Just a thought.
Mag said rudely: *sighs*
It's hard to make sense based on anything you post.
MMII said rudely: *yawn*
True, these are mild compared to the usual comments made by a lot of peeps here toward just about anyone.
My question is, Who raised you all to be so rude? I could understand you giving back what was dished, if someone was rude to you at first. I was raised not to be rude. And I'm not. Until people start being rude. Then I might reply in kind -- ur, unkind.
I've noticed more and more in the last 5-10 years "rudeness" seems to have gone beyond fad into an art form. I don't mind people disagreeing with me (or disagreeing in general) but the ****ing rudeness continually makes me wonder what rocks you all crawled out from -- and or what kind of parents you must have had. Apparently as rude as you.
Rude doesn't denote, create, or even prove "strength or wisdom." Rudeness is just rudeness.
Or is that a prerequisite here on Stratics? Does it *really* serve a valid purpose? I'm seriously asking. I personally think it stifles good conversation. It puts up walls. It creates grudges and other bad feelings. It then begins to pit people or groups of people against each other. On over into, the ruder one person or group can be, the more the rest of their group High 5s and giggles and feels ooooooh soooo cool.
Come on, can't we do better than this? Or do you *really* want to drag me down to your level and teach me to be a rude pancake on wheels to match yours? Doesn't sound at all attractive or inviting to me.
Just a thought.
Mag said rudely: *sighs*
It's hard to make sense based on anything you post.
MMII said rudely: *yawn*
True, these are mild compared to the usual comments made by a lot of peeps here toward just about anyone.
My question is, Who raised you all to be so rude? I could understand you giving back what was dished, if someone was rude to you at first. I was raised not to be rude. And I'm not. Until people start being rude. Then I might reply in kind -- ur, unkind.
I've noticed more and more in the last 5-10 years "rudeness" seems to have gone beyond fad into an art form. I don't mind people disagreeing with me (or disagreeing in general) but the ****ing rudeness continually makes me wonder what rocks you all crawled out from -- and or what kind of parents you must have had. Apparently as rude as you.
Rude doesn't denote, create, or even prove "strength or wisdom." Rudeness is just rudeness.
Or is that a prerequisite here on Stratics? Does it *really* serve a valid purpose? I'm seriously asking. I personally think it stifles good conversation. It puts up walls. It creates grudges and other bad feelings. It then begins to pit people or groups of people against each other. On over into, the ruder one person or group can be, the more the rest of their group High 5s and giggles and feels ooooooh soooo cool.
Come on, can't we do better than this? Or do you *really* want to drag me down to your level and teach me to be a rude pancake on wheels to match yours? Doesn't sound at all attractive or inviting to me.