well, I was correct in referring to you as moron. The 'other guy' I was referring to in the 2v2 was your house, since you use it so often (and not very well this time). That is why I said "it was 2v2, a KQ and myself vs Ghetto and his house". Now, please try to quit using your speedreading skills to their least advantage, and go for comprehension.
Funny thing is, I have fought you before, on other characters of mine, and you didnt get away nearly as often as Ben the script-miner, or the late Bobo in Ice. Your skill in househiding and serverlining, though good, arent the best. I will bow to your incredible ability with a screenshot program though, in that realm, you are my idol.
As far as getting on a real character to fight you, that is a very funny shot. Let's see, you just posted a pic of Gluesniffer as the killer, but my nox-tamer-mage isnt a 'real' character, lol. Was good enough to kill you, or at least be involved in it. I dont claim to be the best solo, but let me clue you in, little boy, as a part of a group, I can screw you up bigtime.
Hugs and bloodpuddles
Abaddon of Deth