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The New Legends PvP Thread



Didn't I tell you he was a non stop mortal'r? I said bring your apples lol.
As far as being thee best - - - I have seen better.

But ya are good, the only thing I noticed when I duel'd ya was the fact that no matter how many times I mortal'd you, you would always seem to eat an apple like there was no cool down :/

O well but honestly if that dude is playing a necro mage AND I know that he seems like the type of nub that was playin a necro mage and he couldn't beat a archer well thats just sad.
Are you speaking about me?

No I was on a halbred mage with very low dci.
Apparently no one on Legends even plays a mage anymore that isn't int he guild that I am in, so most of you guys debate whose blue EP evade bush parry bola taming dexxer is better.

No one yet has challenged me, but you still talk ****?
If Mwo would like to fight me for gold, then I would invest time in bringing a character over to counter his mortal conc spamming with a double hit spell balanced xbow. Same goes to you or any of your e-pals. Until then mind your own business. If you play a mage I'll fight you for free on mine. temp v temp or field, you name it bucko.


Get your best mage to go pure with me.

I'll go no inscribe, and they can use it.


Noa rcher int he game can claim to be "good" at PvP, give me a break.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one yet has challenged me, but you still talk ****? (<---- This is clearly a lie as I have challenged him.)

If Mwo would like to fight me for gold, then I would invest time in bringing a character over to counter his mortal conc spamming with a double hit spell balanced xbow. Same goes to you or any of your e-pals. Until then mind your own business. If you play a mage I'll fight you for free on mine. temp v temp or field, you name it bucko.
The reason these people keep saying for gold because they know that I know they WILL NOT PAY! I do NOT trust their so called UOblackmarket brokers. That guy scams people you kids know that come on. No one is going to buy that ****. You know where I am and you know I will kill you simple as that. ine and cry all you want about me playing an archer, the fact is I am the best hands down!

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The reason these people keep saying for gold because they know that I know they WILL NOT PAY! I do NOT trust their so called UOblackmarket brokers. That guy scams people you kids know that come on. No one is going to buy that ****. You know where I am and you know I will kill you simple as that. ine and cry all you want about me playing an archer, the fact is I am the best hands down!

You could easily use Sup Soc as broker. You say you're well known on all shards right....so you should at least know him from ATL.

He's trust worthy. He's handled over 200+mil for me with no problem.


It's that simple. Now back your **** up.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To no one in particular.

We don't post chat logs.
We don't post ICQ logs.
We don't post PMs.
We don't post IMs.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

E-Peen, I can accept. The other words, nope. Most mods have a prob with bypassing the censor/word-filter, in this thread I will let most of it go, if its kept fairly reasonable in my mind, which might vary from day to day :eyes:

Personal attacks, made on the *character* ingame, and not the character behind the keyboard, are fine. ***got, nope, won't work...

Now I'm going back and cleaning a bit of this up, y'all carry on so I'll have something to read later :thumbup:

I love the board warrioring, don't get me wrong. Just dont step across the invisible line! :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could easily use Sup Soc as broker. You say you're well known on all shards right....so you should at least know him from ATL.

He's trust worthy. He's handled over 200+mil for me with no problem.


It's that simple. Now back your **** up.
I am here on legends to back it up. All are welcome to come here and challenge me :).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To no one in particular.

We don't post chat logs.
We don't post ICQ logs.
We don't post PMs.
We don't post IMs.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

E-Peen, I can accept. The other words, nope. Most mods have a prob with bypassing the censor/word-filter, in this thread I will let most of it go, if its kept fairly reasonable in my mind, which might vary from day to day :eyes:

Personal attacks, made on the *character* ingame, and not the character behind the keyboard, are fine. ***got, nope, won't work...

Now I'm going back and cleaning a bit of this up, y'all carry on so I'll have something to read later :thumbup:

I love the board warrioring, don't get me wrong. Just dont step across the invisible line! :thumbsup:
My bad Uriah, I apologize. I was unaware of the ICQ postings :(. I don't even say thoes words in ICQ heh :/

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya know, I'm gonna open my mouth and speak when I probably shouldn't.
But I enjoy reading the trash talking debating challenging my bow's biggern your bow and you haxxorz!
I somehow have a mental picture, of all you guys in a bar having a beer (or amaretto if I'm buyin) laughing and shoving and talking trash...like when the old ball team gets together :p
Just keep it where if the kids stumble into the thread, they aren't running to ask mom, "what's this mean?"

Nothing to see here....

Move along,
Move along...

*goes off to become a bush evade ep dexxer tamer mage*
With Archery!! :p


You could easily use Sup Soc as broker. You say you're well known on all shards right....so you should at least know him from ATL.

He's trust worthy. He's handled over 200+mil for me with no problem.


It's that simple. Now back your **** up.

Quoted for TRUTH!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could easily use Sup Soc as broker. You say you're well known on all shards right....so you should at least know him from ATL.

He's trust worthy. He's handled over 200+mil for me with no problem.


It's that simple. Now back your **** up.
Sure, you want to fight for gold then fine, I give in. 50 Mil per fight, just have Calamity put in my first installment, and I will cover the rest. He owes me 50 mil anyways.


Bro I got to tell ya your archer ain't the best ive already said it I mean your good (with a million apples) but without em that temp doesn't hold water.

Dueling in this game has never been a real duel mage vs dexxer the people who say duel me and they are on a dexxer dueling a mage havn't been around the block enough.

Pot chugging apples eating dexxers have a HUGE advantage over a mage BUT a good mage can still whoop their azz's. When I used to do Fight Clubs I remember watching pug tear a straight dexxer up in like a 17x17 area no running in the final round. It can be done...

If you can't duel mage on mage or dexxer on dexxer what is the point in dueling for 100 mil?

I'm not against ya Tails i'm just saying if I was you I wouldn't claim to be better then some on a dexxer, just notice all those people you claim to be better then arn't using pot chugging apples eating bush temps just mage.

Your saying you own with a HUGE handicap so it really isn't fair, it's like they are giving you a headstart in a race you have the upper hand in :/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bro I got to tell ya your archer ain't the best ive already said it I mean your good (with a million apples) but without em that temp doesn't hold water.

Dueling in this game has never been a real duel mage vs dexxer the people who say duel me and they are on a dexxer dueling a mage havn't been around the block enough.

Pot chugging apples eating dexxers have a HUGE advantage over a mage BUT a good mage can still whoop their azz's. When I used to do Fight Clubs I remember watching pug tear a straight dexxer up in like a 17x17 area no running in the final round. It can be done...

If you can't duel mage on mage or dexxer on dexxer what is the point in dueling for 100 mil?

I'm not against ya Tails i'm just saying if I was you I wouldn't claim to be better then some on a dexxer, just notice all those people you claim to be better then arn't using pot chugging apples eating bush temps just mage.

Your saying you own with a HUGE handicap so it really isn't fair, it's like they are giving you a headstart in a race you have the upper hand in :/
Vyal bud, although I think you are a cool guy (mainly because you **** people off) I think you are way off base here. My statement is.. I am the best field fighter in UO. That means I will fight not only mages, but I will fight tamers, Bush/parry dexxers...the whole lot of them. I can tell you this, you have never seen me lose a 1v1, because it never happens. Who have you seen that is betetr than me? Just breing them to yew and we can settle this for sure :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You couldn't even 2v1 kill me while I was on a necro mage... Who are you seriously kidding? Any time I went offensive you ran for the hills. Honestly, You're a nobody unfit to be my water boy on a shard full of nobody waterboys.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You couldn't even 2v1 kill me while I was on a necro mage... Who are you seriously kidding? Any time I went offensive you ran for the hills. Honestly, You're a nobody unfit to be my water boy on a shard full of nobody waterboys.
LOL seriously STFU, I have never even seen you. No one knows who you are kid..lol


Sure, you want to fight for gold then fine, I give in. 50 Mil per fight, just have Calamity put in my first installment, and I will cover the rest. He owes me 50 mil anyways.

Another blatant dodge. Cal doesn't owe you 50 mil, furthermore IF he did HOW is that MY debt?? Exactly, it's not. It's another dodge tactic. And if you are claiming to beat tamers, I could gladly bring my tamer mage over and make it seriously unfair. I'm going to fight you on a modified pure unless I continue to hear these outrageous claims of yours. Our fight will be 50m vs 50m Brokered. No rules. At Farms, NO leaving farms, JUST like any other duel, running is not a skillset. Just so you understand, you're putting 50 mill in supsoc or leo's hands before duel starts, I'll do the same. I will not cover any imaginary debts that you made up to blow smoke, No I won't pay 50m for Cal, No I won't pay 1 billion b/c you super pwned superman in his prime, and last but not least I'm not paying the trillion you believe America owes you b/c the deficit is really a duel George Bush lost to you. Now stop the shenanigans and man up porky. I can xfer as early as Thursday night to make this happen, your move clown.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another blatant dodge. Cal doesn't owe you 50 mil, furthermore IF he did HOW is that MY debt?? Exactly, it's not. It's another dodge tactic. And if you are claiming to beat tamers, I could gladly bring my tamer mage over and make it seriously unfair. I'm going to fight you on a modified pure unless I continue to hear these outrageous claims of yours. Our fight will be 50m vs 50m Brokered. No rules. At Farms, NO leaving farms, JUST like any other duel, running is not a skillset. Just so you understand, you're putting 50 mill in supsoc or leo's hands before duel starts, I'll do the same. I will not cover any imaginary debts that you made up to blow smoke, No I won't pay 50m for Cal, No I won't pay 1 billion b/c you super pwned superman in his prime, and last but not least I'm not paying the trillion you believe America owes you b/c the deficit is really a duel George Bush lost to you. Now stop the shenanigans and man up porky. I can xfer as early as Thursday night to make this happen, your move clown.
lol...your just stupid. Cal does owe me 50 mil and he knows it :p. You suck at pvp and you know it. Why do you keep with these claims? You know where to find me.... lets see who is really dodging who? My money is on you wont show. 1v1 field fight you don't stand a chance kid. Just hurry up and get here so I can post the screen shots and shut you up.


Just to be clear, you're agreeing to a 50m Field fight at the farms with me correct? I can have a broker contact you tonight to make payment before I come over and collect my bounty. I'll pay the broker before I xfer as well. So just say yes and let's do the man dance Nancy.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is kind of funny.. since the publish I haven't seen a single RUOH on any shards I play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just to be clear, you're agreeing to a 50m Field fight at the farms with me correct? I can have a broker contact you tonight to make payment before I come over and collect my bounty. I'll pay the broker before I xfer as well. So just say yes and let's do the man dance Nancy.
Okay here are the details, you you think your good come to legends and fight me. Traditional field fight rules. I will then decide if I am playing Mwocchomei or Green Lantern.

Ok soo see you when you get here nooblet! Ohh wait your not coming are you? lol...... kinda thought not heh.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay here are the details, you you think your good come to legends and fight me. Traditional field fight rules. I will then decide if I am playing Mwocchomei or Green Lantern.

Ok soo see you when you get here nooblet! Ohh wait your not coming are you? lol...... kinda thought not heh.
So, you're saying you'll man up and use a broker?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well shard is dead.....
Where the hell are all these leet pvpers?
Over the last week Everyone is either not showing up or Dies in a flash at the gate a spawns.Yep
Since the drop due to Patch of the Program that shall not be named NONE OF YOU ARE WORTH A ****....
Truth is out there and now its quite evident nothing you guys say matters no response matters YOU all suck SL Vanished, LD Vanquished at all sightings..Drizzles at least they show up still vanquished
Fear WTF level 2 spawns drops you before I can YESH
Kovf / 3*6 well they at least show up and fight
I died to 5 made it 30 screen run on foot....WOW you guys are total pathetic without the Program that shall not be named..
Total Hack Wussies...
Went to LS Atl Chessy ALL THE SAME.....
Went to fight on my macer minner just to see how pathetic people were won 6-8 on a no range mace/minner YESH.... Well I guess all the playing by hand all these years Has made me the bettter for it. I hope It never gets fixed Talk all the **** ya wanna, call people out all you wanna there has been hours of sitting waiting on a fight and No one is worth a ****, Your asses are all mine now.......
who the hell are you? F3AR Plays more than one shard, we in fact were on last night with only a few and killed quite a few LD before getting rushed in despise. Who cares about the unspoken program ur talking about? I thought we held our own versus LD considering the #s, we dont all have multiple chars to log on after we get rolled like some guilds...but anwyays, who are you? Stick to ur assumptions and just make sure you watch your tongue about who you choose to talk about. Not everyone falls into your bull**** category so when you generalize a whole shard of people make sure you have your facts straight dumbass.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep I told you he wouldnt come heh, but i guess they all like to talk :p
You ask us to collect a 50mil bet from cal, that he doesn't owe you, before you'll duel...

Who's dodging who?

You're a joke, a no name, wanna be, please someone like me type player. You've made up duels, backed out of duels, and yet still proceed to talk ****.

Pure idiocy.


Yep just get the 50 mil from Cal.. LETS DO THIS!
This ISN'T Cal's fight. Stop using it as a ducking technique. Either say yes or no. No other stipulations. Dealing with you is like dealing with a small child that know's he's being punished.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
FWIW mwoch/tailean is a punk, real people duel pure mage, he wants to duel on his archer template with a double hit spell bow and act all bad, he got caught 2v1 (him and pizoned, yeah what leet person rolls with the noobs of ^X^), i killed pizoned, then attacked mwoch, he ran and got redlined 5 times, kept taking advantage of the tram entrance to the new champ spawn, he would be flagged, go redlined, and duck into the abyss so he could heal, come back out, rinse and repeat, finally he calls in another X to help kill me, but I dont play those little kiddo games, If you want to fight, we can field fight, when my guild is on we are always running aroudn yew, never hiding in our house like X. And yes before you even start, I do player a tamer template, hence why I dont come on the boards talking mad **** about 1v1ing, our guild is small, we roll with certain templates to help make up for our # deficiet. I dont come on here acting like the badest mother f'er 1v1 when i play on an archer, get a life bro. Then to act all hard here and then be a total **** in the field. I was not gonna comment in here on ur noobness but after hearing u talk **** about cal and seeing u in the field, you sir are a chump.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jesus RL's, is this what Legends has become since we retired....

When I left Cal = Dominance...along with Ecks, Nate and everyone else....

Now all this trash is here talking garbage....

And I still cant believe someone who rolls with that X guild and thinks Hoove and those guys (minus Jawbone hes cool) are good is going to say he can beat Cal in a duel....

This, is why UO is fail...People have these EGOS that they really dont deserve...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You ask us to collect a 50mil bet from cal, that he doesn't owe you, before you'll duel...
Pure idiocy.
Just get the 50 he does owe me instead of the 50 he don't then I guess?..lol your not that dumb irl are you?

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jesus RL's, is this what Legends has become since we retired....

When I left Cal = Dominance...along with Ecks, Nate and everyone else....

Now all this trash is here talking garbage....

And I still cant believe someone who rolls with that X guild and thinks Hoove and those guys (minus Jawbone hes cool) are good is going to say he can beat Cal in a duel....

This, is why UO is fail...People have these EGOS that they really dont deserve...
It's worse than you think Omni. They all talk in southern accents, rock the mullet, and have a uni brow. It's like a Brooks & Dunn concert without the foxy ladies.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
FWIW mwoch/tailean is a punk, real people duel pure mage, he wants to duel on his archer template with a double hit spell bow and act all bad, he got caught 2v1 (him and pizoned, yeah what leet person rolls with the noobs of ^X^), i killed pizoned, then attacked mwoch, he ran and got redlined 5 times, kept taking advantage of the tram entrance to the new champ spawn, he would be flagged, go redlined, and duck into the abyss so he could heal, come back out, rinse and repeat, finally he calls in another X to help kill me, but I dont play those little kiddo games, If you want to fight, we can field fight, when my guild is on we are always running aroudn yew, never hiding in our house like X. And yes before you even start, I do player a tamer template, hence why I dont come on the boards talking mad **** about 1v1ing, our guild is small, we roll with certain templates to help make up for our # deficiet. I dont come on here acting like the badest mother f'er 1v1 when i play on an archer, get a life bro. Then to act all hard here and then be a total **** in the field. I was not gonna comment in here on ur noobness but after hearing u talk **** about cal and seeing u in the field, you sir are a chump.
Yes you and Hello Kitty tried ganking me... and Hello Kitty got WTF PWNT! 1v3 (counting pet)

Sounds like to me you left out the gank part eh?
You are a bad tamer that that..lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hello kitty was getting ganked 2v1 from u and pizoned when i showed up, so why did u run again **** boy?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As are you, I am just calling you out b/c u are on here trying to be Mr. Leet 1v1 on a friggin archer, and u ran earlier, so w/e. I didnt think anyone could compete with Vyal but you sir are delusional as the frick.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As are you, I am just calling you out b/c u are on here trying to be Mr. Leet 1v1 on a friggin archer, and u ran earlier, so w/e. I didnt think anyone could compete with Vyal but you sir are delusional as the frick.
Yes I usuly do run from 6v1s... dumbass...lol Stand there next time i have 6 idiot.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
6v1? it was me and u, u kept running into the abyss, so stfu with ur inflated bull**** moron. wow you are simply amazing...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
6v1? it was me and u, u kept running into the abyss, so stfu with ur inflated bull**** moron. wow you are simply amazing...
Yes you TARD, you finally figure it out i am AMAZING! FINALLY you understand. :)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey guys, I gotta quick poll I wanna run by ya.

Everyone in this thread trashtalks, calls names, uses phrases like Tard, Turd, dumbass, and some I just ain't gonna type.

And everyday, I come home and the email is full, where each of ya is hitting the 'report this post' button and complaining that "someone called me @@##% and that aint right!" Third grade bull****...

So I bring it to you guys to straighten up yourselves, maybe, if ya have the restraint to do it.

My main question is this tho, with all the posts reported lately,
"Do you really want me more involved with moderating the PvP thread?" I can do it, ya know...and tighten it up like it has been on some other shards, or would *you* rather handle it?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey guys, I gotta quick poll I wanna run by ya.

Everyone in this thread trashtalks, calls names, uses phrases like Tard, Turd, dumbass, and some I just ain't gonna type.

And everyday, I come home and the email is full, where each of ya is hitting the 'report this post' button and complaining that "someone called me @@##% and that aint right!" Third grade bull****...

So I bring it to you guys to straighten up yourselves, maybe, if ya have the restraint to do it.

My main question is this tho, with all the posts reported lately,
"Do you really want me more involved with moderating the PvP thread?" I can do it, ya know...and tighten it up like it has been on some other shards, or would *you* rather handle it?

WOW people are reporting posts...lol, That's just sad. No need too I don't think. I figured people would be a bit more "Adult" about it I guess. I will watch my wording because I didn't realize some of these people are just little kids. Thanks for the way you are handling this thread. I like to think I speak for everyone and we will be a little more carful of the words we choose to use.

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a report button!?!?!

Shoot, where? I'll report Bob mac, and Omnicron for to much sex appeal.

A Bad Player

Do you report your boss to HR everytime he calls you a dumbass for dropping burgers?

Get over it or don't read the thread.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tailean said he doesnt play factions because factions made his artifacts drop in value by 70% so he is boycotting.

Translated from noobish to leetz0r talk, this means he is scared of stat loss.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just ban Tailean and your problem is solved...hes a delusional whack job. He makes Vyal look like a damned saint.

Vyal thinks hes good...thats laughable...

But this Tailean thinks hes better than some of the best PvPrs in UO history...and SWEARS that he is...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just ban Tailean and your problem is solved...hes a delusional whack job. He makes Vyal look like a damned saint.

Vyal thinks hes good...thats laughable...

But this Tailean thinks hes better than some of the best PvPrs in UO history...and SWEARS that he is...
And he proves it with screen shots :p