Really ?
That many UO players have such a poor ping that those 2 shards are unplayable to them ?
The one character only can be worked around by multiple accounts which quite a few have and, besides, I hear left and right talks that UO is all about group playing and now 1 slot is a problem ?
Guess what ?
There's actually a world outside America and Asia. And those Siege-type shards (who are not in any way classic, but I don't want to explain that again here, as it was very well explained in the last classic shard thread we had) are a no-go for players from all over Western and Eastern Europe.
Oh, and guess what ? Most of the people I know in game don't have more than 2 accounts.
And even then, the housing rules makes it quite sacrificial to play Siege. (I'd like to play Siege, but can't compete, with the ping I - and many europeans with me - have. That's it.)
As for the choice of words, yeah, it's not the wisest, I gotta agree with you, but I really wonder... was this choice really a mistake ? The hype seems to be working, either way.
And as for each side of the fence hearing about the arguments from the other side, sorry, but from the beginning of this post, I've just seen the "how shocking !" type of post, at a point where even Petra had to say it in big letters: NO, the Tram players won't have to endure tortures and go through the "we'll cut the little fleshy parts on your body".
Frankly, I roamed SA for a few months, and geographically, it ISN'T true that Tram players will have to get killed a dozen times before accessing SA.
But even then, this is the type of complaints we are seeing, even though it doesn't have ANY foundations.
This is UHall way, I guess.
how often they tried this in the past????
And yet, the Tram players had it all. Tram. AoS. Pets. Removal of the factions for years. Insurance killing skilled PvPing. Item-centered game. Wow.
Thanks devs for having that much done for Fell, but now, what about the Tram side players ? They didn't have anything for years !
I don't wanna play that "who got the most between Fell and Tram players", cause I just want Dev to balance things so everyone's happy, but obviously, for some Tram players (SOME, please notice), even the most vaporous comment on Fell-content addition is seen as Apocalypse.
And I really don't understand why.
So ...er ... if someone could explain, I'll be grateful.
*returns IG with his Tram and Fell friends while UHall is getting into an intifada mood*
edit :
No, really. Please explain, or else I might begin to think you're just a troll. You ... you're not a troll, are you ? Im afraid of trolls