Rob, RENT has shown up to two harrowers and we've got a significant amount of kills. However bragging that you finished it (20 people counted) holding a choke vs 3 people is not impressive.
The second harrower we went to R had over 16 people and 3 of us killed atleast 8. Again it was bag balled and an instant choke was being held to fend off 3 people(still not impressive and you should be embarassed).
R only fights when they have a staggering amount on compared to the competation. You have many players like William who think they are good, yet anytime they are offered a 1v1, or an even number fight, they decline(suprise, suprise!).
I often see R hiding in the house for protection. It's quite the pot calling the kettle black when you talk about anyone house hiding when R is just as guilty...and no I'm not talking about rolling for scrolls(espeically since we take most of your spawns).
R has a long way to go if they want to be good. Morg again I'm not sure why you're talking trash. I think it's a very weak arguement to say you come to fel, as if you pvp by yourself. I'm not arguging that I've seen you in fel a few times, but ONLY when there is 8+ on and any other guild has 1-2.
The second harrower we went to R had over 16 people and 3 of us killed atleast 8. Again it was bag balled and an instant choke was being held to fend off 3 people(still not impressive and you should be embarassed).
R only fights when they have a staggering amount on compared to the competation. You have many players like William who think they are good, yet anytime they are offered a 1v1, or an even number fight, they decline(suprise, suprise!).
I often see R hiding in the house for protection. It's quite the pot calling the kettle black when you talk about anyone house hiding when R is just as guilty...and no I'm not talking about rolling for scrolls(espeically since we take most of your spawns).
R has a long way to go if they want to be good. Morg again I'm not sure why you're talking trash. I think it's a very weak arguement to say you come to fel, as if you pvp by yourself. I'm not arguging that I've seen you in fel a few times, but ONLY when there is 8+ on and any other guild has 1-2.