Thts wht I nearly gave the old lady last week. She went postal on me. All cuz her car seat got a little wet. It rained while she was in Walmart and when she come out and sit down her butt got a little wet,,and up out of there she came a cussin and a screamn sumpin awful!!!so OK maybe more than just a LITTLE wet,but wht the hey ? crap happens. Thts no reason to scream like a banshee and at me no less!!
"You damn blankety blank blank,, *@#$//#% olphart my A#@, I'll rip ur head off and and shove it back where u normally keep it ,, up ur @#$ She screeched!! Now Honey says I as I hand her an empty cup and a roll of towels to mop up the water on her side of the floorboard( I did say more than a little rain, didn't I?) theres lot of fellers have left the car windows down when it rained and I bet they never got hollered at like this. You settle down afore I get mad.
Yes thats right, but they weren't sitting in the car when it happened you damn fool!!!!
Well, she had me there, so I decided not to give her a blackeye.