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Sonoma PvP Thread **Read Disclaimer Before Posting!**

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I think TMI is talking about 12am est which is when I always see alot of COP/MOO at the gate . This would mean that they did the harry in the primetime hrs of the shard ( 5pm to 10pm pst). 12am est is 9pm pst.

Abaddon (Deth)

As many of you know, I frequent the starroom quite often. On the night in question, I do believe I was in the starroom and in the keep for a good share of the evening, up til about 11pm pst, and the gate was not up any time that I saw. Not to say they didnt run it then, just saying that I saw no gate nor anything else that would indicate a harry being run then.



"Any excuse for not carry them is only a second to laziness. "

Fine,fine. The Next dual I goto I'll be sure to use pots lol.


"I think TMI is talking about 12am est which is when I always see alot of COP/MOO at the gate . This would mean that they did the harry in the primetime hrs of the shard ( 5pm to 10pm pst). 12am est is 9pm pst."

TMI is west coast and resides in a puff tent with a generator and comp 25 yards from the server. He is fond of hotdogs , burnt marsh mellows and folk songs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Beer

We were just talking bout you the other day... remember this:





Again TMI if you guys think your so uber leet y can't you pop a harry when you know us FLies are on hmmmm??? which is around 5 pm - 10 pm pacific time... I want you to prove to me you can do a harry when FL is actually active... I want you to prove to me you guys can hold it against FL... I want you to prove to me cop/moo is better than FL cuz from what Ive seen latly FL is winning lol... all those many many despise you guys have tried to hold and lost.... If you want a fight in destard Y not just do the damn rikky spawn there like Foo does??



"I think TMI is talking about 12am est which is when I always see alot of COP/MOO at the gate . This would mean that they did the harry in the primetime hrs of the shard ( 5pm to 10pm pst). 12am est is 9pm pst."

TMI is west coast and resides in a puff tent with a generator and comp 25 yards from the server. He is fond of hotdogs , burnt marsh mellows and folk songs.

[/ QUOTE ]

You tell em lefty!

BTW what I hear is they want to know exact time date and photos of when next harrower is going to be done. You all can just KMA.

Well all I have to say to that is stop thinning out your troops to so many shards you wont have to guess.

You all think you have a lot of people but you lower your numbers when you try and take on all these shards. Good luck catching us.



"Any excuse for not carry them is only a second to laziness. "

Fine,fine. The Next dual I goto I'll be sure to use pots lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who are you again? I've seen you post alot of these boards over the years, but still have no idea who u r in game?

Must be one of those talkers that never leaves a very big impression



Good luck catching us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly lol you gotta sneak it in that was a silly comment tmi

Abaddon (Deth)

I already regret the fact that I have to say this, Son, but TMI has a point. Why should he tell you where and when and who and how? Fact is, FL has tried to claim they own the shard, and it is being proven to them that they are only renting space a few hours at a time, when they can get enough people on the shard to come play. Consistently I see more MOO, CoP, Waka, OSG and PAS working around in fel then I do FL, unless they come in great numbers.

You cant own a shard til you can own it ALL THE TIME. Which means, as long as you cant shut down ALL the spawns and ALL the Harrys, then you are just another guild to the rest of us, nothing more.

Now I have to go wash my mouth out, agreeing with TMI leaves a bad taste, lol

Elms Much-Wiser Dadio




Good luck catching us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly lol you gotta sneak it in that was a silly comment tmi

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't resist. But u should truly stick to a bushido dexxer broham. On a necro mage ur not even up to FL's standards and that's pretty bad...





Good luck catching us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly lol you gotta sneak it in that was a silly comment tmi

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't resist. But u should truly stick to a bushido dexxer broham. On a necro mage ur not even up to FL's standards and that's pretty bad...

[/ QUOTE ]

Mercuito, Boat, Krom all mages/necro in FL if that is the standard they are very low. If that is the standard its more up your speed.

Like I said before trin my offer to you before still stand.






Good luck catching us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly lol you gotta sneak it in that was a silly comment tmi

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't resist. But u should truly stick to a bushido dexxer broham. On a necro mage ur not even up to FL's standards and that's pretty bad...

[/ QUOTE ]

Mercuito, Boat, Krom all mages/necro in FL if that is the standard they are very low. If that is the standard its more up your speed.

Like I said before trin my offer to you before still stand.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whats the offer? Maybe Trin is just not into dudes and you should just move on. Just because you wear dresses and squat to pee, does not mean Trin will start to show you attention.

PS. I hear that Timmy is into that kind of stuff. Try barking up that tree maybe you will get some returns on your offer.



I already regret the fact that I have to say this, Son, but TMI has a point. Why should he tell you where and when and who and how? Fact is, FL has tried to claim they own the shard, and it is being proven to them that they are only renting space a few hours at a time, when they can get enough people on the shard to come play. Consistently I see more MOO, CoP, Waka, OSG and PAS working around in fel then I do FL, unless they come in great numbers.

You cant own a shard til you can own it ALL THE TIME. Which means, as long as you cant shut down ALL the spawns and ALL the Harrys, then you are just another guild to the rest of us, nothing more.

Now I have to go wash my mouth out, agreeing with TMI leaves a bad taste, lol

Elms Much-Wiser Dadio

[/ QUOTE ]

Do any of you idiots not get why FL is on Sonoma? FL plays Pacific. Pacific does not have enough action so they get board. They xfer extra characters to Origin and now they patrol Pacific and Origin looking for spawns to raid. Now they have added sonoma into that mix. So instead of what 16 different possible spawns on 1 server, they now have 48 chances of finding someone.

Abaddon (Deth)

I understand that they are looking for action, and I have no prob with that. The issue is the outrageous claims to their power. They are big, but not the biggest. They are strong, but no the strongest. They have SOME talent, but are not the best. Mostly what I see is arrogance on the part of the ones with the biggest mouths, and they dont have enough to be that arrogant about.

But, as far as action goes, they seem to find a bit here, and they dont always like what they find. I am far from being good at pvp, and even I cause them problems, let alone the folks here who know what the hell they are doing on the field.






Good luck catching us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly lol you gotta sneak it in that was a silly comment tmi

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't resist. But u should truly stick to a bushido dexxer broham. On a necro mage ur not even up to FL's standards and that's pretty bad...

[/ QUOTE ]

Who the freak is broham Trin? do you even know who I am? lol Ive never had a character named Broham in my 6 years of playing this game.... If you really wanna bag on me y don't I just tell you my char names lol... Funky Monkey, Your Pet Bunny, Your Woo Woo, and I got The Pool Boy trainin right now

Dyv man I understand what your saying but Im saying that TMI thinks he is so uber leet... and I still have yet to see cop/moo/tmi to prove to me or any fl that you are as leet as you are... thats y I say do a harry or a despise whatever when you know FL is on.... [censored] FL brodcasts all their harry's at the gate cuz we want you to come fight us and try to beat us lol... and Ya i agree its alot easier on the choke point side but if thats what your coomplaining about y dun you pop a harry when you know you'll get fl to come fight you and lets see how well you can defend it....

and again that destard harry comment.... Y dun you guys just do Destard you WILL get a fight and we will see who is better in the open feild..... Foo does it all the time and fails miserably


Hello Lasses and Lads. Well now I know who pet bunny is. Well that OSG/T4H/SM dsp shindig was funny. We had like what maybe 11 ppl and like ....well we counted like 25 FL that showed up. Not much of a fight when we was horribly outnumbered and when you guys hit the alter and chained wither....I mean ''mega, ultra-wither spam'' it was like over. When u get that many people to bomb on you with the wither technique,(which should be nerfed) there is hardly any chance especially being outnumbered. So if you was looking for a fight, well sry to disappoint you but that wasn't one. Altho the fights at the gate lastnight were fun. Finally saw more than 2 FL there last night. I think Hypnotic had alot to do with that since he has burnt all contacts on this shard. He will never be allowed in any guild again outside what he creates. so take good care of him. What i don't like is the excessive crap talk from FL. I guess i was wrong about you guys, however, I won't side with anyone to fight you but let's say, if u are ''in the way'' then you know the routine. Sorry to burst your bubble but from what i've seen and outside reports, this so called colonization is a massive military blunder. You guys have stretched yourselves too thin. And it's sad when E^^E's only way to fight is to join FL. Damn they didn't even let you guys keep your guild and allie. If that's not control then I dont know what is. You guys are slaves to FL. Sonoma is no longer your home. we don't claim you. Even tho I dont like Hooman or Boat, I had more respect for you guys doing your own thing instead of going with the ''who's got numbers'' thing.


I dont think we had 25 people and I will agree you were mildly outnumbered but props to the trammies for doing spawns when MOO/COP wont come out and spawn til after midnight anymore. As for Hooman he has been a member of FL on pac for over a year as well as a member on Origin. You wont ever see a lot of FL at the gate as it is not our thing chasing people into houses, guard zones and server line hopping becomes rather dull quickly.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Who the freak is broham Trin? do you even know who I am? lol Ive never had a character named Broham in my 6 years of playing this game.... If you really wanna bag on me y don't I just tell you my char names lol... Funky Monkey, Your Pet Bunny, Your Woo Woo, and I got The Pool Boy trainin right now

Dyv man I understand what your saying but Im saying that TMI thinks he is so uber leet... and I still have yet to see cop/moo/tmi to prove to me or any fl that you are as leet as you are... thats y I say do a harry or a despise whatever when you know FL is on.... [censored] FL brodcasts all their harry's at the gate cuz we want you to come fight us and try to beat us lol... and Ya i agree its alot easier on the choke point side but if thats what your coomplaining about y dun you pop a harry when you know you'll get fl to come fight you and lets see how well you can defend it....

and again that destard harry comment.... Y dun you guys just do Destard you WILL get a fight and we will see who is better in the open feild..... Foo does it all the time and fails miserably

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot. Broham is just another way of saying something like dude or bro. And FL doesn't broadcast their harrys to get a fight. They broadcast them so they can have a staring match with who ever shows up across their millions of fields and sea of wither spammers. If you guys wanted to fight you wouldn't have 50 people to do a harry. Don't act like you guys are bad asses. Sure you can pull off a harry and good for you but to claim you're looking for a fight and to actually believe it means you're just stupid.




Who the freak is broham Trin? do you even know who I am? lol Ive never had a character named Broham in my 6 years of playing this game.... If you really wanna bag on me y don't I just tell you my char names lol... Funky Monkey, Your Pet Bunny, Your Woo Woo, and I got The Pool Boy trainin right now

Dyv man I understand what your saying but Im saying that TMI thinks he is so uber leet... and I still have yet to see cop/moo/tmi to prove to me or any fl that you are as leet as you are... thats y I say do a harry or a despise whatever when you know FL is on.... [censored] FL brodcasts all their harry's at the gate cuz we want you to come fight us and try to beat us lol... and Ya i agree its alot easier on the choke point side but if thats what your coomplaining about y dun you pop a harry when you know you'll get fl to come fight you and lets see how well you can defend it....

and again that destard harry comment.... Y dun you guys just do Destard you WILL get a fight and we will see who is better in the open feild..... Foo does it all the time and fails miserably

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot. Broham is just another way of saying something like dude or bro. And FL doesn't broadcast their harrys to get a fight. They broadcast them so they can have a staring match with who ever shows up across their millions of fields and sea of wither spammers. If you guys wanted to fight you wouldn't have 50 people to do a harry. Don't act like you guys are bad asses. Sure you can pull off a harry and good for you but to claim you're looking for a fight and to actually believe it means you're just stupid.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said good sir

Abaddon (Deth)

so you guys dont go to the gate very often huh? Hey TMI, did you hear that one? They dont go to the gate very often. I guess it wasnt 7 FL corpses littering the ground at the gate lastnight, or should I say, just over the southbound server line. Tried to set up para field traps and everything else just on the other side of the line. Funny, I saw an awful lot of FL corpses down there. But that isnt the gate, I guess. Less then 15 seconds run from it, but still...

NOW, I am going to respond to a post from another thread here, simply for the fact that if I respond there, it will get deleted. Here was the comment from Tori:
"Amen it could not have been more well spoken! We are not leaving Sonoma as we have not left our colony on Origin even tho there are no longer pvp guilds on that shard. We have been told by members of MOO/COP that you are trying to lull us into boredom to force us to leave that will not happen. We have set permanent chars and housing on this shard and have no intention of leaving. I would think the "PVP" guilds of this shard would have embraced the pvp instead of running from it and hiding in despise at 3am to do rat spawns while most of the shard sleeps."

lol, it is so funny listening to those who think they are 'all that' speaking from high above to us lowly mortals. I guess since FL is here, then we should all go back to tram and hide in shame from their uber-pvp gods......my ass. I am far from the best at pvp, and am in a quite small guild, and still it takes your little pukes a TS 911 call when you find me in Terra Keep. Which reminds me, what is your record for killing me there, vs your record against the spawn I leave for you? No so good huh? I will admit that you have a few good pvpers, and very few good all-around gamers. Doesnt do you any good to be the best against players, if you cant survive the AI controlled spawn. Kind of sad on your part I would say. What I am saying is this: Your colony on Sonoma, in the end, will cost you more then you will make from it. Your pvp skills are lacking in all but numbers, and those can be countered easily enough. I have seen more action in Fel by the guilds you claim are hiding, then by FL. By that I mean, at the gate, in the dungeons, and in T2A.

We here on Sonoma, those of us not in FL (meaning, those of us with taste) do not do spawns whenever is convenient for FL. It is when it is convenient for US! Funny thing, you all seem to think you are everywhere all the time, ready on a moments notice to come and raid anyone. Let me ask you this: How is it that my little group has pulled off several spawns (only one being a rat) recently, garnering a few 120s for the collection, yet we have only been raided twice? And to give you time frames, I am rarely on before 5pm pst or after 1am pst, since I have to work. That covers primetime too doesnt it?

So thump your chests, and we will thumb our noses, and eventually you will learn that you dont run squat.

ok, I am done for now

ps. Melchior, nicely written post of yours up above



I dont think we had 25 people and I will agree you were mildly outnumbered but props to the trammies for doing spawns when MOO/COP wont come out and spawn til after midnight anymore. As for Hooman he has been a member of FL on pac for over a year as well as a member on Origin. You wont ever see a lot of FL at the gate as it is not our thing chasing people into houses, guard zones and server line hopping becomes rather dull quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trammie??? wow you really are new to Sonoma. So sry not everyone in our alliance fits your need for an insult. And someone is giving you very bad info. Try again . Next time i'll ask myself if we are trammies when we leave Fel brit gate and view all the littered FL toons . Like all alliances not everyone is cool. I've met some really cool FL ppl and some very outspoken and overconfident ones. I seriously feel you are wasteing your efforts here on sonoma but plz feel free to feel how you want. It's too soon to judge how this is going to play itself out. But plz enjoy yourselves for the time being.
But since this has become so personal for some of you in FL, maybe a part of me may look over some differences i have with people. I really am in no need for scrolls. One thing I can't stand is overconfidence. If you can't be humble in this game then you need to rethink what's important. Trying to take over a shard is a desparate cry for help because no shard is worth it or maybe you are lacking something in your life. Greed always kills the fun in the end. Nothing lasts forever.


Well said, Abaddon and Mel.

I know I haven't been online much lately, school and such are taking up too much time, hopefully I can join in the FL carnage and destruction next week..

Until then, just have fun! It's a game after all.



I understand what your saying but Im saying that TMI thinks he is so uber leet... and I still have yet to see cop/moo/tmi to prove to me or any fl that you are as leet as you are... thats y I say do a harry or a despise whatever when you know FL is on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did despise back to back to back last night ask FL what happened, when they raided? ROFLMAO.

Ooji was reduced to trying to set up a gank on a boat at the end of it all.
No one in COP or MOO died and all FL died died died.

I don't take picture and post long drawn out stories. Ask your guys what happened last night they will tell you.

WE DO SPAWNS ALL THE TIME. WE DON'T DO THEM AT 3PM WHEN ALL FL. Me personally I am still sleeping.


Funky Monkey, Your Pet Bunny, Your Woo Woo, The Pool Boy.

Waiting for your post. I steeped up now I think you should.


FL is out for scrolls to sell to the trammy market once they feel they have choked off the fel guilds from spawning they feel they have takin the whole scroll market .

this bullshyt about them looking for a fight from shard to shard is CRAP i play the shards they are on and all of em have a nice pvp game yet you only see FL at spawns they aint here or there for fights they come for scrolls .

ON pac i am never starving for a fight Foo h@x ovd and a few others are there and all fight (some better then others :p ) and oddly enough they are all scrolled out FL dont even truly own pac .

never mind yall dont get it anyway .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

never mind yall dont get it anyway .

[/ QUOTE ]

Finally!! You are starting to see that nobody ever understands your endless maze of sentence fragments.



this bullshyt about them looking for a fight from shard to shard is CRAP i play the shards they are on and all of em have a nice pvp game yet you only see FL at spawns they aint here or there for fights they come for scrolls .

[/ QUOTE ]

Scrolls? LOL... Sure thing. We could farm despise 24/7 on two shards with NO contest. Why would we add a third shard to farm.


ON pac i am never starving for a fight Foo h@x ovd and a few others are there and all fight (some better then others :p ) and oddly enough they are all scrolled out FL dont even truly own pac .

[/ QUOTE ]

And now it comes down to the famous "what do YOU consider PvP"?

I sure in the heck don't consider guard zone, server hopping gate fighting PvP. There is no "goal" or point to it. I could go on a stealth archer and "own" because I get the lucky kill shot. ROFL.

I used to do a lot of gate fighting on Napa. It old in a hurry. In the last three years I've been in FL, I do a once a month or so gate "raid" and then remember why I don't go there.

I don't really consider dueling PvP either. Especially when there are certain things that can.... I guess automate it.

As for Pac "PvP", Foo is so bad off they can't hold a despise, does spawning 1am - 4am, and has resorted to gwacking t2a spawns in order to get scrolls... but according to them they are in it for the PvP

At least with champs, their is a theoretical win... get all 6 scrolls(12 if you prot) and you "win".

Generic field fighting doesn't have a real goal to it because people can just continuously rez and come back to easily. There is really no end to it. In the past, we have spent 2+ hours outside a dungeon "PvPing" because the other guild continuously rezzed.


never mind <font color="red"> I </font> dont get it anyway .

[/ QUOTE ]
Fixed your quote for you

But in all seriousness, it is impossible to argue that FL has changed the face of any shard we have hit. From destroying dominating guilds(BTH on Origin as an example) to completely affecting how champs are done(origin went from doing 2-3 man despises to almost not doing them at all)

Will we catch every spawn... no. Three shard to scout is a tall order. Plus, we have prioritized our shards. Pac first, Origin second, and Sonoma third.

Are we all ultimate PvPers... no. But we have enough players available that we can have specialized chars. To quote one of the shards we toured, "they have wither guy, poison field guy, dismount guy...." This specialization allows us to do a lot of things that "leet only PvPers" guilds can't.

See you guys on the field, smiling the whole time whether we win or lose cause I'm having fun.


Time to shred your post son..

"Scrolls? LOL... Sure thing. We could farm despise 24/7 on two shards with NO contest. Why would we add a third shard to farm."

You need a supply of scrolls to sell to the UO support sites who in turn sell for real pesos to UO players. Greed it is called, or monopolization take your pick.

"and now it comes down to the famous "what do YOU consider PvP"?

I sure in the heck don't consider guard zone, server hopping gate fighting PvP. There is no "goal" or point to it. I could go on a stealth archer and "own" because I get the lucky kill shot. ROFL."

I have seen others and including myself take out 3-5 vs 1 on several occasions. Is that why you don't gate fight as much. Ya play it safe behind the meat shield. A mobile guard zone safe and secure.

"I used to do a lot of gate fighting on Napa. It old in a hurry. In the last three years I've been in FL, I do a once a month or so gate "raid" and then remember why I don't go there."

Owned repetitively?

"I don't really consider dueling PvP either. Especially when there are certain things that can.... I guess automate it."

A cheap excuse...

"As for Pac "PvP", Foo is so bad off they can't hold a despise, does spawning 1am - 4am, and has resorted to gwacking t2a spawns in order to get scrolls... but according to them they are in it for the PvP"

If I had about 100 people ready to crash my party I would try to drink as much beer as I could...

"At least with champs, their is a theoretical win... get all 6 scrolls(12 if you prot) and you "win"."

And how do you divey that up amongst a zerg?

"Generic field fighting doesn't have a real goal to it because people can just continuously rez and come back to easily. There is really no end to it. In the past, we have spent 2+ hours outside a dungeon "PvPing" because the other guild continuously rezzed.""

Ya I guess choke points are better huh...

There is no skill behind a meat shield. I have seen our own sonoma players take out 3-5 vs 1 on several occasions. I guess why most of you all do it is because of the kewl FL tag...



Time to shred your post son..

[/ QUOTE ]
Good luck with that.


"I used to do a lot of gate fighting on Napa. It old in a hurry. In the last three years I've been in FL, I do a once a month or so gate "raid" and then remember why I don't go there."

Owned repetitively?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hardly... it was to the point that my specially made gate char showed up and the gate cleared out because it would own all the house hiding sissies. I'd say I averaged about 6 to 1 on deaths... all without any l33t gear or a l33t template or even playing the l33t stealth archer

The only reason I continued gating it on Napa before I joined FL was because of the laughs I got in TS from my antics... in TS I was known as the "machine gunner".


And how do you divey that up amongst a zerg?

[/ QUOTE ]

Divvying up scrolls is something best left to trammie type guilds who only do one spawn a night. Players in our guild keep what they get... except for a harry in which we point it out. And several of us in the guild are "rich" enough that we don't care about scrolls.

Abaddon (Deth)

For those of you needing to know the essence of the last few posts without having to actually read it, I bring to you the ONE TRUE TRANSLATION accompanied by a interpretation of what it really means:

1st post by Gellor: "blah blah blah, my thingie is bigger then yours (my guild is anyway) blah blah blah, I could own this whole shard on my mage, with no armour and no regs, heck, I wont even use a spellbook, blah blah blah, we are all rich, blah blah blah.

2nd post by Lefty: "give me a break you mindless zergling, you suck and smell of elderberries"

3rd post by Gellor: "blah blah blah, FL is going to buy out EA/Mythic, blah blah blah, I have nice hair, blah blah blah, I find myself very attractive (why dont others?), blah blah blah, I think Hillary would make a dandy President an Bill would make a sexy first lady, blah blah blah"

Ok, overall interpretation:

Lefty is God!
FL still sucks, even when their power cords arent plugged in
I am in a bad mood

I hope this helps everyone out some



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Quit downing my guild Dyv bottom line is people are just pissed off they cant do things like they used to.

And take a chill pill it is not our fault Tom Brady blew it this evening.......

YAY GIANTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abaddon (Deth)

Hey now, I am getting just as little accomplished as ever, so doesn't take any skin off my nose


Blood Red Knight

Always the same pattern of resistance. First FL starts making its presence known. Then the guilds all put up a struggle. FL defeats said guilds, and it gets quiet for a bit. Then the guilds start collapsing/merging together. They then try for round 2. Might win for a week or two, then the sleeping giant that is FL awakens, smashes it apart, it gets quiet for a bit. The natives repeatedly surge up for a week or two at a time before being beaten down again for a period of 4-12 months, then the entire server goes completely dead.

Abaddon (Deth)

Wow, you know, I have read about folks being brainwashed into believing the hype of their little cults, but never really seen it til now. Science amazes once again.

Perhaps an Intervention is in order here folks.


PS. who is talking about merging or anything other then what we have always done: laugh at the interlopers til they feel ashamed of their own self-image, then donate the gold it will take to get them the therapy they need. (Having seen a bunch of your folks in action and heard them talking, I think it will take a lot more gold then currently is allowed on the server to garner the professional attention you will need)


Divvying up scrolls is something best left to trammie type guilds who only do one spawn a night. Players in our guild keep what they get... except for a harry in which we point it out. And several of us in the guild are "rich" enough that we don't care about scrolls.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well someone who was in my guild a lil bit ago who used to be in FL(currently left to join another guild;not FL) basically said FL is mindless and controlled by some self absorbing guild leader who ''rations'' out money to his members at the end of each month. Let me share this with you: When the guild is small you can do spawns and give the people who need the scrolls first and then you can roll for what;s left. Usually works quite well and everyone's happy. Basically to be a member in FL, you have to be some kind of follower like a sheep to a shepard. And most of your members are ''happy''? I kinda doubt that but when you have nuthing else and noone else will guild you, I guess staying FL is all you have, especially the native Sonomans who have joined you. But I hardly doubt everyone is happy. You guys are slaves to your gm. I'm sure he could care less, He can always get more zerglings to replace each and everyone of you. And I've seen nothing but dead bodies each time you guys try and pvp with equal odds. Only time you win is when you pour into Dsp with overwhelming numbers. And that is fun to you? But you aren't farming scrolls. Ok we believe you.



Quit downing my guild Dyv bottom line is people are just pissed off they cant do things like they used to.

And take a chill pill it is not our fault Tom Brady blew it this evening.......

YAY GIANTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry... Did u really juss say that???

From the looks of things COP/MOO are still doing there thing...

Waka sure as hell still does the same amount of spawns as we did prior to u guys showing up...

I know \P/ from time to time are still out and about doin their thing too...

U don't run [censored] and u sure as hell haven't changed the way Sonoma does things... Sorry to burst ur bubble...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to burst your bubble trin but I damn sure know that none of you are doing the same amount of spawns that you used to.

This is how I know this, FL spawns all t2a on sonoma now we work the rats and leave the [censored]. Then we wait and see who has the cahonas to go out and try one and guess what none of you do....

I havent seen any \P/ on in the last 2 weeks, waka only sneaks one in ( in t2a mind you) when we are raiding on pac lol, and cop and moo get rolled at anything they try to do.

The ony spawns any of you are getting off is when either A. we are raiding on another shard, or B. when the rest of FL are sleeping like normal people.

Despise at 3 am pac time isnt [censored] and waka has been reduced to cowering in t2a.

But yeah I guess nothing has changed huh Trin

Abaddon (Deth)

ok, since FL is primarily a PVP guild (or so they think) and I know this one will get a little touchy (or so I think), the contest is being posted in the pvp thread. But to make it all official, I will talk about pvp too:

WOW, I like pvp!!!

ok, that having been said, we at the Keepers of Balance will be offering a flat 1 million gold to whoever we feel supplies the best ending for this sentence:

"Being in FL is like....."

so let the words flow.

Dyvim Tvar
Pika Bahb
whoever else I feel like being...

ps. not the first time we have paid for peoples words on Strat forums, we had a trash-talking tamer contest a while back too.



Sorry to burst your bubble trin but I damn sure know that none of you are doing the same amount of spawns that you used to.

This is how I know this, FL spawns all t2a on sonoma now we work the rats and leave the [censored]. Then we wait and see who has the cahonas to go out and try one and guess what none of you do....

I havent seen any \P/ on in the last 2 weeks, waka only sneaks one in ( in t2a mind you) when we are raiding on pac lol, and cop and moo get rolled at anything they try to do.

The ony spawns any of you are getting off is when either A. we are raiding on another shard, or B. when the rest of FL are sleeping like normal people.

Despise at 3 am pac time isnt [censored] and waka has been reduced to cowering in t2a.

But yeah I guess nothing has changed huh Trin

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm curious to see where ur getting this information cause well ur source is full of horse dung... Prior to FL coming to this shard Waka maybe did 10-15 spawns a week... We're doing same amount if not more... and that's a promise...

In fact since FL has been on Sonoma I've sold 40 mil worth of new scrolls the past 2 months... So don't gimme that [censored]...

"We only do spawns when ur raiding on Pac" LMAO hahahahahaha... that's funny cause u guys have raided at least 5 of our spawns... But we wait til ur on pac to do a spawn... lol... Staying on this subject, u raid with 20+ how long does it truly take to steal a spawn and check another shard... Remember u guys were the ones bragging about taking over Sonoma yet u've failed and ur making excuses... Sorry to burst ur bubble yet again... U haven't taken over [censored]... and u truly HAVE NOT changed what Waka does period...

onto ur last point... Show me a WAKA spawn that occurs anytime after 11PST... Good luck cause we're all sleeping like normal people as well by midnight...

Some nights we run 4 spawns a night... Not our fault u cannot catch us (which btw the spawns aren't easy ones at that)... Of all the Sonoma members you've recruited here how the heck can u not find spawns at all times of the day???

Onto a note that I am going to pull out... How many FL does it take to attack a PVM char??? Answer is 10... I can't remember the guys name but he saw me then boom 10 of u showed up and still didn't kill me... Quite sad... What came next was hella funny tho... 4 Waka came back with me and we crushed them all... Come back half an hour later and the E^E crew in FL are chit chattin at the front of Destard... 6 of u matter of fact... All 6 got creamed by the 4 of us that went back... pretty funny [censored]... but u guys have changed what WAKA does...

I'm all over the place in Fel... I don't even go to tram rulesets anymore except to bank the gold I'm making now days... FL's presence on the shard has actually motivated me to make gold again cause I hope/know eventually they'll find me and I'll get a fight...

In one night yall brought me up 2 levels of justice on a pvmer... thank you


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok dont lie now trin I take it that was you on tyr that night in destard, so lets get it straight there were 3 of us and 5 of you it was me, elm, and mort you dropped elm then yall dropped mort and had it not been for the damn running shot archer you never would have gotten me and it still took you a few minutes to get me on the other side of the mountain at that.

And as for later on I can not talk about it because I was not present.

Also you talk about all the people we have recruited from sonoma well lets see I count a total of 7, 1 of which was already FL on pac so that brings us to 6. Let me name them for you, Oddy, Elm, Mort, Elvy, Rikku, and Endrik. The 1 that was already fl was eli. And Endrik is hardly ever on.

I also never said that you only spawned while we were raiding I said thats the only ones you were getting off. This I know because while raiding foo a couple of times we have had to let you slide at a few khaldouns and bogs, but once we get things ironed out you wont get those either and raiding on pac sometimes takes a while being that foo puts up the same numbers as us at times so that explains why it might take longer than raiding these people on sonoma.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In fact since FL has been on Sonoma I've sold 40 mil worth of new scrolls the past 2 months... So don't gimme that [censored]...

I like the way this jumped from 30 to 40 mil in less than 5 minutes which one is it trin lol ?



In fact since FL has been on Sonoma I've sold 40 mil worth of new scrolls the past 2 months... So don't gimme that [censored]...

I like the way this jumped from 30 to 40 mil in less than 5 minutes which one is it trin lol ?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's called 120 resist kiddo... Learn what it's worth before u question it... I have no reason to lie to u bout pixels... Got the message from a friend wanting to buy it finally... So there ya have it...



Ok dont lie now trin I take it that was you on tyr that night in destard, so lets get it straight there were 3 of us and 5 of you it was me, elm, and mort you dropped elm then yall dropped mort and had it not been for the damn running shot archer you never would have gotten me and it still took you a few minutes to get me on the other side of the mountain at that.

And as for later on I can not talk about it because I was not present.

Also you talk about all the people we have recruited from sonoma well lets see I count a total of 7, 1 of which was already FL on pac so that brings us to 6. Let me name them for you, Oddy, Elm, Mort, Elvy, Rikku, and Endrik. The 1 that was already fl was eli. And Endrik is hardly ever on.

I also never said that you only spawned while we were raiding I said thats the only ones you were getting off. This I know because while raiding foo a couple of times we have had to let you slide at a few khaldouns and bogs, but once we get things ironed out you wont get those either and raiding on pac sometimes takes a while being that foo puts up the same numbers as us at times so that explains why it might take longer than raiding these people on sonoma.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope I am not Tyr... Thx for trying...

I'm Tanis Half-Elven and have been since the beginning of 99...

Guess Hypnotiq isn't a Sonoma recruit??? Cursed isn't from Sonoma??? Krom???

But the fact remains the same... U HAVE NOT changed the way we do things except that you've actually gotten us to play more and do more of the things we hadn't done of late... So thank you...

How much longer will it take FL before they've finally got things together??? U've already had 2 months...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Krom FL for over a year now, Cursed from pac and not sure about hyp just saw him for the first time last night since i havent been on since then. And we have only been on sonoma a month buddy not 2 plz get it right. And the more spawns you do the more practice we get so plz go pop one so that we can give it a go round plz Im begging you !!!!!!!!!!!!


FL what happened last night at the yew gate? Maybe mort can explain.

only thing you own is your tired CPUs.

nuff said!

Abaddon (Deth)

nicely put, I was getting lagged out by all the "a corpse of a random FL character" littering the field there.



Blood Red Knight,
Let me first start off by posing you a question. Do you seriously think that you are the first group to invade Sonoma? The Answer is NO. I can go down a long list of guilds and groups who thought as you do that Sonoma is easy picking, They learned differently!
My second question is still in line with my first. Do you think this is the first time FL has tried to colonize Sonoma? The Answer NO. EFL was deposited here on Sonoma many years ago, and yes they where from the same group of shard hoping no good nicks as you are not just some fake wannabees .They failed to subjugate Sonoma. You ask how i know this because I was once a Fallen Lord.
You will learn to respect the valor of these Sonomains as I do and in the end it will not be the death of a resistance on Sonoma. You will have but 2 choices turn tail and run for the safe haven of a weaker shard or be absorbed into the populous of Sonoma not as Conquers but as inhabitants.
One Last Thing Just Some Advise . Don't set fire to the bridges on your blood thirsty way into battle for it maybe the the water that quenches your thirst and wets your back side on your retreat out.
One way or another Sonoma will make you FL's Second Lost colony.
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