The simple fact is that if someone is looking for Sedric he will with a certainty be standing 5 tiles from the yew gate unless he is fighting in which case he will usually be with in a screen or two of the gate. On very rare occasions when TDR has enough people to conduct a raid, Sedric might leave the gate but then again he might not.Wow...There are so many things wrong with your post that I dont know where to begin.
I play during the night mostly. When I'm on its very rare when I cant make it to a raid. But hey...Yer Malador. Apparently you know more about what happens in TDR\JW then I do.
Why do you act as if I have any problems doing anything away from the gate? I'll fight Kahlen anywhere but if we did duel at the gate why would you make the leap that TDR would interfere? Why would TDR to do anything but watch(honestly...Get over yourselves)? But hey...Yer Malador. Apparently you know more about what happens in TDR\JW then I do.
Malador....Not everything is "black and white". The truth is not always what it appears to be. Its quite a shame that the back and forth here on the boards has warped your rational.
I am not criticizing. I am not implying you have a problem leaving the gate. I am simply saying it is odd to not find you at the gate. Your playstyle is 1 v 1 fighting. You accomplish that by standing at the yew gate waiting for a 1 v 1 fight. More power to you.
Fred is known for popshotting. Your known for this.
I will say this if a duel was arranged, your the one guy I would trust to not call in his guild mates. However I would not trust them if present to stay out of it regardless of your wishes.