Hail Folks,
I have now finished reading every single post in this Thread and I have a few comments.
Draconi seems to be saying that ONLY if a character enters the Champ Spawn areas in the Abyss will they encounter non-consensual Pkilling/PvP. For Draconi, or any who have been there in the beta, is entering those Champ Spawn areas clearly marked as to be obvious to folks totally uninterested in non-con PvP?
Secondly, Calvin chose words which a great many folks were insulted by. Additionally, he hinted at a vague, change coming AFTER release of the expansion that he hoped would restore a "wild west" of yesteryear experience that eveyone wants. Draconi's post(s) did NOTHING to allay concerns. This needs made clear, or it is likely to lead a great many players to hold off buying the expansion, for quite awhile, if ever.
To any who have widely read UO Stratics and especially those playing or lurking in the Baja Forum, my views concerning Felucca are well known, so I will attempt to avoid adding to the Felucca/Trammel "back and forth" in this Thread.
However, I have played UO since its release in 1997. When I began playing it was on dialup. I remember well the laaaaaaaaaaag, the rubber-banding, the crashes and how far to many folks than I desired, could literally run circles around me having killed me before I could type a "wait" or even react. Thankfully, I had, and made, friends who were on elite computers and lightning fast internet connections. I persevered ... for years. I loved the virtual world, I loved the choices I had to create characters and many of the folks I came to know in Sosaria. However, I never liked nor enjoyed the "kill or be killed" reality that was UO's early years.
Before Trammel was created, subscriptions had peaked and were declining. In fact, the pace by which they were declining was racing by at an alarming rate. Developers, who rarely react quickly to anything, knew they would soon be facing UO's end unless something was done...and done Immediately. While they had several options, for better or for worse, Trammel was created. Regardless of who liked or disliked the fix the Developers chose, Trammel stopped the subscription bleeding and slowly subs began rising again.
Neither Felucca nor Trammel or any of the ensuing lands were, or are, monolithic. However, one fact which is undeniable is that once Trammel arrived, well more than half of the population of Felucca relocated to Trammel. Furthermore, of those remaining in Felucca, most fell into one of two groups; Group A comprised of players that enjoyed the non-con PvP ruleset and relished serving up Justice upon Group B, folks whose only real motivation and joy came from tormenting other players.
Many Group B players wailed and whined over the mass-exodus of their victims and former prey. Most Group B players had no stomach to remain in Felucca denied their easy prey (their reward) nor any stomach to face even-handed combat with others who were their equals or in many cases their betters (their risk). So many in Group B quit. Left with drastically less players, many in Group A also became bored and over time many of these also left for other games or real life challenges.
The Group B remnants hated the Developers, hated those who relocated to Trammel, and hated what they viewed as the evil done to them and to their game. Most of those who had relocated to Trammel held no ill feelings for those who remained in Felucca. Trammelians were simply ecstatic to be rid of Felucca and and their former tormentors. It was Feluccans who soon began the name calling, the taunting, the derision, etc.
Most in Trammel simply do not understand why those who remained in Felucca became so rabid. After all, they still had folks to attack. True, most who now remained for them to attack not only fought back, in many battles they dirt napped the once mighty murderous rabble. So the rabble recruited numbers, developed cheats, hacks, etc., and over time only they remained in Felucca. Incessantly they begged and whined for Developers to do something...ANYTHING...to bring their hapless prey back to Felucca.
The rest of that story most know all to well.
There are excellent reasons why folks exited Felucca and why few venture there even today, years later.
Hopefully, the Developers recognize the makeup of the vast majority of their playerbase. Hopefully they will do nothing to fracture that majority or drive it away. However, most of that majority, in which I include myself, has no intention of depending or relying solely upon HOPE. Before buying even one copy of the SA expansion, I need, expect, and demand some clarification from Calvin, or Josh, or Draconi, or someone with EAMYTHIC just what Calvin's "loose lips" were leaking on about.
I am unconcerned about anything given to Feluccans. I am unconcerned about non-con champ spawn areas in SA so long as I pass thru a red gate to enter them, or some equalling obvious Portal. While I disagree with the Developers providing Feluccan benefits denied others who eschew Felucca in clear attempts to lure prey back to the mindless rabble, that does not bother me enuff to cause me to leave Sosaria.
Elladan of Baja
Draconi answered most of my concerns. Will the SA Champ Spawn entrance be clearly marked so non-con folks cant just wander in by accident?