Gotta agree with Kal, Doom is clearly the worst on this shard. I just looked at your list of chars in your sig and laughed. Without a summoned deamon, a house to hide in, a server line to cross, or pets, your absolutely useless.
You say Waka sucks, yet we have at least one person a day asking to join. I don't see your little VIPS guild getting any bigger, and I think you were in our alliance once briefly and were kicked for stealing scrolls or something, which makes you untrustworthy. You might get a few archer only chars to join your guild but that is it. Waka can field all types of chars, blues and reds that are good. And I haven't seen any guild actively recruiting you either, otherwise you would have jumped at the chance. So how does Waka suck again? Can you do a champ spawn? Oaks? Harrower? What can you do but gate fight in the most gimpish way?
Look at your picture you posted and ask yourself if you really want to brag on with a rune beetle standing right there? When you post a picture of a dead Waka and your on Holy Soldier or Ghetto Nobody, then brag on all you want. Either way, I am sure the picture will be taken near a house you can run into, server line for you to cross or one of your summoned deamons, so you really won't have anything to say that matters anyway.