You're a woman. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
And kiddo, you really, really, really need to chill.
And you're a man and you HATE being wrong, hence...
Have you ever heard the phrase: Me thinks thou doth protest to much?
And Me thinks you doth EXAGGERATE to[sic] much to the point of (see following) could that be a trait toward lying? Where does exaggeration end and slander/libel commence?
You're absolutely right. None of us (that I know of) have met you. And to be honest, with the way you spew at people and call them names, I don't think many people would want to.
Lol. ME spew? I learned it from the people here! Including you. You don't think you spew? Well, from your posts you strike me as hating to be wrong, you get into very grumpy moods, you are more sensitive (feelings hurt or ired) more than some of the other males here (some worse, some better)... takes one to know one, as they say. So I guess you're noticing your own posting traits in those you see or think you see in mine. Another "double-standard" for which males are notorious for, sad to say.
And you're not PROVING anyone wrong.
Someone makes a statement, and you make one to the contrary. That's not proof, it's conjecture. I have seen no proof that you don't live in a house with 150 telepathic cats, and I bet you can't show me any, even if I really cared.
Who said I did live in a houseful of telepathic cats? I don't know who picked that up, even Cynewulf has tossed that at me erroneously (but, hey, since 1992 he's tossed many erroneous, self-induced or self-misconstrued things about me, the likes of which he's said I've tossed at him, too, about him. Point is, I no one one here personally except him. And he/I don't even know each other much at all. And I can't imagine he would be the one stirring up all this . However, since I don't know him much, who knows what he really does? That's my point on that, and the fact I hope it's NOT Cynewulf who sits back there in the private admin rooms with the rest of you or in PM, using me as some scapegoat -- urm scapekitty. That he has come to my aid more than once in life makes me wonder why he wouldn't do so here, too.) Meanwhile passing that by.
Back to telepahtic cats. I don't know that cats can telepath any more than I can. I do know animals "pick up" and so can I and so can other humans who haven't tuned out those natural instincts/abilities. And I do believe there is more than meets the eye in life and death. But for the hard-core skeptics like you, Cynewulf, etc., even if I have given examples of experiences I've had (which I have given) you still come back with trite, over-blown, cynical, and exaggerative (bordering on libel?) gobblegook that I never said nor ever claimed. At first it irked me, then baffled me, and now just amuses me how you all can THINK you do and can FABRICATE or TWIST all this crap into sounding like I said it and or that you somehow know me personally and hence can judge my character.
And who is "spewing" now? What you just posted is a "spew," imo, anyway.
Ask yourself this: If you had never posted on this board, who would have an opinion of you?
Guess what. There are hundreds of people who have never even READ this board let alone posted, yet most people here gossip and libel and fabricate and exaggerate and poke fun, etc, about them. So?
(More proving you wrong, and you can't take it, right? lol)
NOBODY! Any opinion we have is based on YOUR posts. That's it.
1. MANY people STILL dont READ my posts, beginning to end, word for word, and AS each word STATES. Instead, for reasons of their own, they either CANNOT read, CANNOT read my posts end to end, CANNOT read my words for what they really mean, CANNOT read without taking slight and or internalizing and seeing only what they WANT/NEED to see, or CANNOT read things they don't like and not get angry and hold some sort of eternal grudge.
2. I never said I'm the world's greatest poster. Words can only do so much without the rest of the body and time and personalities which are willing to step out of selves and see the other person for what they really are.
3. I've said all the above before many times, and yet I'm having to say them AGAIN, and to you... case in point... you people can't read and comprehend my posts as they were TYPED/DELIVERED/FELT... some big thick wall is between. Kick it down or give up and don't read me at all.
And frankly, too many people here seem to hold this opinion for the blame to be laid at anyones feet but your own.
Too many? What about all those 'too many' in PM and elsewhere who don't hold the same opinion of the 'too many' here? Ah, and just how many of the 'too many' are "males" here, too? You HAVE to take that into consideration, since all my life it has been the same. MALES (many) can't take it when a FEMALE points out their flaws and takes them to task. Some men spend the rest of their lives trying to beat that female (verbally, whatever) back down into submission so she can no longer make them feel uncomfortable, she can no longer make them feel inferiour, can no longer make them look at the things they do which down deep they know are wrong but refuse to stop doing them, ... drives the men bonkers... been there, done that, I know who's wrong and who's right in these areas, and the wrong one isn't me. But, I also know it will continue... and the fact it happens not just to me, but any female who takes men to task, or who simply refuses to be like men or like they believe a female must be, etc., etc.
Also, for the people who get all riled up over my "opinions and stances" about things, means I've done my job. I've exposed their "issues." I've drug them from their boxes. Now hopefully they will take a long, closer look at the issues and see what needs done. Just as I take long, closer looks at mine when people drag them from me.
And you need to stop being so touchy. I thought you enjoyed debating? What good is it if everyone is exactly like you? There'd be no debate. You'd learn nothing new. I'm not like you (in many ways). Make use of it. Stop trying to smash it down so that I will be more like you. And stop with the "majority" crap here. I already explained there are all kinds of majorities and or those in power. I gave examples (Saddam for one). So-called majority does not mean right nor good.
Again, when concerning "me" none of you will win. It doesn't matter if each and one of you feel you dislike or disrespect or even hate "me" does not mean "I" am deserving of any of that, does not mean you even know me at all, does mean mean I will believe your misconceptions of me (in fact, it just makes me all the stronger); meanwhile it does mean, I will continue as I always do, and that is, if something doesn't feel right in my being, I will question it and change it if so. If it feels right, no one will deter me. When concerning "me" I'm by far older and much wiser than all of you put together. When concerning many things about life, I'm much older and even wiser than many of you here. In some subjects, I'm just a newborn, learning.
I posted all this, for a reason. And that being, once again, you'll have to accept me as is, and direct your replies to my posts and not at "me personally" or simply stop reading my posts. We will never get any further in this tirade of trying to convince me that something is wrong with me while everything is so right with the rest of you. Never. Sorry. But what is, is.