Some want UO:R and some want pub 15. Why not forget this names and find out what we really want that shard to be.
Here is what I would like:
1. Only one facet, lets take the Trammel facet and T2A with no factions and no champ spawn but with PvP ruleset.
2. No item insurance but item will bond when you use them so no other would have any use for your armor and weapon, they can't use it.
3. Town vendors:
a) They will not buy bonded items unless the item is bonded to you.
b) They will not sell resources, not even regs
c) They will sell tools and crappy armor and weapons but they take a high price for it, so it will be cheaper to buy from a newbie crafter.
4. Items, I fear it won't be easy to make EA go back to pre AoS items. The AoS items and the arties are not all bad, they just need to be easier to get.
a) Let Arties drop as monster loot/stealables on this single facet.
b) Let crafters have a chance for making magic items just like with the spellbooks. Forget about runic tools.
c) Metal armor need a resist increase but less chances for being mage armor, if a player want metal armor, he should choose focus.
5. Make thieves work like pre UO:R.
6. Murders:
a) Access to towns/moongates
b) No stat loss but items can't bond to a murderer, so all who loot them can use them.
c) Murderers can't recall, only gate.
d) Murders can't deal with town vendors
7. Combat:
I think the combat rules we have now is ok, it would be impossible to go back to old ones without going back to old items. I would like to see a few changes.
a) Bards need be able to proveke monsters on players and able to peace players like they was in old days.
b) Tamers, I don't think bonding is the problem here. A tamer with a pet should not be more powerful in PvP or PvM than other templates. In old days, pet could not bond but they was more easy to tame and it was easier to get a new pet. Maybe limit the power of pets and keep bonding.
8. Old house rules (No lock downs / secures?)
I think lockdown of some items are ok but not all should be secure. I also think there should be a limit in size of the houses.
a) No Castles/Keeps/Towers/Large mable, there need to be room for all.
b) Max 14x14 customizing houses
c) Max 250 lockdowns for large houses.
d) An anyone secure only take up one lockdown, even if 125 items in it. It can be locked if it have a key, but a lockpicker will be able to unlock it. It can be trapped too.
f) Teleporters will always be anyone.
g) Doors can be secures as we can now but there will only be public houses.
h) When standing on a doorstep or inside a house you are friended too or a house with any guild secures(doors/boxes) for your guild, you will always be able to track/detect hidden players.
If you success getting in the house and can get in the anyone secures (can be locked or trapped), you can loot but you may need to be able to gate if you want someone to help you carry the loot, because if the doors are secure, you can't open them but as long you are in the house and not get kicked or banned, you can make gates to let your friends in. When you have to logout or get kick you will need to sneak in again when someone open the door. It won't be so easy as in the past but still possible to loot a house if the owner do have more store than he have free lockdowns.
9) Rune books will exist but won't be blessed.
10) If you take damage, or are aggressore, a mount will never run faster than a player with a good con can walk. If with full heal and in peace a mount will run faster, so it will still be useful for traveling and for escape if not yet attacked.
11) Old style archery?
I think archery as we have it now without the pub 32 nerf is fine except we need some one hands bows so we can drink potions. Bowers need to be able to craft magic bows.
12) Talk while hidden
becouse its fun
I agree, but make the name yellow so the hidden player can't be attacked with casting/attacking the name/heal bar
13) (And ofcourse Colored armour of Npcs
Make it as BOD rewards, just like tailors do have the sandales. Thr problem with this colored armors are they are not very useful, when their resists are like non exeptionel armor so they would need to get more resist and some magic effects too.
14) (Dreadlords / Great lords !)?
It's not that easy, new skills are effected of out Fame/Karma system but I think the lose of fame up on dead is to heavy, special in PvP. Maybe limit it to some fame lose from PvP, this way it would be easier to stay Glorius Lord or Dread Lord.
Dread Lord should not be possitive for a blue player. A blue player should max be able to get -3 in Karma and a red should be able to get +3 Karma.
If you are red: Killing blue should make you lose some Karma and gain some Fame.
If you are red: Killing red should not changes your Karma but still gain you a little fame.
If you are blue: Killing blue should make you lose alot Karma and lose some Fame.
If you are blue: Killing red should gain you some Karma and gain some Fame.
If the one who die have no fame, then no fame gain to the winner.
15) The spawn should be fun, maybe like the tomarties spawn with small spawns of monsters from all facets
This was how I think a shard could be fun and still close to what we have now = easy to make