UO was like the Wild West in its early days, everything seemed fairplay and you took your life in your hands when you left town; does that still exist in today's UO?
That's how UO was to me when I started Dec 1997 and I loved it. You was safe in town, except from the thieves. If you want to travel outside, it was on own risk and you better join up with a few friends to be safe in numbers or be sure you could affort to lose your stuff.
It was a little to hard for the non PvP players and UO was missing a carebear shard to use the word you all hate so much
Calvin: That's something we're going to try to do in two pieces. We're going to have an announcement after this launch about another piece that will turn UO back into the Wild, Wild West that everyone wants.
I had hoped for years, that Devs would bring the wild west feeling back to UO but every new expension had made me disappointed. Sure we have Siege but our shard are nerfed in so many ways so only few hardcore Siege players want to play here.
First Trammel was a mirror of Britainnia, big mistake. At that time we did need more land for the non PvP'ers. It should had been open for reds too but been non PvP zone.
The non PvP'ers want hard monsters, quests, gathering places, places for their crafting, places for young chars to train, places for events.
I believe it had been possible include that in new lands, that mainly was PvP zone like original Britainnia.
The problem with old Britainnia was, the non PvP'ers did feel trapped in town.
There was no PvM areals without PvP.
The farstes way to get good loot or gathering items for crafting should still be in PvP zone but there should be places for the non PvP'ers, where they could play, even if they would need 3-4 times the time to get the items they want or have to face much harder spawn than in PvP zone to get it.
But before that, within the Stygian Abyss, there are areas that are Player vs. Player combat that, are, I'll just go ahead and say it, where the "Care Bears" have to travel. As you are going from one place to another, yeah it's all fine. But The Abyss is not a place you travel alone. I think that's what players have been missing a lot.
I hope they will success it, but I fair I once again will be disappointed.
Also I personly hate dungeons with alot hard spawn, I like the overland or dungeons where I can single out a harder monster and not need friends to help me killing it. I like the good old Felucca dungeons but the loot sucks badly so noone want to hunt there.
PvP and hard spawn do not really mix well as PK's will attack players when they are close to die to the spawn and there is not place to RP with hard spawn around.
I do wish badly, that UO will be filled with players again and we will get the wild west feeling back.