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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 81 Updated on TC1

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another question for Kyronix. The publish notes say there are only five levels for the refinement components now:

Refinement Component Levels:
  • Invulnerability - Applies four modifications with a chance to apply five modifications.
  • Fortification - Applies three modifications with a chance to apply four modifications.
  • Hardening - Applies two modifications with a chance to apply three modifications.
  • Protection - Applies one modification with a chance to apply two modifications.
  • Defense - Applies one modification.
However, I'm still getting components for Guarding and Shielding just now on TC1 when I visit the shops to pick up materials. Should we ignore those if we're testing?

And the noise from making and applying the plating...eww. Ugly. (The tailoring sound's not too bad..is the same sound you get when a backpack or leather container closes. Haven't tried using the carpentry refinement components yet.)

Edited to add: You need to give the shop in Cove the barrels from Buc's Den and kill the armor refinement guy in Bucs. Or have you changed your mind on this and you're leaving the Fel-side smithing refinement in Bucs?
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Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do like that you are investing energy into revitalizing towns. But I'd like to see more reasons for actually visiting towns and being active in them.
One thing that maybe isn't jumping out too much about the refinements yet is that you have to be at a specific shop to apply them. So that's going to make for slightly more activity in three towns in Trammel (Trinsic's tailor shop, Yew's carpentry shop, and Britain's blacksmith shop), and three towns in Felucca (Occlo's tailor shop, Jhelom's carpentry shop, and Cove's warrior supply shop). I really wish you could go to any shop appropriate for the skill, but I guess this is a start and maybe we'll see some slightly activity in those six towns, at least over the next few months.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another question for Kyronix: What's the highest possible chance (and the lowest possible chance) we'll see for the "Bonus Mod Chance"? And does the range for that chance vary by the level of the refinement component we're trying to apply?

refinement crafting options.jpg


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another question for Kyronix: What's the highest possible chance (and the lowest possible chance) we'll see for the "Bonus Mod Chance"? And does the range for that chance vary by the level of the refinement component we're trying to apply?

View attachment 13630
You can now pick which resists you want to lower, instead of it being based on armor style?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can now pick which resists you want to lower, instead of it being based on armor style?
Yes, you can now pick the order of the resists for purposes of raising or lowering their cap. How many will be affected (and the total effect on the DCI cap) depends on the quality of the refinement component you're using and whether or not the bonus to have one additional resist's cap modified kicks in when you apply the refinement.

Edited to add:

Here are two studded barbed leather gorgets to which I applied refinements. In both cases, I used the Invulnerability level of the component, but the number of resists whose cap was modified didn't turn out the same.

In the first case, 5 resists had their cap modified and in the second case it was only 4. (If I recall correctly, I think the bonus chance to get that extra resist cap modification was 30% when I refined the first piece and only 15% for the second piece. Something like that.)

For the first gorget, the order I picked for the chance at having the resist cap modified was Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy. For the second gorget, it was the exact reverse (Energy, Poison, Cold, Fire, Physical) and as you can see, nothing happened with the Physical Resist cap (plus the effect on the DCI cap was lower).

Also, I used a "deflecting" component on the first gorget to lower the resist caps and raise the DCI cap and used a "reinforced" component on the second one for the opposite effect (higher resist caps at the expense of lowering the DCI cap).

invulnerability refinement.jpg
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, you can now pick the order of the resists for purposes of raising or lowering their cap. How many will be affected (and the total effect on the DCI cap) depends on the quality of the refinement component you're using and whether or not the bonus to have one additional resist's cap modified kicks in when you apply the refinement.
Ah interesting. on one piece, can you say (drop 5 cold) or is it still, drop 1 cold, then 1 poison, then 1 energy, etc?

Thanks for testing!
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Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah interesting. on one piece, can you say (drop 5 cold) or is it still, drop 1 cold, then 1 poison, then 1 energy, etc?

Thanks for testing!
I added a little more to that reply, if you didn't see it yet.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah interesting. on one piece, can you say (drop 5 cold) or is it still, drop 1 cold, then 1 poison, then 1 energy, etc?
No, you just get to pick the order you want the resist caps to be affected and it's always +1 (or -1) to any particular cap, depending on the type of refinement component you use. Now if you have multiple pieces of refined armor on, you could potentially modify the resist cap for any one resist by more than +1 (or -1) depending on the total effect of how you modified the caps.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, you just get to pick the order you want the resist caps to be affected and it's always +1 (or -1) to any particular cap, depending on the type of refinement component you use. Now if you have multiple pieces of refined armor on, you could potentially modify the resist cap for any one resist by more than +1 (or -1) depending on the total effect of how you modified the caps.
Looked at my suit, here is what i assume i'd do on a single non-med suit, if i wanted say, more fire instead of others, but wanted my dci to maintain at a 45dci cap.

head -1cold/-1poison
neck -1cold/-1poison
chest +1fire
Arms +1fire
gloves +1fire
legs +1fire

giving me caps of: 70/74/68/68/70 and maintaining 45dci

just an example of where i see it being most used, i think we'll see people alter their elemental resists caps rather than strictly boosting dci in favor of those resists.

If it gives you the "extra" mod when you don't want it, can you reapply in hopes of getting rid of it? I think before you could atleast
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Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looked at my suit, here is what i assume i'd do on a single non-med suit, if i wanted say, more fire instead of others, but wanted my dci to maintain at a 45dci cap.

head -1cold/-1poison
neck -1cold/-1poison
chest +1fire
Arms +1fire
gloves +1fire
legs +1fire

giving me caps of: 70/74/68/68/70 and maintaining 45dci

just an example of where i see it being most used, i think we'll see people alter their elemental resists caps rather than strictly boosting dci in favor of those resists.

If it gives you the "extra" mod when you don't want it, can you reapply in hopes of getting rid of it? I think before you could atleast
If you only want to modify one resist cap on a piece, just use a "Defense" level refinement component, as it is supposed to only affect one resist, with no chance of another one being affected.

  • Invulnerability - Applies four modifications with a chance to apply five modifications.
  • Fortification - Applies three modifications with a chance to apply four modifications.
  • Hardening - Applies two modifications with a chance to apply three modifications.
  • Protection - Applies one modification with a chance to apply two modifications.
  • Defense - Applies one modification.
I haven't seen anyone report yet on the drop rate for the components or which level of component and type of component seems to drop the most. (Remember that there are different components for different types of nonmeddable armor, even within a crafting type.) So it's hard to say how difficult it is going to be to gather a sufficient quantity of the components to use.

Edited to add: Forgot about your question of reapplying the refinements. When I tested it a month ago, you could refine a piece more than once. I did not test that today, though.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Adding balanced to 2 handed melee weapons will make for a bit more template diversity and re-introduce some classic old weapons back into pvp.

The parry/evade effect is not a huge factor in Fellucca.

You are looking at the overall picture right? Not just pvm/sampires?
You know while I think not letting twohanded weapons with balance parry/evade is dumb I agree that it doesn't make it useless. Not everyone uses parry/bushido. I know I plan on trying out twohanded melee weapons in both pvm/pvp on a template that includes no bushido. I am really hoping they change their minds on the whole no parry/evade thing but it isn't a HUGE thing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I were a citizen of the City in question I would do two things...firstly I would organize a plot to assassinate the Governor in question and would rally an underground resistance and stage a coup. If I was going for the assassination I would devise some way to lure my target to a place where he can be easily killed. Surely the Governor isn't going to blindly follow me into Felucca so I will need to be more cunning than that. This job is going to require some assistance. I'd begin peppering the streets of the City with recruitment propaganda to entice those in agreement with me to join my cause. When our numbers have grown to a formidable size I would build a settlement in Felucca. I would petition the Crown for a dedication ceremony for our new frontier, inviting all the Governors to attend. Surely questions of security will arise, and so I will need to bribe some Guards, offering "protection" to visiting dignitaries. When the settlement's "administrator" takes center stage that will be the signal to attack and kill all Governors who do not stand united in our cause!

If a Governor is blatantly breaking the ToS then action will be taken, all Governors accept the responsibilities of their office when they are granted their powers from the City Stone.
So people are going to be forced to roleplay assassins and killers to deal with flaws in the design of in game mechanics?

Because whilst it's an imaginative answer, certainly, it only works if you assume certain real life events must occur. In this case, that the EMs will roleplay out the entire scenario, pulling them away from what ever plans they did have, that the entire player base will abandon the Virtues, spend weeks trying to get revenge on people who are ruining their roleplay in the short term... and then that person actually blindly goes to Felucca at the right time, and changes their behaviour once they resurrect.

Or they could just ignore any event which is designed to take away their fancy new powers, and continue as before. And the player base walks away from the Town mechanic, or worse, the entire game. So are you going to then ban someone because they didn't go to a specific event? Or force them to roleplay their own assassination?

I really, really don't think you've thought this through very carefully. As you yourself just pointed out, the only current power EMs have to act is if they outright break the ToS... but most of the troublesome people have a lifetime of learning how to sail as close to that line as possible. Again, go to any EM event and watch the people who sit on the EM's seats during an event. They aren't banned now; are you going to ban them for behaving exactly that same way as a Town Mayor? Do you want the EMs to be further accused of favouritism because as King Blackthorn they ban people who didn't break the rules, but were just the wrong sort of people?

The original flaw in Ultima Online's design was that it assumed good and evil roleplay would balance out, and it didn't; you are repeating the same assumptions with the Town Mayor system and some people will either have to be forced to behave, or others will just walk away from it.

Please, please go and talk to the Europa EMs who have actually run this system before. There were massive voting irregularities, just from people with multiple accounts; it didn't matter how well you campaigned (and I was part of that campaign) if someone had 5 accounts, and one of their candidates was a friend, that candidate was getting 35 votes compared to your 7 no matter what (5 to 1 in the proposed system). Large guilds are going to crush independent candidates. And on Europa, no one bothered to try and unseat the Lord Protector, or even paid much attention to it after it ended, because Ultima Online isn't tabletop Dungeons & Dragons; they don't play for intrigue and arguing with friends in character... they certainly didn't play to watch the same old idiots take over the roleplay, give their friends l33t titles and town bonuses that match their PvP suits, and then spend weeks roleplaying out "resistance" to idiots that can just ignore it... Alaster the Mad was left as Lord Protector on Europa because he made the role a laughing stock, and no one wanted to dedicate weeks of roleplaying to oust someone who was basically a nice person, and re-open all the wounds of the horribly unfair practice of voting based upon financial ability to hold accounts a second time.

Honestly, I beg you, no theoretical examples, actually address issues which will be bound to arise from giving people any personal gain from the system like titles; which of these 20 character titles for my friends are going to be actionable, would you say?

"You are our slaves"
"We spit on your city"
"We're better than u"
"Your home is ours"

Etc... They don't break the ToS. I'm just roleplaying a bunch of elitists! That are going to be there for months. And for you, the only way you can set a custom title is via the Guild Menu, but that doesn't get you seated next to Lord Blackthorn and an official seal of approval, which town councils will.

So... seriously.... either give us a concrete plan for how divisive "roleplay" is going to be handled, that you know the EMs can take on this extra work load, or at the very least... drop custom titles or any way to personally exploit the position, so only those who want to take it seriously are likely to be tempted to run for it. You're still going to get the Attention *****s anyway, but now? Creative day dreams of what people might do is no substitute for serious planning for, if anyone is really looking at actual gaming experience, what they've already proven they will do....
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Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly, I beg you, no theoretical examples, actually address issues which will be bound to arise from giving people any personal gain from the system like titles; which of these 20 character titles for my friends are going to be actionable, would you say?

"You are our slaves"
"We spit on your city"
"We're better than u"
"Your home is ours"

Etc... They don't break the ToS. I'm just roleplaying a bunch of elitists! That are going to be there for months. And for you, the only way you can set a custom title is via the Guild Menu, but that doesn't get you seated next to Lord Blackthorn and an official seal of approval, which town councils will.

So... seriously.... either give us a concrete plan for how divisive "roleplay" is going to be handled, that you know the EMs can take on this extra work load, or at the very least... drop custom titles or any way to personally exploit the position, so only those who want to take it seriously are likely to be tempted to run for it. You're still going to get the Attention *****s anyway, but now? Creative day dreams of what people might do is no substitute for serious planning for, if anyone is really looking at actual gaming experience, what they've already proven they will do....
I agree 100% on the custom titles. I think it's just asking for trouble to give people that much flexibility. I'd rather see a request from the dev team for people to submit a list of titles they think people would actually not object to seeing put into use rather than leaving things so open. Just tell us which words we can't use and remind us of the 20-character limitation and let's see what kind of acceptable titles people can come up with that fit those parameters. (And I kind of wonder if the limit is higher than 20 characters, as you can get a reward title of "Citizen of New Magincia" and that's 23 characters long.)


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I were a citizen of the City in question I would do two things...firstly I would organize a plot to assassinate the Governor in question and would rally an underground resistance and stage a coup. If I was going for the assassination I would devise some way to lure my target to a place where he can be easily killed. Surely the Governor isn't going to blindly follow me into Felucca so I will need to be more cunning than that. This job is going to require some assistance. I'd begin peppering the streets of the City with recruitment propaganda to entice those in agreement with me to join my cause. When our numbers have grown to a formidable size I would build a settlement in Felucca. I would petition the Crown for a dedication ceremony for our new frontier, inviting all the Governors to attend. Surely questions of security will arise, and so I will need to bribe some Guards, offering "protection" to visiting dignitaries. When the settlement's "administrator" takes center stage that will be the signal to attack and kill all Governors who do not stand united in our cause!

If a Governor is blatantly breaking the ToS then action will be taken, all Governors accept the responsibilities of their office when they are granted their powers from the City Stone.
This might be a really fun idea if you took all the cities that you left out of this system like Serpent's Hold, Zento, & Umbra etc. and all the "Player Run Cities" (Atlantic specific examples) like New Magincia Cultural Center & Sanctus, Blue Crane, etc. that you left out of this system and let us organize in Felucca for Lord British in a traditional Council formation that we vote in using the same tools you are giving the current included towns. Player Towns can line up with the side they wish to support. We can be Order and your Blackthorn Council can be Chaos!

You've given the Player Towns on Atlantic absolutely nothing to do and you are killing our communities again by not including us. Where is Zento's City Stone?

Sure we can organize this by ourselves but its hard to draw people's interest if you are competing with 100 Million gold event items and fancy titles given by Governors. Give our Governors the same powers and lets do the War of the Roses over again!


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So people are going to be forced to roleplay assassins and killers to deal with flaws in the design of in game mechanics?

Because whilst it's an imaginative answer, certainly, it only works if you assume certain real life events must occur. In this case, that the EMs will roleplay out the entire scenario, pulling them away from what ever plans they did have, that the entire player base will abandon the Virtues, spend weeks trying to get revenge on people who are ruining their roleplay in the short term... and then that person actually blindly goes to Felucca at the right time, and changes their behaviour once they resurrect.

Or they could just ignore any event which is designed to take away their fancy new powers, and continue as before. And the player base walks away from the Town mechanic, or worse, the entire game. So are you going to then ban someone because they didn't go to a specific event? Or force them to roleplay their own assassination?

I really, really don't think you've thought this through very carefully. As you yourself just pointed out, the only current power EMs have to act is if they outright break the ToS... but most of the troublesome people have a lifetime of learning how to sail as close to that line as possible. Again, go to any EM event and watch the people who sit on the EM's seats during an event. They aren't banned now; are you going to ban them for behaving exactly that same way as a Town Mayor? Do you want the EMs to be further accused of favouritism because as King Blackthorn they ban people who didn't break the rules, but were just the wrong sort of people?

The original flaw in Ultima Online's design was that it assumed good and evil roleplay would balance out, and it didn't; you are repeating the same assumptions with the Town Mayor system and some people will either have to be forced to behave, or others will just walk away from it.

Please, please go and talk to the Europa EMs who have actually run this system before. There were massive voting irregularities, just from people with multiple accounts; it didn't matter how well you campaigned (and I was part of that campaign) if someone had 5 accounts, and one of their candidates was a friend, that candidate was getting 35 votes compared to your 7 no matter what (5 to 1 in the proposed system). Large guilds are going to crush independent candidates. And on Europa, no one bothered to try and unseat the Lord Protector, or even paid much attention to it after it ended, because Ultima Online isn't tabletop Dungeons & Dragons; they don't play for intrigue and arguing with friends in character... they certainly didn't play to watch the same old idiots take over the roleplay, give their friends l33t titles and town bonuses that match their PvP suits, and then spend weeks roleplaying out "resistance" to idiots that can just ignore it... Alaster the Mad was left as Lord Protector on Europa because he made the role a laughing stock, and no one wanted to dedicate weeks of roleplaying to oust someone who was basically a nice person, and re-open all the wounds of the horribly unfair practice of voting based upon financial ability to hold accounts a second time.

Honestly, I beg you, no theoretical examples, actually address issues which will be bound to arise from giving people any personal gain from the system like titles; which of these 20 character titles for my friends are going to be actionable, would you say?

"You are our slaves"
"We spit on your city"
"We're better than u"
"Your home is ours"

Etc... They don't break the ToS. I'm just roleplaying a bunch of elitists! That are going to be there for months. And for you, the only way you can set a custom title is via the Guild Menu, but that doesn't get you seated next to Lord Blackthorn and an official seal of approval, which town councils will.

So... seriously.... either give us a concrete plan for how divisive "roleplay" is going to be handled, that you know the EMs can take on this extra work load, or at the very least... drop custom titles or any way to personally exploit the position, so only those who want to take it seriously are likely to be tempted to run for it. You're still going to get the Attention *****s anyway, but now? Creative day dreams of what people might do is no substitute for serious planning for, if anyone is really looking at actual gaming experience, what they've already proven they will do....
A few things to know when it comes to titles the Governor can give out...

1. A Governor can only give a title to a citizen of the city in which they are Governor.
2. A citizen can remove their title at any time by using the City Stone context menu.

I'm sorry you didn't like my example. That is merely how I would try and handle the situation from one perspective. The scenario I described would take a combined effort of all the people I play with, and we'd have a blast trying to pull it off. Isn't that what UO is all about anyway, having fun with friends while living your day to day life in Britannia? The nice thing about UO is you can do pretty much anything anyway you want...you really are limited only by your imagination. The intent of the King's council is to foster interaction between Lord Blackthorn's Government and the general population. It is a tool to enhance your own imagination. Are there going to be some bumps along the way? I'm sure there will be, but those can present a great opportunity for some real fun and can also serve to inspire some really exciting scenarios specific to each shard.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
*Does his best Jack Nicholson "Men of Honor" "A few good men" impresion:

You want simple terms!?!?!?!?!?!


In all seriousness from what I understand (which could be fairly little) it really depends on your style of play on to how much it will affect you.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now let the towns declare war on each other in an Order/Chaos sytem o.0

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kyronix, after doing some testing of the nominating and endorsement process, I have a serious account security question for you. It's very clear that this system is keeping track of activity by accounts, as you cannot do things like endorse a character on the same account, can only vote once per city per shard on the same account, etc.

Will the EMs be able to view information showing which characters endorsed nominated characters? Will the EMs be able to see who voted for each of the endorsed candidates? If the answer to these questions is yes, will the EMs see not only character (and presumably guild information, since that is also being tracked), but also account names?? I would really like that particular question answered. At this point, I have absolutely zero interest in participating in any system that allows the EMs to see account names. I understand they are contractors, but I will not participate in any system where they can see account names.



UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This might be a really fun idea if you took all the cities that you left out of this system like Serpent's Hold, Zento, & Umbra etc. and all the "Player Run Cities" (Atlantic specific examples) like New Magincia Cultural Center & Sanctus, Blue Crane, etc. that you left out of this system and let us organize in Felucca for Lord British in a traditional Council formation that we vote in using the same tools you are giving the current included towns. Player Towns can line up with the side they wish to support. We can be Order and your Blackthorn Council can be Chaos!

You've given the Player Towns on Atlantic absolutely nothing to do and you are killing our communities again by not including us. Where is Zento's City Stone?

Sure we can organize this by ourselves but its hard to draw people's interest if you are competing with 100 Million gold event items and fancy titles given by Governors. Give our Governors the same powers and lets do the War of the Roses over again!
Serpent's Hold is a fortress/stronghold more so than a City. It has been historically ruled by the Order of the Silver Serpent. Zento is in Tokuno, which is ruled by the Empress of Tokuno, Lord Blackthorn has no rule there. Umbra is the City of Necromancers and exists in Malas, not exactly within the realm of Lord Blackthorn either.

What then about Cove, Nujelm, Buc's Den, and New Haven? I could see extending loyalty to Cove and New Haven at some point in the future. Buc's Den is a haven for the lawless - not exactly loyal to Blackthorn's rule. Nujelm has traditionally existed as a City-State within Britannia under the rule of the Sultan there.

I get what you are saying though, and perhaps sometime in the future we can look at extending loyalties in different ways to some of those areas. The original intent was to include the traditional starting Cities to draw on the connection a player has with their starting City (For me that was Vesper).

What then, about player towns? That's a really difficult accommodation to make. I've seen player towns pop up one day, only to be gone the next. I mean that as no disrespect to the communities you may have on Atlantic or any other shard. I am sure there are some large communities that have existed for years. So how then, do we accommodate player towns within the current umbrella of the system? What I would do is likely ally my player run town with one of the virtue towns. I'd go to great lengths to describe our relationships and why our citizens are one in the same. In interacting with the King through the proper Cities it would provide an excellent means to open a dialogue regarding the player community as well. One of the intents of that interaction is allow for specific enhancements to made to the City (I want a lighthouse in Vesper!), enhancements that have previously already been offered to player communities.


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kyronix, after doing some testing of the nominating and endorsement process, I have a serious account security question for you. It's very clear that this system is keeping track of activity by accounts, as you cannot do things like endorse a character on the same account, can only vote once per city per shard on the same account, etc.

Will the EMs be able to view information showing which characters endorsed nominated characters? Will the EMs be able to see who voted for each of the endorsed candidates? If the answer to these questions is yes, will the EMs see not only character (and presumably guild information, since that is also being tracked), but also account names?? I would really like that particular question answered. At this point, I have absolutely zero interest in participating in any system that allows the EMs to see account names. I understand they are contractors, but I will not participate in any system where they can see account names.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So these trade deals, they can be used for 24 hours but when can they be re-used?


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So these trade deals, they can be used for 24 hours but when can they be re-used?
As soon as it expires you can go get another so long as one is available and you are at least respected within the City.

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we get some more information on the stam dimishing return and how that relates to a char's current max stam? Is there a spot where the dimishing return starts or is that a constant? Could I run with 120 stam and not be effected by this vs running 180? I read that there is a soft cap of 5% but there wasn't much more information than that and this is a fairly well used mod that 95% of all PvM melee guys use(save for ranged of course) so I think it's a fair desire to have some more information about this change to the game.

If I have 180 stam and am subject to a soft cap of 5% stam leech I understand that I could be seeing a leech of 9 at 100% leech but at 44% leech is 3.96 per swing, I think. I don't understand what bleak said here "Weapon effect: Hit stamina leech is now subject to diminishing returns based on max player stamina. Effectively this means that the amount stamina leeched is soft capped at 5% of your max stamina base on the damage dealt. The remainder is reduced then added to the cap which is total amount leeched."
What does this "remainder" actually speak to?



Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Serpent's Hold is a fortress/stronghold more so than a City. It has been historically ruled by the Order of the Silver Serpent. Zento is in Tokuno, which is ruled by the Empress of Tokuno, Lord Blackthorn has no rule there. Umbra is the City of Necromancers and exists in Malas, not exactly within the realm of Lord Blackthorn either.

What then about Cove, Nujelm, Buc's Den, and New Haven? I could see extending loyalty to Cove and New Haven at some point in the future. Buc's Den is a haven for the lawless - not exactly loyal to Blackthorn's rule. Nujelm has traditionally existed as a City-State within Britannia under the rule of the Sultan there.

I get what you are saying though, and perhaps sometime in the future we can look at extending loyalties in different ways to some of those areas. The original intent was to include the traditional starting Cities to draw on the connection a player has with their starting City (For me that was Vesper).

What then, about player towns? That's a really difficult accommodation to make. I've seen player towns pop up one day, only to be gone the next. I mean that as no disrespect to the communities you may have on Atlantic or any other shard. I am sure there are some large communities that have existed for years. So how then, do we accommodate player towns within the current umbrella of the system? What I would do is likely ally my player run town with one of the virtue towns. I'd go to great lengths to describe our relationships and why our citizens are one in the same. In interacting with the King through the proper Cities it would provide an excellent means to open a dialogue regarding the player community as well. One of the intents of that interaction is allow for specific enhancements to made to the City (I want a lighthouse in Vesper!), enhancements that have previously already been offered to player communities.

Why would we want a Light House for Vesper?

Blackthorn must know someone in Serpent's Hold. Here he is visiting his friends at a Luncheon in the Counselors Guild about 2000 AD. Everything looks cordial.

Maybe Blackthorn can meet with Representatives of the Order or the Empress or the Sultan? There's not a single soul in Serpent's Hold on a daily basis much less The Order of Silver Serpent's Representatives running about. And that lazy Empress hasn't been seen in years. She could use some dusting off. Sultan who?

Player Towns could swear allegiance to their prospective towns through real guild stones (bring back guild stones please), city stones or town stones. Perhaps they must have a certain number of people on the City stone to continue to be represented? Maybe Player Town Citizens could keep adding wood or ore or gold to keep membership up or qualify for special things. There have been several well thought out proposals and ideas over the years for this concept. I'd much rather see people get involved with their towns and support improvements with things the players can do rather than see EM's referee and dictate who gets what.

How can we ally our Zento Town with Vesper and work on a Light House for Vesper when we really would rather be supporting our own town and working together for things we can be proud of for Zento?

I appreciate that you are at least willing to come here and discuss this with everyone. You have my respect for that.


UO Designer
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Why would we want a Light House for Vesper?

Blackthorn must know someone in Serpent's Hold. Here he is visiting his friends at a Luncheon in the Counselors Guild about 2000 AD. Everything looks cordial.

Maybe Blackthorn can meet with Representatives of the Order or the Empress or the Sultan? There's not a single soul in Serpent's Hold on a daily basis much less The Order of Silver Serpent's Representatives running about. And that lazy Empress hasn't been seen in years. She could use some dusting off. Sultan who?

Player Towns could swear allegiance to their prospective towns through real guild stones (bring back guild stones please), city stones or town stones. Perhaps they must have a certain number of people on the City stone to continue to be represented? Maybe Player Town Citizens could keep adding wood or ore or gold to keep membership up or qualify for special things. There have been several well thought out proposals and ideas over the years for this concept. I'd much rather see people get involved with their towns and support improvements with things the players can do rather than see EM's referee and dictate who gets what.

How can we ally our Zento Town with Vesper and work on a Light House for Vesper when we really would rather be supporting our own town and working together for things we can be proud of for Zento?

I appreciate that you are at least willing to come here and discuss this with everyone. You have my respect for that.
I want a lighthouse in Vesper so my ships don't crash into the shore, plus lighthouses are cool!

These are all ideas for thought, and you illustrate a great point that there is a lot of potential with all of this. Baby steps.


Slightly Crazed
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I think we're up to publish 81.37 by now :) - (probably take till 81.56 before it's released because you idiots keep telling them that this or that is unfair so they can never finish)

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
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Zento is in Tokuno, which is ruled by the Empress of Tokuno, Lord Blackthorn has no rule there.

I get what you are saying though, and perhaps sometime in the future we can look at extending loyalties in different ways to some of those areas. The original intent was to include the traditional starting Cities to draw on the connection a player has with their starting City (For me that was Vesper).

What then, about player towns? That's a really difficult accommodation to make. I've seen player towns pop up one day, only to be gone the next. I mean that as no disrespect to the communities you may have on Atlantic or any other shard. I am sure there are some large communities that have existed for years. So how then, do we accommodate player towns within the current umbrella of the system? .

I for one live in Zento, and know not of this Empress you speak. I emigrated here from Trinsic when the land was first discovered and have stayed ever since. My heart still belongs to Trinsic, but my feet are firmly planted in Zento. I have long thought of starting a rebellion on the island to bring it under the rule of our King, and would put my life to it if asked.

Player towns that wish to align themselves with a city should be given a gate or teleporter to said city, linking them with it. Thus fostering a tighter relationship with both city and town. The city blessing should also be accessible by the town through a smaller stone in the player run town.

Are there two sets of towns, both fel and tram?


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and can you add stealing one-handed ,and stealing with balanced on your weapon


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Having lived in a player town now for over 5 years I can say this... I can not support just ONE of the virtue Cities. After all I am a Royal Knight of Virtue and Redemption. Would not be right to chose one town over another. Now someone once suggested I go with the "nearest" town.... well living near Wrong I can say there honestly ISN'T a nearest town..... as the crow flies that might be Minoc..... but Minoc has a government and honestly I wouldn't want to step on toes.... Yew has a government and again I would want to step on toes.... Cove might be considered close but it's not included....

And besides Why would I want to put the hard earned resources of Newcastle Township into some city MILES away when the Citizens of Newcastle deserve them just as much... And why can't we be able to better our city?? We would like to have a bank and a stablemaster..... at the very least... After all we do support our King does he not support us? We do live on his soil.... unless you are telling me that we don't... we are on the mainland.

Why need I declare fealty to a town I don't live or work in? If I come to the aide of all of them but reside in my own Township why must I declare myself to one virtue? I follow all of them and honestly is anyone in Minoc or Yew or Cove going to care if I have a bank or not in Newcastle? Are we not good enough citizens to deserve recognition besides the Banner that sadly takes us out of our Kingdom to the City of Sin, Greed and Corruption, otherwise known as Luna...... Paladin city HA!

I'd rather it put me somewhere near Britain. But that's me.

I fear what might come of some of the elections.

(What I don't have permission now to "tag" people in my posts? Since when?)


Grand Poobah
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Having lived in a player town now for over 5 years I can say this... I can not support just ONE of the virtue Cities. After all I am a Royal Knight of Virtue and Redemption. Would not be right to chose one town over another. Now someone once suggested I go with the "nearest" town.... well living near Wrong I can say there honestly ISN'T a nearest town..... as the crow flies that might be Minoc..... but Minoc has a government and honestly I wouldn't want to step on toes.... Yew has a government and again I would want to step on toes.... Cove might be considered close but it's not included....

And besides Why would I want to put the hard earned resources of Newcastle Township into some city MILES away when the Citizens of Newcastle deserve them just as much... And why can't we be able to better our city?? We would like to have a bank and a stablemaster..... at the very least... After all we do support our King does he not support us? We do live on his soil.... unless you are telling me that we don't... we are on the mainland.

Why need I declare fealty to a town I don't live or work in? If I come to the aide of all of them but reside in my own Township why must I declare myself to one virtue? I follow all of them and honestly is anyone in Minoc or Yew or Cove going to care if I have a bank or not in Newcastle? Are we not good enough citizens to deserve recognition besides the Banner that sadly takes us out of our Kingdom to the City of Sin, Greed and Corruption, otherwise known as Luna...... Paladin city HA!

I'd rather it put me somewhere near Britain. But that's me.

I fear what might come of some of the elections.

(What I don't have permission now to "tag" people in my posts? Since when?)
Makes sense, but that probably could be a feature for a future release "Player Towns".

There would need to be a lot of work i would imagine. For instance, why wouldn't I just declare i have a player town named Cetricsville, so i could have a bank and such, be the Governor of my one man town, and be able to negotiate trade options as The Governor of Cetricsville.

no offense meant at all, i think it'd be a cool idea, i just think that this pub has so much going on and so much delay already, that more difficult inclusions need to be held onto for the time being. Previously i said it'd be nice to get that "robe invisible" style option in, but only because I would think it would be simple. However, it may or may not be without being on the other end of the code.

But i do feel for you, because I would imagine all of those DC guys are going to run rampant on great lakes, governing everything and ruining the rp aspect. So you will need to overthrow them lol
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think we're up to publish 81.37 by now :) - (probably take till 81.56 before it's released because you idiots keep telling them that this or that is unfair so they can never finish)
There have been many times in UO history where we players deserved such an epithet. For the most part the reactions to this Publish have not been such a time. Indeed, it's very much an act of idiocy to suggest such.

I've given up saying anything but still have many qualms.

But as I've no wish to repeat myself (in this particular instance) I'll just wait things out.

One instance where I will repeat myself, however, is to say the following: One of the worst things about us as a player base and player community is that we've come to lack all sense of discretion and proportion. Anyone who complains is "a whiner," "a complainer," or an "idiot;" anyone who praises something is a "cheerleader" or is in on some vast conspiracy; every change made someone says is worth leaving the game over; etc.

-Galen's player


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This is totally wrong, it should stay capped at 120 and give a bonus if both those skills are on the same char.
That might be nice, but it keeps the math more in line with tailor. Tailor caps out at 50% at 100% (or maybe less). It only takes 101.1 skill to get to 2/3 return, and with Dragon barding deeds not being recyclable anymore, that means there are very few items that would benefit from higher than 105. Note that the recycle multiple being .66 instead of 2/3 actual means that the most one could get back even at 120, would be under 80.

Where the breaks would occur over 105 (assuming only natural skill counts)

Items that are a multiple of 4 ingots would get 1 more ingot at 113.7 skill (times the multiple, so that a 16 ingot item would get 12 back at 113.7, instead of 9 at 105)
Items that are a multiple of 7 ingots would get 1 more ingot at 108.3 skill (times the multiple)
Items that are a multiple of 9 ingots would get 1 more ingot at 116.7 skill (times the multiple)
Items that are a multiple of 10 ingots would get one more ingot at 106.1 skill (times the multiple)
Items that are 15 ingots would get one more ingot at 111.2

All other values are related to these. Frankly, I don't think it's that big an issue to have it capped. If you let it be uncapped, and allowed ASH to add in, 120 skill and a +15 ASH would be enough to get 100% back, and they nerfed the Salvage Bag in part to eliminate 100% returns (Even if it was only for daggers, training to 60 skill)

Picus of Napa

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Kyronix are you not qualified to speak to the stamina dimishing returns? I've seen a fair amount of talk about the city event but not much more than a few lines to this topic.


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Stratics Veteran
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In interacting with the King through the proper Cities it would provide an excellent means to open a dialogue regarding the player community as well. One of the intents of that interaction is allow for specific enhancements to made to the City (I want a lighthouse in Vesper!), enhancements that have previously already been offered to player communities.
This is really looking at the system through rose colored glasses. You have described a best case scenario, but the community, for what I have seen, will fall well short of this. I have witnessed just how unhealthy the community can become when they have a dev's ear bent or want to consolidate power through control of resources like champ spawns. Unhealthy is an understatement... folks go through any means of seedy underhanded filth to slander those that may oppose them. And it spills well outside of game. Into boards of this and other forums where members pass their time spewing hatred and contempt... the likes of which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Even as far as to post personal info on others. Maybe what I describe is a worst case scenario, but I have seen it happen (anyone for cake?)... in the end, your choices are to become one of them or ignore everyone and wash your hands of the entire mess.

A small example of this was the brit bank deco contest. After the winners were decided, all hell broke lose on a few shards because others hated the designs.

You however are a good example of the right way to influence the game and one (of many things) I have always liked about the EM program. I've always thought it was a clever way to job interview potential devs. You get basic access to tools, get to tell stories and create fiction, and get a good dose of public interaction both positive and negative.
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Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is something that Bleak worked on. Pretty sure he answered a question about it from Cetric earlier in the thread.
Thanks for the reply, can you ask him to expand on this some?

I had actually quoted him further up this page with that exact reply but it seemed to me that there were more questions than answers(to me anyways). Any information would be greatly read and digested.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the reply, can you ask him to expand on this some?

I had actually quoted him further up this page with that exact reply but it seemed to me that there were more questions than answers(to me anyways). Any information would be greatly read and digested.

Also just for reference. Hit stamina leech adds 100% of damage dealt to your stamina pool & goes off as frequently as the percentage on your weapon..

The information Bleak gave us about the Stamina leech diminishing returns needs a decoder ring to decrypt. The whole 5% of your max stamina part reasonably clear but the explanation of the diminishing returns basically says they diminish..... Anyway.... more info on it pls! Perhaps an example with numbers so this whole english thing isnt so confusing?


UO Designer
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What happened if 2 nominated players have the same amount of votes? Does the nominee with the highest city loyalty get to be governor then? (Venerated over Adored)
Each character's values for Love and Hate are recorded for that City at the time of nomination. If there is a voting tie, the character with the most love wins, if love is tied, the character with the least amount of hate wins. If that is further tied the King will choose.


Seasoned Veteran
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seeing as though it will be possible for players to come up with stats and resists like cetric mentioned earlier giving a player "74 fire resist" and "45 defense chance increase". Has there been any thought on possibly upping the resists that stone form grants a player? As is it looks like stone form is taking a "nerf" by making evil omen reduce mysticim by I think 30 (if I read it right?). Why not up the resists while in stone form to 80 rather then 75 since players wil be able to reach 75 without even using stone form it will almost make stone form useless?


Stratics Veteran
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seeing as though it will be possible for players to come up with stats and resists like cetric mentioned earlier giving a player "74 fire resist" and "45 defense chance increase". Has there been any thought on possibly upping the resists that stone form grants a player? As is it looks like stone form is taking a "nerf" by making evil omen reduce mysticim by I think 30 (if I read it right?). Why not up the resists while in stone form to 80 rather then 75 since players wil be able to reach 75 without even using stone form it will almost make stone form useless?
Ummm NO.... I might be mistaken but can players have ALL their resists at 75 with refinements while maintaining 45% Dci? If not I wouldnt call refinements a huge nerf to stone form. I was never a fan of stone form reducing mage fights to no skill spam..... Anyway Evil omen shouldnt be a big deal bc it has always been a death sentence vs a skilled opponent if you dont have a tbox... ( EO + para) etc...


Seasoned Veteran
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Ummm NO.... I might be mistaken but can players have ALL their resists at 75 with refinements while maintaining 45% Dci? If not I wouldnt call refinements a huge nerf to stone form. I was never a fan of stone form reducing mage fights to no skill spam..... Anyway Evil omen shouldnt be a big deal bc it has always been a death sentence vs a skilled opponent if you dont have a tbox... ( EO + para) etc...
Thats what im saying... If you can reach 75 in all elemental resists with refinements while still getting 45 dci then whats the point in going stone form to get the extra resists (if you are still following me i'm saying there is NO point)?