OP only assumed they were unattended, he has no way of proving other wise which is why he should of paged for a GM. Once the GM is paged he should move on now as far as what the GM does they could mark the account in question once a GM notices so many pages on a certain player and notices how many bad marks the account has then they decide what action is to be taken. You as players would never know this so your left out assuming nothing is being done and now you feel you need to take matters into your own hand, thats the wrong way to go about solving the scripting exploiter problem UO has.
If the OP was minding his own biz and the scripting tamer interfered with his game play and the OP casted a gate to get away and the scripter followed then the OP did nothing wrong, BUT if the OP went out of his way to cast a gate to lure the unattended or not scripter through the gate then he's broken a rule just as the unattended scripter has and both should be punished. It is not ok to break one rule to justify another I don't care how you twist it up.
How the hell do you lure a scripter through a gate???