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Interesting Interview with Devs. Hints of classic server?

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We know the answer already : Siege Perilous and the Asian similar shard.

How populated are they ?

You have received your answer.........
Thats stupid. Now the problem with siege is that it is not a either full loot or full insurance like production shards. Its a bad mix with a bad RoT system too.


Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats stupid. Now the problem with siege is that it is not a either full loot or full insurance like production shards. Its a bad mix with a bad RoT system too.

...and it has the AoS item system.


Most explosive UO Legend
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From the interview it is expressly stated that this is something next after SA. So the explanations about SA don't cover it.

I'm sorry Draconi, but I think many of us would like a better explanation. It's not so much of what you intend to do, it's how. And wouldn't it be better to get it out in the open anyways, instead of some huge surprise that many players might not like? Why have to go back and fix it if that's the case?

Here's the relevent quote from that interview, with important parts in bold:

UO was like the Wild West in its early days, everything seemed fairplay and you took your life in your hands when you left town; does that still exist in today's UO?

Calvin: That's something we're going to try to do in two pieces. We're going to have an announcement after this launch about another piece that will turn UO back into the Wild, Wild West that everyone wants. But before that, within the Stygian Abyss, there are areas that are Player vs. Player combat that, are, I'll just go ahead and say it, where the "Care Bears" have to travel. As you are going from one place to another, yeah it's all fine. But The Abyss is not a place you travel alone. I think that's what players have been missing a lot. Also, there are more challenges for the brain that aren't handholding exercises. You're going to have to go and find and do some discovery. I think a lot of things that the players say they want we've as a production team gone and said "We're going to give it to you our way and remind you of what Ultima Online was like."
Sure Trebhr!

First, I'll reference my post above which explains about "future things" and goes as follows:
Future of the game: Why ruin a good thing? Answer: we won't. Anything we add that's more "wild west" in nature would be self-contained and not break the current way of playing the game that the majority enjoy.
We would be utter fools to do it any other way.

It would be like forcing players to use the Enhanced client to play the expansion, which we will not do. They can play with the 2D client as well.
Next, let me dissect the parts you bolded and respond:
We're going to have an announcement after this launch about another piece that will turn UO back into the Wild, Wild West that everyone wants.
No, we're not making any large-scale changes to the rulesets. There will be no forced PvP. Anything we add that has "wild west" elements will be self-contained and separate from the normal game mechanics, and will be optional for the playerbase.

We will not require you to PvP to enjoy the rest of the game, we will not allow PvP to infringe on the enjoyment of non-PvPers in the Trammel rulesets.

I'll just go ahead and say it, where the "Care Bears" have to travel.
This is in reference to the SA Champ Spawns.

remind you of what Ultima Online was like
That's the key right there: remind you :) We're not going to force people to change the way they play UO. Yet there are fun things we can add on the side that can remind them of earlier times.


I'm afraid I simply can't be clearer. Anything new after the expansion like that - we're not talking about a classic shard even, let alone changing the existing rulesets for live shards. It'd be madness!

But fun things, yes, things that are so exciting to us we can't wait to do it? Absolutely. And when the day comes where we can really talk about it, I'm sure many people, PvP and PvE alike, will look forward to it!


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alright, fair enough and thanks.

One last thing, though, care to say anything about any plans on dealing with the hacks, cheats, scripting in the game which made so many leave and not want to come back until they are dealt with and eradicated for good ?

Please, not the usual generic reassurances that for years and through various dev teams I heard but something more firm that shows that finally this is going to be a top priority and fight that you want to win (against them) in a reasonable time.

And thanks again.
No, I'm sorry, I can't.

It'd be irresponsible of me to respond to this post in the middle of the current discussion and derail everything. I will say that right now 100% of our efforts are geared at the expansion delivery itself. There's no room for discussion about this until we've gotten this out the door.


Draconi it sounds so damn cool with the new stuff that im gonna re-open my account tonight!

(also the SA expansion sounds like the most well thought UO expansion to date)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I ALWAYS hated the wild west (the real one).

One too many unfairness and illegalities happened back then. If there is something which I hate with all of myself, is the law of the jungle.
Holy crap you're old!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But fun things, yes, things that are so exciting to us we can't wait to do it? Absolutely. And when the day comes where we can really talk about it, I'm sure many people, PvP and PvE alike, will look forward to it!
Thanks Draconi :) And Cal needs lay low on the interviews for a bit....


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi it sounds so damn cool with the new stuff that im gonna re-open my account tonight!

(also the SA expansion sounds like the most well thought UO expansion to date)
Woot! Welcome home :)

Trebr Drab

Sure Trebhr!

First, I'll reference my post above which explains about "future things" and goes as follows:

Next, let me dissect the parts you bolded and respond:
No, we're not making any large-scale changes to the rulesets. There will be no forced PvP. Anything we add that has "wild west" elements will be self-contained and separate from the normal game mechanics, and will be optional for the playerbase.

We will not require you to PvP to enjoy the rest of the game, we will not allow PvP to infringe on the enjoyment of non-PvPers in the Trammel rulesets.

This is in reference to the SA Champ Spawns.

That's the key right there: remind you :) We're not going to force people to change the way they play UO. Yet there are fun things we can add on the side that can remind them of earlier times.


I'm afraid I simply can't be clearer. Anything new after the expansion like that - we're not talking about a classic shard even, let alone changing the existing rulesets for live shards. It'd be madness!

But fun things, yes, things that are so exciting to us we can't wait to do it? Absolutely. And when the day comes where we can really talk about it, I'm sure many people, PvP and PvE alike, will look forward to it!
The thing I think many of us are concerned with is if it's going to be another Powerscroll deal. Either play PvP or buy it from those who do. And playing PvP with those groups of well oiled PvPers is like being invited into the spiders web, if you get my drift. But that situation, overall, is a problem for those of us who don't want to PvP for great chunks of our more limited time to play.

Lord Patapon

Woot, welcome back Gandie ! Cya in a few hours ;)

edit: Mis here :p


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
No, I'm sorry, I can't.

It'd be irresponsible of me to respond to this post in the middle of the current discussion and derail everything. I will say that right now 100% of our efforts are geared at the expansion delivery itself. There's no room for discussion about this until we've gotten this out the door.

I can understand that but can we at least get a promise from the Lead Designer of the game that after the Stygian Abyss expansion is out and working the fight against cheating, scripting and hacking will earn #1 Priority status ?

At least a promise ?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I'm sorry, I can't.

It'd be irresponsible of me to respond to this post in the middle of the current discussion and derail everything. I will say that right now 100% of our efforts are geared at the expansion delivery itself. There's no room for discussion about this until we've gotten this out the door.

I can understand that but can we at least get a promise from the Lead Designer of the game that after the Stygian Abyss expansion is out and working the fight against cheating, scripting and hacking will earn #1 Priority status ?

At least a promise ?
Translation of Draconi's post: NOT NOW.
Let the man work 200% on the expansion, will you?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I'm sorry, I can't.

It'd be irresponsible of me to respond to this post in the middle of the current discussion and derail everything. I will say that right now 100% of our efforts are geared at the expansion delivery itself. There's no room for discussion about this until we've gotten this out the door.

I can understand that but can we at least get a promise from the Lead Designer of the game that after the Stygian Abyss expansion is out and working the fight against cheating, scripting and hacking will earn #1 Priority status ?

At least a promise ?
I disagree with this, it is my opinion that no matter how bad these things seem to be they do not really affect the player subscription.

What I would prefer they work on as number one priority is always the same, the thing that is affecting player subscription (no, not the new joins that quit) base.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Not to mention scripting and unattended macroing which helped clear out counts without much pain for those Reds who did not disdain to use them making the whole system of counts a joke since they became painless to wipe.......
The stat loss system was a good check and balance for PKs. Even if you macroed counts 24 hours a day you could not get around the fact that 3 murders per day was your limit.

Short Term Murder Count - 8 Hours
Long Term Murder Count - 40 Hours

If you have 5 or more short term murder counts you lost skills upon resurrection. Like bonded pets do only it was much worse. So either you killed 3 people per day or went on a spree and had to stay dead for days.

As for long term counts those determine whether you are blue or red. If you have 5 or more you turn red. So you could only kill 1 person every 2 days if you wanted to remain blue. It is even more difficult to get rid of long term counts because their timer resets every time you kill someone. If you are a frequent murderer then you are likely red.

These two systems kept murderers in check no matter how much you macroed off counts. Pre-Trammel you didn't see the number of reds you do now because it was a tough life. Being red is easy now.

As for people saying Stat Loss "ruined" the game, you just have to looked at the recently launched Darkfall. They tried the current UO rules where there were no consequences for PKing people freely and it didn't work out. So they made it so you kill one person and you're in trouble.

If they are really making a "wild wild west" it is going to be doomed because only the best players have a chance at surviving. The rest will not have fun and give up. A world like pre-Trammel only works as long as there is a big consequence for failure (dying), so regular players will feel satisfaction knowing soon this guy killing them will be suffering.


Grand Poobah
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Oh but it was also an ENTIRE different game than now where SKILLS was what mattered most, NOT items.

Meaning, that losses were much less painfull than what they could be nowdays in such a heavily item based game.

Besides, back then everyone was moreless at the same level and reds where a minority.

Now, most PvPers are uber fitted and almost an impossible match.
Are you kidding me? It is insanely easy to build armor with faction artifacts and how cheap runic kits are. Not to mention with imbuing.

I read the first two of your posts, and then noticed EVERY other word was CAPITALIZED. That's when I stopped.

BTW, no one is forcing you to do anything. Just quit UO!

Most people don't even remember how fun UO was when there was no 'safe zone' to PvM. You would log in with a few friends and go to the City of the Dead outside of Delucia. Everything was great, there was about 15 blues killing Lich's and clearing the Orc Fort. All of the sudden you saw a red person coming towards you. Some ran and fought, others ran to the city. If you made it to the city you tried to get as many people to come with you to fight the red as you could, so you could go back to hunting.

It was fun!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The stat loss system was a good check and balance for PKs. Even if you macroed counts 24 hours a day you could not get around the fact that 3 murders per day was your limit.

Short Term Murder Count - 8 Hours
Long Term Murder Count - 40 Hours

If you have 5 or more short term murder counts you lost skills upon resurrection. Like bonded pets do only it was much worse. So either you killed 3 people per day or went on a spree and had to stay dead for days.

As for long term counts those determine whether you are blue or red. If you have 5 or more you turn red. So you could only kill 1 person every 2 days if you wanted to remain blue. It is even more difficult to get rid of long term counts because their timer resets every time you kill someone. If you are a frequent murderer then you are likely red.

These two systems kept murderers in check no matter how much you macroed off counts. Pre-Trammel you didn't see the number of reds you do now because it was a tough life. Being red is easy now.

As for people saying Stat Loss "ruined" the game, you just have to looked at the recently launched Darkfall. They tried the current UO rules where there were no consequences for PKing people freely and it didn't work out. So they made it so you kill one person and you're in trouble.

If they are really making a "wild wild west" it is going to be doomed because only the best players have a chance at surviving. The rest will not have fun and give up. A world like pre-Trammel only works as long as there is a big consequence for failure (dying), so regular players will feel satisfaction knowing soon this guy killing them will be suffering.
I agree with all of that, so I will add an observation.

You can not have Good without Evil.

You can not have Murderer's without Victims.

To have a successful PvP environment you need both of the above.

In a game were Death has not REAL meaning, then Evil has an advantage.

What gives Evil this advantage is it does NOT need to be Role Played (read as entertaining).

So there, in my opinion, MUST be significant penalties to the AGGRESSOR (kind of loosely defined for this post but can be equated to an unjustified attack) and I have NO issues with that penalty being Perma Death,

Everquest made a Server called Discord. It had the full EQ rule set with one exception. Death, no matter how it came was PERMANENT. Death in this context meant the character was reset to Fresh Made skill and stats. If you could get to your corpse you could loot it :)

What a Game changer that was, and a .... fair number of people loved it and would have loved it even more had there NOT been the Hacks and Cheats that destabilized the spirit of the server.


Most people don't even remember how fun UO was when there was no 'safe zone' to PvM. You would log in with a few friends and go to the City of the Dead outside of Delucia. Everything was great, there was about 15 blues killing Lich's and clearing the Orc Fort. All of the sudden you saw a red person coming towards you. Some ran and fought, others ran to the city. If you made it to the city you tried to get as many people to come with you to fight the red as you could, so you could go back to hunting.

It was fun!


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You would log in with a few friends and go to the City of the Dead outside of Delucia. Everything was great, there was about 15 blues killing Lich's and clearing the Orc Fort. All of the sudden you saw a red person coming towards you. Some ran and fought, others ran to the city. If you made it to the city you tried to get as many people to come with you to fight the red as you could, so you could go back to hunting.

It was fun!

Precisely, it was that kind of ratios (15 blues and 1 Red) which allowed some sort of "damage control" of pkilling.

That was because being a red could be hard play with stat loss and murder count to deal with.

Today, it is an entire different story with numbers reversed.

At the Champ Spawns in Felucca reds quite often outnumber or match any blue who tries them and, generally speaking, Reds are more fitted for PvP and so the fight is no challenge most of the time.

If this game wants to see lively PvP once again it is necessary that the number of Reds gets more under control so that we go back to the UO you remember with 15 blues facing 1 Red.......

That is, there needs again stuff like stats loss, murder counts and the like.

Amber Moon

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So there, in my opinion, MUST be significant penalties to the AGGRESSOR (kind of loosely defined for this post but can be equated to an unjustified attack) and I have NO issues with that penalty being Perma Death,
One problem that always intrudes on this is the connection to the game, which is far from certain for most everyone. So you end up with a permadeath connection lottery, or worse.... hacks that intentionally target the other guys connection.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO was like the Wild West in its early days, everything seemed fairplay and you took your life in your hands when you left town; does that still exist in today's UO?

Calvin: That's something we're going to try to do in two pieces. We're going to have an announcement after this launch about another piece that will turn UO back into the Wild, Wild West that everyone wants.
The solution is simple...Just boot up the "old code". No messing with switches for PvP, multiple facets, crazy item property systems, and even new skills that have come out with expansions. O, and no siege shard needed either.

That is the only way to truly get back to the wild west days!

Somewhere there has to be a circa 1999 version of the client and server code. Hell, Mythic can just ask one of the free shards for it. Yes, I know this code could have been modified and would require reviewing with a fine tooth comb, but it would be better than trying to make the current code resemble the UO of yesteryear.

Guess what, in reviewing the old code, the devs can probably fix all the old bugs we hated!

Create classic shards for each of the current shards and have them all reset to population 0 with no chance to transfer to any classic shard from a current shard.

You then have a pristine set of shards with no screwed economy, unbalanced items, etc... AND all the fixes that 10 years of programming have taught the teams developing UO

Just my thoughts


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
What a Game changer that was, and a .... fair number of people loved it and would have loved it even more had there NOT been the Hacks and Cheats that destabilized the spirit of the server.

That is the problem about PvP.

Unless all cheats and hacks are get rid of FIRST, there is no use even talking about PvP.

That is why I am convinced that nothing new can really help the game until cheats, hacks and scripting will be eradicated. It must be made #1 Priority, IMHO.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One problem that always intrudes on this is the connection to the game, which is far from certain for most everyone. So you end up with a permadeath connection lottery, or worse.... hacks that intentionally target the other guys connection.
You are absolutely right and I concede this point.

How ever this should not take the Perma Death off the table.

The point of Perma Death is to force the unjustified aggressor to take full responsibility for their intended action.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Well, rez-killing was a fact.

Unfortunately, what some PvPers do not realize is that their abusing of other fellow players in the end back fires because the target of their fun eventually goes away.

This is the problem with PvP.
I don't think people is against PvP generally speaking, people is against being abused because of PvP.

If PvP had a code of honor, was fair and balanced with all participants on an evened field than I would imagine more would be willing to participate.

Unfortunately, among those who PvP there is also a number who have their fun in abusing of others, griefing them, who drive their fun from making others feel miserable.

Probably they are a minority, nonetheless, they get heard loudly and eventually get the victims not wanting to have anything with them and move elsewhere.

I do remember the UO of those times, and grief playing and making others feel miserable was rampant. This is what is not good for the game, IMHO.
All that is a problem to the people who confuse a game with RL, and are spitting in the face of what UO was meant to be, that is "Be who you want to be", If I want to be a murderer I shouldn't have to be nice about it, a murderer is supposed to be mean and evil, too many people take whats in a RPG game as personal when in fact its just a game.

We know the answer already : Siege Perilous and the Asian similar shard.

How populated are they ?

You have received your answer.........

Like it or not, the vast majority of the player base does not like the idea of being the playing tool of others and be made felt miserale paying for it on top of it.

It just makes no sense whatsoever.
Siege/Mun is hardly a good example, most players love to have a choice on what type of character they want to play at any given time being forced to buy and maintain other accounts because of only having one character per account is enough to turn off the majority of players who otherwise would play there, plus the rulesets and systems(aka: AOS) are very poor for the ruleset of the shard and should have remained Pre AOS in terms of combat,Skills,Weapons and armor.

A better Example are the PRS. The most popular PRS and one of the longest running is a Fel only server and is a pre AOS system primarily UO:R, they run one that is a t2a era clone and one that is current ML, the later 2 dosnt have nearly the same amount of players as the first. If majority of people didnt want to play in a rule set like the first, surely the tram equipped servers would have more players but they dont, and the 1000's of people that play are not forced to play what they are givin its free and they have a choice of ruleset/styles. Where here we have either production shards where they are all the same then we have just a siege ruleset. Now if they had a production shard that was minus tram (siege map) and its ruleset pre aos or not then you would be able to make an assumption like you did that would have weight to it, but they dont so unless you can see like I have and many others that post here have seen with these PRS where people have choice on the ruleset/style then you will never understand that the tram playstyle is actually the minority in the world(s) of UO.

If you think about it there are a lot less players today then there were in 99. Now with all that aside. :next:

I really hope the big announcement is the return of order/chaos and the ability for faction members to fight anywhere. In essence besides Fel (where anything go's) a PvP switch alot like being green in WoW. and that they allow red faction members go anywhere except for the fact that they cannot attack blues(that are not in faction, or order chaos) in the tram ruleset unless they are attacked by a blue first basicly going by the wise phrase " Dont start no S*** wont be no S*** ". :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

I have now finished reading every single post in this Thread and I have a few comments.

Draconi seems to be saying that ONLY if a character enters the Champ Spawn areas in the Abyss will they encounter non-consensual Pkilling/PvP. For Draconi, or any who have been there in the beta, is entering those Champ Spawn areas clearly marked as to be obvious to folks totally uninterested in non-con PvP?

Secondly, Calvin chose words which a great many folks were insulted by. Additionally, he hinted at a vague, change coming AFTER release of the expansion that he hoped would restore a "wild west" of yesteryear experience that eveyone wants. Draconi's post(s) did NOTHING to allay concerns. This needs made clear, or it is likely to lead a great many players to hold off buying the expansion, for quite awhile, if ever.

To any who have widely read UO Stratics and especially those playing or lurking in the Baja Forum, my views concerning Felucca are well known, so I will attempt to avoid adding to the Felucca/Trammel "back and forth" in this Thread.

However, I have played UO since its release in 1997. When I began playing it was on dialup. I remember well the laaaaaaaaaaag, the rubber-banding, the crashes and how far to many folks than I desired, could literally run circles around me having killed me before I could type a "wait" or even react. Thankfully, I had, and made, friends who were on elite computers and lightning fast internet connections. I persevered ... for years. I loved the virtual world, I loved the choices I had to create characters and many of the folks I came to know in Sosaria. However, I never liked nor enjoyed the "kill or be killed" reality that was UO's early years.

Before Trammel was created, subscriptions had peaked and were declining. In fact, the pace by which they were declining was racing by at an alarming rate. Developers, who rarely react quickly to anything, knew they would soon be facing UO's end unless something was done...and done Immediately. While they had several options, for better or for worse, Trammel was created. Regardless of who liked or disliked the fix the Developers chose, Trammel stopped the subscription bleeding and slowly subs began rising again.

Neither Felucca nor Trammel or any of the ensuing lands were, or are, monolithic. However, one fact which is undeniable is that once Trammel arrived, well more than half of the population of Felucca relocated to Trammel. Furthermore, of those remaining in Felucca, most fell into one of two groups; Group A comprised of players that enjoyed the non-con PvP ruleset and relished serving up Justice upon Group B, folks whose only real motivation and joy came from tormenting other players.

Many Group B players wailed and whined over the mass-exodus of their victims and former prey. Most Group B players had no stomach to remain in Felucca denied their easy prey (their reward) nor any stomach to face even-handed combat with others who were their equals or in many cases their betters (their risk). So many in Group B quit. Left with drastically less players, many in Group A also became bored and over time many of these also left for other games or real life challenges.

The Group B remnants hated the Developers, hated those who relocated to Trammel, and hated what they viewed as the evil done to them and to their game. Most of those who had relocated to Trammel held no ill feelings for those who remained in Felucca. Trammelians were simply ecstatic to be rid of Felucca and and their former tormentors. It was Feluccans who soon began the name calling, the taunting, the derision, etc.

Most in Trammel simply do not understand why those who remained in Felucca became so rabid. After all, they still had folks to attack. True, most who now remained for them to attack not only fought back, in many battles they dirt napped the once mighty murderous rabble. So the rabble recruited numbers, developed cheats, hacks, etc., and over time only they remained in Felucca. Incessantly they begged and whined for Developers to do something...ANYTHING...to bring their hapless prey back to Felucca.

The rest of that story most know all to well.

There are excellent reasons why folks exited Felucca and why few venture there even today, years later.

Hopefully, the Developers recognize the makeup of the vast majority of their playerbase. Hopefully they will do nothing to fracture that majority or drive it away. However, most of that majority, in which I include myself, has no intention of depending or relying solely upon HOPE. Before buying even one copy of the SA expansion, I need, expect, and demand some clarification from Calvin, or Josh, or Draconi, or someone with EAMYTHIC just what Calvin's "loose lips" were leaking on about.

I am unconcerned about anything given to Feluccans. I am unconcerned about non-con champ spawn areas in SA so long as I pass thru a red gate to enter them, or some equalling obvious Portal. While I disagree with the Developers providing Feluccan benefits denied others who eschew Felucca in clear attempts to lure prey back to the mindless rabble, that does not bother me enuff to cause me to leave Sosaria.


Elladan of Baja

Draconi answered most of my concerns. Will the SA Champ Spawn entrance be clearly marked so non-con folks cant just wander in by accident?


Precisely, it was that kind of ratios (15 blues and 1 Red) which allowed some sort of "damage control" of pkilling.

That was because being a red could be hard play with stat loss and murder count to deal with.

Today, it is an entire different story with numbers reversed.
I agree with you that if PvP should play a larger role again in UO, which i really hope. They should change the rules for reds!


Always Present
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Translation of Draconi's post: NOT NOW.
Let the man work 200% on the expansion, will you?

Magdalene, it was not my intention nor thinking that with as busy as they are they could consider that now.

I merely was asking if it can at least be a fight (that against cheats, hacks and scripting) that once that the expansion will be out and running they can consider as putting as the new #1 Priority.

Not #1 Priority now, but only AFTER the expansion will be out and running.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All that is a problem to the people who confuse a game with RL, and are spitting in the face of what UO was meant to be, that is "Be who you want to be", If I want to be a murderer I shouldn't have to be nice about it, a murderer is supposed to be mean and evil, too many people take whats in a RPG game as personal when in fact its just a game.

It may be a game but the people behind the keyboard is a real living being with emotions and all that.
Griefers know that well or otherwise, they would not grief...........

Siege/Mun is hardly a good example, most players love to have a choice on what type of character they want to play at any given time being forced to buy and maintain other accounts because of only having one character per account is enough to turn off the majority of players who otherwise would play there, plus the rulesets and systems(aka: AOS) are very poor for the ruleset of the shard and should have remained Pre AOS in terms of combat,Skills,Weapons and armor.

Well, Soulstones, Soulstone Fragments and now the craftable 1 charge Soulstones pretty much ease that limitation.
Even on Siege and Mugen one can train any and all skill and just wear them as needed using the various soulstones available.

I really hope the big announcement is the return of order/chaos and the ability for faction members to fight anywhere. In essence besides Fel (where anything go's) a PvP switch alot like being green in WoW. and that they allow red faction members go anywhere except for the fact that they cannot attack blues(that are not in faction, or order chaos) in the tram ruleset unless they are attacked by a blue first basicly going by the wise phrase " Dont start no S*** wont be no S*** ". :thumbsup:

Well, the balance of numbers WILL be important to keep PvP balanced.

Since for interest and wider experience Reds are better PvPers, whatever the majority of reds will make a choice to side will be more succesfull of the 2 sides.
Therefore, if they can consider leaning this way I think it will be very crucial that there will be a system of checks and balances so that the numbers won't lean too much in favour of the side that betters at PvP.


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi seems to be saying that ONLY if a character enters the Champ Spawn areas in the Abyss will they encounter non-consensual Pkilling/PvP. For Draconi, or any who have been there in the beta, is entering those Champ Spawn areas clearly marked as to be obvious to folks totally uninterested in non-con PvP?
This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

Draconi's post(s) did NOTHING to allay concerns. This needs made clear, or it is likely to lead a great many players to hold off buying the expansion, for quite awhile, if ever.
Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.



This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.
What has me upset is..........................

You have me on the edge of my seat in anticipation for whats to come :( and I have to wait to find out what it is! lol.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Precisely, it was that kind of ratios (15 blues and 1 Red) which allowed some sort of "damage control" of pkilling.

Today, it is an entire different story with numbers reversed.
But wait a minute, weren't you just posting with alternating caps about how stupid it is to force trammies (who you claim are the majority) to play in fellucca with PvPers (who account for I think you said 5% of the player base).

If we account for such a small percentage then how could we possibly outnumber you 15 to 1???


Draconi clings to this silly dream that the average slob is going to walk into UO PVP and not get curbstomped by some smack-talking dood in a 500 mil PVP suit running half a dozen different PVP scripts. I wonder if he's ever played the game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi clings to this silly dream that the average slob is going to walk into UO PVP and not get curbstomped by some smack-talking dood in a 500 mil PVP suit running half a dozen different PVP scripts. I wonder if he's ever played the game.
Can you even name 6 scripts that would help someone in PvP? You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It may be a game but the people behind the keyboard is a real living being with emotions and all that.
Griefers know that well or otherwise, they would not grief...........
So in a timing based game where .25 of a second is the difference between life or death getting your opponent flustered enough to make mistakes isnt a good tactic? Why does it work in RL when it comes to say Football, Soccer, MMA, Boxing, Hockey, man even baseball shoot even in WWE wrestling they go as far as acting the part lol.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.

Ok....deep breath peeps!

The man can't get much clearer than that...

I'm just jazzed that not only we get SA but they have plans for continued Live events afterwards....

Long live UO!



Can you even name 6 scripts that would help someone in PvP? You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.
The "PVP, Fighting, and Survival" section at A CERTAIN WEBSITE I WILL NOT NAME lists 72 different scripts available for download. A lot of them are PVE related, but a LOT of them are not. I could start listing them by name if someone wants to tell me it won't violate any rules to do so.

Then there's... well... the OTHER program. Not the one pretty much every single person in UO uses. The other one. Yeah. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, pal.


This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.
Perhaps this could be stickied at the top with a title "Draconi fixes Cals blunder"


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Let me be very clear:
* We are not making any ruleset changes
* We are not forcing anyone to play in a ruleset they don't want to
* We are not going to force Trammel people fight in Felucca, or allow murderers into Trammel to hunt other players
* Anything we add that he hinted at will not interfere with the current, normal game mechanics
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be self-contained, and as separate from the Trammel content as a red moongate separates them from Felucca
* Anything we add that he hinted at will be done as a part of the Live publish cycle, and isn't related to the expansion, it will not be in the same timeframe as the expansion release, and would be schedule far down the road, as all Live content is
* The scope of said "addition" would be on the same scale as other Live publishes. Examples of contents/system that have been added on this scale include: The Paragon system, Treasures of Tokuno, the Trial of Ricardo, the Fall of Magincia, etc.
* This has nothing to do with a "classic" shard
* This has nothing to do with "reverting" the combat code to a previous state

* I personally believe that yes, the idea we have is very cool, and will make both PvP'ers and PvM'ers want to participate. It is not related to the expansion.
OK. I get all of that... When can I unleash my murderous rage on Trammel? After that "addition" or the "addition" after that?



Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Petra and Mags are gonna kill me...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK. I get all of that... When can I unleash my murderous rage on Trammel? After that "addition" or the "addition" after that?

Third times a charm!
Just remember...some of us Trammies have teethssss....



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "PVP, Fighting, and Survival" section at A CERTAIN WEBSITE I WILL NOT NAME lists 72 different scripts available for download. A lot of them are PVE related, but a LOT of them are not. I could start listing them by name if someone wants to tell me it won't violate any rules to do so.

Then there's... well... the OTHER program. Not the one pretty much every single person in UO uses. The other one. Yeah. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, pal.
Ya and I'm willing to bet that in that list of 72 you can't pick out 6 that would give you any benefit to running at the same time.

And I'm not suggesting you fell off of anything. Just that you don't PvP.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Draconi clings to this silly dream that the average slob is going to walk into UO PVP and not get curbstomped by some smack-talking dood in a 500 mil PVP suit running half a dozen different PVP scripts. I wonder if he's ever played the game.
I have a feeling that will be going away soon. for starters inbueing with the new faction system will in short time even the field, a suit can only be so good with the current caps into place. We will be playing through a new classic client (and the new enhanced client) that by agreeing to use "even in beta" I believe will sniff out cheat programs there was a paragraph in the TOS/user agreement that you have to agree to, where you allow ea to scan the memory of the cpu to look for 3rd party apps. My guess is if its not done yet it will be soon.

Scripts are more a problem on resource gathering, and stuff that would be considered PvM more than PvP, The biggest problem with PvP is "speed hacks" and exploits that allow people to bypass skill ala bugged dart trapped boxes bypassing the sole reason damage on magic trap pouches increased exc exc.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But wait a minute, weren't you just posting with alternating caps about how stupid it is to force trammies (who you claim are the majority) to play in fellucca with PvPers (who account for I think you said 5% of the player base).

If we account for such a small percentage then how could we possibly outnumber you 15 to 1???

Because with the current status of things player killers in Felucca take advantage of the fear of blues not wanting to get nowhere near Felucca any more.

Therefore, IN Felucca, player killers easily outnumber their preys (or out best them anyways given their superior outfitting and experience at it).

Back in the early UO, there was NO other place to go but Britain (Felucca) so, the blues where more in numbers than the reds and, because of the checks and balances for a while that worked until the player killers, the griefing the cheating and all that got players to quit so heavily that trammel had to be created to contain the hemorrage of subscriptions (and it saved the game, IMHO).

That is why back then, before things got out of hand, for a while blues could deal with reds while today this ain't possible.

If we want to bring that back there NEEDS to be some system to keep player killers under check.

Be it stats loss, murder counts NOT easily macroable off or anything else, there need to be a way to have the ratio blues/reds in PvP areas definately not favour the reds, more experienced and fitted at it, but the blues.

That, and get permanently rid of cheats, hacks and scripting.

Otherwise, PvP will never be able to get lively again in the game, IMHO.

Trebr Drab

I have a feeling that will be going away soon. for starters inbueing with the new faction system will in short time even the field, a suit can only be so good with the current caps into place. We will be playing through a new classic client (and the new enhanced client) that by agreeing to use "even in beta" I believe will sniff out cheat programs there was a paragraph in the TOS/user agreement that you have to agree to, where you allow ea to scan the memory of the cpu to look for 3rd party apps. My guess is if its not done yet it will be soon.

Scripts are more a problem on resource gathering, and stuff that would be considered PvM more than PvP, The biggest problem with PvP is "speed hacks" and exploits that allow people to bypass skill ala bugged dart trapped boxes bypassing the sole reason damage on magic trap pouches increased exc exc.
Imbuing sounds like it takes lots of time and effort. Many of us don't have that kind of time.

As to Draconi, I'd really like to know what's in the plans now. You want us to buy, and this thing is hanging over our heads. I hope it's cool and does what you want, but I'm very much in doubt.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "PVP, Fighting, and Survival" section at A CERTAIN WEBSITE I WILL NOT NAME lists 72 different scripts available for download. A lot of them are PVE related, but a LOT of them are not. I could start listing them by name if someone wants to tell me it won't violate any rules to do so.

Then there's... well... the OTHER program. Not the one pretty much every single person in UO uses. The other one. Yeah. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, pal.

I am flabbergasted how many do not realize how vital and important is to get rid of cheats, hacks and scripting FIRST THING if ever PvP is wanted to become lively again in this game.

Personally, after the expansion is done, released and running I would get NOTHING ELSE worked on if the fight against cheats, hacks and scripting is not won first and them permanently eradicated from the game.

Only then some good and serious, fair PvP can get done.

That is the waY I see it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imbuing sounds like it takes lots of time and effort. Many of us don't have that kind of time.

As to Draconi, I'd really like to know what's in the plans now. You want us to buy, and this thing is hanging over our heads. I hope it's cool and does what you want, but I'm very much in doubt.
From what I have done so far it wont be so bad, I made a twinkling scimitar with bronze runic until i got one that was mageweapon -20, Spell channel -1FC, through use of inbueing i was able to add FC+1 canceling out the -1fc, i was then able to add another 10 dci to the weapon. tell me how much a weapon like that would go for in the pvp community pre inbueing?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imbuing takes time and effort?
So did training smithing? Or should skills get easier to train? I plan to do a little bit each day, and when I get bored I'll go bash something, or go mining, to get the resources to do some more the next day.
I've proved you don't need to spend a fortune training it - despite some people insisting you do.
Expecting to get rid of all cheating is unrealistic. The team will do their best I'm sure, but there isn't a multiplayer game anywhere that doesn't have some kind of problem with cheats.

Possibly in part due to the convention of deliberately putting 'cheat codes' into console games etc, some people no longer see cheating as wrong and reprehensible, but an acceptable part of gaming. Sad, but I'm afraid true.
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