The reason I was running all over Sosaria, was to update and verify my castle count.
I have a map of every castle on Drachefels.
There are 64 on Trammel facet, and 8 on Felucca.
(Just in case any newer players are reading this thread: there is a reason for the vast difference. The Felucca land mass was settled 'randomly' as players were able to earn the money to place a house when the shard first opened. The Trammel facet had a time where only castles and keeps could be placed. With wide open spaces, this resulted in far more castles being able to be placed.)
Anyway... if Drachenfels is similar to other shards (and I don't see why it wouldn't be), that means that for every Felucca castle, there are eight Trammel castles. So:
-> point 1. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." The courtyard 'fix' inconveniences so many Trammel castle owners and probably only helps in one or two cases of the Felucca castles, as most people I know who play regularly in Felucca would not even consider calling a GM over this issue.
-> point 2. It's been offered as a reason for this fix that people can get a rune to the courtyard of a castle, and camp there, harrassing the occupants. This is not a valid point, as the same people can camp outside the outer door of any house, and accomplish the same thing.
-> point 3. Another reason given is that people can open gates to castle courtyards and lure unsuspecting victims into the yard to use them as a killing field. Is there anyone who has not heard already that stepping into a gate in Felucca means you either are trusting the caster, or you're willing to take your chances? Also, this is still possible, as a player can step into their own courtyard and open a gate to town, for example. An 'accomplice' could then be in place in town by the gate to lure the innocent in.
-> Point 4. No one can be held prisoner in a castle courtyard. As a ghost, they can simply float out through the doors as normal. And the live player can't be held prisoner there. As far as I recall, you can always run OUT of a house. People can't lock you IN with their doors. Even saying that a banned person can't run through that bit of hallway to get out, or that the second set of doors (the one on the inner side of the front hallway) is set to friends only or so, is not an issue. They can always use the I'm Stuck option. Maybe they'll get killed while they wait, and then not be able to get back in to loot their corpse. Big deal. They'll lose anything they didn't insure. Isn't this how Felucca works? You do something dumb, you pay the price.
So the fix doesn't really fix anything. And, it makes the poor layout of the castle even more of a problem.
If this courtyard solution is kept in place, how about removing the half-walls that prevent you from going left or right when you first enter the outer doors? It doesn't seem useful to make people waste time running down all these long corridors every time they want to put something away, or get a weapon from a chest or whatever.