Popps I can't help but notice your rapid change in arguments... First It was that 8-10 skill chars were amazingly more powerful than 6x120 chars. Then it was people who use +skill items are lazy. Then It was uo has a CAP and caps shouldn't be blah blah blah... Now it's new players can't catch up to vets...
Well, don't discussions over topics evolve into side arguments ?
I don't know others, but sometimes when talking with friends I can start talking about the wheather and end up talking about vacations, global warming and a variety of other topics.......
I do not see anything wrong that a discussion may evolve into other topics.
Besides, as I see it, the arguments you mention are all related and connected so it is not like one is changing topic, entirely.........
1. "10 skill templates are grosely overpowered to 6x120"- No. You loose bonuses to have those extra skills. For your spell weaving example? You loose lower mana cost and MR, thus limiting the amount of spells you can cast while someone who is 6x120 can run around with 100lrc 40lmc and 14 mr.
Not necessarily, one can have a good suit AND, when a Mage, also reach 100 LRC, especially since the Lieautnant Sash has been made available once again as a replica......
Sure, it may cost lots of millions but that is covered by my other side argument........new/returning players catching up........
Or a 10 skill dexor wouldn't have hci/dci/di so them vs any 6x120 dexor so the dexor would win? Why? 120 weapon skill vs 120 weapon skill with 45hci/dci. Sure they have some tricks up their sleaves but they'll be exhaused, because at that skill amount, 10 skills? they're not gonna have the mana for anything game changing so your point on this is moot. next argument.
How about having a Dread Mare buddy help out in the fight ?
Having met any of these "dexors" ??
2 "They don't TRAIN for their skills cuz back in my day we hiked up a mountain in a blizzard while only wearing sox while taming that ki-rin/unicorn..." Of course they don't work. They only spend countless hours/days/weeks/months/years in some cases, working out a template, getting the items needed for it, the resources, crafting, refiguring their template and suits together so their char is effective, also sacrificing mods. See point 1. Again... dead in the water, so to point 3!
Well, I do not see why the work of those who train their skills all the way up to 120, and it can be painfull, could and should not be prized significantly.
As I said, +skill items can well stay in the game, what it is needed, is perks to gratify significantly those who actually train their skill, and past 90-100 when it most hurts, all the way to 120.
3. The Devs obviously planned for the +skill jewels to excede the cap, other wise... guess what? They wouldn't. It's been many many years, since AoS if I remember right, I'm not sure anymore. They still go over the cap,
Well, it has happened to me several times to see patches in online games, accompanied by fixes, because things where "not working as intended"........
I would not be surprised if sometimes in the future we'd might get a patch in UO telling us that +skill items where intended to help, but WITHIN the 720 CAP limit, not beyond it.
Was it a bug ? Overlooked ?
Developers are busy, they may change over time and it can be that things get postponed or overlooked. Has this been the case for +skill items ? I have no idea.
All I know is that the 720 skill points was a CAP and to me a CAP is meant as a hard limit, something that should not be punched through......
I am fine with +skill items helping WITHIN the 720 skill CAP, I am NOT fine with them getting around it and punching a hole through the CAP........
We work our asses off and spend billions to make our template fantasy useable and you want to give it on a silver platter to the guy who just made a char? You gotta work for it. Also, a 7x100 skill char is good enough to start things off with, I know cuz I was a new char! and I used that 7x100 char till I got money to put some 120's in it!
I bolded a part which I see as VERY relevant to the discussion and which should raise all ears up to Developers.....
A game where too huge a monetary resource is needed to be competitive (billions.......), is not a game with good chances at a high number of subscriptions, IMHO, but it only remain niche with those old players without getting many new ones who get frightened by the huge costs involved with "catching up".
With this I am not saying hand out easily, but neither a player should feel playing the game 24/7 for months on end or years before being able to be truly competitive, IMHO.
5. "Imbuling going to make the suits amazingly easier to get" Didn't you just whine about them being too hard to get for new players?
Easier for those who have billions on hand to spend..........
The problem is that for those with the wealth it WILL make it possible to pin point the best set up, only at a cost.
Who can afford that heavy cost ? I doubt new or returning players.......
So, all it will do is make the GAP even wider and discourage even more new or returning players who will see their chance to "catch up" even more a Mission Impossible thus being detrimental to Ultima Online (loss of subscriptions).
Now lastly... IT'S TEMPORARY. Guess what that means? You're gonna have to do it again, and again, and again, and again.
And who can go over this over and over if not those who have the wealth ?
Again, shows how the GAP widens, not closes...........