Do you use Focus? Or do you skip it and use MR items to compensate? If you do use the MR items that is essentially the same thing as + skill items. How about resist spells? Are you advocating removal of Enchanted Apples, Cure pots, Trapped box's etc? Those essentially allow many to bypass the need for the skill. So Most melee/archers tend to bypass 2 full skills without using +skill items not only freeing up a great deal of skill points but gear slots as well. MR isn't exactly hard to come by.
Well, considering that Ultima Online started as a "Role" playing game yes, I think it is WRONG to allow anyone to be anything and do anything using work arounds that bypass skill limits.
Wrong, in the sense that it sends, at least to my opinion, the original Ultima Online to the dust, sadly.......
See but then if you shouldn't be able to increase skills beyond the 720 points why should items take your spell damage beyond what you can naturally do? Why should you have extra hit chance and defence chance beyond what you would normally have? Why should you be able to deal dmg beyond what you can naturally do? Soft caps are far from rare in UO lol.
Well, maybe for others it is all fine and dandy but to me, it looks "almost" as like cheating.
Using tricks and work around to get things done which, otherwise, could not be done given one's own skill, real skill.............
It is what it is. Items are a part of UO now. Wether people want it that way or not is irrelavent. The game itself would have to undergo many changes if things like this were removed as they would if the +skill items were removed. Everything that was added the game has been balanced against. Think of it like an Eco system, removing a species from that Eco system can destroy it.
Well, if Ultima Online was not like this, and yet it changed (for the worse, IMHO), why then could it not change again, perhaps a little at a time, to bring it a little closer back to the game it was ?
Why not ?
Change has to be only in one direction ? Not bi-directional ?
So sure, I can see the desire to remove item dependence from UO. But thats not what you're after.
LOL, if it was for me, I'd take all items away, artifacts and modifiers and would leave it to skills and crafted things, having wear and tear which means, breakable with use and you say I am not interested in reducing item dependancy in Ultima Online ???
Personally I would be happy with something like a 840 cap so we can go back to using 7 skills without having to rely on +skill items. There's a reason the game started with 7 skills in the first place lol. 6 is just way to tight some times.
This is reasonable talking and can find me in agreement BUT, with a but...
First of all, +skill items should ONLY work within the new set skill CAP, not beyond, and, second, there should be some incompatibility of skills in the same one template.
I joined a "role" playing game years back and I do not like seeing it nowadays that a template can be a bit of everything.
A Mage must be a Mage, a Tamer a tamer and so forth.
Sure, a tamer can have "some" magery and a Mage can have "some" taming but my point is, that I do not like a template be able to master several roles at the same one time.