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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
This fix applies to pets jumping slots when starting the training process. Advanced Pet Training Process will only adjust the pet slot by 1 when applying training going forward.
@Bleak Are you aware that most of the hiryus nightmares, and other pets stats are completely screwed up on test center? All of my Hiryu's are now 2 slot pets with reset stats but ALL of my 120 scrolls still show. FYI, NONE of them were dupes/exploits/ or anything else incorrectly done. Will this be fixed??? If not, I am predicting that it will be "the straw that breaks the camel's back" for A LOT of players. Especially ones (like myself) who have spent many Plats on scrolls. That are now on worthless pets.


UO Software Engineer
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Stratics Legend
@Bleak Are you aware that most of the hiryus nightmares, and other pets stats are completely screwed up on test center? All of my Hiryu's are now 2 slot pets with reset stats but ALL of my 120 scrolls still show. FYI, NONE of them were dupes/exploits/ or anything else incorrectly done. Will this be fixed??? If not, I am predicting that it will be "the straw that breaks the camel's back" for A LOT of players. Especially ones (like myself) who have spent many Plats on scrolls. That are now on worthless pets.
When did you copy them over? Come see me on TC.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The retaiming exploit fix seems to revert all Lesser Hiruys to 2 slots, whereas they started with 1 slot. This results in a weak pet full of 120 scrolls. I sure hope this is fixed before it goes production. Legitimate pets should not be reverting.

Great DC

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Abombinable snowman paragon up right now on TC!! Come check it out


The Enchanter
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Do the Kotl points we had apply to that? Maybe I am thinking of them saying they will turn Kotl on again for a different event and the points will work for that.

^^^ I was wondering the same thing.

Will our Kotl City turn-in reward points apply to the new Halloween items, or should we plan to use them up before the event? @Bleak @Kyronix

Also... any plans for using Kotl City's spawn platform for anything coming up soon?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The alacrity books, transcendance books, and power scroll books, should ALL be able to be incsribed. If not then what Mesanna said at the meet on greet on siege should of been put in, ie put them as rewards for clean up points.

For those of us who play siege and need these items you just screwed us getting any of the new items as well if we are seriously in need of those books.

SO I take back what I said about the 20th anny tokens....Kyronix explained it well...you know how people hold on to things forever just in case someone needs it? Or a new or returning player sees something and they want it but it's from years ago and not available anymore?

Well here's the chance for people to get some of the cool older gifts that they might not have been around to get the first time...so I think re-cycling some of the older things that are interesting is a good idea..thanks for that explanation Kyronix, makes perfect sense to me now!
so no, the above does NOT cut it. Older gifts can be added to clean up points as a way to allow old stuff back in game. This actually screws people from getting a current gift if they need items that most people require more of like those books.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Bleak Are you aware that most of the hiryus nightmares, and other pets stats are completely screwed up on test center? All of my Hiryu's are now 2 slot pets with reset stats but ALL of my 120 scrolls still show. FYI, NONE of them were dupes/exploits/ or anything else incorrectly done. Will this be fixed??? If not, I am predicting that it will be "the straw that breaks the camel's back" for A LOT of players. Especially ones (like myself) who have spent many Plats on scrolls. That are now on worthless pets.
I spoke with @Bleak on test for a good while and transferred some "adjusted" pets to him and it seems like he will get it fixed. *crosses fingers*

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
^^^ I was wondering the same thing.

Will our Kotl City turn-in reward points apply to the new Halloween items, or should we plan to use them up before the event? @Bleak @Kyronix

Also... any plans for using Kotl City's spawn platform for anything coming up soon?
I am almost sure that my previous points were applied. I had some on my main shard, went onto test and used points I had "copied" over with me (turned in last Halloween).


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
^^^ I was wondering the same thing.

Will our Kotl City turn-in reward points apply to the new Halloween items, or should we plan to use them up before the event? @Bleak @Kyronix

Also... any plans for using Kotl City's spawn platform for anything coming up soon?
You can spend last year's Treasures of Halloween points at this year's Treasures of Halloween event.

No immediate plans for the Kotl City spawning platform in the near future. That area was intended to be a catch all for future content that may not fictionally fit as nicely as we'd like. While I think doing a full on Martian Dreams expansion may be a bit of a stretch, who's to say that a future Halloween won't find some twisted astronomer trying to upgrade the Moonglow telescope using lost Kotl Technology, and inadvertently drawing the ire of a distant technologically advanced martian civilization? Those creatures running rampant throughout Britannia may seem out of place, but down in the Kotl City they would be a welcome addition to the corrupted technology that powers it. Despite any claims to the contrary, there is still plenty in Eodon without the Kotl City. Gotta stay tuned to see what madness we can dream up next down there :)

Great DC

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Teleport for pets needs to go away completely in pvp, not just if theyre in range. Teleport doesn't affect pvm at all since monsters don't run away.


Stratics Veteran
You can spend last year's Treasures of Halloween points at this year's Treasures of Halloween event.

No immediate plans for the Kotl City spawning platform in the near future. That area was intended to be a catch all for future content that may not fictionally fit as nicely as we'd like. While I think doing a full on Martian Dreams expansion may be a bit of a stretch, who's to say that a future Halloween won't find some twisted astronomer trying to upgrade the Moonglow telescope using lost Kotl Technology, and inadvertently drawing the ire of a distant technologically advanced martian civilization? Those creatures running rampant throughout Britannia may seem out of place, but down in the Kotl City they would be a welcome addition to the corrupted technology that powers it. Despite any claims to the contrary, there is still plenty in Eodon without the Kotl City. Gotta stay tuned to see what madness we can dream up next down there :)
Agree with you on martian content being out of place in Britannia -- and i like the idea of cycling content in a sort of playground dungeon like kotl city. But i dont think its a good idea having recently added areas just sitting idle at a given time with no real purpose to visit. Seems kinda wasteful - there kinda seems to be a lot of that throughout UO.

Let me ask ya @Kyronix.. what are your thoughts on having EMs make temp content for dungeons like kotl city if they are willing/able? Perhaps static week/month long content in given areas? Im curious to know if this is feasible or not or just a dumb idea. Call me crazy but i feel like this could fill a few gaps in the game and could potentially be tuned im such a way as to prevent the rampant/obvious cheating that occurs in live EM events.

Btw thanks for taking the time to interact w players.


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
Agree with you on martian content being out of place in Britannia -- and i like the idea of cycling content in a sort of playground dungeon like kotl city. But i dont think its a good idea having recently added areas just sitting idle at a given time with no real purpose to visit. Seems kinda wasteful - there kinda seems to be a lot of that throughout UO.

Let me ask ya @Kyronix.. what are your thoughts on having EMs make temp content for dungeons like kotl city if they are willing/able? Perhaps static week/month long content in given areas? Im curious to know if this is feasible or not or just a dumb idea. Call me crazy but i feel like this could fill a few gaps in the game and could potentially be tuned im such a way as to prevent the rampant/obvious cheating that occurs in live EM events.

Btw thanks for taking the time to interact w players.
The EMs have a lot of those tools at their disposal, however setting up that scale of event is no small task. Beyond that, any unique functionality would need dev work behind it.


So no fix for the "unable to spend points" issue and we have to live with that gump popping up for now?
Yes this is really a shame....
This issue has actually made me take a break from uo for now...
It cant be so difficult to have the option "do not let the f*** gump open" !!??


Stratics Veteran
The EMs have a lot of those tools at their disposal, however setting up that scale of event is no small task. Beyond that, any unique functionality would need dev work behind it.
I was thinking content similar to what appears in EM events, but persistent. Even then id imagine it would require dev support, but from a player perspective i personally feel that could introduce a lot of cool scenarios, and revitalize old content and maybe even create interesting pvp type scenarios with hopefully less overhead on your end.

I work long hours on the west coast but play an east coast shard, hence i miss almost all EM events. So ill admit to being a bit biased in the sense that persistent content would benefit someone like me a lot, in addition to the reasons ive already mentioned. Just thoughts.

Anyways thanks for your response, @Kyronix.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could you make high end loot possible on older mobs possibly? Nobody enjoys doing Harrower, Shadowguard, or Scalis solo or with 2-3 friends. Please make hunting fun again... I haven't been to a dungeon or killing something since you guys made Shadowguard. Zero point now...... No reason. Why go hunting when you can just go to 5 Idocs and buy armor? Kind of... ruining the game if you cannot go kill Lich Lords or do champion spawns and get the best armor. You use to be able to get the best armor from Imbuing.... and then go hunt? Remember please... and help bring it back. (I don't mean make the monsters super hard/unkillable like the 50 blood elementals in shame that everyone pulls 1 and kills... and has absolutely crap loot.... I mean, give a chance for normal monsters like Paragon lich lords to drop a 16 property item too so we can hunt. Not run a stupid 1 hour event at shadowguard and get p/o'ed at b/c daughter dies and we all die and then leave w/ everyone frustrated......) @Kyronix @Bleak

That's the changes I would fix with the game's content. Fix the loot system so normal people can play/hunt again, and it be worth it. Change the phoenix back... just those 2 things. Maybe upgrade imbuing since everything just seems to be getting bigger and bigger now. You should be able to craft what you can get from monsters. Nobody wants to buy it from the 20 people who team up and go to Exodus 100 times a week.... I refuse. The game shouldn't be something you should have to "buy."

Maybe allow us to imbue 12 properties now..... including Damage Eater and Eaters and special stuff.... just throw away "reforging" altogether; it's worthless.....


At a 30sec cooldown for pet pvp, no one is gonna use more then one special move and casting school. I think that's a bit too high, maybe more like 15 secs would be ideal.
Well if the one special move happens to be Dismount, I think 30 seconds is good. If it were 15 seconds, then you are liable to get dismounted only 5 seconds after getting back on your mount (after the 10 second dismount timer). I've been dismounted 3 times in 30 seconds before by a mare. Not fun. 15 seconds would only be a slight improvement in preventing dismount spam by the pet.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Well if the one special move happens to be Dismount, I think 30 seconds is good. If it were 15 seconds, then you are liable to get dismounted only 5 seconds after getting back on your mount (after the 10 second dismount timer). I've been dismounted 3 times in 30 seconds before by a mare. Not fun. 15 seconds would only be a slight improvement in preventing dismount spam by the pet.
Remove dismounting from pets period... nobody wants it or needs it aside from the 14 yr old pvp kids (who drove many to free shards needlessly; who wants to pvp a freaking lvl 5 nightmare while 1 person laughs) and change the phoenix back. Don't let pets tele onto targets. Pets should only be able to teleport to the owner...... Don't nerf consume damage so bad.... give us 20x20 customizable houses. Fix the loot system and let us imbue 12 property armor now (eaters and all...) Those changes and UO will be saved... if not more people and more people out the door, once again.....

*The 20x20 customizable houses would be a feeble, yet probably successful attempt to bring players back and make them interested. Loot changes so we can go hunting again at the OLD SPAWNS could seal the deal.* We should all be able to imbue suits w/ 12 properties each so we don't have to spend 500-800m on a suit..... Then we should be able to find the 13-16 property stuff ANYWHERE in the game. Of course... some monsters have more gold. But not how it is now where the stuff only comes from the 3 boss encounters. "Hey, do you want to play Ultima tonight?" has become "Hey, do you want to go to Shadowguard....." No... oh, ok. Me either... who has 2 hours....... @Bleak @Kyronix @Mesanna. And plz change the phoenix back (not necessary, but would help to preserve the OLD FEEL of Ultima.) We want to go hunting at lich lords, balron spawns, the terathan matriach's in Terra Keep, the Orc Brutes... the Titans in Titan Valley.... we want to go see the phoenix in the T2A cave. Reminiscent stuff like that... Peace guys, just my 20 cents... I've played Ultima since Ultima 3 on Super Nintendo.... the loot changes were bad period. Undoing that damage is going to be your most difficult challenge... from a crafting/hunting perspective. You've created a World of Warcraft style crap fest... which is why I left World of Warcraft and came back to Ultima 9 years ago to begin with. Who wants to team up with 20-50 players and have 1 "caller" lead you through a dungeon as everyone has to stay right beside each other or you die from a super all powerful boss.... nobody but little kids.
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Stratics Veteran
So i just got home from work and had a chance to test the "fix".

I will admit i had a few exploit pets i was using for test purposes only (like to see if a necromage pet was viable, hint its not; what a 4 slot shadow wyrm would be like if i could actually find one, etc).

So far i have found almost all of my innocent pets have been dropped back to fresh tame slot except in the case of my lesser hiryu which dropped to 2 slot. None are able to get close to their former glory (which again was exploit free).

The one i was curious to check on was my lion, as it dropped a slot when i dropped its mastery magic for poison effectively wiping its skills. It stayed at 5 slot which i was pleasantly surprised given the above.

The other curious thing i noticed was at least 1 of the pets i had used the exploit for testing on stayed at 5 slot (my frost dragon, wanted to see if a 4 slot was worth farming for given the investment in level 7 maps would be enormous) .

Im hoping that they can refine this "fix" so it doesnt target innocent pets. Given how much people have spent on powerscrolls, there will be a lot of angry people if they cant.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
@Bleak I have a gallasaurus which went from 3 slots to 5 when I initiated the second training, it therefore has a training bar that can never be filled and base damage that can never be maxed. Is this fixable? Or should I ditch it and catch a new one?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those two still spawn, if I recall correctly... though I don't recall where.
Executioner's Caps can be gotten from Whipping Vines, which are spawned from Green Thorns planted in the Swamps. Blackmoore though hasn't spawned in over a decade at least, the only source of it used to be from Lich Lords prior to AoS. I used to farm the Lich Lords at Gwenno's Memorial in Ilshenar with my Macer and his Durable/Silver/Power Q-Staff, each Lich Lord would drop 1 Blackmoore, and i accumulated over 300+ of it. That's back when normal Liches were scary enough, let alone Lich Lords.

Ewwww. That thing has 771 STR, 26-33 Base Damage, 127 Wrest/135 Tact/132 Anat, AND Wrestling Mastery. Nasty. Wrestling Mastery makes creatures hit like a freight train with every hit, especially against lower Resists opponents.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will admit i had a few exploit pets i was using for test purposes only (like to see if a necromage pet was viable, hint its not; what a 4 slot shadow wyrm would be like if i could actually find one, etc).
The other curious thing i noticed was at least 1 of the pets i had used the exploit for testing on stayed at 5 slot (my frost dragon, wanted to see if a 4 slot was worth farming for given the investment in level 7 maps would be enormous)
I have never seen a 4 slot GD, DTH, Frost Dragon or Shadow Wyrm on Live shards. I've seen some total garbage GDs/DTHs with 0.4-0.6 Rating, and they were still 5 slots. I once saw someone on Test Center during the early portion of the Pet Revamp testing, with a Shadow Wyrm that they had given Armor Ignore to, so it had obviously spawned as a 4 slot. That was before they allowed Shadow Wyrms to have full Strength and Health after tame though. No way in hell Shadow Wyrms can spawn as 4 slots anymore when they spawn with 900-1,030 STR and 550-600 Health.
What Shadow Wyrms need to be viable, is to stop casting Corpse Skin, and be able to to get 150 DEX/Stam, 120 Wrest, and 20-30 Mana Regeneration.
Dread Spiders are probably the best Necromage capable pet. They're not the best pet for single target damage, and certainly not the best pet for Tanking (unless the foe's melee deals majority Poison damage), but they're by far the best pet for dishing out AoE damage. Give one Necromage and Poison Breath, and run Consume Damage on it at the Dragon Turtle spawn, and it's flat out hilarious how many numbers pop up on screen, between Wither, Poison Strike, and DP-Lethal DoT ticks on every enemy on screen.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Am i reading this right, that trained lesser hiryus are being reverted? Why? I have multiple done, fully trained lessers.

Just copied to test and see all of their stats are reset and they are a 2 slot. thats a lot of time wasted, and will cause a lot of unrest i'd think if you have to go back and redo pet training, even if they keep their scrolls/skills. Wonder what else is effected, one of my pets just straight up disappeared on the TC copy ( a bane dragon)

If the desire is to alter the lesser hiryu, the existing should be left as prepatch as many people wouldn't of spent 200-300m on making a lesser hiryu if they ended up being less than a regular hiryu
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Am i reading this right, that trained lesser hiryus are being reverted? Why? I have multiple done, fully trained lessers.

Just copied to test and see all of their stats are reset and they are a 2 slot. thats a lot of time wasted, and will cause a lot of unrest i'd think if you have to go back and redo pet training, even if they keep their scrolls/skills. Wonder what else is effected, one of my pets just straight up disappeared on the TC copy ( a bane dragon)

If the desire is to alter the lesser hiryu, the existing should be left as prepatch as many people wouldn't of spent 200-300m on making a lesser hiryu if they ended up being less than a regular hiryu
This certainly seems the case. If so I can certainly see this as being the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of folks. This combined with the consume damage nerf are absolutely terrible changes.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
When did you copy them over? Come see me on TC.
Hi Bleak, I just copied my tamer to test center 10 minutes ago, my lesser hiryu was reverted from 5 to 2, and the dimetrosaur was reverted from 5 to 3. These pets are tamed in nature and trained up in normal process without any exploit. Please clarify these horrible reverts are not intended.


UO Software Engineer
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Stratics Legend
There will be an additional update to Test Center which will address the issue of pets which spawn with multiple control slots being flagged. Once TC has been updated you will need to copy your pet over once again.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just patched and copied over a few of my tamers. All of my 2 slot mares, Lesser Hiryus, Frost Mites, and Naj... all but one of which I tamed myself as a normal spawning lower spawning slot mob were reverted. I have devoted virtually all of my play time since pub 97 to hunting lower slot pets and training them. Billions of gold sunk into power scrolls and masteries, not to mention a significant chunk of gold for the 1 fully trained and scrolled void mare I bought and plenty of real cash for purchasing mythic tokens and pet bonding potions.

If this publish goes through as is and all of those pets, time, gold and cash purchases are made worthless, it will likely be the end of the line for me.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

You would do FAR better to deal with pets on a case by case basis as they are reported ingame, than this mass nerf where you can't ever hope to truly tell the difference between a legit pet and a bugged one.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You would do FAR better to deal with pets on a case by case basis as they are reported ingame, than this mass nerf where you can't ever hope to truly tell the difference between a legit pet and a bugged one.
Normally my sympathy for these situations is a bit lower, but Merus is right. I probably shouldn't expect much since fixing bugs in text formatting has been stated as something beyond their capability by the producer, but there should be enough data captured that the offending pets can be rolled back without completely reverting all of the pets that were not created using the exploit.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just patched and copied over a few of my tamers. All of my 2 slot mares, Lesser Hiryus, Frost Mites, and Naj... all but one of which I tamed myself as a normal spawning lower spawning slot mob were reverted. I have devoted virtually all of my play time since pub 97 to hunting lower slot pets and training them. Billions of gold sunk into power scrolls and masteries, not to mention a significant chunk of gold for the 1 fully trained and scrolled void mare I bought and plenty of real cash for purchasing mythic tokens and pet bonding potions.

If this publish goes through as is and all of those pets, time, gold and cash purchases are made worthless, it will likely be the end of the line for me.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

You would do FAR better to deal with pets on a case by case basis as they are reported ingame, than this mass nerf where you can't ever hope to truly tell the difference between a legit pet and a bugged one.
I tend to agree with this 100% I don't believe it would be enough for me to quit but would certainly irritate me enough to shelve my tamers. Which would be one less thing that captures my attention with UO.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
There will be an additional update to Test Center which will address the issue of pets which spawn with multiple control slots being flagged. Once TC has been updated you will need to copy your pet over once again.
Thanks for the quick response !

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I have never seen a 4 slot GD, DTH, Frost Dragon or Shadow Wyrm on Live shards. I've seen some total garbage GDs/DTHs with 0.4-0.6 Rating, and they were still 5 slots.
After a little farming in Blackthorns dungeon I tamed 4 slot GD's on Chessy and one on Napa if you'd like to see one. ;)

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just patched and copied over a few of my tamers. All of my 2 slot mares, Lesser Hiryus, Frost Mites, and Naj... all but one of which I tamed myself as a normal spawning lower spawning slot mob were reverted. I have devoted virtually all of my play time since pub 97 to hunting lower slot pets and training them. Billions of gold sunk into power scrolls and masteries, not to mention a significant chunk of gold for the 1 fully trained and scrolled void mare I bought and plenty of real cash for purchasing mythic tokens and pet bonding potions.

If this publish goes through as is and all of those pets, time, gold and cash purchases are made worthless, it will likely be the end of the line for me.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

You would do FAR better to deal with pets on a case by case basis as they are reported ingame, than this mass nerf where you can't ever hope to truly tell the difference between a legit pet and a bugged one.
Cash purchases??????

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A lot of people bought the bonding potions. I bought the stable upgrade tokens to get two tamers to max slots.
Ya, that makes sense. I did as well. I think I am just a bit gun shy when I see "cash purchases" I know for a fact there are people on here that project themselves as aboveboard and honest, and when dealing with them, their first words are "You going to pay with gold or $$$"" It is pitiful. Sometimes I think I am in a very small minority of players who actually obey the ToS. Rant over!

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
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I had a well known person here mention "green gold" to me a year or so back...had no idea WTF they were talking about. Ignorance is bliss.

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
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Any progress in addressing the bug where Armor Ignore on a pet, when triggered, fires, but doesn't do damage? I sent a bug report on this.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
tamed a 2 slot nightmare after farming them for about an hour in ilshenar. I bonded it and then it jumped to a 3 slot mare after it's first round of training. Same as the najasurus I bonded, went from 2 slot to 3. Not everyone who had a 2 slot is a cheat or exploiter.
Over the first week of The Taming publish I farmed ilsh for the 2 slot mare for hours, I have a fully tamed scrolled mare and two in my stables I have not trained yet. All three were tamed at 2 slot pets. The fully trained Void mare did not skip levels and as yet not been killed. I have checked the two in my stables repeatedly and they still read as a two slot pet.

It would be a ridiculous shame to lose those pets and the time spent into getting them.

Sure hope the team can fix this right.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Excited for this patch, but I really don't like using the testing center. I'm a returning player and still have some building to do. Would rather not waste the gaming time on a test shard. The patch looks amazing to me though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, @Kyronix @Bleak

issue on test centre,

on classic client, i still can't distinguish between pet damage dealt and received as both numbers are still displaying in red, instead of damage received in yellow, and i'm still losing my and my enemy's mount's healthbar when ridden.

Please can we get a response on this? or are you too busy breaking people's legit pets?


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, @Kyronix @Bleak

issue on test centre,

on classic client, i still can't distinguish between pet damage dealt and received as both numbers are still displaying in red, instead of damage received in yellow, and i'm still losing my and my enemy's mount's healthbar when ridden.

Please can we get a response on this? or are you too busy breaking people's legit pets?
Pet damage number hues are a future enhancement, no timetable on when this will make it on to the schedule. The loss of a creature healthbar when transitioning from unmounted->mounted status is working as intended.

Great DC

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I know I don't feel bad for those who supposedly spent billions on scrolls. I knew this publish was going to be an issue, its huge undertaking to change every known pet in the game without problems. I remember a few people like myself on here saying go easy on what you change cause it could do lots of damage to things. I also knew that any pet that could possibly be tamed at multiple slots was gonna cause issues if they tried to fix it, and that's whats happening. Upgrading something like taming should have taken a much longer time using a single pet to start with and making sure there wasn't going to be a problem. Pvper's spend billions on suits and gear and scrolls too, then one day they introduce, better gear or nerf a template and they have to restructure theyre characters. So what it happens, you know things are always buggy, why would you go out and spend a fortune knowing how these trends in UO happen. I just find it all kinda funny imo.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Could the non-animating side of the ale table be made into a container please? 3 tiles a fair bit of space to lose for just ale :pint:
Good idea, but it won't take up much space in the new re-designed Castles anyway........Oh right....that's not happening anymore is it...... ;)