsive as the Hammurabi code of law would be. I do not accept an argument that the Old Testament is not Christianity; both because it is a foundation of the New one and because these narratives have been either directly made into a law or served as a basis for legislation.

Christianity has evolved and reinvented itself, perhaps more than once, emphasizing and de-emphasizing "things" according to what it deemed necessary to remain "in power". Any positive and progressive role that the religion may have had during the "times" notwithstanding, it inevitably became a "brake" on the progress (the anecdotic evidence of Gallileo and Jordano Bruno, is that enough?). It remained that way until wise people realized that the best way for freedom and religion to flourish, seems to be keeping the institutions of faith and state separate.

<font color=blue>Israel has done well, considering what their people have been through, but they are also a humanitarian-based religion, which is closely related to Christianity.</font color=blue>

What?!? /php-bin/shared/images/icons/laugh.gif (mainly to the done well part)

The rest is, sorry, but either laughable, like the "discovery" that without Christianity the Christians would not have been Christians... or *errm* a bit insane (being unable to find a better word), if it was meant to be taken seriously. Not a very good troll, in other words /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are no real christians anymore. Just pretenders.

Christianity has one thing they are really really good at... and that's evolving.


There are no real christians anymore. Just pretenders.

Christianity has one thing they are really really good at... and that's evolving.
That depends... what do you define as a "real christian"?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why someone that follows the teachings of jesus of course.

assuming he wasn't the traveling con man that I believe him to have been.


You are right, for the most part.

There are indeed many pretenders out there that say that they are Christians and then do very bad things that put a bad face on Christianity as a whole. A good example of this would be the Inquisition and the Crusades, which I will NEVER defend as being right. While these were horrible atrocities that should never have been carried out, it is important to note that these acts were not carried out according to God's will. They were in fact very contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

A popular saying of mine is, even if people do things in the name of God like kill, ****, murder etc., it is not necessarily God's will that they do these things.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh I dont mean just doing bad things... I mean not doing things that jesus said to do.

Dont pursue wealth
If someone asks you for something you have freely give it
follow the old testament as law

noone follows the actual teachings anymore (assuming that the bible was divinely inspired) so there are no real christians.

in fact... most people that call themselves christians today better hope there's not really a hell...


Oh, there are still quite a few that actually do.

We are not literally told to NOT persue wealth. To persue it by honest means is in no ways prohibited in the Bible.
What Jesus meant when he said that it is very hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven is that generally rich people value their riches and posessions above most everything else.
Remember the time the rich young man came to Jesus asking what he had to do to gain eternal life. Jesus told him about the commandments and went over them with him. The young rich man said he followed them all from his youth.
So, Jesus told him one more thing... sell all that he had and give to the poor, and then come follow him.
The young rich man went away very sad, because he had great wealth.
Jesus in short, asked him this: "Do you love your wealth and posessions more than me?"

The Bible DOES say though, that to whom much is given, much is required. So to be given much by God, like being blessed with riches and etc., He expects you to give back.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
now see here you go with "what he meant"
xstians are good at that.

something is "LAAAWWWW" until it is either proven wrong... or becomes inconvenient.
then it's either a metaphor... or not really what he meant. So you are one of the pseudo xstians.

dont feel bad... there's still tons of you.


now see here you go with "what he meant"
xstians are good at that.

something is "LAAAWWWW" until it is either proven wrong... or becomes inconvenient.
then it's either a metaphor... or not really what he meant. So you are one of the pseudo xstians.

dont feel bad... there's still tons of you.
Would it not stand to reason, that one inside the faith would know more about what He meant than one outside the faith? :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would it not stand to reason, that one inside the faith would know more about what He meant than one outside the faith? :)
absolutely not... it would follow that one inside the faith is biased by the faith. aka brainwashed.

I've read just as much of the bible as you have.


absolutely not... it would follow that one inside the faith is biased by the faith. aka brainwashed.

I've read just as much of the bible as you have.
Yup I am brainwashed :) My brain is washed from sinful lusts etc, made clean by the blood of Jesus :)

And of course I am biased by the faith... since the faith is the truth, and can be backed up...

For the sake of others here, I won't post all that I know about said backing up unless I need to. Let me know. :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope he/she is not refering to the bible...we all know that that is just a big fictionist book
cept the part about god hating homos

Tis easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle... than a picklekisser to see paradise. Judges 6:9


wow... Power necro bump lol And the term you're looking for Misk is "Sunday Christian".


cept the part about god hating homos

Tis easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle... than a picklekisser to see paradise. Judges 6:9
I don't get it. That quote is about material posessions.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
cept the part about god hating homos

Tis easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle... than a picklekisser to see paradise. Judges 6:9
I don't get it. That quote is about material posessions.

I'll say this slow and use small words that you can easily understand.

It... was.. a.. joke... because.. he's.... gay...



I'll say this slow and use small words that you can easily understand.

It... was.. a.. joke... because.. he's.... gay...
Then why use two different quotes that lend nothing to your humour? I'm not sure what is worse.... Your humour or your necro bumping.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well... we're all victims of our gene pool...

I think somebody peed in yours.


Tis easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle...
I think it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle because the camel isn't carrying too much baggage. The rich man, however, is likely to get stuck as he tries in vain to drag his Lexus and his investment broker behind him.

The Bible is full of wisdom, history, poetry, symbolism and morality plays. It was written by numerous individuals over many centuries, whose stories were ultimately chosen for inclusion into one book. The Bible's creation was, in fact, both a religious and a political act: http://www.livescience.com/history/080331-hs-nicea.html

I love the Bible. I also love the works of Joseph Campbell whose study of world myths and religions enabled him to embrace and appreciate the universality of mankind's ongoing spiritual quest.


At my age, I am rarely jealous of something I won't be around long enough to fully exploit and enjoy. :)


FINALLY, I had to pipe in and correct them about what they were saying. Women were never inferior, they were, however, CONSIDERED inferior by men. I explained that in American society, because it was based strongly on Judeo-Christian morality, women were held to their more “biblical” roles of mother and wife.


We talked quite a bit about this, and why it could be.
My question is why is there even a discussion about the Bible in a school, unless this is a private parochial school. The Bible is a Christian document, and this country is made up of more than Christians (such as Judeasm, Buddasm, Islam, for example And then other groups such as atheists, agnostics, wiccan, etc) and each has their own document they read from.

"Separation of church and state" is simply "Congress shall make no LAW respecting an establishment of religion", which has come to mean any government, local or federal, shall not actively promote any religion.

Religious discussions have no place in the classroom. If a child can not cite the "Pledge of Allegiance" without someone screaming that it is against their religion, then a discussion of morals and roles from the Bible has no place in the public school room, especially when there may be different religious groups represented in the classroom.

If you wish to discuss roles from the Bible, or to discuss that the Bible is a "sham document", I would suggest that you enroll in a Bible study class, especially since you state in your post "that you can teach almost anything you want from it" and "everyone gets something totally different from each and every part of the Bible".

Who are you to give your opinion to a public classroom about your interpretation of the Bible? Because if my child were in your classroom, and my child told me about this, I would be calling the superintendent and asking why you are preaching your opinion of the Bible in the classroom.

Salya Sin

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them.

1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual cleanliness Lev.15:19-24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

4. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How should they die?

9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in laws? (Lev.20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Ok... this is the greatest Stratics post EVER!!! I can't breath I'm laughing so hard!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS? I had an entire shred planned for the "you will burn in hell" poster above... but now? I don't care... thanks for renewing my humor and faith in the intelligence of stratics posters.

Ok... I have to say this... I can't resist... Thou shall not judge.. yes? Is that a burn in hell offense? I only ask because by stating one shall burn in hell... you are by your own words doing Gods judgement and therefore should share in that supposed fate. See ya there sweetie... I'll save ya a spot in the sand.


Oh look, yet another anti Christian thread started by some angry internet atheist.

atheists have murdered what....150 million or so people in the last HUNDRED years alone? Seriously, we know how you atheists would like to literally slaughter every Christian on earth just as you have tried to mass exterminate many people in the last century alone.

Seriously, why do angry internet atheists have a fetish for spamming various messageboards with their BS?

Why do you spam various youtube channels?
Why do you spam various video game message boards?
Why do you spam various movie message boards?
Why do you spam various music message boards?
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