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NEWS [UO.Com] Final TC1 Release for Pub 97


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I can't copy characters to TC because I only play Siege, so I would appreciate if someone could answer a question...

feeding 120s to pets:
How does this work? Do you just drop them on your pet? Does it work with GDs as well? Or does it only work with pets <5 control slots? would I be able to upgrade my old GD who has decent resists but lacks magic resist by feeding it a 120 resist scroll?
Hi Max

You just need to have the 120 in your pack when you select increasing skill caps in the pet gump thing, once you press the ok button the scroll disappears from your pack and the pet gets that cap.
You cannot upgrade GDs at all in any way as they are all 5 slots on taming so you dont get the training option on them, some have said you can find 4 slot GDs but I have not seen one.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't wait for this patch.
Taming was nice already, but it had a lot of room for improvement. Some more stable slots on top and a 5er Cu still rideable - perfect.
Bring it on :)
Yeah except now you have to beat the crap out of the cu just to tame it lol.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Newest infos fresh from TC:

- 5 slot pets will still be rideable
- Damage from pets to players will be tweaked
- Pets cant discord players
- Something will be done about stable slot count

So lets wait and see:)


Stratics Veteran
Cool hurry up and get it on prod so I can actually do it. Subjugation is a non issue, Tame/Lore/Mage, Mage Weapon, lead Tame is all that I've ever used, or (weapon skill on dexxer Tamers). Don't need more stable slots. Think they've gone a bit overboard with the damage types of Drakes, could have just made it a trainable aspect of all pets, which can then affect their hue, now that WOULD be cool. Training my normal brown GD in Poison damage to turn it green!

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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i cant say how much iam dissapointed, they really dont play uo... otherwiese such stupid idea would not even be on the table. muahahhaha


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Newest infos fresh from TC:

- 5 slot pets will still be rideable
- Damage from pets to players will be tweaked
- Pets cant discord players
- Something will be done about stable slot count

So lets wait and see:)
Brilliant, if this is the case, thankyou Devs :)

All in all, quite looking forward to it again, the subjugation thing is a little annoying but not compared to the above issues, but then I dont tame new pets that often...

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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subjugate isn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be. I'd really struggle to get a high end pet down as far as you have to get a beetle, but 80% is do-able I think.


Stratics Veteran
Newest infos fresh from TC:

- 5 slot pets will still be rideable
- Damage from pets to players will be tweaked
- Pets cant discord players
- Something will be done about stable slot count

So lets wait and see:)
Sounds good. I just hope they don't put pet damage back all the way up to 100% vs players

Emily the Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I feel the need to say again what many others already have, in hopes that maybe one more tamer voice might increase the chance the devs will listen...it is WAY WAY too early for this to be the "final" publish. This stuff needs A LOT more testing and tweaking to be done still, ESPECIALLY with new tameables and the new item coming out. This is not at all ready to go to live servers. PLEASE rethink making this the final publish, as it is now this patch will be DISASTER for the game...far too much that needs fixing...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Sounds good. I just hope they don't put pet damage back all the way up to 100% vs players
Right now, aside from these special abilities which seem to be an obvious PvP issue, particularly discord, its really difficult to say the effect this patch will have on PvP, the problem with massive knee jerk type nerf like 50% is that it isnt the result of any form of testing, the TC is fine for testing some stuff but things like PvP tactics and templates evolve over time, like the chiv mastery holy fist issue that seemed to come out of nowhere and suddenly loads were exploiting it making templates around it.

Once a certain thing like that becomes an issue, then you nerf whatever part of it was the issue, the reason that pre-emptive 50% nerf bothers me is it is really harsh on the self defence of tamers hunting on Siege or Fel, as this is not a large section of the overall player base, they cant shout loud enough to get it reversed once its set in stone, I would sooner they wait and see how it pans out before reaching for the nerf bat.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Newest infos fresh from TC:

- 5 slot pets will still be rideable
- Damage from pets to players will be tweaked
- Pets cant discord players
- Something will be done about stable slot count

So lets wait and see:)
NOT holding my breath for another HUGE disappointment... Lately that seems all we get... one massive build up to another disappointment.

Isn't he pretty!!
Did you name it "Christmas"?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's always been my experience that a CuSidhe is slower than molasses in Winter.
Up the Cu Sidhe's Stamina to 150 with the new Pet Training, it'll increase both his movement and attack speed.

The GD won't be the top pet anymore. The Saurosaurus and Cu Sidhe will be able to out tank the GD, and the Rune Beetle, White Wyrm, Phoenix, and Fire Beetle (with Inferno or Rune Corruption) will be able to out damage him.
So, who's going to be the first to tame a sheep in Discordance and set it to auto attack while skill gaining Any skill in the game....Or you know Magery to 120 in 2-4 hours at most.

Getting to 120 in skills just became the biggest joke in the world.

Or training a wolf spider in Discordance and attacking it with a 100% poison weapon to train combat skills or Magery or mysticism to 120 in 2-4 hrs...

They seriously need to rethink Discordance vs players. Let alone the PvP implications.
You could already do that with the Satyrs in the Twisted Weald, or the Banshees in Despise. Without the "Satyr Trick", some skills like Lockpicking or Cartography, would drive you insane trying to train them once they got 90+. Anyways, you're forgetting that once you teach a pet Disco, it actually has to be trained in Disco, the same way as a player would. You're gonna spend months on end telling your Disco Sheep to attack something and wait for it to Disco it for a chance at a 0.1 gain. Also, remember that the creature it Discos has to be within a certain Barding Difficulty in relation to the Sheep's Disco skill, in order to have a chance to gain. Have fun telling a Sheep to attack Cu Sidhes and Hiryus for gains.
If they make pets unable to Disco players, they need to be real careful that it doesn't extend to wild creatures.
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Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Here's the new localization strings; looks like a few new items may be hitting the store with this publish. Patch Notes from 2017-04-11 - Stratics Community Wiki | Stratics Community Forums

I'll second the call for this to wait before going live. We've waited this long for the pet revamp; I'd far rather see it have more of the kinks worked out before it goes live.

(And since I've not tried it on TC1... anyone looked to see if rabbits can be trained up to Monty Python levels? :D)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're gonna spend months on end telling your Disco Sheep to attack something and wait for it to Disco it for a chance at a 0.1 gain.
Damnit, now I want a Disco Duck! On another random topic, any fisher tamers going to train up a goat and feed it footwear?
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I admit, the sheep is an extreme example, but the point is it would be possible if allowed, they need to realize players will think completely outside the box to abuse things for an advantage.

The satyr trick you speak up, ruins the achievement of earning the skills of which you speak or any skill at all really.

Coming from a player who player the game for years from beta until 2007, the skills that take Work to achieve shouldn't be cheapened.

They have already made skills so much easier to gain then before, they didn't need to be made easier.

Since I started back up in 2016/2017, it's infinitly easier then before.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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subjugation will be a problem. no idea how to skill my tamers.
i do have an archer tamer, but it's rather weak on its own.
my mage tamers typically don't have evalint.

only one solution comes to mind: 90 real tame/lore, no vet, rest in something like myst/weaving/mage, then trade your pet to your main.

I started this game making a pure mage...then realized once I was out of mana I was pretty screwed....so I made a tamer....but I don't like to rely solely on my pets...they are my companions and helpers but not my sole source of damage output.

I can do things with or without my pets.


Sigh, my point stands.
Players will abuse the system if given the opertunity.
If it's "just skill gain", then why bother playing? Why bother caring about the game, if all your looking for is instant gratification?

The publish needs far more testing and tweaking before it's ready on all fronts.

Emily the Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The satyr trick is really only beneficial to a very few skills. People think it can help any skill because the lowered skill inherently gives faster gains, but this isn't true. Your gain rate is based on real skill. Certain skills benefit from it because of the way it affects your optimal gains.

For example, the reason it benefits something like magery is because the lowered skill means lower level spells are optimal, which cast faster AND cost less mana, meaning you get more gain ATTEMPTS per minute. THIS is why you gain more often - you use the skill more often. Not because the lowered skill automatically grants a higher gain rate.

It's also beneficial to things like chivalry, cartography and lockpicking because the most difficult ways you can use the skills repetitively will give excruciatingly slow gains at the highest levels, if any at all.

But it doesn't help something like, say, stealing or weapon skills, where all you'd do is adjust the weight of what you're stealing or use a pet with wrestling closer to your weapon skill, and continue to gain at the same rate.

In short - the satyr trick isn't some end-all be-all exploit that makes training any skill a breeze. You have to know how to utilize it, and for some - a lot of - skills, it really won't help you at all.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sigh, my point stands.
If it's "just skill gain", then why bother playing? Why bother caring about the game, if all your looking for is instant gratification?
The times when leveling was a major part of game play are long gone even in theme park games, and for a good reason. UO is an extremely top heavy sandbox, where tedious skill gain is an annoyance standing in the way of getting to the fun content. Skill gain is not the source of gratification in UO and has not been for many many years. There is no reason to hold on to antiquated game mechanics because older gamers were forced to suffer through them.


Crazed Zealot
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It is faster to gain magery with a -29 magical short with 50 ssi bow at Andros wisps anyway.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Newest infos fresh from TC:

- 5 slot pets will still be rideable
- Damage from pets to players will be tweaked
- Pets cant discord players
- Something will be done about stable slot count

The first and last ones need to be done. Please give a legit reason for not being able to ride into battle in PvM. Did a whiney succubus complain?

About subjugation: I thought all things had to be subjugated to 20% life before taming. I have killed so many nightmares, swamp dragons, and other stuff while trying to get them tamed....

Emily the Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
About subjugation: I thought all things had to be subjugated to 20% life before taming. I have killed so many nightmares, swamp dragons, and other stuff while trying to get them tamed....
Nope, only fire beetles, giant beetles, iron beetles, and giant ice worms have to be beaten into subjugation.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, only fire beetles, giant beetles, iron beetles, and giant ice worms have to be beaten into subjugation.
The beetles for my crafter were my first pets. So, that's where I got it in my head. I just assumed everything had to be beaten down.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Are folks really getting bent over "subjugation"? :confused:

I mean, I could see that being a slight issue for melee tamers but for the mage tamers to get bent over it is strange to me... beat on the thing a little.. invis.. then you are good to go.. *shrugs* ... I don't get it.

Emily the Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are folks really getting bent over "subjugation"? :confused:

I mean, I could see that being a slight issue for melee tamers but for the mage tamers to get bent over it is strange to me... beat on the thing a little.. invis.. then you are good to go.. *shrugs* ... I don't get it.
My temp is tame vet lore mage music peace/discord...I don't have a way to damage pets. I lead tame everything...no beating anything down, except things that need it like the beetles.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Subjugation is no longer, except for originals.
Ah... ok... I still beat the heck out of anything I tame *shrugs* makes 'em walk slower and not gobble me up so fast.. so no biggie for me either way :D

My temp is tame vet lore mage music peace/discord...I don't have a way to damage pets. I lead tame everything...no beating anything down, except things that need it like the beetles.
Shoot... those ev's will get 'em.. 'specially if ya conjure up one of dem dere Llama ones :stir:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any/All pets should be able to consume Power Scrolls and should NOT have to be increased in follower count just to do so.

1) Remove Power Scrolls from the "training process" and allow any/all pets to consume a powerscroll to increase their skill caps from 100.0 to 120.0.
Or (not both)
2) Allow pets to be trained up to 350/1400 imbuing points 25%/100% of a full levels worth of points before the pet requires an additional follower slot to control.

If #2, maybe add a training "lock" option to pets so that they can no longer be leveled, which would give tamers more viable options instead of just running around with one 4-5 slot pet, also giving reason to keep multiples of the same pet type.

Also, Abilities like "Aura of Nausea" should not affect other players from a tamed pet.

Emily the Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shoot... those ev's will get 'em.. 'specially if ya conjure up one of dem dere Llama ones :stir:
I can't imagine having to do that for every cu sidhe I farm, especially since they're so strong vs energy...but it seems moot now...

Side note...I absolutely love that the devs made Anon's energy form a llama vortex. They saw the opportunity, and took it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Kyronix @Bleak Dread Warhorses and Nightmares are technically able to learn "Necromancy" or "Necromage", but it's entirely too expensive. It costs 1,500 Training Points to add those abilities to them, that's an entire training session. 300-500 points seems more reasonable. Also, Grizzled Mares that are obtained from the Monstrous Interred Grizzle, are capped at 1 Control Slot, and so unable to be Trained with the new system, despite now having Necro/SS skill.

I talked to Bleak earlier about Dread Spiders being unable to learn "Necromancy" or "Necromage" despite having the Necro/SS skills, and it's due to them having the Poison ability. Bleak then indicated that they'd remove the Necro/SS skill off of Dread Spiders, but i'd suggest instead you take the Poisoning skill off of them when tamed. That way, they can fill a unique role/niche (5 slot Necromage that can be leveled). The only other pets that can easily obtain Necromage, are Imps (which quickly max out at 4 slots in a single training session, and end up with pitiful 100-200 Health) and Shadow Wyrms (which underperform due to being 5 slots on tame, max out at GM Wrest, and their own Corpse Skin lowers their melee damage output). The Rune Beetle already has the "Poison Mage" role filled, and does it better than the Dread Spider. As does the Bane Dragon, to an extent (when fed).
Ossein Rams are also unable to learn Necromancy despite having the Necro/SS skills, which is likely due to the "Battle Defense" ability.

As i talked about with Bleak earlier, would it be possible to remove Corpse Skin from the list of spells that certain Necro capable pets are able to cast, while retaining it on others? For example, the Shadow Wyrm, Dire Wolf, Predator Hellcat, and Tsuki Wolf deal less melee damage when they Corpse Skin a target. On the other hand, certain other Necro capable pets deal more melee damage when Corpse Skin is on the target, such as Imps, Hell Hounds, and Hellcats (Small).
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So while talking to Bleak earlier, he confirmed a few things.
The "All 3+ slots pets require Subjugation" has been removed.
"Arcane Pyromancy" has been removed from the list of abilities that can be trained.

Wrestling Mastery will be receiving a Mana cost for each hit delivered that benefits from Knockout's passively increased damage. I don't exactly agree with this one. While Wrestling Mastery does significantly increase melee damage against low Resists opponents, the damage difference isn't as high against high Resists opponents (to where Armor Ignore or Inferno/Conductive Blast/Rune Corruption would probably be a better option against higher Resists opponents). Picking Wrestling Mastery also prevents you from picking any other Magical Ability or Special Moves (Wrestling Mastery gives you Disarm and Paralyzing Blow moves, both of which are pretty useless in PvM).

Pets have the same damage calculations as players when it comes to Strength. So a WW with 720 STR, receives 221% damage from it, while a WW with 760 STR receives 233% damage from it.
  • For Strength < 100
    • Strength * 0.3
  • For Strength >= 100
    • (Strength * 0.3) + 5
He also confirmed that pets receive the same spell damage bonus from Intelligence as players do. So every 10 INT = +1% Spell Damage. He said it applies to "certain spells", but didn't say exactly which spells.
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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did I read correctly that Dragon turtles and GD's "could spawn" as a 4 slot pet, and then be trained to a 5 slot one? Or was that changed? Or did I dream that? LOL I have a REALLY crappy that I thought for sure should qualify. But it didn't. Like I say, I might of just dreamed that. Anyone know? @Bleak @Kyronix

Also Devs, THANK YOU for removing the subjugation! :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So while talking to Bleak earlier, he confirmed a few things.
The "All 3+ slots pets require Subjugation" has been removed.
"Arcane Pyromancy" has been removed from the list of abilities that can be trained.

Wrestling Mastery will be receiving a Mana cost for each hit delivered that benefits from Knockout's passively increased damage. I don't exactly agree with this one. While Wrestling Mastery does significantly increase melee damage against low Resists opponents, the damage difference isn't as high against high Resists opponents (to where Armor Ignore or Inferno/Conductive Blast/Rune Corruption would probably be a better option against higher Resists opponents). Picking Wrestling Mastery also prevents you from picking any other Magical Ability or Special Moves (Wrestling Mastery gives you Disarm and Paralyzing Blow moves, both of which are pretty useless in PvM).

Pets have the same damage calculations as players when it comes to Strength. So a WW with 720 STR, receives 221% damage from it, while a WW with 760 STR receives 233% damage from it.
  • For Strength < 100
    • Strength * 0.3
  • For Strength >= 100
    • (Strength * 0.3) + 5
He also confirmed that pets receive the same spell damage bonus from Intelligence as players do. So every 10 INT = +1% Spell Damage. He said it applies to "certain spells", but didn't say exactly which spells.
Thanks for the update of design changes. I think it would be great to add pet skill description tables on uo wiki, to show all skill functions, damages, training cost and mana cots.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did I read correctly that Dragon turtles and GD's "could spawn" as a 4 slot pet, and then be trained to a 5 slot one? Or was that changed? Or did I dream that? LOL I have a REALLY crappy that I thought for sure should qualify. But it didn't. Like I say, I might of just dreamed that. Anyone know? @Bleak @Kyronix

Also Devs, THANK YOU for removing the subjugation! :)
From my earlier conversations with Bleak or Kyronix, they stated that it should be possible for a really crappy GD, Dragon Turtle Hatchling or Shadow Wyrm to spawn, and tame out at 4 Control Slots. I have seen one tamed Shadow Wyrm on TC with Armor Ignore added to it, so it had obviously tamed out at 4 Slots, and was leveled with the new system. That was before they allowed Shadow Wyrms to have full 560+ Health after tame though. I've spent an hour and a half killing Shadow Wyrms, trying to get a crappy 4 slot one to spawn, and the lowest i've seen is a 122.3 Barding Difficulty Shadow Wyrm, and he was still 5 control slots after tame.

Forgot to mention. Bleak said it was intentional that Stygian Drakes only have 100% Physical Damage, regardless of what color they spawn as. There goes my hopes of having a 100% Fire Damage Stygian Drake with Inferno :(
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just noticed that the new drakes have 2 AOE abilities that both give AOE poison damage Poison breath, and something Disease). Is that intentional? What's the difference between the two?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From my earlier conversations with Bleak or Kyronix, they stated that it should be possible for a really crappy GD, Dragon Turtle Hatchling or Shadow Wyrm to spawn, and tame out at 4 Control Slots. I have seen one tamed Shadow Wyrm on TC with Armor Ignore added to it, so it had obviously tamed out at 4 Slots, and was leveled with the new system. That was before they allowed Shadow Wyrms to have full 560+ Health after tame though. I've spent an hour and a half killing Shadow Wyrms, trying to get a crappy 4 slot one to spawn, and the lowest i've seen is a 122.3 Barding Difficulty Shadow Wyrm, and he was still 5 control slots after tame.

Forgot to mention. Bleak said it was intentional that Stygian Drakes only have 100% Physical Damage, regardless of what color they spawn as. There goes my hopes of having a 100% Fire Damage Stygian Drake with Inferno :(
This is the one I copied over. I would have thought he would have been a 4 slot for sure. He is about the worst one I have seen. 117.1 barding difficulty, 600HP, and crappy resists!
upload_2017-4-13_0-52-53.png upload_2017-4-13_0-53-27.png upload_2017-4-13_0-55-22.png upload_2017-4-13_0-56-58.png upload_2017-4-13_0-56-6.png

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
@Bleak @Kyronix so I wanna know if the Cus healing calculation is as the player. Where dex affects the Bandage timer. If so giving it 150 dex is much better add on. I assume it is as the strength damage calc is equal. Just wanna make sure.

Btw, is it just me, or are the devs suddenly absent from stratics?
Just a thought...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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@Bleak @Kyronix so I wanna know if the Cus healing calculation is as the player. Where dex affects the Bandage timer. If so giving it 150 dex is much better add on. I assume it is as the strength damage calc is equal. Just wanna make sure.

Btw, is it just me, or are the devs suddenly absent from stratics?
Just a thought...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They always "seem" absent... best way to know is to watch who's Online... but that's not real easy since folk can sometimes hide that.

They often read some of the stuff or someone reads it for them and lets them know. Either way works. Though I'll say both @Bleak and @Kyronix I believe have me on their ignore lists ..... so doesn't matter what I say they won't read it. Apparently their skin is pretty soft. Which I guess I can see for Bleak.. but Kyronix is a former player... so he ought to have a pretty tough skin... As for the other "major" player on the dev team... I think of that one as an ocean during a typhoon... The artist though I think is actually learning. But I do not believe he looks at the forums... don't think he cares... pretty sure his "interest" in the game goes as far as his paycheck. As for the other one... I've probably gotten in enough trouble on that subject. I'll leave that sleeping dog lying.
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Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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The strangest effect from this publish seems like it'll be the creation of a market for the worst possible GDs... :p


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They always "seem" absent... best way to know is to watch who's Online... but that's not real easy since folk can sometimes hide that.

They often read some of the stuff or someone reads it for them and lets them know. Either way works. Though I'll say both @Bleak and @Kyronix I believe have me on their ignore lists ..... so doesn't matter what I say they won't read it. Apparently their skin is pretty soft. Which I guess I can see for Bleak.. but Kyronix is a former player... so he ought to have a pretty tough skin... As for the other "major" player on the dev team... I think of that one as an ocean during a typhoon... or similar turbulence... perhaps even a whirlpool... or maybe it's like a raging rapids... might be a better analogy... full of twists and turns... maybe Taffy.... being pulled... stretched... ever changing... yeah. The artist though I think is actually learning. But I do not believe he looks at the forums... don't think he cares... pretty sure his "interest" in the game goes as far as his paycheck. As for the other one... I've probably gotten in enough trouble on that subject. I'll leave that sleeping dog lying.
lol, did you just call the Producer a dog? :stir::devil: