Wow, you know absolutely not a damned thing. First, we went on the bridge, then teleported over to get at the targets, second, we attacked, and stayed til they both died, neither one of us getting pwned nor running ('running to the bridge' is why I, the only one of us taking damage, was standing on the alter for both of the Waka deaths), third, not a bushido mage at all, check the picture, Abaddon is a nox tamer mage, no bush at all. Your friends died, lost all the scrolls, and we left with them, including those 2 in the pics. Tamer told the truth, he didnt inflate the numbers to make it sound like we fought against overwhelming odds. It was 2v2, and we won, no arguing it there, and we made it out with the prizes, cant argue that either. So, in the end, bite me.
Abaddon (Deth)