Iam sorry guys, but this IS NOT THE WORST PUBLISH EVER !!!
I don't agree with how it was released or with how OSI does alot of what it does. However I gotta say this isn't as bad as all the whine I have read would otherwise indicate.
I quit over one publish because the game was totaly unplayable for me. The release of AOS created so much lag I could only put up with it for 6 weaks before I pulled the plug on three accounts. I came back when friends told me things were better. I only re-oppened one account and then when I saw how things were I re-oppened a second. The third is still collecting dust but for other reasons.
I believe the "worst" publish "ever" is in fact a highly subjective description based on ones "perspective" created by ones play style and character templates and experience with the game. Essentialy if alot of things affect a person they become aggravated and come here flaming.
I read alot of what was on here, I then left the boards with the concerns that most of my characters were going to be unplayable ie:
my tamer, wont beable to command or control
archerer, weapons will deteriorate rapidly
smith, BOD rewards messed up and only able to get junk BODS
smith repairs will rapidly destroy your weapons and armour
Iam not going to list everything, I dont need to do that to make my point.
So firstly I tried out my tamer,
May I remind you:
when pub 16 was released:
1) large amounts of lag for a couple days with continued though not as bad lag for the rest of the month
2)pets died rapidly vetting and magery would keep up only if you didn't lag and had maxed out skills
3)if the pet died (and they died frequently) large amounts of peramanent stat loss occured
Basically whats happening now is more of an inconvenience and if your pet dies it only loses .1 , pub 16 was worse, people were not playing tamers for almost 6 weaks
Upon using this chatacter at Doom I found 2 things,
1- Nix the variety dealer, his prices are as reported only increasing
-this is an inconvenience, nothing more
2- Bows do not break down rapidly though I have made a couple observations
-the durability stays level for a long period and then suddenly falls several points where it then stays level again for a period of time
-the durability may or may not decrease in "jumps" but it always has a plataeu
Again both these items are inconveniences, nothing more. Nix needs a fix and the durability loss needs adjusting. I would say it is too fast, but after what I read I fully expected it to drop in leaps and bounds, coupled with what people are saying about repairs I would expect it to be a huge problem.
Ok first off I have know way of knowing about the rewards of high level BODS/LBODS, this may be off I don't know.
This being said Iam not offended in getting a "junk" BOD with a legendary smith. I don't expect to get them everytime, but I sure don't expect to get a good high end one everytime just becasue I have 120 skill. No matter what you skill is there should be a chance oif getting junk BODS and this should happen more frequently than receiving high end BODS. It should be scaled, so far I havent noticed anything out of the ordinary with it.
As for repairs and durability. I think its fine, losing one point on a failed attempt is acceptable. As for successes I would say that the way it has been in the past with no loss to durability either after a success or a failure is a BUG. At one time items broke especialy if the durability was low, also you needed "armslore" to check this. The game was never intended to have "0" durability loss either on a success or a failure. Again the only thing I can truely say is maybe the rate needs some adjusting.
Overall I think people have just been spoiled (from 0 durability loss), and now are whinning because their "bug" (cause thats what it is) got fixed.
I've also noted a few "bugs people have been reporting are actualy "not new" they are in fact old bugs that have been around for ages, some like pets targeting through walls are just much more apparent.
Fact is I don't like how these publishes get released. I would dare say that alot of the issues and how to solve them is probably well know to the dev team. I would think the real problem comes from pressure from management which translates into dollars.
Some people just fail to see that poor customer PR and poor products take away from those prectious dollars.
It probably also means that certain people cannot stand up to this pressure to make a change.
These publishes are suffering from very obvious deficiencies ones that I think if you are going to play the game you just have to accept, not that you like it.
Essentially "whinning" complaining and probably alot of other approaches will just fall on deaf ears.
I have been horribly upset in the past with "OSI" policies and service. I don't think it will change because I don't think this company is capable of changing how it does things.
Something integral to the company is causing this, its not the Dev team. I would say it has to be someone capable of pulling the strings, "leadership" and its probably not "lacking" but is negative.
Until this is changed I would be surprised to see anything improve.
OSI will continue to decieve, continue to release poor publishes, continue to neglect proper testing, insert undocumented changes, create more bugs than fixes and will always come back with canned replies. It will further do things as it sees fit (had to include that because of history).
I must say that despite this and despite my opinnionated beliefs reguarding OSI, I find alot of the complaints on this board "laughable".
Tamers are still playable, smiths are still playable, archerers are playable and compared to past publishes i see nothing here worse than a few inconveniences.
I have a friend that came here read the boards, ICQ'd me and told me how bad things were and I havent heard from him since. He's not playing, because he read and "bought" the crap on these boards. Ironicaly I was in fel at a champ hunt with 6 people killing Mesophite (however its spelt) with my tamer and a WW, there were 3 other tamers present. All this was going on while he was telling me how unplayable the game is, without even trying it.