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same babble, different thread

  • Thread starter that one guy
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  • Watchers 1
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Alex the Gray

My complaint was fairly obvious and explicit. Anyone having difficulty understanding it must be either dense or handicapped.
Let me break it down into simpler terms:
Yesterday is gone. There is only today, and tomorrow. People who cant get over yesterday, i.e. hasbeens, are stagnating pools. No life left. Yesterday was the only easy day- keep working and trying. But those people aren't what annoys me- they are simply something to step over or ignore.
What annoys me are the has beens that constantly deride, rail against, or complain about those that are up and coming and learning. If merlock is so skilled and knowledgeable in the arts of stealing, then instead of complaining about the new thieves and their ways (remember- they are mostly new characters, finding their way, practicing strategies, learning tactics and honing their skills still. Is it any wonder that some of them get under foot?) then he should contribute and offer advice, suggestions, tips, or other help. The elders training the youth of tomorrow. Instead, he offers nothing positive. If players dont like where the game is going, then work to change and direct it. Help thieves return to their former glory. Work to bring stealing back as an important part of the game, and a playable template. Thieves sure arent what they used to be. Some of this isn't due to the players, but to game changes. But you either adapt or die. Instead of bemoaning the fact the the new thieves are stealing bandages (I would assume they are most likely training) offer suggestions on how you trained, where they can steal items of value, how best to get their skills up. Which skills to train in which order for best success.
I'd like to see as many successful thieves out there as mages, necros, or dexxers. I made a guild, and spenmt considerable in-game gold and rl money to provide as many scrolls, bandanas, blessed ninja belts, jewelry, enhanced daggers and spikes, etc etc as I could manage, to help them get a leg up. I made a place for them to train, provided regs and supplies. The rest is up to them.
All of the new thieves, with the exceptions of the new thieves played by older characters, are still learning the game much less their template. You wouldn't believe the number of questions about simple game play that are asked. So why be surprised if they aren't as polished as someone who has been playing for many years? Some are new to siege, and some are just plain new. They could benefit from a little direction and fatherly advice. The faq's are a map, but not everyone can read a map, and maps leave out a lot of details.
Negativity just annoys me. If you can't be part of the solution, then dont just make extra noise complaining about something that you aren't helping to change.


I'll double post too... I dunno why you came here to post that, Merlock doesn't even post in this thread. My flaming days are over, it useless to argue about something that has went from "bestest game in the world" status to "who in their right mind would play this game" status overnight.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
all im gunna say is if you dont know who any of us are then you haven't been here all that long. if you were here, you would know about all the "work" that we did. im not going to waste my time or yours telling you about it.



My complaint was fairly obvious and explicit. Anyone having difficulty understanding it must be either dense or handicapped.
Let me break it down into simpler terms:
Yesterday is gone. There is only today, and tomorrow. People who cant get over yesterday, i.e. hasbeens, are stagnating pools. No life left. Yesterday was the only easy day- keep working and trying. But those people aren't what annoys me- they are simply something to step over or ignore.
What annoys me are the has beens that constantly deride, rail against, or complain about those that are up and coming and learning. If merlock is so skilled and knowledgeable in the arts of stealing, then instead of complaining about the new thieves and their ways (remember- they are mostly new characters, finding their way, practicing strategies, learning tactics and honing their skills still. Is it any wonder that some of them get under foot?) then he should contribute and offer advice, suggestions, tips, or other help. The elders training the youth of tomorrow. Instead, he offers nothing positive. If players dont like where the game is going, then work to change and direct it. Help thieves return to their former glory. Work to bring stealing back as an important part of the game, and a playable template. Thieves sure arent what they used to be. Some of this isn't due to the players, but to game changes. But you either adapt or die. Instead of bemoaning the fact the the new thieves are stealing bandages (I would assume they are most likely training) offer suggestions on how you trained, where they can steal items of value, how best to get their skills up. Which skills to train in which order for best success.
I'd like to see as many successful thieves out there as mages, necros, or dexxers. I made a guild, and spenmt considerable in-game gold and rl money to provide as many scrolls, bandanas, blessed ninja belts, jewelry, enhanced daggers and spikes, etc etc as I could manage, to help them get a leg up. I made a place for them to train, provided regs and supplies. The rest is up to them.
All of the new thieves, with the exceptions of the new thieves played by older characters, are still learning the game much less their template. You wouldn't believe the number of questions about simple game play that are asked. So why be surprised if they aren't as polished as someone who has been playing for many years? Some are new to siege, and some are just plain new. They could benefit from a little direction and fatherly advice. The faq's are a map, but not everyone can read a map, and maps leave out a lot of details.
Negativity just annoys me. If you can't be part of the solution, then dont just make extra noise complaining about something that you aren't helping to change.

[/ QUOTE ]
you my friend need a beer. and Im not talkin just one

Alex the Gray

yep, Im done. Has beens, in the corner, sitting in their glorious flab, dreaming about what used to be, and not going anywhere. Puddles of useless fat.
And people wonder why stealing and thieves have fallen on hard times. Maybe its the class of thieves that have been playing lol. This is a waste of time, chairborne rangers, adios. I know you will continue to feel good about yourselves- thank god someone does. I'm outta here to go play with real thieves.

Alex the Gray

I really dont care who anyone "used" to be; only who they are today.


who [censored] cares, we're only here to bs with each other since none of us play uo any longer

And grow up, why on earth would you come into the babble thread and pancake about how we don't play uo anymore like we give a damn.

Oh yeah, and learn how to use sentences. You look like a damn moron writing out some big as blob of text thats completely annoying to read because you gave it no structure like some illiterate ******.

to sum this all up, go F*ck yourself [censored].

Alex the Gray

Merlock does post here sir- that is what got this thread going in the first place.

Alex the Gray

sorry- are you propositioning me? I prefer women- you need to go look elsewhere for the lads you are no doubt accustomed to.
Lol- dont care? That is the whole point my useless friend- who cares who you are, what you did, or if you play? I thought I'd stop at the table of the has-been losers and have a beer and say hi, but now I can plainly see why people walk on by.
*gets up and moves along, clearly seeing this is a waste of time"


Always Present
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Stratics Legend

Lol- dont care? That is the whole point my useless friend- who cares who you are, what you did, or if you play

[/ QUOTE ]

you certainly cared enough to come in here and lecture us about what we should be doing.


*gets up and moves along, clearly seeing this is a waste of time"

[/ QUOTE ]

great, and don't come back because were all just going sit around drinking jim's beer


clearly you take this GAME way too seriously. My advice would be to leave your house at least once and go have some fun. After all, you are talking about a GAME. Drop the internet tough guy act too, no one is impressed. Go out and make some real friends since you clearly don't have any, then maybe you'll figure out that you're playing a GAME.

Oh, and I cried IRL when you called me a has been, i'm sad some high school loser is calling me names on the internet. Drop it, you don't know me and you never will, don't pretend like you know anything about me other than i used to play UO from 97 to about 2004. This is the last time i will ever acknowledge your existence as I don't have a whole lot of extra time between real life to talk to some poor kid who gets picked on at school too much, so don't even worry about a reply



I really dont care who anyone "used" to be; only who they are today.

[/ QUOTE ]

dude this was a great game what........almost 10 years ago?

let it go. and yes we were the best but we moved on



I really dont care who anyone "used" to be; only who they are today.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the most educated quote I've ever seen... That's like saying [censored] history, what can we learn from that... Lets find a new way to invent the wheel.




I really dont care who anyone "used" to be; only who they are today.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the most educated quote I've ever seen... That's like saying [censored] history, what can we learn from that... Lets find a new way to invent the wheel.

[/ QUOTE ]



I been adventuring the internet for the last 6 months going to the most elite of the message boards to return to pwn this thread....ya....



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
went to a paintball place yesterday and played from 8 till 6 at night. We had 30 guys and the place has 44 fields. It was fun


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
only thing that sucked was that they made you buy paint balls there. you couldn't take your own in. i think it was 80 a box when you can get them for 60 anywhere else


actually I get em for 35 a box, and they are pretty decent too.

anyone want to buy my old paintball gun? 350 and its yours


why is paintball so popular, i think its fun but they opened a paintball area in this park recently and i swear i checked it out with my friend who is all into paintballing and it was like all 30-45yo fat dudes with super overloaded paintball guns that they spent their mortgage on that month wearing like full armor and me and him had like 2 decent guns, face mask, jeans and tshirts on. I've been hit with paintballs before, but [censored] these guys took it so seriously it felt like these guys were firing paintballs from a 60 cal and i had the worst bruises i ever had. And they took it more seriously than Kelmo and faction characters cause the ONE round we did win at they got into a heated argument afterwards as to why exaclty the reason they lost was.

anyways, "serious" paintballers freak me out, just buy a gun dudes.


I'm broke... I just had to buy 2 new tires and get my new front bumper painted.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
yea, if you buy a real nice gun they can be stronger than others. if you play at a regulated field like i was at they check them all and put them at a set level.

i was in shorts and a t shirt playing too. everyone else had camo on and [censored]. it was funny


i used to wear camo for that [censored] when i was like 12, every time after that is just threw on some jeans and a t shirt, stupid crappy camo is useless in that kind of environment


my friends live near sierra summit here in cali if you know where thats at but they take paintball guns and shoot people on the mountain as they ski and snowboard its funny.


Wow, never thought I would see Corran or Goodguy again. Much less together on the same thread.



Wow, never thought I would see Corran or Goodguy again. Much less together on the same thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

corranism baby, took me a bit to get my password back on this thing, forgot it and my email address on this thing was old...lol


i know serious, i actually did go to sacramento but i didnt think of you! PS theres a LOT of rednecks in sacramento were you aware of that?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
the iphone. i think i dropped my phone in a toilet of puke on my birthday. (i cant know for sure because i was blacked out, lol) i called my mom and told her my phone broke and that is what she got me. happy birthday to me



i know serious, i actually did go to sacramento but i didnt think of you! PS theres a LOT of rednecks in sacramento were you aware of that?

[/ QUOTE ]

where were you? west sac or some [censored]?

I use to live in South Sac but not anymore. [censored] isnt hick town, west sac maybe since its farmy (davis-ish area too)



nice, that thing will be all smudged and crappy looking after a year i bet, only ****ty thing with the touchscreen and all

[/ QUOTE ]

A friend of mine bought an Iphone knock off from japan... Looks exactly like an ipone, but actually works for $150


holy hell

F the RedSox

not even a fun game to watch. DBacks should of been there


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
that that is the only thing i was worried about too porn. so far ive been able to keep it like new with minimal effort but im sure ill do something to it eventually
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