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NEWS [UO.Com] Final TC1 Release for Pub 97

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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NOT holding my breath for another HUGE disappointment... Lately that seems all we get... one massive build up to another disappointment.

Did you name it "Christmas"?
No, I named it 'pretty boy' - cos he is! I'm a cheerful soul really.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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No, I named it 'pretty boy' - cos he is! I'm a cheerful soul really.
My very first thought when I saw that one is OMG IT'S CHRISTMAS! The colors could be toned down a bit, but I agree with you, he is VERY pretty....they all are! I love the graphic for the new drakes, LOVE the head crown..thing..what's it called?

Anyway, when Origin gets the publish today the cold drake is the first thing I am going to tame...was going to be the Dread Spider but the drake has taken my new favorite number one slot lol.

(Side note...thank you for putting the pet bonding potions on the first page of the store..gonna be a lot of those being sold I think! )


Seasoned Veteran
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The only thing I am concerned about is that we get pets that are far too powerfull for this game. The GD already changed a lot concerning tamers, with it it became really difficult to mess things up. Now that u can have even more powerfull pets, what will be a challenge anymore?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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There are plenty of pictures!!!!

Here's my guy in the CC...patching the EC now...ZzzZZzz lol


In these colors, the green looks rather fake.....

Love the colors on this one much better.

OHH another thing...I ~Think~ they made it so when you log out, you're pet auto-stables....just happened to me on test....not sure how I feel about that but I'm sure ~Some~ people will be happy ;)


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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EC Pictures:



Stratics Veteran
Final release on test then origin 2 days from now REALLY !?!?!
-player can be discords really stupid add in pvp,a tamer can lose a pet with this
-blue pet using poison area or poison breath,poison every blue around him and get guard wack.
-50% damage in pvp its nothing i stay in a front of a nightmare fully train and i dont need too heal my self only 11 hpr was ok..


Stratic's Finest
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There are plenty of pictures!!!!

Here's my guy in the CC...patching the EC now...ZzzZZzz lol

View attachment 65195

In these colors, the green looks rather fake.....
View attachment 65196

Love the colors on this one much better.

OHH another thing...I ~Think~ they made it so when you log out, you're pet auto-stables....just happened to me on test....not sure how I feel about that but I'm sure ~Some~ people will be happy ;)
Sorry, my mistake. I thought they were Crimson Dragons and that the "cold drake" you talked about was a new kind of drake. :smile2:


Seasoned Veteran
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Final release on test then origin 2 days from now REALLY !?!?!
-player can be discords really stupid add in pvp,a tamer can lose a pet with this
-blue pet using poison area or poison breath,poison every blue around him and get guard wack.
-50% damage in pvp its nothing i stay in a front of a nightmare fully train and i dont need too heal my self only 11 hpr was ok..
Players cant be discorded by pets.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah that is absolutely ridiculous.

Like i said in a previous thread. Give it a few months and I'm sure a majority will still be using greater dragons.

Pets didn't need a revamp. The time should of been used to fix existing bugs and issues with the game rather than creating more.
I beg to differ. Unless things get gimped into oblivion I see myself using a variety of pets depending on the target from now on as opposed to just GD. This is precisely why the taming revamp was needed.


Lore Master
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Can we please remove the Jack of All Trades contribution towards the Poisoning skill. So at 0 poison you dont ever get that poison immune chance. It ruins dueling and you could actually start a proper "Pure, no scribe no casting focus" dueling league and have zero RNG. Would only take a minute to change im sure.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If it's "just skill gain", then why bother playing? Why bother caring about the game, if all your looking for is instant gratification?
Don't see how one leads to the other. Skill gain hasn't been an important or engaging part of the game for a long long long time. Just a barrier to push pink/blue/power scrolls as a commodity.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to appeal to all players to please not continue to accept this lack of professionalism for a product that you are paying for.
This patch has gone to test centre, time and time again we the players who have volunteered (unpaid) to test this have advised of the issues/bugs/exploits. Yet for some unknow to us reason, the patch is to be pushed live. Please do tolerate it in the hope the issues will be fixed.

I've posted pet bugs on the official threads and had 0 dev feedback.

We're still waiting for LMC stats to be shown on non medable armour from pub 81.
And we still can't read the stories in the books in game, or even some small bug like adding a comma in the trade menu.

Please do not tolerate this patch which has so far previewed a big fat 0 bug fixes, pet or otherwise.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I would like to appeal to all players to please not continue to accept this lack of professionalism for a product that you are paying for.
This patch has gone to test centre, time and time again we the players who have volunteered (unpaid) to test this have advised of the issues/bugs/exploits. Yet for some unknow to us reason, the patch is to be pushed live. Please do tolerate it in the hope the issues will be fixed.

I've posted pet bugs on the official threads and had 0 dev feedback.

We're still waiting for LMC stats to be shown on non medable armour from pub 81.
And we still can't read the stories in the books in game, or even some small bug like adding a comma in the trade menu.

Please do not tolerate this patch which has so far previewed a big fat 0 bug fixes, pet or otherwise.
While I completely agree with you... sadly they will do what they always do... push it out 1/2 done and call it good never to revisit it again... adding tons of broken half implemented idea's and wonder why no one bothers to do most of the content...

They still have not fixed or addressed the fact that a tamer will now be fodder in Fel. And while they "claim" you can find a 4 slot dragon and level it that remains to be seen... so far no one has. And the Shadow Wyrm... what should have been an awesome pet is crippled. Much like a Reptalon which I have to wonder with the new publish if that will be improved or still one of the most disappointing pets out there... same with a Skree... both of which I still say deserve no more than a 3 slot rank to begin with...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Also, as of May 1st we will be making additional stable slots available from the Ultima Store



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Also, as of May 1st we will be making additional stable slots available from the Ultima Store

Where do you find that? NM Found it. Guess I better stock up on Sovereigns ...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Players cant be discorded by pets.
Forgot to mention this as well. Pets deal 30% less damage to players now, instead of 50% less.

I wish Giant Ice Worms would get a level cap boost. I've always wanted to use one. I also wish the other snakes were tamable. I never understood why they aren't.
Yeah. I used to use a Cu Sidhe+Giant Ice Worm team, for his DP. Grizzled Mares need a slot cap boost as well, they have Necro/SS skill now, but can't use it because you can't level them to give them the Necromancy ability. The notes say that Vampire Bats also have the Necro/SS skill, but those aren't tameable.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is an inferno ability? Does it affect players?
Inferno is an ability that can be taught to some pets, that does about 60 Fire Damage to a 0 Fire Resist target, and reduces Fire Resist by 1/4th. It looks like a Flamestrike when the pet uses it. Just tested it on my other character, and it does affect other players. Dropped me from 72 Fire Resist (2 overcap), to 55. So lowered my Fire Resist by about 1/4th. Still not as powerful as Rune Corruption though.


Stratics Veteran
Inferno is an ability that can be taught to some pets, that does about 60 Fire Damage to a 0 Fire Resist target, and reduces Fire Resist by 1/4th. It looks like a Flamestrike when the pet uses it. Just tested it on my other character, and it does affect other players. Dropped me from 72 Fire Resist (2 overcap), to 55. So lowered my Fire Resist by about 1/4th. Still not as powerful as Rune Corruption though.
I hope it doesn't stack with Curse and Corpse skin


Babbling Loonie
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@Bleak @Kyronix
So, i just did a bit of spell damage testing between a WW with 417 INT/GM Magery/GM Eval and Magery Mastery, vs a Serpentine Dragon with 1005 INT/101.2 Magery/GM Eval and Magery Mastery. Despite Bleak saying that INT affected spell damage on certain spells for pets, the Flame Strike and E-Bolts of the WW and Serpentine Dragon were doing the same damage, despite a 588 INT difference (which should be a 58% Spell Damage difference). The Serpentine Dragon was doing 236 damage a tick with Death Ray to a 0 Resist target, and the WW was doing the same with Death Ray.
That means INT isn't worth putting any Training Points into.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to appeal to all players to please not continue to accept this lack of professionalism for a product that you are paying for.
This patch has gone to test centre, time and time again we the players who have volunteered (unpaid) to test this have advised of the issues/bugs/exploits. Yet for some unknow to us reason, the patch is to be pushed live. Please do tolerate it in the hope the issues will be fixed.

I've posted pet bugs on the official threads and had 0 dev feedback.

We're still waiting for LMC stats to be shown on non medable armour from pub 81.
And we still can't read the stories in the books in game, or even some small bug like adding a comma in the trade menu.

Please do not tolerate this patch which has so far previewed a big fat 0 bug fixes, pet or otherwise.

Have faith. The new BOD system works great!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just tested the Stygian Drake some. They always come with Magery Mastery, yet seem to have a larger spell repertoire than other Magery casting pets. The Stygian Drake was casting Mind Blast against Dragons/GDs when at range. He also had cast Magic Reflection on himself. He went from 80/80/65/60/80 Resists, to 60/90/75/70/90, and stays there, he won't toggle it off.
Did some more testing with Conductive Blast as well. It does lower Energy Resist by 1/2.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Just tested the Stygian Drake some. They always come with Magery Mastery, yet seem to have a larger spell repertoire than other Magery casting pets. The Stygian Drake was casting Mind Blast against Dragons/GDs when at range. He also had cast Magic Reflection on himself. He went from 80/80/65/60/80 Resists, to 60/90/75/70/90, and stays there, he won't toggle it off.
Did some more testing with Conductive Blast as well. It does lower Energy Resist by 1/2.
THAT'S the spell I was thinking of. Some of my new "trainees" with Magery will cast it on themselves as well. It freaked me out the first time I saw the resists change. They will change back to where you set them, but it takes MUCH longer than you think.
I finally logged for the night with them "swapped". The next morning they were back to normal.


Stratics Veteran
I am concerned about all these abilities that can lower your resists by a huge amount and how that is going to affect pvp


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did they do something with pet tracking? My Cu still runs around attacking stuff and aggroing things behind walls. He wont keep up while I'm spamming all follow me. I have never used guarding. When I get where I want to be, I have to go back and find him. Also noticed he cant see some mobs that I tell him to attack. But the mob is attacking me just fine. They were in trees in Ilsh.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did they do something with pet tracking? My Cu still runs around attacking stuff and aggroing things behind walls. He wont keep up while I'm spamming all follow me. I have never used guarding. When I get where I want to be, I have to go back and find him. Also noticed he cant see some mobs that I tell him to attack. But the mob is attacking me just fine. They were in trees in Ilsh.
Yeah, the pet's still aren't completely obedient when you give them a command and pass the skill check. They'll still switch targets from your "kill target" if they have a DoT tick on something, or they use an AoE. In some aspects, it's even worse. Now they can be damaging just one creature, and if something else damages the pet, the pet can randomly switch targets to it. It used to just be that the pet would only switch targets if he did damage to something else, with like a Bleed or Poison tick. Now they can also switch targets if something else damages them.

@Bleak @Kyronix It'd be pretty awesome if you guys could add something to New Haven on TC that would give you bags of 120 Power Scrolls whenever clicked, similar to the Lvl 7 T-Map Tree in New Haven right now. Would help with testing pet potential.


Stratics Veteran
Conductive Blast lowers your energy resist by half? lololol

I think there needs to be some type of cap on how much a pet can lower a player's resists.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It'd be nice if Crimson Drakes could learn Necromancy (since Crimson Dragons are Evil), but couldn't learn Chivalry (which they currently can). Platinum Drakes can already learn Chivalry (which makes sense, since Platinum Dragons are Good). Give at least a little difference between the Crimson and Platinum Drakes other than main body color.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Conductive Blast lowers your energy resist by half? lololol

I think there needs to be some type of cap on how much a pet can lower a player's resists.
You seem to have a lot of input. Can you tell us how many pets you have been killed by?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
You seem to have a lot of input. Can you tell us how many pets you have been killed by?
Well if you could train a pet to drop people's energy resists by half a lot of people are going to get killed by it. I mean in pvp with 35 energy resist you are gonna die fast. The resist dropping skills should be different with players.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, after determining that INT was not actually affecting pet Spell Damage, i also tested whether STR affects pet melee damage, like it's supposed to. It does work correctly. I tested 2 Rune Beetles against the 0 Resist Drone outside of New Haven. Both Rune Beetles had GM Tact/Anat, as well as 24-33 Base Damage. One Rune Beetle, Xingaxx had 692 STR, the other Rune Beetle, Auromvax, had 428 STR. A difference of 264 STR. Xingaxx did 104-152 damage per melee hit, and Auromvax did 85-122 damage per melee hit. A fairly good difference.
Keep in mind though, that this was against a 0 Resist target, so against targets with high Resists, the damage difference will be much smaller.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we please remove the Jack of All Trades contribution towards the Poisoning skill. So at 0 poison you dont ever get that poison immune chance. It ruins dueling and you could actually start a proper "Pure, no scribe no casting focus" dueling league and have zero RNG. Would only take a minute to change im sure.
the Poison immunity chance needs to just be removed.
Casting Focus needs to be removed from PvP too... as this makes a much bigger difference than Poison Immunity, when it comes to dueling

Too bad you guys weren't as vocal 3+ years ago about this, maybe it would have been reverted by now.

Anyway, it's not too late to have them fixed (removed from pvp) until it is... :D


Stratics Veteran
Well if you could train a pet to drop people's energy resists by half a lot of people are going to get killed by it. I mean in pvp with 35 energy resist you are gonna die fast. The resist dropping skills should be different with players.

I find it shocking some people have such limited knowledge of the game and think it's not a problem if your energy resist gets dropped to 35


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Conductive Blast lowers your energy resist by half? lololol

I think there needs to be some type of cap on how much a pet can lower a player's resists.
I agree, as fun as it would be for about 10-20 seconds killing people with exp/fs all kill, it has to be adjusted... at least from "tamed" pets.

I'm not worried about Conductive blast though, that only affects Energy resist & Holyfist is capped at 35 (lol.....)
"Rune Corruption" affects all resistances at -50%, which is the main reason "Beetles" would become the best over-all pets for Pvp & Pvm.

Better watch out for those Archer-tamers and/or Bushido-Tamers though.
Orc Brutes from the Orcish Grammar talisman aren't affected by the "Reduced Pet vs Player damage", so they'd hit about 20-50% harder, depending on how over-capped in resistances your suit is.
gonna be rough... =X


Stratics Legend
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I find it shocking some people have such limited knowledge of the game and think it's not a problem if your energy resist gets dropped to 35
I don't pvp a lick, but it's not too hard to understand that a reliable means of halving any resist will imbalance pvp, and I'd imagine pretty bad.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
etter watch out for those Archer-tamers
Yeah that was was I was thinking. Even for just the energy one, I imagine people could make energy bows, but with rune corruption would be even worse.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Conductive Blast lowers your energy resist by half? lololol

I think there needs to be some type of cap on how much a pet can lower a player's resists.
This is what I was trying to say earlier, the real problem after this patch for PvP will be the new special abilities, things that a 50% damage reduction has no effect on, all the damage reduction will do is make regular non PvP tamers unable to defend themselves and dead meat if they hunt in fel, the actual "PvP tamers" who look to PvP tend to not rely on pet damage as they use archery etc, they will be using <4 slot pets trained for the speed at which they move and the special abilities like dismount, mortal, paralyze, and any of the resist impact ones, this is where the problem lies, not in damage.

Id prefer it if they left the damage alone(for now), but stop all these special abilities working against players
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