We need more Devs like this Cal bloke, I like the way he thinks.
For FAR to long have the old Britannians (those of us who played and enjoyed the game prior to Fel/Tram) been shafted in favor of the (as he so accurately puts it) "care bares."
In 2001 we were all forced into Ren, against the wishes of many, MANY players (most of whom have since left and now play on free shards that let them play the way they want to). UO has never, ever, been the same since. It hurt the game, it hurt and devided the community.
Luckily, this is UO we are talking about, and it remains the best MMO there is despite all the the changes it has endured. Most other games would of folded long ago with such drastic changes.
The amount of players out there that would come back to UO if it was to go back towards its golden era (t2a), would stagger the modern Trammie I reckon. With Ren (and to a lesser extent AoS) the playerbase was changed. Many, many, MANY, older players left and made way for a different type of UO player.
What you all must remember is, if it werent for those early years ('97-'00), there would be no UO. The success that UO was in those days paved the way for the game to be what it is today; the longest running MMO in history. It wasn't post-Ren that UO was the most populated MMO of it's time, it was prior to, and during the Second Age.
Going back to that era and putting parts of it back into modern UO can only be a good thing for the game.
People seem to always forget this oO. Yes, Pre-Trammel UO was awsome and I enjoyed it a great deal myself. But facts come into play here, it was losing subs. Had around 100k subs and falling (If that at the time). Guess what, Trammel came and UO subs spiked up to 250k. Don't let nostalgia cloud your memory. Without Tram, there would be no UO today.