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The New Legends PvP Thread


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So where are these so called screenshots? And btw omni IM hurt, unless you were talking the time after I retired..........


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That shows an archer outside teh guard zone where a healer spawns....that shows me nothing but you res killing someone over and over....that shows me your a no name hack who thinks hes good....in my years of UO pvp I have never heard of you...ever...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That shows an archer outside teh guard zone where a healer spawns....that shows me nothing but you res killing someone over and over....that shows me your a no name hack who thinks hes good....in my years of UO pvp I have never heard of you...ever...
Umm i hope your not that stupid irl..lol the guy admitted i beat him the following post..lol You can read better than that can't you?

As far as you hearing of me... don't really matter.. I don't usuly spam that I am great like other noobs like Cal does. I simply state facts!

By the way: I would bet 10 million more people know my name than yours :p.


That is incorrect. He is well known here. The forums have always been the only place he could pvp with skill as all his toons were a huge joke following the good pvpers hoping for breadcrumbs.

That shows an archer outside teh guard zone where a healer spawns....that shows me nothing but you res killing someone over and over....that shows me your a no name hack who thinks hes good....in my years of UO pvp I have never heard of you...ever...
Umm i hope your not that stupid irl..lol the guy admitted i beat him the following post..lol You can read better than that can't you?

As far as you hearing of me... don't really matter.. I don't usuly spam that I am great like other noobs like Cal does. I simply state facts!

By the way: I would bet 10 million more people know my name than yours :p.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I recall my first impression of ^X^ every time I fight them. That first impression came from Elvis and I killing 8 ^X^ and then 7 more in skara brae 2v8 then 2v7 and we smashed them so hard they accused me of "damage hacking" their clients despite the fact I spent the entire 2v7 just healing Elvis as he mowed them down.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
That is incorrect. He is well known here. The forums have always been the only place he could pvp with skill as all his toons were a huge joke following the good pvpers hoping for breadcrumbs.
Ahh Legion...another fan. Stealth archers have no say in day to day pvp...I never followed anyone. But you can hate, its okay.

On a side note...ten million? Please. Ten million is chump change...but its okay. You can pretend your good and let your ego inflate itself.

I dont even play this game anymore...lol I just come to laugh at what Legends has become...

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was legion one of those stealth archers that used to watch people fight in yew, then try and pop out for a kill shot, fail miserably...then die?


Was legion one of those stealth archers that used to watch people fight in yew, then try and pop out for a kill shot, fail miserably...then die?
I try to die first nowadays. Expedites things ya know?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
RL i think there was a few of em that would all try at once and fail. The funny thing was when me and a few others made em just to follow dyno and sampson to there dueling spots to get the last shot and ress kill em over and over. Then when they thought it was just one of us we all would pop out and just kill em. Ahh the greifing days.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it doesn't matter what ****in template you run.... if you're effective at what you do... job well done
everyone quit your pancakes


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soo fighting LD today I was going to put my 1v6 ans them running up but i copyed somthing else instead..will have to get another one. But here is one of Jagt Vallyforge running from me while i have a rev on me and i am on foot with him at full health..LOL OMG SOO FUNNY!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok so later on I am fighting some 9 *LD* I mange somehow to get 3 of them off when some BNA back up got there soo here is that 3 LD vs me and a Bud! WE WIN :)




You really should consider joining faction if your so good. One thing is true faction reds make easy targets for blues. I have wiped out da entire LD guild back when Jestarh was a blue non faction'r standing in guard zone killing one at a time fun times.

If you ever join faction you will notice that you can't do things how ya are now. Running out into a screen full of enemy faction people alone is something you won't do but running out into a mess of reds on a blue is do able to get people to flag and hit the guard zone lol :eyes::eyes::eyes:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You really should consider joining faction if your so good. One thing is true faction reds make easy targets for blues. I have wiped out da entire LD guild back when Jestarh was a blue non faction'r standing in guard zone killing one at a time fun times.

If you ever join faction you will notice that you can't do things how ya are now. Running out into a screen full of enemy faction people alone is something you won't do but running out into a mess of reds on a blue is do able to get people to flag and hit the guard zone lol :eyes::eyes::eyes:
Well to be honest that's only matters is if am using guard zone..which I AM NOT! I was flagged to each of them... just too easy for me :p. I used to be factions.. its not a new thing to me..there is no difference :p.


Oh god. I go away for 6 days and now Aeykio is ripping this kid to pieces?

Please someone just hand this unknown kid a gun and let him erase himself from his alternate reality in which hes a good player. Obviously everyone here realizes 3 points, and all 3 points come together to prove one thing; that this kid is seriously mentally insane and needs help from an insane asylum.

Point 1] He's lost every fight he's ever had with Calamity. He refuses to 'field fight' [what the **** does that even mean to the community?] for 200m, when he only needs to put up 1/2 of that [100m] which is double the amount Cal allegedly 'owes' him. ROFL?

Point 2] He's some really bad yewbie who plays a blue archer with ninjitsu, and never has less than 100 apples. Nobody reputable posted here until he started talking about people like Calamity who has been dominating players 100x better than 'mwocheiowm' for more than decade.

Point 3] He's some borderline socially inept loser whom posts on... DUN DUN DUN stratics to attain a reputable name for himself in the PvP world of UO. Whereas UO has less than 1000 active pvpers whom are decent nowdays, this kid is still trying to make a name for himself after 11 years on the market. Whereas people like Calamity and his group have been placing people in their seats since the BETA.

So yeah uh... 'Green lantern' [Isn't that from the super friends?] I think you need some help clearing up fantasy and reality. Because in your fantasy you are totally top 1000 players on Legends. In reality you are some sub-par unknown terribad player who has probably made a living off assembling Pez-Dispensers.

Make sure you dress up like me for Halloween.

Nerd. :X


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh god. I go away for 6 days and now Aeykio is ripping this kid to pieces?

Please someone just hand this unknown kid a gun and let him erase himself from his alternate reality in which hes a good player. Obviously everyone here realizes 3 points, and all 3 points come together to prove one thing; that this kid is seriously mentally insane and needs help from an insane asylum.

Point 1] He's lost every fight he's ever had with Calamity. He refuses to 'field fight' [what the **** does that even mean to the community?] for 200m, when he only needs to put up 1/2 of that [100m] which is double the amount Cal allegedly 'owes' him. ROFL?

Point 2] He's some really bad yewbie who plays a blue archer with ninjitsu, and never has less than 100 apples. Nobody reputable posted here until he started talking about people like Calamity who has been dominating players 100x better than 'mwocheiowm' for more than decade.

Point 3] He's some borderline socially inept loser whom posts on... DUN DUN DUN stratics to attain a reputable name for himself in the PvP world of UO. Whereas UO has less than 1000 active pvpers whom are decent nowdays, this kid is still trying to make a name for himself after 11 years on the market. Whereas people like Calamity and his group have been placing people in their seats since the BETA.

So yeah uh... 'Green lantern' [Isn't that from the super friends?] I think you need some help clearing up fantasy and reality. Because in your fantasy you are totally top 1000 players on Legends. In reality you are some sub-par unknown terribad player who has probably made a living off assembling Pez-Dispensers.

Make sure you dress up like me for Halloween.

Nerd. :X
Ohh NEAT we have another message board warrior..HAHA. I love those! Lets clear up a few things here shall we?

#1 You Suck ..lol. That means you cannot talk because you are a no name.

#2 I have been kicking Calamity around UO since BETA! The most important thing about this is he still has never beat me 1v1!

#3 I have beaten every major player in UO from Calamity to Hacker Prodigy!

#4 Last but NOT LEAST. . . This really isn't hard . . . COME HERE AND FIGHT ME! LOL How hard is it why are you so scared? Kill me 1v1 and Post the screen shot and I will forever quit posting on any stratics boards. Please put me in my place I beg of you.

Again none will rise to the challange. You must ask yourself: Why will no one kill this noob and just post a screen shot? Well there can only be 2 possible answers:

[A] Either I don't pvp and won't fight anyone or....
No one can do it :p

You do the math trammie :p.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tailean fails to realize no one is going to waste around 30mil in x-fers (to and from Legends) to duel a 30 second kill.

Make it a brokered fight for some gold, preferably 100mil+, and you'll have three people here instantly. So I'd hope you at least have 300mil to lose.

Stop using "come here and duel, I know you wont because you're scared". Every brokered fight that's been offered you've turned down, said my above little quote, and played the part of an incoherent blabbermouth.

I bet your next post will be, "Pay cals 50mil first and I'll duel", or "come and fight me, you're all scared, hahaha"

We have nothing to do with Cals supposed debt. So stop using it as a crutch.

OK, Lets hear the next dodge.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soo fighting LD today I was going to put my 1v6 ans them running up but i copyed somthing else instead..will have to get another one. But here is one of Jagt Vallyforge running from me while i have a rev on me and i am on foot with him at full health..LOL OMG SOO FUNNY!
What I see in that post is a full health Valleyforge, probably running to another target that has been called in vent....I know Valleyforge and He wouldnt run from you...Its a nice screen shot though, good detail and excellent quality...when are you going to quit thinking you are good and just go slit your wrists

Just saying...nerd


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets be honest. there are 3 guilds with talent on legends. all of them are friendly with one another. L*D occasionally shows some fight in them with the zerg but even they struggle when they out number any of the good guilds. AAFY(the guild whose name circumvents the profanity filter) are a bunch of has beens reliant on trapping one person with all three of them(aka they rely on someone making a mistake to have any chance).

Big question: paith since when do you and your guildies suck 1v1 necro mage? Seriously, how is it that while in a junk suit its easy to out cast you?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tailean fails to realize no one is going to waste around 30mil in x-fers (to and from Legends) to duel a 30 second kill.

Make it a brokered fight for some gold, preferably 100mil+, and you'll have three people here instantly. So I'd hope you at least have 300mil to lose.

Stop using "come here and duel, I know you wont because you're scared". Every brokered fight that's been offered you've turned down, said my above little quote, and played the part of an incoherent blabbermouth.

I bet your next post will be, "Pay cals 50mil first and I'll duel", or "come and fight me, you're all scared, hahaha"

We have nothing to do with Cals supposed debt. So stop using it as a crutch.

OK, Lets hear the next dodge.
What Tail does realize is that all these big shots have turned down my challenge for days! They know where I am. They know what shard I am on. If you can beat me I say come do it. Cry and wine about fight for money BLAH BLAH BLAH. Stop the dodging I am not hard to find kiddies :p. Now go ahead and post your I am doding when people can clearly see I explained where I am. If you can beat me come do it. If NOT then that just proves all along what I have been saying.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I see in that post is a full health Valleyforge, probably running to another target that has been called in vent....I know Valleyforge and He wouldnt run from you...Its a nice screen shot though, good detail and excellent quality...when are you going to quit thinking you are good and just go slit your wrists

Just saying...nerd
Yes I know, and If I showed you a pic of your mommy with another man you would just say ohh thats just her friend. They are just talking in the room with the door closed...lol. Yes you keep questing my screen shots when others are saying they look legit.. so from now on I will consider your posts as coming from a true moron.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes I know, and If I showed you a pic of your mommy with another man you would just say ohh thats just her friend. They are just talking in the room with the door closed...lol. Yes you keep questing my screen shots when others are saying they look legit.. so from now on I will consider your posts as coming from a true moron.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gosh, people farm the new items for a week and this guy decides that because nobody is playing much that he's great. Mwochsuckei You're horrible. 2 archers vs a poorly equipped necro mage and you both spent the whole fight running away off screen from big mean finglonger.


shut it, u no good.
Your like tmc or minax thats what I compare you to some one from tram who only gets a kill when you have a complete advantage.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gosh, people farm the new items for a week and this guy decides that because nobody is playing much that he's great. Mwochsuckei You're horrible. 2 archers vs a poorly equipped necro mage and you both spent the whole fight running away off screen from big mean finglonger.
I have been killing your kind for much longer than a week newbers :p. Now come say that to me in game without you standing inside a house..lol


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
3 guilds that don't house hide. cow, fear, scam. 3 guilds worthy of respect on legends. cow,fear, scam. 3 guilds that win most fights regardless of odds or circumstances. cow,fear, scam.

at no point have any terribads like mwoch or bna or any other trash met this standard. You all suck, you're bad at UO irl and in game. Tailean. I can guarantee you'd run from me 1v1. And the worst part is, I'd guarantee it while I'm on my crummy necro mage and you're on you're fotm survivor template. You've already proven you can't stand toe to toe with me in a 1v1. I have no problem proving it again as an on foot fight.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
3 guilds that don't house hide. cow, fear, scam. 3 guilds worthy of respect on legends. cow,fear, scam. 3 guilds that win most fights regardless of odds or circumstances. cow,fear, scam.

at no point have any terribads like mwoch or bna or any other trash met this standard. You all suck, you're bad at UO irl and in game. Tailean. I can guarantee you'd run from me 1v1. And the worst part is, I'd guarantee it while I'm on my crummy necro mage and you're on you're fotm survivor template. You've already proven you can't stand toe to toe with me in a 1v1. I have no problem proving it again as an on foot fight.
Please, Please, Please show me newb. I am ready can you meet me right now?
As far as SCAM Fear and COW...all I have to say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anyways, the only thing you say that is true Fear doesn't house hide. I have not seen them do it. You are correct there. All the others DO house hide... How many times Have I chased Shawn into his hose...lol. Soo yeah lets meet and then we can post screen shots.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i was fighting your beetle vyal, you ran, remember? u were dismounted and ran for the hills, beetle got me with a good timed poison as i was waiting for my bandage heal to go off, no excuses, I died, and yes you got 17k points b/c u and ur friends suck and I get all your points 95% of the time. This is the first time you have killed me in what? 3 months? Congrats, glad it got ur rocks off :) Im man enough to admit when I died, unlike you. But its whatever honey boney, ur punkte belongs to me, and you know it :)


So basically this kid dodges me for gold.

Case closed.

/end thread.

Calamity out. duece duece RLs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So basically this kid dodges me for gold.

Case closed.

/end thread.

Calamity out. duece duece RLs.
Yes you backed out. I got to wonder tho is your pvp still as lame as your shot calling Cal? lol


I assure you I could go up against 9 :p
You cannot even go against ONE. The bones are Dangel. And you see you and your pal smoked 2v1! Stop logging on my shard and do not post on stratics any longer.

Oh and you left your pals FOUR v 1 you tele'd down. Need I remind you?

Let's be REAL here, you're NO pvper. get off our game noob.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You cannot even go against ONE. The bones are Dangel. And you see you and your pal smoked 2v1! Stop logging on my shard and do not post on stratics any longer.

Oh and you left your pals FOUR v 1 you tele'd down. Need I remind you?

Let's be REAL here, you're NO pvper. get off our game noob.
HAHA Yes I see your 3v1 pic. Thats not 1v1 noobers keep trying but as you know when I fought you..you ran for 3 hours from ME HAHAH 1v2. You had to re stock 3 times! And on top of all that, it was a 3v1 field trap..NOT 1v1..HAHA. Boy did you suck that was you? HAHAHAHAAH. You should quit talking trash anytime noob.


Ummmm why are you lying to these people?

It's just a game Mchwowosucki. You fought me for one hour, you got redlined with me using JUST magery not even my pet 9 or 10 times and you ran off. And I recall you saying you could beat a tamer mage no problem. See your previous post. And 3v1? You're right, 3v1 against me. 3 of you 1 of me. Just like on winery roof, although I have a dread mare, 3 archers SHOULD be able to kill me, I guess I'm just too good for you noobs. Now that I've proven you to suck, like everyone here knew. Stop posting. If you're somewhere that you cannot run, you're an easy kill. Even with your mortal spam, you only got me in trouble ONCE and that was because I was trying to lure you some place you couldnt run. Although, you wouldn't follow me until you had called in your SL pals, which ultimately got face planted too so you tele'd off of the winery roof like a pansy. Get off my nuts, you're not good enough to ride sucky.


lol they do it when they know they are getting spanked in the field they run all the way over to the light house area run inside and make a trap and just wait for someone to go down the hall way then they say all kill and toss a field behind ya.

that com kid doesnt deserve a response from me about that pic but anyone who has seen the trash in action knows they use light house with pets to trap people so I know it's a lie.


lol they do it when they know they are getting spanked in the field they run all the way over to the light house area run inside and make a trap and just wait for someone to go down the hall way then they say all kill and toss a field behind ya.

that com kid doesnt deserve a response from me about that pic but anyone who has seen the trash in action knows they use light house with pets to trap people so I know it's a lie.
Trash? Because you RUN all over the place we're the trash. I'll gladly own you 1v1, NO PET in an enclosed area where you cannot run for the hills. Wanna dance?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
HAHA Yes I see your 3v1 pic. Thats not 1v1 noobers keep trying but as you know when I fought you..you ran for 3 hours from ME HAHAH 1v2. You had to re stock 3 times! And on top of all that, it was a 3v1 field trap..NOT 1v1..HAHA. Boy did you suck that was you? HAHAHAHAAH. You should quit talking trash anytime noob.
OOps, quoted the wrong person, this was for aeyko...

Glad to see someone shut that mwokkeddeee weirdo up! However, when u take screenshots u should show the whole comp with all progams so everyone knows u ran it legit!

Not saying u didnt or that ur a hack in any way (so dont take this post the wrong way), but from what ive seen everyone ive ever called out for using hacks or programs never would show a screen shot with all there programs running.. Just my opinion though..


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OOps, quoted the wrong person, this was for aeyko...

Glad to see someone shut that mwokkeddeee weirdo up! However, when u take screenshots u should show the whole comp with all progams so everyone knows u ran it legit!

Not saying u didnt or that ur a hack in any way (so dont take this post the wrong way), but from what ive seen everyone ive ever called out for using hacks or programs never would show a screen shot with all there programs running.. Just my opinion though..
You have obviously never seen him in game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ummmm why are you lying to these people?

It's just a game Mchwowosucki. You fought me for one hour, you got redlined with me using JUST magery not even my pet 9 or 10 times and you ran off. And I recall you saying you could beat a tamer mage no problem. See your previous post. And 3v1? You're right, 3v1 against me. 3 of you 1 of me. Just like on winery roof, although I have a dread mare, 3 archers SHOULD be able to kill me, I guess I'm just too good for you noobs. Now that I've proven you to suck, like everyone here knew. Stop posting. If you're somewhere that you cannot run, you're an easy kill. Even with your mortal spam, you only got me in trouble ONCE and that was because I was trying to lure you some place you couldnt run. Although, you wouldn't follow me until you had called in your SL pals, which ultimately got face planted too so you tele'd off of the winery roof like a pansy. Get off my nuts, you're not good enough to ride sucky.
WOW what A liar he turned a 1v3 3 hour run fest into a 1 hour 1v1? HAHAH Wow this kid is delusional. Not to mention you had you buddy leave your screen shot so you could show you trapped me 3v1. Now lets get this straight you are nothign with out your speed hack skipping, trapping and having help just another no name noob. Stop posting on my straticas people are starting to laugh at you..lol OMG your funny.


So you're telling me the people dead were not with YOU? How was it a 3v1 against you? You're a horrible liar and an even worse pvper. Im done with you, get off my game. The fact is proven that you're bad. Screenshots to prove it, like you say. So tootles ****cakes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you're telling me the people dead were not with YOU? How was it a 3v1 against you? You're a horrible liar and an even worse pvper. Im done with you, get off my game. The fact is proven that you're bad. Screenshots to prove it, like you say. So tootles ****cakes.
The problem is only you can see these magical screen shots. Bad liar end of story Nerd. You lost deal with it! By the way.. you aint even as good as Reason and that is sad HAAH.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I died after horrendous lag spikes, and a UOA crash. I log back in and not only has the fight move 3 screens over but aeyko in less than a minute managed to kill 3 people by himself without me even doing anything.

Bottom line. 3 archers mortal spamming and ai spamming got destroyed by Aeyko 3v1.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I died after horrendous lag spikes, and a UOA crash. I log back in and not only has the fight move 3 screens over but aeyko in less than a minute managed to kill 3 people by himself without me even doing anything.

Bottom line. 3 archers mortal spamming and ai spamming got destroyed by Aeyko 3v1.
HAH never happened. I know you wasnt doing anything cause I killed you 6 times in a row. then you got up ready for a dump and 3v1ed me while I was trapped..nice try tho :p