at the moment, yes you should, it's fetching something like 50k per piece.
[/ QUOTE ]I'm saving my blackrock, based on two factors:
1.) I'm assuming that it's going to have more value once most people have burned all theirs, blowing the stuffing out of the Shadowlords. Either from a trade-in/collection perspective, or another use for it. Failing that, I'll have another honking great chest of stuff that is worthless, takes up >100 lockdowns, and I can't bear the part with. It's win-win.
2.) I'm actually having more fun playing WoW, than I would have doing yet another rinse/repeat of the same "kill monsters" formula that's been at the core of just about every event in UO's history. Ordinarily, it would be with the monster-bashing, but this time around, being among the first three to hit a macro key and then waiting around for the shadowlord to be killed seems pretty... I can't think of a word...