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NEWS [UO.Com] Final TC1 Release for Pub 97

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Use the totem to increase the chances of rare colors of the following creatures: Snow Leopard, Frost Spider, Nightmare, White Wyrm,
A rare colored WW...the semantics and concept are even crazy and make no sense.

Playing video games should be fun, not a chore.

The complexity of the whole thing was hard to swallow, but was up for it in the beginning, then
as I messed around on test and was starting to think I don't love taming THAT much to learn a whole new difficult system,
Everything done in the last several years has been really grindy, time consuming clickfesty, half thought thru, and complicated and convoluted. As with everything else the last few years, the cheerleaders are gonna cheer, and everyone else is gonna be going WTH is all that, and who dreamed it up?



Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no reasoning with them... they continue to ignore the issue of stable slots
I have a theory on the stable slot issue. The Devs have been SUSPICIOUSLY quiet with regard to the slot limits. I mean they haven't said a word, I don't think. They have just ignored it completely. My theory is that, when this goes "live", we will have a stable slot increase of some sort. I hope I am right. If I am wrong, then there will be a WHOLE bunch of mad tamers in UO. Myself included. @Bleak @Kyronix

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really I think most tamers just wanted some other pets to be viable other than a GD

I just wanted them to make the glorious WW = to a GD. Then I would activate the tamer account and join all the other tamers in the world.
But I did not, and will not, anticipate buying powerscrolls to feed a pet and all that crap...

Totally overthought,, totally ridiculous.


Stratics Veteran
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More stable slots is really a must with so many new tameables.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, after running around a bit, i've noticed something about the new Drakes. The location of the Drake's spawn, determines what type of Damage it deals. Physical Crimson/Platinum Drakes spawn in Destard. Fire Crimson/Platinum Drakes spawn in Montor. Cold Crimson/Platinum Drakes spawn in Ice. Poison Crimson/Platinum Drakes spawn in the Corrupted Forest, outside of Umbra. Energy Crimson/Platinum Drakes spawn in Kotl City.
Going to have to determine which areas in the Stygian Abyss, spawn which color of Stygian Drake.
Dragon/Reptile Slayer also doesn't seem to affect the new Drakes...
Last edited:


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
I'm just gonna add my thoughts here like everyone else.

I REALLY like the pet re-vamp. Haven't tested pet damage vs. players but REALLY happy they reduced it, PvP is PLAYER vs. PLAYER not PLAYER vs. PET....my thoughts anyway.

I used to bless my pets..but it doesn't do very much and doesn't last very long...and I've noticed my pets bless themselves so the whole bless thing means nothing to me.

Pets discording players? That 50% damage reduction vs. players? Works for that too...I had my friend attack me with his dismounting Cu and it took a good 10 minutes before it dismounted me...don't think it's gonna be an issue cus who's gonna let a pet hit them for 10 minutes??? Seriously...

Stable slots...21 isn't enough?? Get over it...that's a LOT! Yes my stable is full...yes I will be getting rid of some pets....adapt or don't but if you don't, stop crying, that's your choice.

I am happy that I will be able to have new pets, happy that some might spawn in cool colors, happy that I can ~Build~ a pet to certain specs depending on what I do with it. LOVE the new lore gump and all the added information.

Change is inevitable, I welcome it.

~Maharia the Tamer

Also because the Energy Drakes spawn in the Kotl City spawn area, they are not able to be tamed as they are considered part of the spawn, this needs to be addressed.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
Just an FYI, the higher Eval you have, the higher, and longer duration the bless will be. To players and pets.
I am aware..I have been playing this game for awhile now ;)

My Eval on my tamer is 110....still doesn't last long enough for me to get my panties in a bunch over.


Stratics Veteran
Pets discording players? That 50% damage reduction vs. players? Works for that too...I had my friend attack me with his dismounting Cu and it took a good 10 minutes before it dismounted me...don't think it's gonna be an issue cus who's gonna let a pet hit them for 10 minutes??? Seriously...
Yeah but pvp tamers will have other skills to do damage with such as Archery. The strategy would be to let your pet discord your opponent, then you destroy your opponent with your own skills. The pet won't even need to do any damage. When your opponent has their stats and skills reduced by 24%, they are gonna go down real quick.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, since Crimson/Platinum Drakes always have Dragon Breath, they cannot learn Inferno or Conductive Blast to boost their damage (would be great for 100% Fire or Energy Drakes). Stygian Drakes always have Magery Mastery, and are able to learn Inferno or Conductive Blast, but they seem incapable of spawning with anything other than 100% Physical Damage, even though their color highlight can be different, suggesting that they should be able to have Elemental Damage (Bug maybe?).


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And something not in patch notes
Receive a special totem that can be used to enhance the chances rare colored pets will spawn! Use the totem to increase the chances of rare colors of the following creatures: Snow Leopard, Frost Spider, Nightmare, White Wyrm, Giant Toad, & Stygian Drake. Rare colored creatures spawned when a totem is in place can be tamed exclusively by the owner of the lure, their party, and guild for a short period. The totem comes with three charges and lasts for twenty minutes per use. Be sure to keep spawns cleared out so new creatures will spawn with an enhanced chance of rare colors!
Totem of Chromatic Fortune
So I can have a rainbow colored Nightmare also? :danceb:


subjugation will be a problem. no idea how to skill my tamers.
i do have an archer tamer, but it's rather weak on its own.
my mage tamers typically don't have evalint.

only one solution comes to mind: 90 real tame/lore, no vet, rest in something like myst/weaving/mage, then trade your pet to your main.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I'm just gonna add my thoughts here like everyone else.

I REALLY like the pet re-vamp. Haven't tested pet damage vs. players but REALLY happy they reduced it, PvP is PLAYER vs. PLAYER not PLAYER vs. PET....my thoughts anyway.

I used to bless my pets..but it doesn't do very much and doesn't last very long...and I've noticed my pets bless themselves so the whole bless thing means nothing to me.

Pets discording players? That 50% damage reduction vs. players? Works for that too...I had my friend attack me with his dismounting Cu and it took a good 10 minutes before it dismounted me...don't think it's gonna be an issue cus who's gonna let a pet hit them for 10 minutes??? Seriously...

Stable slots...21 isn't enough?? Get over it...that's a LOT! Yes my stable is full...yes I will be getting rid of some pets....adapt or don't but if you don't, stop crying, that's your choice.

I am happy that I will be able to have new pets, happy that some might spawn in cool colors, happy that I can ~Build~ a pet to certain specs depending on what I do with it. LOVE the new lore gump and all the added information.

Change is inevitable, I welcome it.

~Maharia the Tamer

Also because the Energy Drakes spawn in the Kotl City spawn area, they are not able to be tamed as they are considered part of the spawn, this needs to be addressed.

After spending a great many YEARS collecting various rare and colored pets that I love and have been my companions for YEARS I will not just be dumping them.... nor will I be dumping my NO LONGER AVAILABLE pets, Dread Warhorses, Bane Dragons and such.... THERE IS NO ROOM AT THE STABLE.... and I"m sure that's the case with countless other tamers... While you could give a rats about your pets that's great... but I love my companions... I'm not going to toss them to the elements and curb just because they put in a few new shinnies... which we are told aren't going to be any better at all than the bulky slow GD we already have... which incidentally means I'll not give a rats or get any of the new pets which means I won't be logging in any more than I currently do.... which in all reality means .... I've been questioning why I keep all my accounts open at all considering I'm in game a whole 2 to 4 hours a week anymore... because quite honestly I'M BORED... and I was waiting for the 20th to decide if I'm going to keep paying for the accounts or just say "f" it... and quit... considering that the publish without any added stables will be as useful as a Dragon Lance from Doom... I'm guessing it'll be that much easier to make up my mind come Sept..... Unless they pull a rabbit out of their hat and give me some reason to give a crap about the game again... But the lack of gifts for Valentines and Easter and the competition to be one of 20 lucky wipes to get a drop at some event only a few can attend just doesn't cut it anymore... and once upon a time I enjoyed the EM Events and thought they were witty and fun... now they seem to be an effort in futility... like most everything else in the game it's now down to greed and competition and no one cares anymore about content... and community... Once upon a time I looked forward to the New Year... to the surprise of wonderful gifts... etc... now there is little to look forward to at all... wait 9 months for September only to be disappointed yet again...

With that and the fact that everything has become a massive grind and complicated mess... I'm not really very enthusiastic of late to actually play UO... I've tried taking a break... tried seeing if I could do more things solo but you know if I wanted to play solo I'd play something that was designed for solo play like Diablo or Skyrim.... both of which are 100X more entertaining and less of a grind ..... and they aren't overly complex and frustrating... You finish the goal you get your reward... period. No rinse and repeat endlessly for a minuscule chance at something only to finally get a reward and have it be the worst possible drop in the bunch...


UO Pacific News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
yeah woot, bring on the patch! I just hope they fixed the pet guard zone bug. Bonded pet is in the middle of an AOE, you recall into town and you get flagged, guard kills you and your pet.


Watch this, Developer Meet and Greet in Yamato
Mesanna: greetings

EM Asiantam: he has his Swamp Dragon as a pet
EM Asiantam: mount
EM Asiantam: but he prefers lesser Hiryu
EM Asiantam: the problem is
EM Asiantam: lesse hiryu can't wear armors

Mesanna: ok stop a sec
Mesanna: you need to go read the patch notes
Mesanna: then go to TC1
Mesanna: and try out the new pet taming revamp we are putting in
Mesanna: I think you will be suprised
Mesanna: and it will give you a better choice
Mesanna: of which pet you want to tame
Mesanna: and train

EM Asiantam: I think he wants it as his mount
EM Asiantam: so it reduce damage

Mesanna: I understand

EM Asiantam: yep

Mesanna: there are lot of varieties

EM Asiantam: thank you
  • Samurais can no longer control customized lesser hiryu.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see nothing wrong with that patch note because it's not a nerf for samurais, they can still control fresh tamed lesser hiryus. But that transcript shows Mesanna is pretty out of touch. Her answer has nothing at all to do with the question, or what the EM is saying is the question anyway.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
A lot more testing is really needed on all of this. Would be helpful if some more stats were posted about the training metrics and various pets. I hope the Devs keep this open for a bit longer before going to world wide publish.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see nothing wrong with that patch note because it's not a nerf for samurais, they can still control fresh tamed lesser hiryus. But that transcript shows Mesanna is pretty out of touch. Her answer has nothing at all to do with the question, or what the EM is saying is the question anyway.
WAY out of touch.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I REALLY like the pet re-vamp. Haven't tested pet damage vs. players but REALLY happy they reduced it, PvP is PLAYER vs. PLAYER not PLAYER vs. PET....my thoughts anyway
I have tested it, its turned dragons into a joke, a player can now just stand toe to toe with a fully trained GD, your pet is now as useful as a random ratman might be that locks onto the guy attacking you, a 50% reduction is ridiculous, some of us hunt monsters with our pets on Siege(or in Fel on prodo), we are now an even easier kill for a PK.

I agree with the intention of this change and you are correct, it should not be player vs pet, but I think you will find all a blanket damage reduction like this will affect is people who are trying to defend themselves while out hunting on Siege and come under attack from a PK, the people who actually seek to PvP using tamers will be capitalising on the special moves the new training allows, moves like dismounts, mortals etc, also discord(as many have mentioned), the 50% damage reduction will do nothing to stop that.

They should have left the damage alone, any decent PvPer knows how easy it is to kill a tamer as all the personal offensive and defensive sacrifices they have to make to own a big pet make them very vulnerable and the pet is slow and easy to lead away, now they dont even need to do that.

The fact is pets have not increased greatly in damage they put out, GDs havent changed at all, a 50% nerf is massive and doesnt really do anything to tackle what will be the real PvP issue, the special abilities...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I have tested it, its turned dragons into a joke, a player can now just stand toe to toe with a fully trained GD, your pet is now as useful as a random ratman might be that locks onto the guy attacking you, a 50% reduction is ridiculous, some of us hunt monsters with our pets on Siege(or in Fel on prodo), we are now an even easier kill for a PK.

I agree with the intention of this change and you are correct, it should not be player vs pet, but I think you will find all a blanket damage reduction like this will affect is people who are trying to defend themselves while out hunting on Siege and come under attack from a PK, the people who actually seek to PvP using tamers will be capitalising on the special moves the new training allows, moves like dismounts, mortals etc, also discord(as many have mentioned), the 50% damage reduction will do nothing to stop that.

They should have left the damage alone, any decent PvPer knows how easy it is to kill a tamer as all the personal offensive and defensive sacrifices they have to make to own a big pet make them very vulnerable and the pet is slow and easy to lead away, now they dont even need to do that.

The fact is pets have not increased greatly in damage they put out, GDs havent changed at all, a 50% nerf is massive and doesnt really do anything to tackle what will be the real PvP issue, the special abilities...
Will just mean that no tamer will be able to even try to get scrolls..... it'll be a slaughter.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, so a week ago I made a mention about how everyone would have to change their templates to accommodate Taming.......from the Tamer Elite I was told to just "move with the times" "the game should always be changing" blah blah blah....:twak:
Now they do a change that affects the Peace/Tamers and your all suddenly up in arms?!?! :sword:
Move with the times people! :gee:
And who says Broadsword cannot do Balance??.....now we are ALL equally pee'd off about this latest publish.:tinhat:

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
I havent looked into that stuff (Not because iam lazy but because I use the tamer very rare) so sorry if i ask a stupid question.

So from what I read the GD stay the strongest pet right? So why doing the whole **** when there is no alternative to the GD ? Like a greater WW or the Shadow wyrm? I mean they dont have to be Stringer but equal maybe with different damage Type whatever?!

This whole Thing Looks like a big waste of time and when I See the opinins of the tamers i know they are not very optimistic.

Some ppl said it correct. Everything new is huge grinding and too complicated.

I will Go on with my GD when I need a tamer and keep Riding my CU and simply ignore this fancy ****

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
I havent looked into that stuff (Not because iam lazy but because I use the tamer very rare) so sorry if i ask a stupid question.

So from what I read the GD stay the strongest pet right? So why doing the whole **** when there is no alternative to the GD ? Like a greater WW or the Shadow wyrm? I mean they dont have to be Stringer but equal maybe with different damage Type whatever?!

This whole Thing Looks like a big waste of time and when I See the opinins of the tamers i know they are not very optimistic.

Some ppl said it correct. Everything new is huge grinding and too complicated.

I will Go on with my GD when I need a tamer and keep Riding my CU and simply ignore this fancy ****


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I havent looked into that stuff (Not because iam lazy but because I use the tamer very rare) so sorry if i ask a stupid question.

So from what I read the GD stay the strongest pet right? So why doing the whole **** when there is no alternative to the GD ? Like a greater WW or the Shadow wyrm? I mean they dont have to be Stringer but equal maybe with different damage Type whatever?!

This whole Thing Looks like a big waste of time and when I See the opinins of the tamers i know they are not very optimistic.

Some ppl said it correct. Everything new is huge grinding and too complicated.

I will Go on with my GD when I need a tamer and keep Riding my CU and simply ignore this fancy ****
The GD / DT will still be the best allround pets, but you can now specialise pets to do certain skills, like a negative karma pet can now do Necromancy, certain pets can now discord other animals and bipeds ect.
Basically like you do now with armour, you can tailor a pet to tear thru your chosen mob style (champ spawns)

As for your Cu Sidhe, NEVER press the "start Training" button on its lore page, you wont be riding it anymore if you do ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
As for your Cu Sidhe, NEVER press the "start Training" button on its lore page, you wont be riding it anymore if you do [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)];)[/bcolor]
See that's the whole thing... it's like Ooo we are giving you this pet revamp everything is awesome! But um.... if you do it it'll destroy everything. You won't be able to have a 5 slot ridable pet.... you'll still have to walk because for some reason when it is suddenly more powerful it's now too weak to carry you or what?? too smart to let your lazy bum ride??? what's up with that???? it's stupid nonsensical crap like that which just really burns me... and the DEVs wonder why I get so cranky about stuff??? Because they feel the need to make all these nifty promises but what they deliver is a load of Bull. Well I for one am sick of it. Give you dozens of new pets to tame but no where to put them.... sorry this is only for new tamers you old tamers can go suck a rock because we don't care about your beloved pets... you shouldn't either. And we are going to revamp pets but make it so difficult to figure out what is good and what isn't that you won't want to bother with it. Those with an advanced calculus degree and other math wizards will soon be leaving everyone else in the dust.... but meanwhile we want to make Powerscrolls shard bound.... but oh... if you are a tamer forget doing Champ Spawns you'll be eaten alive by every other template out there even non-PvPers will cream you.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
You won't be able to have a 5 slot ridable pet.... you'll still have to walk because for some reason when it is suddenly more powerful it's now too weak to carry you or what?? too smart to let your lazy bum ride??? what's up with that????
Yeah that is absolutely ridiculous.

Like i said in a previous thread. Give it a few months and I'm sure a majority will still be using greater dragons.

Pets didn't need a revamp. The time should of been used to fix existing bugs and issues with the game rather than creating more.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hold on a sec, I must have missed something, at 5 slots a cu is no longer rideable?
Does that include all rideable pets when they hit 5 slots?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, I suppose this is still a 50/50 really.
It was said by the devs early on that for balance the 5 slot pets won't be ridable once the patch hits live......but then nothing else has been said on the matter.
Again, just another point that screams this patch is NOT ready to go to live shards, far to much is still unknown or not clarified by the devs.

There is actually a lot of stuff you can do on Test that cannot be done on live shards, Necro casting in beast form for one.....Grrrrr....I planned a whole template around that on test and then built it on live only to find you cannot cast in beast form on live. :facepalm:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hold on a sec, I must have missed something, at 5 slots a cu is no longer rideable?
Does that include all rideable pets when they hit 5 slots?
Seems I missed that too - last I saw no decision had been made on whether they would be rideable or not.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As for your Cu Sidhe, NEVER press the "start Training" button on its lore page, you wont be riding it anymore if you do ;)
I don't see the necessity of this change. The whole issue would have been with pvp, and since they cut pvp pet damage waaaaay down, I don't think it's much of any issue any more.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yeah, I suppose this is still a 50/50 really.
It was said by the devs early on that for balance the 5 slot pets won't be ridable once the patch hits live......but then nothing else has been said on the matter.
Again, just another point that screams this patch is NOT ready to go to live shards, far to much is still unknown or not clarified by the devs.
Ever since GDs became the "best pet" its frankly not been worth using a human or elf tamer, when I first saw it was 5 slot I assumed it was a deliberately designed to make Gargoyles more popular as they are the only race that can remain mobile while using one, on Europa its not such a bind and my tamer T hunter is still human using runes marked from my other chars, but on Siege I had to race change to Gargoyle to stand a hope in Hell of surviving a player attack(thats now academic anyway as this 50% pet damage nerf has put paid to that)

What Im saying is the game was already unbalanced because of this advantage Gargoyles had, someone said earlier that "I think most tamers just wanted some other pets to be viable other than a GD.", and this pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I did also want to have my human or elf tamers as useable as my gargoyles, this patch seemed to offer this with the ability to make your rideable pets as useful as a GD - ie 5 slot, ending up with this slightly more balanced situation:

Gargoyle - has to slowly drag pet along but remains highly mobile while using the pet.
Human/Elf - very mobile while travelling but vulnerable walking speed while using pet.

If they make 5 slot mounts no longer rideable when at 5 slots, this hands an even greater advantage to using Gargoyles as tamers, if this happens it sort of invalidates any plusses I could see in this patch, and keeps the disadvantages of that 50% Siege nerf I hate, and this new wierd subjugation idea.

Edit: Yes I am aware the cu is a good human or elf pet currently, but its no GD


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I can see how subjugation change could be an issue for players who use pets at their main (or only) source of damage, since, of course they wouldn't be able to subjugate a wild animal to tame while controlling one. I think the change makes sense though, so I'm fine with it. I personally have a character that has nearly no damage output potential, as well.

Disappointed that the area effect abilities aren't getting changed at all, as they are completely useless.

Glad to see the added a point planning system in there. I think that will be really helpful.

As to the people upset that this is going live so quickly, I don't know why you are surprised. Every new addition in the past like... 10 years have been announced, tested in a month or less, tweaked a little bit but never really conceptually altered, then made live. I was kinda expecting the next announcement to be that it was going to origin. :p


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
And something not in patch notes
Receive a special totem that can be used to enhance the chances rare colored pets will spawn! Use the totem to increase the chances of rare colors of the following creatures: Snow Leopard, Frost Spider, Nightmare, White Wyrm, Giant Toad, & Stygian Drake. Rare colored creatures spawned when a totem is in place can be tamed exclusively by the owner of the lure, their party, and guild for a short period. The totem comes with three charges and lasts for twenty minutes per use. Be sure to keep spawns cleared out so new creatures will spawn with an enhanced chance of rare colors!
Totem of Chromatic Fortune
Wonder if there will be other pets that can be effected by such an item.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Ever since GDs became the "best pet" its frankly not been worth using a human or elf tamer, when I first saw it was 5 slot I assumed it was a deliberately designed to make Gargoyles more popular as they are the only race that can remain mobile while using one, on Europa its not such a bind and my tamer T hunter is still human using runes marked from my other chars, but on Siege I had to race change to Gargoyle to stand a hope in Hell of surviving a player attack(thats now academic anyway as this 50% pet damage nerf has put paid to that)

What Im saying is the game was already unbalanced because of this advantage Gargoyles had, someone said earlier that "I think most tamers just wanted some other pets to be viable other than a GD.", and this pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I did also want to have my human or elf tamers as useable as my gargoyles, this patch seemed to offer this with the ability to make your rideable pets as useful as a GD - ie 5 slot, ending up with this slightly more balanced situation:

Gargoyle - has to slowly drag pet along but remains highly mobile while using the pet.
Human/Elf - very mobile while travelling but vulnerable walking speed while using pet.

If they make 5 slot mounts no longer rideable when at 5 slots, this hands an even greater advantage to using Gargoyles as tamers, if this happens it sort of invalidates any plusses I could see in this patch, and keeps the disadvantages of that 50% Siege nerf I hate, and this new wierd subjugation idea.

Edit: Yes I am aware the cu is a good human or elf pet currently, but its no GD

The whole thing is weird and completely wrong... Why keep the GD the "top"? The GD really sucks at most things... sure it's an OK tank... but for actually "killing" something it sucks. Takes too long does jack for damage... and now they are cutting pet damage to 50% in PvP be like a sitting duck in Fel... no defense at all even with a "top" pet you will still be like hitting someone with both hands tied. And what is wrong with letting people ride a mount... for pity sakes... I for one am hating this.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Just tamed a Cu Sidhe on TC. Got him in subjugation after he lost 10-20% of its health. So this shouldnt be much of an issue. Took him down to about 70% of its health with 2 EVs. Then started taming.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just tamed a Cu Sidhe on TC. Got him in subjugation after he lost 10-20% of its health. So this shouldnt be much of an issue. Took him down to about 70% of its health with 2 EVs. Then started taming.
but - cu sidhes don't dispel EVs.
As the owner of a wimpy peace tamer I have pretty much decided my stable is sufficient for my needs and won't bother with the new tames. I can still tame the kind of pets I sell in Magincia, since I sell for non-tamers. I shall be busy for weeks upgrading those pets I've decided to change and possibly training up parry on those I plan to leave as they are.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargoyle - has to slowly drag pet along but remains highly mobile while using the pet.
Human/Elf - very mobile while travelling but vulnerable walking speed while using pet.

If they make 5 slot mounts no longer rideable when at 5 slots, this hands an even greater advantage to using Gargoyles as tamers, if this happens it sort of invalidates any plusses I could see in this patch, and keeps the disadvantages of that 50% Siege nerf I hate, and this new wierd subjugation idea.

Edit: Yes I am aware the cu is a good human or elf pet currently, but its no GD
Some pets with high Stamina, such as the Rune Beetle (up to 187 Stam after Bless), Saurosaurus (up to 220 Stam) and Phoenix (up to 300 Stam) will easily be able to keep up with a flying Gargoyle Tamer. Especially the Phoenix. Those can probably chase down a speedhacking Usain Bolt on crack.
With the new Pet Revamp, the Cu Sidhe can be an even better tank than the GD. Give them Conductive Blast (which halves the opponent's Energy Resist), and they deal some pretty good melee damage too.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Some pets with high Stamina, such as the Rune Beetle (up to 187 Stam after Bless), Saurosaurus (up to 220 Stam) and Phoenix (up to 300 Stam) will easily be able to keep up with a flying Gargoyle Tamer. Especially the Phoenix. Those can probably chase down a speedhacking Usain Bolt on crack.
With the new Pet Revamp, the Cu Sidhe can be an even better tank than the GD. Give them Conductive Blast (which halves the opponent's Energy Resist), and they deal some pretty good melee damage too.
It's always been my experience that a CuSidhe is slower than molasses in Winter.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's no 'subjugate' message as you get with beetles?
I equipped my + mage book and cast an EV on a bake kit, the highest 'slot' pet I stock on the stall - dug out a 'mass dispel' spell and waited for the 'subjugated' message - then it died. So on the second one I just knocked it down a little bit, as per @Drowy above and got a tame attempt started.


Babbling Loonie
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Someone honestly suprised they pushed the publish through TC just like any other thing? Things never change much once on TC, they never did. Don't buy that narrative from them. Stupid waste of time to engage on TC. Sad but true.

Priorities on this one IMO have been wrong all the way from the beginning. It was never about making taming more enjoyable in the first place or making all pets viable options compared to the GDs today. But hey, you can buy one of those totems from the store and then try to sell some super rare colored pets in Luna, doesn't that sound like an legendary adventure?

I just spoke briefly with Kyronix on TC1 and he said that increasing stable slots is on their radar. So, at least they are considering it.
Only $19,99 for 10 extra stable slots from the store I guess :p


Babbling Loonie
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@Bleak @Kyronix

I'd like to know the status of the fix to in-game books Mesanna mentioned at the February 13th M&G on Siege...

This is an eagerly anticipated fix.
Just amateurs. Can't find any more positive words. We are talking about rendering a block of text and Mesanna tries to sound like nobody in the world has ever figured how to do it.

I sometimes wonder if the old UO team which is seen active around those other new games sometimes follows this stuff. What has their team become. They once build whole game clients from scratch and nowadays it's a miracle to fit a couple of pages text in a rectangular area correctly.

I am also totally buying that the never had any time in those 8 years to really look into it. Too damn busy creating EM event art every damn week. Give them a break.


So, who's going to be the first to tame a sheep in Discordance and set it to auto attack while skill gaining Any skill in the game....Or you know Magery to 120 in 2-4 hours at most.

Getting to 120 in skills just became the biggest joke in the world.

Or training a wolf spider in Discordance and attacking it with a 100% poison weapon to train combat skills or Magery or mysticism to 120 in 2-4 hrs...

They seriously need to rethink Discordance vs players. Let alone the PvP implications.

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I can't copy characters to TC because I only play Siege, so I would appreciate if someone could answer a question...

feeding 120s to pets:
How does this work? Do you just drop them on your pet? Does it work with GDs as well? Or does it only work with pets <5 control slots? would I be able to upgrade my old GD who has decent resists but lacks magic resist by feeding it a 120 resist scroll?


Stratics Veteran
Can't wait for this patch.
Taming was nice already, but it had a lot of room for improvement. Some more stable slots on top and a 5er Cu still rideable - perfect.
Bring it on :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't copy characters to TC because I only play Siege, so I would appreciate if someone could answer a question...

feeding 120s to pets:
How does this work? Do you just drop them on your pet? Does it work with GDs as well? Or does it only work with pets <5 control slots? would I be able to upgrade my old GD who has decent resists but lacks magic resist by feeding it a 120 resist scroll?
As of now GDs can not be modified. As far as the process it is almost identical to imbuing. Just make sure you have the scroll in your backpack.