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The New Legends PvP Thread



Well read it top to bottom, some old stuff here and some new stuff.
this thread seems to really only be 3 or 4 people venting how others suck and they are the bestest....Welll woop te doooooo.

1. House hiding yep everyone does it I MEAN everyone, so look to thy self before pointing fingers. (yes some more than other)
2. Tamers, well if you ride a mare, have a greater sitting on a Hiyru, yes you are a tamer. If your a mage who cast Daemons or reverents You too are a default tamer.
3. Crap talking while in ghost form, well that shows how leet you really are.
4. If you dont like the way PVP is then go elsewhere.
5. Duels? What ever that is. Only pure mages ....Only pure mage....Get on a mage.....
If your damn mage template is so leet and your have such mad skills then why does it matter what the other guy's temp is? There are plenty of templates that run and many to choose from.
screaming at people telling them waht temp to play because you keep getting face planted just proves the point, your temp and your skills are no match for theirs. I get all ghosty all the time it happens...everyone dies.
As for the leet skills some proclaim I dont see it nor do I buy it...
The so called list of 10 best mages...for a fact has an asterix by it can anyone else pick the cheaters out of that batch.... If you use anything speeder or healer yes you are a cheater....HERES YOUR SIGN.....


drizzles, i could probably kill yall with archer tamer without a pet and I have never played an archer ever.... don't get too cocky. You're better than most on legends but you should already have noticed you perform better as necros with me calling the fight.
=-| Only one of the drizzles is a board warrior / s%%% talker (not gonna mention any names)
Everyone else is cool and layed back.. We play to have fun - Its other people that get nasty with us and talk mad ^hit.

But as far as killing us all with a archer tamer without the pet is preettttyyy funny lol thats all I'm gonna say about that =-[

We really don't need any "callers" We have played together for a very long time now and don't even talk in vent if we are fighting. Unless one of us dies. So no offense when I say we do just fine if not better without you or anyone else calling.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well read it top to bottom, some old stuff here and some new stuff.
this thread seems to really only be 3 or 4 people venting how others suck and they are the bestest....Welll woop te doooooo.

1. House hiding yep everyone does it I MEAN everyone, so look to thy self before pointing fingers. (yes some more than other)
2. Tamers, well if you ride a mare, have a greater sitting on a Hiyru, yes you are a tamer. If your a mage who cast Daemons or reverents You too are a default tamer.
3. Crap talking while in ghost form, well that shows how leet you really are.
4. If you dont like the way PVP is then go elsewhere.
5. Duels? What ever that is. Only pure mages ....Only pure mage....Get on a mage.....
If your damn mage template is so leet and your have such mad skills then why does it matter what the other guy's temp is? There are plenty of templates that run and many to choose from.
screaming at people telling them waht temp to play because you keep getting face planted just proves the point, your temp and your skills are no match for theirs. I get all ghosty all the time it happens...everyone dies.
As for the leet skills some proclaim I dont see it nor do I buy it...
The so called list of 10 best mages...for a fact has an asterix by it can anyone else pick the cheaters out of that batch.... If you use anything speeder or healer yes you are a cheater....HERES YOUR SIGN.....
Trammy with an agenda in 3......2......1......


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
drizzles, i could probably kill yall with archer tamer without a pet and I have never played an archer ever.... don't get too cocky. You're better than most on legends but you should already have noticed you perform better as necros with me calling the fight.
dont know which one u are omnious but i pray to god ur not fingerlonger! cuz he is by far the worse caller ive ever in my life played with.. Ill put him up with bacardi as worse callers ever! and finger's tactics on dsp island.. Lets put a efield on the end of it, so no one can get on and we can just sit there with our thumbs up our a** lmao.. Never really understood how he expected to kill ppl with that tactic but oh well, glad i dont have to hear him call fights nemore. As for droppin ne of us with an archer tamer without the pet that is hiliarious! U may survive if ur runnin 4/6 chiv other than that, good luck to ya!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well read it top to bottom, some old stuff here and some new stuff.
this thread seems to really only be 3 or 4 people venting how others suck and they are the bestest....Welll woop te doooooo.

1. House hiding yep everyone does it I MEAN everyone, so look to thy self before pointing fingers. (yes some more than other)
2. Tamers, well if you ride a mare, have a greater sitting on a Hiyru, yes you are a tamer. If your a mage who cast Daemons or reverents You too are a default tamer.
3. Crap talking while in ghost form, well that shows how leet you really are.
4. If you dont like the way PVP is then go elsewhere.
5. Duels? What ever that is. Only pure mages ....Only pure mage....Get on a mage.....
If your damn mage template is so leet and your have such mad skills then why does it matter what the other guy's temp is? There are plenty of templates that run and many to choose from.
screaming at people telling them waht temp to play because you keep getting face planted just proves the point, your temp and your skills are no match for theirs. I get all ghosty all the time it happens...everyone dies.
As for the leet skills some proclaim I dont see it nor do I buy it...
The so called list of 10 best mages...for a fact has an asterix by it can anyone else pick the cheaters out of that batch.... If you use anything speeder or healer yes you are a cheater....HERES YOUR SIGN.....
Ok first off, Drizzles dont house hide period! sitting in a house potting up, or hanging out is not house hiding. House hiding is when u sit in ur house and try killing ppl from it, and then when ur gettin low on life u run back to where they cant hit you. Just to clear that up, we dont ever EVER do that. Second I dont have an ego, at all! dieing is dieing it happens all the time, the only time i make excuses is when theyre running a gimp pet temp! that makes it player vs player's monster... not player verse player. Or if like NITRO runs such a fast speedhack that he can catch up to u if ur ten screens away. He can deny that one all he wants but if ping better then him and have a pretty dam good cpu, the only explanation is a progam he's running that i dont. But just figured id clear up some confusion.. makin my char on GL so hopefully that'll be more exciting


Lol you can tell as soon as you first meet nitro he is a cheater :p
It's plain as day, and yes omni is finglonger lol
Since when is a mage the shot caller and not the dismounter anyways?

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since when is a mage the shot caller and not the dismounter anyways?
Honestly you deserve a smack in the face for this comment.

A GOOD field mage, that isn't afraid to yell orders should always be the caller. Never a dismount archer....

A mage with Bolas/casting walls is a more effective dismounter IMO anyways. Screw any, and all archer templates. Archer temps were always a joke to me. Point and click. Their almost as easy as a tamer to play.


your the one coming to the shard that everyone plays a dismount archer tamer with greaters and dreads . . .
Honestly you deserve a smack in the face for this comment.
Ya I know but to me the best shot caller is a dismount archer with a good group behind em it's unstopable, now you got dismount archers with 5 dragons behind em.
BTW everyone here is in factions but now we got blues running around on tamers killing people in faction fights - Last time I checked non faction people arn't supposed to get involved in faction business :wall: :wall: :wall:


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Stratics Legend
It's plain as day, and yes omni is finglonger lol
Omni and Omnious are not the same person...Omni = Omnicron! Omnious = Omnious.

You lazy pos.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
it blows my mind how few people on legends can spell any of my char names or my forum name properly. Omnius. 1 o. That is it. and although folks call both of us Omni for short. most folks can just call me fing or dang or any number of other silly names I make up for my chars.

as for any member of drizzles. I guarentee I'm better in a mage duel. as for any member of drizzles, 3 cow mages will always be better than 5 drizzles even if we all used the same templates and gear. Believe it or not jrede, parafielding bridges in despise is pretty much mages in despise 101. dropping e fields in horrid locations is drizzle 101.

Only 1 drizzle ever showed themself to be of any real value. I know wallace will confirm that would be aimee. She regularly performed at an adequate level. No coordination or expectation of group play ever existed amongst the other drizzles.

As for anyone on legends, I can guarentee that the way I call a fight will improve any current legends guilds performance. I learned from folks who are far better than the rubbish we slap around on this shard.

And Rl's. You clearly know what you're talking about because you're absolutely correct. Pretty much anyone but a single tile dexxer can call a fight. And many folks would agree that the best groups are the ones in which you have one voice keeping things running smoothly and the other as the primary dismounter.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it blows my mind how few people on legends can spell any of my char names or my forum name properly. Omnius. 1 o. That is it. and although folks call both of us Omni for short. most folks can just call me fing or dang or any number of other silly names I make up for my chars.

as for any member of drizzles. I guarentee I'm better in a mage duel. as for any member of drizzles, 3 cow mages will always be better than 5 drizzles even if we all used the same templates and gear. Believe it or not jrede, parafielding bridges in despise is pretty much mages in despise 101. dropping e fields in horrid locations is drizzle 101.

Only 1 drizzle ever showed themself to be of any real value. I know wallace will confirm that would be aimee. She regularly performed at an adequate level. No coordination or expectation of group play ever existed amongst the other drizzles.

As for anyone on legends, I can guarentee that the way I call a fight will improve any current legends guilds performance. I learned from folks who are far better than the rubbish we slap around on this shard.

And Rl's. You clearly know what you're talking about because you're absolutely correct. Pretty much anyone but a single tile dexxer can call a fight. And many folks would agree that the best groups are the ones in which you have one voice keeping things running smoothly and the other as the primary dismounter.
lol first off, ur ridicoulously incorrect in some of ur statements. For instance u. Urself! not ur guild mates. U! numerous times dropped efields on the end of the east bridge. The first time you did it, i go to moo when did this kid learn how to play yesterday lmao. We dont drop efields ever. para's and walls ftw! u efield them off so u cant even wall them in. It was beyond me, Then u had the nerve to tell me i shouldnt be chasing off? I assume a reall mage caller, with real skill would have para fields for his ppl to run back thru, but nope u efield it off. Wow, just Wow.

Second pleasseeeee! moo is a wayy better caller, and he's not even on pug or slip's level.. Which in my opinion slip is the best caller ive ever seen, however i havent really seen pug and ppl are tellin me he's better so i dunno!
When it comes to dueling, ull have me there. I came back to this game when dueling was a thing of the past, so i only play team temps. Doesnt mean in the field i dont fight 1v1 cuz i do, but i never sat there and made a scribe mage to just duel with.

Third I am the least cocky person in this game that pvp's. Yall the one with ur huge egos. I didnt say nething about u till u tried to call us out. I was talkin bout ur boy with the gimp temp archer/dread.. Just calling a spade a spade.

Fourth, sorry vyal but ill have to disagree as well. Moo is are caller and he's always played a bola/mage. Cant really have a dexer calling fights, i mean ya can but thats just odd to me.

Finally, u still never answered my question? im pretty sure you post on chessy forums so im curious as to who you are? Im just gonna find it histerical if ur in FOA. Neone else if he wont answer. Does neone know who he plays on Chessy???

And if you are on chessy, bring u and two others over and we'll have ourselves a nice 3v3. are drizzles arent even scrolled up in mage or eval, and we have **** suits.. Check ur ego's at the door and lets have some fun :p


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
heh. boy I play atl. where fights are the foa newbs vs the other newbs. ATL is currently where anyone can agree that the top twenty best pvpers in UO, playing at this moment, reside.

As for me dropping e fields? when this this happen? I know when to drop an e field, when to use paras and when to use walls. drizzles actually para fielded every single tile of the west bridge and wondered why I resorted to calling in fear or cow people to win fights. Here is a little news flash. drizzles were never on target, only aimee ever even cross healed and short of there being more cow members than just me or a fear member present, I had absolutely no faith in the drizzles even being capable of creating a grinder without holding their hands.

If you feel you could win a 3v3 with cow all going pure mage or all going necro, this could likely be arranged. I can guarentee without a doubt that not only would cow win but we'd likely win without losing a single man.

All I ever hear is the drizzles dont use scrolled up or geared chars. I was beating the hell out of your L*D allies with 110 mage/eval/med for some time before I even bothered buying scrolls.
I still run a junk suit on legends because there exists no reason to upgrade for scrubs. You talk a big game but I would bet that your own guildies don't agree with you.

face it. you're not good. Wallace and I actually avoided your ventrilo because the usual state of driz in a fight was the same panic one can find when fighting any other guild on legends. the only difference was you used templates that thrive in group fights. One truely doesn't have to wonder much why you joined a larger group with more tamers. If you could stand by what you claimed to, you'd certainly be rolling solo. You certainly have enough people active most nights to fight anyone beyond L*D or a full ^X^ fight. I say that because a few cow or fear is enough to fight 10+ ^x^ but one could never find the same capability from a group of drizzles.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
As for the best caller in UO, it is pretty universally agreed that calamity is the best target caller in UO, on top of being the best mage in UO.


cal is bna btw.
Moo would spank Fingerlonger, moo is a good mage but dude fingerlonger is just freaking terrible stop calling people out man you ain't no good on a mage.

The only reason a few people can take on ten people is because they are all dismount tamers and mages to para spam - when are you going to get it dude your whole guild is trash I would spank you on a mage and you know it, who else you got that plays a mage what three other people tops? Everyone is else is a no skill needed all kill trash temp right - All your dexxers are also tamers that dismount :/

Your guild depends on your tamers without them you wouldn't stand a fighting chance versus anyone. Now what do you have to say about that? You going to own the whole shard without tamers? Thats like saying your the best mage and you sure as shyt aint.

I am glad you know the best shot caller is in bna btw freaking nub no skill run with dismount tamers talk trash like your some great mage pos yew gate garbage..


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
calamity's response to being called BNA whilst he was in ventrilo. They're all awful. I'm LUB. Who is vyal, he sounds like another unknown subpar.

You sir were owned. Cal's last time active playing was wearing our tags on atl, just fyi.


we are talking about ice rocker arn't we?
cause u aint talking about the real cal


People need to back off the drizzle's and Cow =-/ We joined L*d cause I wanted to and cause pug wanted us too ... plus it worked out well for us , a lot of the drizzles are back in school , kids are back in school and collage so are numbers are even smaller. I don't have any problems with any cow or fear people, I enjoyed fighting with them for the short time we did but all this ego crap is annoying.

Yes we all know tamers are lame its been said millions of times, but its part of the game. Just like when Spell weaving first came out OMG! that S^it sucked almost as bad as the tamers. Lets not even mention all the other gimp a%3 temps that had their days...We all dealt with it and kept on fighting complaining and moaning the whole time till ea fixed it.

I dunno where all this drizzles are leet s&%$ came from but I know I never claimed that. I do know though that we can hold our own and saying we can't hold a grinder without someone holding our hands is pretty much a joke. Even outnumbered we atleast take out half before we go down. Moo alone can handle quite a few by himself.

but w/e people are just gonna keep pecking at every little thing they can about the drizzles... Vent? us being in a panic?? Please. I do admit we have a couple of tweaks when they die, but EVERY guild has one of them =-[ so...

I'd be up for 3v3 or whatever just to shut people up on both sides!!!

RL'S pker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
calamity's response to being called BNA whilst he was in ventrilo. They're all awful. I'm LUB. Who is vyal, he sounds like another unknown subpar.

You sir were owned. Cal's last time active playing was wearing our tags on atl, just fyi.
Cal was BNA back when BNA and !O! rolled together. I think that's what vyle was talking about...although Vyal wasn't BNA at that time.

Hoove, scribb, Jawbone, and Cal all kind of had a love fest going. It was like a choo choo train without the tracks. It was smoking hot....

Cal is a sexy beast, and a great caller. Goose was a good caller too! It's a toss up between those two for the best IMO.

Eh, not really. Cal can make ya laugh while winning or losing a fight. So, cal wins!


He was in for a bit after I went BNA on Vyal, but not much. There was nothing to raid no one to compete everyone got ran off, same thing that happens every winter :p

A Bad Player

Considering ViP was always dominated with Cal leading, and it hilarious when he lays into someone, he takes the win.

It was fun a couple years back in the wee morning hours when Pug would drop his L*D tag and raid with three of us vs 15 on chessy. Some of the most entertaining fights ever, highlighted by winning.

I thought the drizz's brag on chessy forums how they always fight outnumbered? L*D is outnumbered? @.@


I thought the drizz's brag on chessy forums how they always fight outnumbered? L*D is outnumbered? @.@

I would not call it a "brag" More of a rant =-[

We almost always Used to be outnumbered on chessy FoA had a lot of members - FPD booted alot of people out of the guild and some of them went to Uhoh or foa snagged them up.

The most active FPD / Drizzles are, necro, cytex, and myself -

Jordan's in collage. Blade's back in school (plays only weekends now) , Kylen is MIA. Winch has surgery and has been recoving from that. Jedi , John doe & Jr. quit the game. We have a couple other guys but they rarely play. So really That's the main crew on chessy and legends.

Legends seems to be more evened out, X is a really big guild but thats about it. L*D has alot but most of the time there is only like 6 ppl on. Atleast when I'm on anyways. Most of the time when I'm on legends the fights seem to be close to even numbers if you don't count the dragons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heh. boy I play atl. where fights are the foa newbs vs the other newbs. ATL is currently where anyone can agree that the top twenty best pvpers in UO, playing at this moment, reside.

As for me dropping e fields? when this this happen? I know when to drop an e field, when to use paras and when to use walls. drizzles actually para fielded every single tile of the west bridge and wondered why I resorted to calling in fear or cow people to win fights. Here is a little news flash. drizzles were never on target, only aimee ever even cross healed and short of there being more cow members than just me or a fear member present, I had absolutely no faith in the drizzles even being capable of creating a grinder without holding their hands.

If you feel you could win a 3v3 with cow all going pure mage or all going necro, this could likely be arranged. I can guarentee without a doubt that not only would cow win but we'd likely win without losin g a single man.

All I ever hear is the drizzles dont use scrolled up or geared chars. I was beating the hell out of your L*D allies with 110 mage/eval/med for some time before I even bothered buying scrolls.
I still run a junk suit on legends because there exists no reason to upgrade for scrubs. You talk a big game but I would bet that your own guildies don't agree with you.

face it. you're not good. Wallace and I actually avoided your ventrilo because the usual state of driz in a fight was the same panic one can find when fighting any other guild on legends. the only difference was you used templates that thrive in group fights. One truely doesn't have to wonder much why you joined a larger group with more tamers. If you could stand by what you claimed to, you'd certainly be rolling solo. You certainly have enough people active most nights to fight anyone beyond L*D or a full ^X^ fight. I say that because a few cow or fear is enough to fight 10+ ^x^ but one could never find the same capability from a group of drizzles.
LMAO, U dont know nething about us kid. Talk about grinders? neone on chessy will say FPD is the king of grinders. Me necro and jedi grinded out 7 uhoh in destard. me, necro, and jordan grinded out 9 FOA with dragons at a hytloth harry, the list goes on and on! fielding the west? we field three to four tiles on the east and drop a wall behind ppl who step in it, if we have more than two ppl we keep a wall on the west too so they cant run off.. Dont talk to me about DSP, cuz we know exactly what to do there. Ur the one droppin efields at the end of the east bridge. Neone in my vent will vouch for that. my friends response... where new to the shard let them field how they want and see if it works. Did it? nope.

As for callers i was talkin about active members, cal isnt active. U sir are not a good caller, in neway shape or form. maybe ur a good dueler, who knows, but I know as for calling, ur plain and simply not. I learned how to not listen to the caller while in ur vent! And william shouldnt say one word about pvp till he learns to play a non gimp temp. Get off ur dread and play a real temp then u can talk.. till then stay protected by a beast.

There are only three of us currently active, and aimmee is good friends with pug and those guys are pretty cool, so we decided to go join them.
Stop ur nonsense, we can hold our own neday of the week massively outnumbered. That is all we've ever known, never been a zerg, and most the time we win :p..

but honestly the ego's in this game, u can't get away from them! U act like ur doing something important or ur some great athlete. Its a game bro, simmer down over there. lol

A Bad Player

One of you is Necro? As in the former blue from CKS that sat on chessy literally 24/7 trying to polymorph whack everyone? For however many months I had been active on that shard, thats all I ever saw him do lol. Kylen? The former Champs member? I've never heard anyone whine as much as he does in vent.

Don't misconstrue what I'm saying, I'm not attackin any of you! I don't know who any of the other people are, although I remember your dismounter (I think?) in L*D way back. Plus, I'm a bit of an instigator.


One of you is Necro? As in the former blue from CKS that sat on chessy literally 24/7 trying to polymorph whack everyone? For however many months I had been active on that shard, thats all I ever saw him do lol. Kylen? The former Champs member? I've never heard anyone whine as much as he does in vent.

Don't misconstrue what I'm saying, I'm not attackin any of you! I don't know who any of the other people are, although I remember your dismounter (I think?) in L*D way back. Plus, I'm a bit of an instigator.

lol you'd have to ask Necro that.

Yea that Kylen. So you understand what I mean when I say we have a couple tweaks in vent. =0

I dunno which dismounter your think I was but I was in l*d on chessy way back and Miz Drizzle on legends.


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Stratics Legend
One of you is Necro? As in the former blue from CKS that sat on chessy literally 24/7 trying to polymorph whack everyone? For however many months I had been active on that shard, thats all I ever saw him do lol. Kylen? The former Champs member? I've never heard anyone whine as much as he does in vent.

Don't misconstrue what I'm saying, I'm not attackin any of you! I don't know who any of the other people are, although I remember your dismounter (I think?) in L*D way back. Plus, I'm a bit of an instigator.
Yes, this is Necro. I was in CKS, what 4 years ago, when they werent in pvp. I decided to start pvping and everyone has to start everywhere. Its not my fault you all fell for it, it was a stupid trick. Thats not the only thing ive done just everytime u were on, u died to guards.....:loser::loser: Which was quite funny at the time. Whoever you are, thanks for the laughs:danceb::danceb:


And the dragons continue to put me in stat, if it isn't a firebreath taking me to no life and having some faction person pain spike me and put me in stat its just a tamer. I don't know what went down at the event since well my faction bugged out got scared and went on blues I was left all lone running around getting killed rez killed what fun.

SL :( How did I ever get sucker'd into SL :(

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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You seemed to be doing just fine at the healers shop in Brit a bit ago, rezkilling all the newly rezzed trammie blues =)

Hope ya got some good counts and insurance money out of it, just when some peeps were coming around to thinking about trying it out, those actions sent a lot of em home with the same ole attitude we been tryin to change about pvp for years.

It only takes one bad apple...*walks off shaking head*


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
glad you mentioned that, Uriah... cousin Amroth was there covering the story for me and, being the klutz that he is, ran smack into those big red dragons many times, which they did not take kindly to, at all

one trip up to the healers also found Vyal there.. Amroth thought nothing of it, he'd been running around with reds all night with no problem at all (well, there was that one errant arrow from a buddy, but that was all straightened out ;) )... so naked Amroth, with only his rune books, ethy llama and tuition reimbursment form in his pack walks into the healer and gets himself healthy again..... BAM! dead again.. what the heck...?? Amroth figures this must have been a mistake and walks again up to the healer..... BAM! dead yet again

so I'm wondering, Vyal... there was no insurance to be gained (he was totally nekkid at that point, later he began dressing in spoils from the corpses of dragons) his pack had only blessed items in it... what was the point, precisely?

A Bad Player

Yeh, you don't know who I am, but you know so well how I died to guards all the time. Way to show you know what you're talkin about @.@ and it was all of about a year ago. You know, before slip was willing to recruit some randoms to fill spots?

And RL's, we can be best friends forever, but I will have laughs at your expense whenever possible.


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it blows my mind how few people on legends can spell any of my char names or my forum name properly
Im sorry, I didnt know I was supposed to care...Meh bad. Guess your still an Unkown.....or subpar, or what ever it is you kids are calling it these days.


No guard zone lawl I had to get my kills since my whole faction deserted me the drizzles seemed to scare them off :/

I was trying to make a line of corpses out of the brit healers just like the good ole days :p

Anyways there was about 50 healers in brit last night even it they did charge 5k a rez....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im sorry, I didnt know I was supposed to care...Meh bad. Guess your still an Unkown.....or subpar, or what ever it is you kids are calling it these days.
It speaks to your reading skills more than anything.


He has issues this kid wants to fight with everyone even if they don't play uo :cursing:


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
aimee we've been busy with rl given the fact that it's a holiday weekend. Plus most of us work during the week...


yeah I was told right after that post that some of ya got new jobs or whatever. Lucky for me I don't have to work anymore, But sometimes I really miss it. :sad4:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The following is true:

#1. Calamity Sucks at PvP!
#2. Not everyone uses a house (I do NOT!)
#3. Slipknot likes penis (This is not a crack at him it is just something he said to someone in a vent I was in.)
#4. There are no good pvper's in the LD Guild.
#5. X guild are cool people, they are good fighters and I enjoy fighting with them :) (And for those who say all X sucks at pvp, you clearly haven't fought Jawbone or Mwocchomei)
#6. LD allied the new 5 mages all named Quixotism (or something like that :p) and that just makes me laugh!
#7. I AM THE BEST PVPER! (I DO NOT mean that in arrogance, I simply am! :p) (I hope this one makes some people mad HAH)

RL'S pker

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The following is true:

#1. Calamity Sucks at PvP!
#2. Not everyone uses a house (I do NOT!)
#3. Slipknot likes penis (This is not a crack at him it is just something he said to someone in a vent I was in.)
#4. There are no good pvper's in the LD Guild.
#5. X guild are cool people, they are good fighters and I enjoy fighting with them :) (And for those who say all X sucks at pvp, you clearly haven't fought Jawbone or Mwocchomei)
#6. LD allied the new 5 mages all named Quixotism (or something like that :p) and that just makes me laugh!
#7. I AM THE BEST PVPER! (I DO NOT mean that in arrogance, I simply am! :p) (I hope this one makes some people mad HAH)

#1. Cal owns at pvp. Yet, he's tamed by Robitussin.
#2. sadly most people use houses.
#3. Slipknot is horrible pvper, and a shady person.
#4. Eh', when i quit they had Cyanide(sp), and he was a very good pvper.
#5. A lot of X are cool people. There are no good X pvpers. If Jawbone is playing again, he would be considered BNA, or !O!. never ****ty X. Jawbones my home slice. He really is...I can hear him in the kitchen....creepy.
#6. Who ever they are? Pug has always done that though. Recruit everyone.
#7. OK Vyal Jr.


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Stratics Legend
#1. Cal owns at pvp. Yet, he's tamed by Robitussin.
#2. sadly most people use houses.
#3. Slipknot is horrible pvper, and a shady person.
#4. Eh', when i quit they had Cyanide(sp), and he was a very good pvper.
#5. A lot of X are cool people. There are no good X pvpers. If Jawbone is playing again, he would be considered BNA, or !O!. never ****ty X. Jawbones my home slice. He really is...I can hear him in the kitchen....creepy.
#6. Who ever they are? Pug has always done that though. Recruit everyone.
#7. OK Vyal Jr.
I think you forgot to read the part where I said The following is true:

None of the things I talked about were up for debate really they were just facts. I do see you agree with a large portion of what I said though. So let me respond to your responses.

#1. Sadly wrong, Cal is a very bad pvper, He uses Programs to pvp and yet he still cannot beat the top 10% pvpers. Cal has seen his better days. (Back when he begged me for my help :p)

#2. Sadly yes! We are in total agreement here.

#3. Yep, Yep, Yep!

#4. Another one where we disagree, Cyanide is kinda lame at pvp...and that's giving him ALOT of credit.

#5. Okay and yet again we disagree, Although Jawbone is NOT in X, I mentioned Mwocchomei who is, I would also add to this list the following names: Stewy, Drago, Jorde, Hoove, Shane, and more that I could list here but I wont :p.

#6. Agreed! Pug is stupid, to bad he can't buy Intelligence.

#7. Me and Vyal are very different. I can Back up my words :p.


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Stewy, Drago, Jorde, Hoove, Shane
What are you talking about? Good? All those guys were garbage when I played...and i know Hoove hasnt got better. That guy was worse than Vyal, and thats saying alot. Stewy? Lawls.

You sould change your name from Tailean to Talltale....or Hoove...Someone is sprouting propaganda lols. Trash.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are you talking about? Good? All those guys were garbage when I played...and i know Hoove hasnt got better. That guy was worse than Vyal, and thats saying alot. Stewy? Lawls.

You sould change your name from Tailean to Talltale....or Hoove...Someone is sprouting propaganda lols. Trash.
I didn't know non-pvpers (aka. Trammies) were allowed to post on these boards. I must be doing pretty good to **** people off that don't even play the game anymore :p. Come show me you can fight and then you may post . . . don't worry you will have plenty of time when you are a ghost :). One last question, what does the word sould mean?


Pffft .... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Leave me outa this everyone already knows who would win in a one on one so please :fight::fight::fight::fight:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't know non-pvpers (aka. Trammies) were allowed to post on these boards. I must be doing pretty good to **** people off that don't even play the game anymore :p. Come show me you can fight and then you may post . . . don't worry you will have plenty of time when you are a ghost :). One last question, what does the word sould mean?
Lmao. **** me off? More like made me laugh. Id fight you but unfortunatly I work swing shift and in the morning I know your probably in middle school.