What do age have to do with this?
Are you calling me immature because I, a woman, age 54 love fel ruleset and have a red RP char?
If you look at the Siege community, you will find alot around 50 years. Some do PvP, some do PvM or crafting but they did still choose Siege over the other shards. I believe the avg age on Siege is 30+
It's fair enough, you do not like PvP and never would play on an all PvP shard but you do not need to trash talk the ones who enjoy the fel ruleset.
It's sounds very immature to me!
I am not young neither..getting ready to turn 40 this August..my best friend whom got me into UO is almost 45. We both enjoy the ruleset of Felucca (old school) as well.
I too hate getting sterotyped as a young punk ganking machine
I believe people don't like the idea of getting their stuff taken away. Which is understandable. But try to look at this way..if a theif takes it you may or may not know it was taken. If you get "ganked" you at least know they are after something on you or in your pouch.
I like to PvP in groups of three. I never run alone. Especially without a healer. If your one of them types that wonder aimlessly alone...then thats not smart on your end. Would you walk through a war zone alone>? Use of caution is your best defense and having the right skills. C'mon lets get real here. If you enjoy hunting do as they did back in the old school days..look for a mercenary guild to protect you, have allies, make friends with PvPers, do something besides keep yourself all balled up in a shell waiting for someone to crack it so you can complain the game is not fair...well guess what...its not fair for pvpers either..to take the "game" away from our passion they started out with and give the non-pvpers an escape goat. An escape goat to keep players whom go idle and like to cruise around happy. Well hell fire..how have they kept pvpers happy? Gave us uber weapons to pacify the time against each other? Just what exactly has EA done for the PvPers of UO? They basically put us pvpers in our own world to kill each other off with no "game".
And with this I protest the "care bear" shards.... This game started out with an all Felucca ruleset and will ALWAYS be around jabbing at EA or whomever else we may get consumed by. Real question is... just who reads these post gives a damn for PvPers?