Eyes of Origin
wander, I'm not the poster known as "Speaking the Truth", I think its very obvious with the sig who I am or am not. go back to the atl boards.
Notice the difference??
I know what it is because on a different PvP forums im not allowed to mention, someone posted a pic of the same thing, i asked what it was using uoassist myself and the flames started on the poster for using the ITPP.thought we werent allowed to talk about that stuff on the boards? and if thats what it is, apparently you are no better for knowing what it might be and my guess is thats why half the ppl who talk crap here dont post pics to back up themselves up =/
I've got to hand it to you for writing a such a rational post. I'm not sure which of you are part of the PvM squad but for those that are I hold respect for you that I would hope is mutual. You guys are well organized and well skilled , which on its own is a class above 'R'.Just to clarify, LFC doesn't hate any guild in particular. We simply don't understand the level of immaturity and trash talking on this shard; but we're getting used to it.
We've been having fun on this shard, thanks for having us. Keep in mind that we're the newest guild on this shard, and while we've had a few mis-steps, we expect that the power balance isn't set in stone yet. We don't even really know who all the folks are on this shard yet, and which ones are classy folks and which ones are just plain trash.
Our greatest concern is not who PvPs better, but who is here to have fun. You can keep your offers for duels to yourselves. We aren't interested in the chest-thumping, screenshot-taking, massive ego-boosting bull**** that so often characterizes most PvP on most shards. Drop a thread in the Baja forums if you don't believe me; we come from a different world and a different mindset of PvP.
A prediction though: LFC will become more and more independent as time goes on. I don't want to argue, but we don't rely on other guilds to do our fighting for us. Since we're already being called the zerg, I suppose it only makes sense that we will increasingly rely on only ourselves to make ourselves welcome on this shard. To be blunt, no guild (or even individual) on this shard has shown enough class to be bigger than their egos will allow, and formally welcome us to this shard. That's fine, no biggie.
Congrats to the FFBz guildmember who recently had his first child! Always good to keep in mind that there are greater things in life than this ******** game.
But I'm a real boy!Muhahahahah dance puppets!
Sadly yes !O! is a humorous joke at this point on shard. Hiding to get away with spawns, getting raided on their blues, murder counts out the ass, then sit at the yew gate and spam guards...only time i see !O! now sadly....It would be nice if you came back and played more and straightened them up, they are giving your guild a bad name ATM in my eyes/opinion. Dont take that the wrong way but if R was all blues who just sat at yew gate and called guards....u would say the same...