> ....believe in satan...You must be confusing Christians with satanists, right?
Sorry if I may have misposted a important form of my statement.

I meant, that if a christian "believes" in the existence of satan (not worships him), then yadda yadda...
I do not fully believe in the idea of free will. I'll humor christianity for a minute to show what I feel.
Eg. God exists. He creates everything, including humans w/ free will. However, he knows everything that has happened and all that will happen. so he creates an environment, and a person, and he knows what they are going to do. In fact, he creates each person knowing why he makes them, what their "purpose" is. So, how can it possibly be free will if we are bound to do EXACTLY what we do?
Thats why I also feel that if "god" created the devil, than he wanted "evil" to be in the world.
All this would of course take a belief in the christian religion, which I lack. Just my opinion tho.
In reply to my remark on the story of Noah in the bible.
No, I have no problem if someone wants to borrow/steal/create a story to make a good logical opint at all. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif
However, the story of Noah, IMO, seem's to be used more to prove the power and very existance of god. God's mercy as well.
But this does not prove a good logical point. If it was a story to show people why stealing/killing/****/whatever is wrong. That would be fine. As long as it showed the act being "wrong" based on personal/logical/humanitarian reasons, not for fear of god.
It is a fact that we, in a sense, biologically "hate" what we fear.
So why do some christians tell me they fear god?
Or why do they teach their children to fear what "god" will do to them if they do not perfectly comply to the rules.
Last time my x-gf made me go to church with her, the "youth pastor" was telling the people to give money to send missionarries to children who had never known god.
Children in other countries, in tribes far from civilization and such.
He stated that these children were going to go to hell because (and it was god's fault), they had never learn of the existence of god.
First off, I will never worship a god who makes people just to send them to hell for what appears to be his ammusement.
And I thought christians beleived that ONLY and I mean ONLY GOD can judge people.
Where the heck does this youth pastor get off deciding these children are going to hell?
>Snoopy (I think)-> there are countries that would be far higher on the list.
>Wist->Such as which ones? And are they being run by blood-thirsty, insane, human-torturing/murdering tyrants? And are they in a position where they CAN be brought down without starting WWIII?
Many more countries, dont get me wrong, Saddam is definitely high on my shiz list. but There is one country in particular that REALLY hates us and we believe them to be gaining nuclear power.
>Wist>Anyhow, so much for a vague defense.
Heh, better than blabbering on and trying to make 10,000 points at once, all while attempting to be exact; and just coming out all confused and ******** sounding. *points to self*