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same babble, different thread

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Ok, got ya.

Sadly im drinking in a few hours, and i CBA going out too get diet cola, so tonight its Orange Juice.

Im already showing results due to my new regime and diet, lost 4 pounds already, sadly tonight will put that on no doubt, but its a good start. Im aiming too drop a FULL stone now, not half, so dedication is the word.

Ill keep posted with how im doing, ill also give a basic description of my routine.

20-30minute Run
20 Minutes of various weights, consisting of arms, legs, chest, etc.
100 Normal Sit Ups
50 "side" sits ups left
50 "side" sit ups right
20 Crunches (omfg guys, these are SO hard, how long am i meant too hold? ive been doin 10 seconds lol)

Then thats really it, then i hit the steam room, saunce, ice pool and home.
Gonna swim now and again.

yey @ you chaps.


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wow. i went to bed on sunday and woke up so sick on monday. i didnt leave bed untill last night and i didnt eat untill today. feel alittle better tho


Looks good except for the weights... I'd suggest a schedule. I work out 4 days a week. It's better to target one or two muscle groups rather than work the all the time. Muscles need time to break down, grow, and regen (plenty of sleep). Here my schedule.

All exercises are in 3 sets of 8, 7, 6 reps except for calves and traps. Calves and traps
go to 15ish reps or find what stimulates growth best in you! Forearms also go to 15ish
reps if you decide to start working forearms in with bicept day.

3 Chest:
Top two items interchangeable
Bench Press or Dumbell Press
Incline Bench Press or Incline Dumbell Press
Cable Flies
2 Tris: Burnout on last set of tris
Tricep Pushdowns (Rope)
Skullcrushers (Ez-Bar)
Dips (Can't burnout without a machine)
Kickbacks (Dumbell)

3 Back:
Cable Rows
Lat Pulldowns
Seated Rows
2 Bis: Burnout on last set of bis
Many ways to do bis, find out what works for you.
Concentration Curls
Alternating Dumbell Curls
Ez-Bar Curls
Using Cables & Rope
Curls w/ Olympic Bar
Curls using the machine

Interchangeable items, find what works for you.
Dumbell Presses
Barbell Presses using smith machine
Front Raises with dumbells
Lateral Raises with dumbells or cables
Upright Rows w/ Barbell (Pull to your neck!)

Hack Squats or Squats
Leg Presses
Hamstring Curls or Deep One-Legged Leg Presses w/ you foot slightly higher on the
foot and a tilted out slightly.
Leg Extensions w/ Burnout
Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine


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yea, id deff advise you split it up like charun does. i do most the same things actaully.

only difference is i do 4 exercises for each muscle. each 4 sets with 8 reps each of as much weight possible. i do it that way cause i found it to be the fastest way to get the most mass. when you first start tho id say only 3 exercises just for how sore you get. whenever im forced to take a break from the gym i alwasy start back like that then add the last one in after a few weeks


I'm cutting right now... So I don't really care much about doing a whole lot of lifting. I just want to make sure I keep the muscle I have.


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lol, im doing my best to get better by friday. i have a big weekend ahead of me filled with them



I spend most of my workout doing 12oz curls

[/ QUOTE ]

Building up that table muscle, eh?


Heh, gutted mate.

Thinking of looking for a new job, gonna be ashame, been at my place for 2 years now, but the other week, this new girl said she liked me, and has made it VERY akward recently, and i just cant be [censored] with it, plus our manager is also being a ****, although not too me. I could move back too the main store (i moved to the smaller one because..well, less work, same pay..duh). Unsure, gonna go look about town the now I think, my avaliabilty is [censored] though, basically, i can do Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and thats it.

Still, ill wait and see


I didnt bone my co-worker, she meerly WANTS my bone.

Just got a subway, so tasty.


charuns using his head.....yea bad pun i know


what up guys?


Well Ive quit WoW.

Im a serious addict. So Im done. I wonder if I can get anything for acct.


Heh, i know the feeling Ji..omfg.

Im back into UO, no where near as bad, but its still cringe, like, ill just sit on it, even if theres nothing to do. But when i think about it, if i wasnt doing that, id be watching TV or something, i mean i have my nights with the guys, with my g/f, and at ther Gym or work etc, so free time filled with UO is decent, definiltly worse hobbies.

Good luck tho mate.


Here is my new REVISED weightloss, Gym, program, tell me HOW YA'LL FEEL.

20-30 Minute run.
1000 Metres ROW
100 Normal Sit Ups
50 Left Sit Ups
50 Right Sit ups
50 Crunches (ZOMG GUYZ)
10 minute "cool down" jog.
Minimal upper body weights.

Followed by, Steam Room and JACUZZI.

This is my "starting" idea, it will increase as my fitness does and ill run for longer, and such. If the running machines are taken, im going to exchance it for the Cross trainer.

How does this sound?
The hardest thing ive found is DIETS. I live with 2 mates, as ive said, but im no cook (altho trying to enrole imn COOK CLASSES) so i find it hard to eat healthy, our kitchen also isent massive, so preparing is often a chore.

Can you give me examples of, fairly easy things i should be eating?

The following are on my "eat weeky" list.

Noodles with both Tuna, and or Chicken.
Tuna and Fresh Chicken, brown bread sarnies (yum)
Soup, lots of Soup.
Rice mixed with stuff.
Ive also been adding onions and peppers too meals, and trying too eat fruit everyday, and TRYING too cut out juice that isent water, but thats proving tougher than i thought.

Whats good SNACK foods, i love snacks, espically for playing video games, nuts? or something?
Ideas chaps


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we had like 15 people over here last night and the [censored] that lives next door flipped out, called our landlord and said he was moving out and not paying the back rent. so then our landlord calls us at like 3 in the morning all pissed off and tells us we have to have a meeting with her. the guy next door is such an [censored]. 15 people here on a saturday night is not that crazy.

i dont think the landlord will do [censored] to us tho cause we pay for a whole 6 bedroom house and he lives by himself in an appt. i hope the [censored] moves out.


Sounds good... Just remember the more complex the carbs the better. Brown rice, wheat bread, multi-grains, oats, etc... White foods (potatoes, white rice, pasta) are simple sugars and they break down extremely fast in you body. In ture this also is a catalyst for an insulin spike. You body has to get rid of these simple sugars fast, so many get stored as fat. Oat (the bestestest carb you can eat) take a looooong time to break down so you get high energy and it also alerts the body that theres protein in you body and shuttles it to a muscle for generation. Eats yer oats boy!!!



yea im gunna shank the guy

[/ QUOTE ]

Do it jailhouse style with a turkey bone.


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hes such a ****. he calls our landlord every single chance he gets. all he has to do is come talk to us.

yea, i wanted the bears to win

that one guy

I really think Grossman should get the MVP, he practically gave them the game.


i had 12 people over for superbowl, but im still in with parents for now so no complaints haha. next year will be interesting when college hits and im stuck in a small crappy dorm. hopefully i can get an appt or something sophomore year though.


And now ye eyes shall be scarred for life. I give you, the power of the Hasselhoff

Hypnotizing isnt it?



i dont like that at all

[/ QUOTE ]

oh Path, but you do like it. Just keep looking at it, watching....watching....watching....


I never read in English... Always made an A or B... I got a History test and a Managment test tomorrow though *crosses fingers*


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i wish there were more jobs out there in history. for some reason i can read a history book or watch a show on tv and i just rember every little thing. i find a lot of it interesting tooi would make a ****ty teacher tho and there isnt much else to do with a history degree.


I remember Napolean Bonaparte... That about it. Hope I do well!! :p


actually, i know several guys who were history majors thatt went to law school and make bank as lawyers


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i just got a 75 on what i thought was one of the easiest physics test i ever took. ouch



If that Hoff was on its side it would be my sig, tbh.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew you would at least appreciate the Hoff


who here is pumped about the movie 300?

for all you people who have no clue what 300 is heres the myspace page with the trailer on it


Yea... I'm gonna' see that [censored]. I watch the trailer all the time. I made a 71 on my Managment test today, and A or a B on my History test... *does the happy dance*
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