Yeah... wouldn't that be F.U.N. *waves finger in the air*
Yea I know because I had a nox tank mage before. I can cast DP which is a fast spell and I can do infectious strike for lethal poison. Any warriors without 4/6 chiv is dead before the fight begins. I could literally LP him with my kryss or DP with spell, and I will kill him with nothing but poison and magic arrows, unless they have a ton of cures (casting DP is free). While they are waiting for their bandage to kick in they are getting ticked for dmg by poison while I just nuke him with any dmg spells. Bandage kicks in cures the poison heals zero dmg and I DP right after the bandage again. If he doesn't run he's dead.
Against 4/6 chiv dexer you go with lethal poison. You will see them sit there and try to cleanse by fire and not attacking me. Omen mana vamp or any nuke (he's gonna be busy curing) and LP ticks for a lot of dmg and is easily reapllied. Again the sec he runs out of cure pots he's gone. And dexers casting means he's not hitting me, I can summon deamon, ebolt, exp fs pain spike omen anything I want basically. If he runs no resist 1 vamp and his entire 4/6 defense is destoryed.
While I see a lot of dexers wants their poison cookie cutter back by putting a timer on cures it will ultimately benefit mages the most at the sametime destorying any dexers that doesn't have 4/6 and even with chiv without 4/6 any mage can easily disrupt your cleanse.
So by putting a timer on cures it will make all dexers that wants to survive poison spam to require 120 resist and has to have 4/6 chiv and that only gives you 20% chance to cure lethal poison anyways.
Mages has arch cure which is fast and can cure Lethal poison 90% of the time, necromages even has SS on top of that. Now come along myst mages cleansing wind is just adding more wound to the insult.
It is funny to hear dexers wants a cure pot timer that doesn't understand it will end up screwing them even harder. Any mage can just nuke and poison, as long as they get in a poison once every 4 second and you are out of cures or cure pot on cooldown you are ****ed hence I said just run away or give up and give the noxxer all your loots and save yourself some insurance money.
Oh and since infectious strike does not require tactics to use, it wouldn't be too hard to stick on to a mage template. Yet all dexers are required to have resist and chiv if they are to stand a chance against anything that can chain poison you. Well actually you can just run like a little girl and don't stop until the poison is cured (so you don't get nuked) and you can turn around and get instantly poisoned again and you can start running again, if that's the kind of pvp you want on your dexer feel free. It only mages more powerful and noxxor will be the only one benefiting from this at the cost of the rest of dexers death. Actually since you are a noxor you probably has bad karma so chances are you can't even cast clense by fire successfully, this mean you will be even more likely to get owned by chain poison than other dexers. Anyways its just funny that people asking for something that will ultimately screw themselves and they don't even know why.