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Pinco's UI

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UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
here it is the screenshot of my fisherman...
total of 17 hotbars in a 17" notebook monitor, and still I have lot of space :D





I don't think that the intensity calculator is working correctly. Many items showing intensity of 400 + is only showing enchanted essence when it used to show relic. They certainly unravel to relics.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
as I said there is a problem with the non imbued items that will be fixed on next version.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Updated to the most recent Pinco, and just discovered the patching progress; interesting development, and extremely handy for reinstalling the Copper skins! One question I have though, I know you said it wasn't easy to reintegrate the large map option some of us miss... but I was wondering, is it possible to instead add a macro process for the tactical map button (next to the Lock Map icon)? If so, this would be a simple work around; I could add a macro for that, put it on a hotbar, and set it's Hot Key to "M" and expand the map as required...

Also, I experimented with Small Icons for the waypoints in the 4.1 build and was never able to get them to stick. They remain huge now, which can get very messy on the minimized window. With a larger map to fiddle with this wouldn't be a problem of course!

Oh, and is it also possible to somehow use the Legacy naming process for parrots? I know you can use "I wish to name..." options for pets, but it doesn't apply to parrots unfortunately, so they can't have multi-word names... unless I'm missing something?

But as always, ever more incredible work so far, so thank you!


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Updated to the most recent Pinco, and just discovered the patching progress; interesting development, and extremely handy for reinstalling the Copper skins! One question I have though, I know you said it wasn't easy to reintegrate the large map option some of us miss... but I was wondering, is it possible to instead add a macro process for the tactical map button (next to the Lock Map icon)? If so, this would be a simple work around; I could add a macro for that, put it on a hotbar, and set it's Hot Key to "M" and expand the map as required...
can be done, but for the dermott happyness will requires another icon :D

Also, I experimented with Small Icons for the waypoints in the 4.1 build and was never able to get them to stick. They remain huge now, which can get very messy on the minimized window. With a larger map to fiddle with this wouldn't be a problem of course!
This is another problem not regarding the map... is about the auto-close veteran reward that is bugged in that version and will be fixed on the next :p

Oh, and is it also possible to somehow use the Legacy naming process for parrots? I know you can use "I wish to name..." options for pets, but it doesn't apply to parrots unfortunately, so they can't have multi-word names... unless I'm missing something?

But as always, ever more incredible work so far, so thank you!
I'll take a look on that...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off thank you for your UI. It is fantastic! I have the latest version and have a couple of things: one possible bug, one request.

1) I had a lot of trouble setting a hotkey for one of my macros. whenever i would hit the key i wanted, it said that there was a different macro assigned to that key (which is normal) but the one that was saying was not the one that was really already assigned to it. at that point i tried to click OK on the dialog box to allow the remapping but it would not allow me to click OK. they key i was trying to map was the ` key.

2) Im not even sure this would be possible. As a crafter/imbuer and vendor operator i do a lot of purchasing and vendor stock maintenance. not all vendors are setup friendly to find what you are looking for. i spend an endless amount of time opening nameless boxes searching for goods. in addition, its not always easy to find that one small item that someone purchased from your vendors that needs restocked. it would be wonderful to be able spider all the products on a vendor to a log file (or clipboard would be fine too). you could then a) use it to find items you are looking for later or to catalog a vendor who stocks items you purchase and b) use a diff on a previous log to find what people have purchased from your own vendors so that you may restock appropriately.

again thank you!


Grand Inquisitor
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1) I had a lot of trouble setting a hotkey for one of my macros. whenever i would hit the key i wanted, it said that there was a different macro assigned to that key (which is normal) but the one that was saying was not the one that was really already assigned to it. at that point i tried to click OK on the dialog box to allow the remapping but it would not allow me to click OK. they key i was trying to map was the ` key.
I don't know whether Pinco can do anything about this or not, but until he responds what you need to do is find the macro that already has that key bound to it. Unfortunately if you have a lot of macros this can take a while, but once you find it you need to either clear the key for that macro, or remap it. Once you've done that you can reset the key as you wish.

If you know what you are looking for you can also open the character xml files in a text editor and use the search function to find that key combination and either delete it or change it. If you need more details on how to do that, let me know.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off thank you for your UI. It is fantastic! I have the latest version and have a couple of things: one possible bug, one request.

1) I had a lot of trouble setting a hotkey for one of my macros. whenever i would hit the key i wanted, it said that there was a different macro assigned to that key (which is normal) but the one that was saying was not the one that was really already assigned to it. at that point i tried to click OK on the dialog box to allow the remapping but it would not allow me to click OK. they key i was trying to map was the ` key.
Probably the bug is tied to the bug of the veteran reward gump. This bug stuck entirely the UI.
just disable the auto-close veteran reward gump and all should work fine :p

2) Im not even sure this would be possible. As a crafter/imbuer and vendor operator i do a lot of purchasing and vendor stock maintenance. not all vendors are setup friendly to find what you are looking for. i spend an endless amount of time opening nameless boxes searching for goods. in addition, its not always easy to find that one small item that someone purchased from your vendors that needs restocked. it would be wonderful to be able spider all the products on a vendor to a log file (or clipboard would be fine too). you could then a) use it to find items you are looking for later or to catalog a vendor who stocks items you purchase and b) use a diff on a previous log to find what people have purchased from your own vendors so that you may restock appropriately.

again thank you!
can't be done, because I can't see inside sub-containers and the log files are not safe enough to store data.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a way to disable auto-interupt of typing when a Lobster trap becomes Full please? I think it may have been mentioned before, but I can't find any reference to it... and it's a bit annoying when I have 30 going at once but I also want to converse with guildmates; I'd sooner lose the odd trap :p

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
so Pinco....
Any work on when the next release is? Im starting to look forward to patching the UI more than patching UO.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Llewen && @Pinco - thx for the feedback on the hotkey. will see if i can get that assigned this evening.

@Pinco - if the sub-containers were opened manually would it then be possible? even manually opening the containers and then clicking a button to throw the contents into the clipboard or a log file would be a huge gain over current processes.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a way to disable auto-interupt of typing when a Lobster trap becomes Full please? I think it may have been mentioned before, but I can't find any reference to it... and it's a bit annoying when I have 30 going at once but I also want to converse with guildmates; I'd sooner lose the odd trap :p
is already part of the next version :p

so Pinco....
Any work on when the next release is? Im starting to look forward to patching the UI more than patching UO.
well, if you look the changelog you'll see that is almost ready :)

Keeping an eye on the changelog is useful to know what's new in the next version ;)

@Llewen && @Pinco - thx for the feedback on the hotkey. will see if i can get that assigned this evening.

@Pinco - if the sub-containers were opened manually would it then be possible? even manually opening the containers and then clicking a button to throw the contents into the clipboard or a log file would be a huge gain over current processes.
there is no way to use an object by script so it's not possible.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco can we get an option for health bars? I like the crim ring that come with my health bard but it is a bit to bulky with the picture and all, also i dont recall teh percentage on the reg health bars, makes it kinda hard to judge life as there is the extra space at the end for the 000%.

Just suggestions, i realy love the UI and the extras it provides just like to see some of the simpler things stay simple = )


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco can we get an option for health bars? I like the crim ring that come with my health bard but it is a bit to bulky with the picture and all, also i dont recall teh percentage on the reg health bars, makes it kinda hard to judge life as there is the extra space at the end for the 000%.

Just suggestions, i realy love the UI and the extras it provides just like to see some of the simpler things stay simple = )
just disable the notoriety aura if you don't like it...


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

- Fixed a bug that could cause the block of the UI while the auto-close veteran reward gump is enabled.
- Fixed the book recorder, now it will replace into the file name with a space the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
- Added the "Yes sir." sound.
- The blue button on items healthbars has been removed.
- The full paperdoll stone area now can be used to drag the paperdoll.
- Fixed a bug in the user settings that allow to choose queen forge and ter mur forge at the same time.
- Fixed a bug in the unravel formula, now the durability penality is applied only on imbued items.
- Fixed a bug with containers that sometimes could have the grid/list misplaced.
- Fixed some bug with the map plots on scaled window.
- Now the course map points will be added by coordinates instead of add it manually. You still can move them manually after creating it.
	* NOTE: even with the right points the precision is very low, the margin is 30-50 tiles and unfortunately can't be improved.
- Increased the refresh rate of the skill tracker.
- Added a context menu into the course map points to allow you to delete a point without clear the entire map.
- Added the Neue Text font as requested.
- Fixed the mini-game gump that may result gridded.
- Fixed a the problem with tactical maps: now if you log-out with the tactical map open, the dropdown menus on the map will status will be restored correctly.
- Fixed a problem with the pets window when a pet is removed from the list.
- Fixed a problem with the new line between name and title. Now if the name starts with "The" will be ignored, and only the first "The" will be counted as title.
- Added the lobster trap icon.
- Fixed a typo in the blue dockspot of the mobile bar.
- Fixed a problem of update in the user settings when the server line or the clock window are active.
- Fixed the runebooks rune label clickable area.
- Fixed a bug that removes the focus from the chat line wile writing when an healthbar is created.
- Now you can rename pet parrots.
- Added the action "Toggle Tactical map".
- The skills tracker and the paperdoll will stay visible (if they are visible) after reloading the interface.
- Added the small fish description.
- Added a timer to the triggered lobster trap's tooltip that shows by how much time has been triggered.
- Changed the "> Full <" text on the lobsters trap with "Full (N)" where N is the number of lobster/crab inside.
Texture packs will be updated when Dermott will add the missing icons for the latest version :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just disable the notoriety aura if you don't like it...
No pinco i dont think you understood what i meant. I had said that i DO like the aura, i also like the danger thing. I DONT like the picture and other stuff on my bar and the percentages on others bars.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No pinco i dont think you understood what i meant. I had said that i DO like the aura, i also like the danger thing. I DONT like the picture and other stuff on my bar and the percentages on others bars.
I can't add a toggle for that...

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is 4.3 available to the patcher? Mine is saying that the 4.2d that I currently have is up to date, even when I completely reinstall it.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem fated not to get these sounds. 'yes sir' will play if I double click the file in the folder, but it doesn't play when my tiller man says 'yes, sir' in game.
At least this time I'm not getting an error message box, so I can live without it.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem fated not to get these sounds. 'yes sir' will play if I double click the file in the folder, but it doesn't play when my tiller man says 'yes, sir' in game.
At least this time I'm not getting an error message box, so I can live without it.
this time is not an audio problem but I pick th wrong cliloc id... the strange thing is that this id is right on some computer and wrong on others :/

Roland of Atlantic

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
here it is the screenshot of my fisherman...
total of 17 hotbars in a 17" notebook monitor, and still I have lot of space
OMG it looks like the classic client! I'm spoiled by way too much viewable area now to go back to running less. :D

My viewable area consists of the entire screen, minus my tiny map, pack, and paperdoll stacked vertically on the right, and a single row of hotbars on the bottom. If I went with less area I would start to feel like I was playing frogger on an apple computer with a 12.5 diagonal screen... I guess I'll just scale the hotbars down until I can fit a double row in the same space my single row now occupies.



Grand Inquisitor
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Is there any chance we could get a log in "check list"? What I am envisioning is a window that displays in the middle of your screen when you first log on with a list of notes that you can enter yourself somehow, and an "OK" to close it. My problem is that I have to remember to dress my Inquis every time I log in, and I almost always forget - even though I have a big pink postit at the bottom of my screen. :)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG it looks like the classic client! I'm spoiled by way too much viewable area now to go back to running less. :D

My viewable area consists of the entire screen, minus my tiny map, pack, and paperdoll stacked vertically on the right, and a single row of hotbars on the bottom. If I went with less area I would start to feel like I was playing frogger on an apple computer with a 12.5 diagonal screen... I guess I'll just scale the hotbars down until I can fit a double row in the same space my single row now occupies.
too bulky for my taste :p

Is there any chance we could get a log in "check list"? What I am envisioning is a window that displays in the middle of your screen when you first log on with a list of notes that you can enter yourself somehow, and an "OK" to close it. My problem is that I have to remember to dress my Inquis every time I log in, and I almost always forget - even though I have a big pink postit at the bottom of my screen. :)
The only way to save strings are the log files that are not very safe to use... so you have to use the profile or a book to do that :p

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe you need something like my son made some years ago. He made a batch file that launched uoam then uoa. So we never forgot uoam when playing uo.
You need one that opens a text file that says 'equip inquisitors' then launches pinco's patcher. :D


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

- Fixed a bug with the "Yes sir" sound that was not working on all computers.
- Remade the waterstained sos window. Now when you open a waterstained sos the window can create automatically a waypoint on the map on trammel or felucca.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Pinco I love you. Waypoints awesome.

I typically take 50 maps at a time and create "Treasure" spots on it so I can see the easiest routes to take to gather up all 50 MIB's.... This is a big help.

I NEVER do one at a time. You'd do FAR too much backtracking that way..... but this will help me sooo much in putting in all my MIB's.

Thanks a bunch.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is not available if you are using texture packs...
However, if you run the Installer with the Copper command line, it will roll back to the last Copper compatible version even if you've since upgraded to the most recent Pinco; so after upgrading to 4.3a, I tried to see if I could get just the textures, and ended up back at 4.2d. Bit unfortunate, that!


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
However, if you run the Installer with the Copper command line, it will roll back to the last Copper compatible version even if you've since upgraded to the most recent Pinco; so after upgrading to 4.3a, I tried to see if I could get just the textures, and ended up back at 4.2d. Bit unfortunate, that!
until dermott do not update the texture packs you you can have the 4.3a only in default style.

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco is it possible to make a buff icon or something like that telling you what slayer weapon or talisman your using? I find myself forgetting to switch slayers with all the different weapons and talisman i use. Keep up the great work love the new patcher!


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco is it possible to make a buff icon or something like that telling you what slayer weapon or talisman your using? I find myself forgetting to switch slayers with all the different weapons and talisman i use. Keep up the great work love the new patcher!
nope, I can't read the item properties without have the cursor on the item...


i am having trouble installing the UI and i followed :

To install extract the zip into the main game folder (NOT UserInterface).
exactly. I run Windows x64 and UO was installed in D:\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss. All 10 files of UI Patcher.zip are in the folder: Ultima Online Stygian Abyss and everytime when i start the patcher, he says the files should be in the folder: D:\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss. They are and i have really no clue, why it shouldnt work, the folder is correct and i am an experienced PC user and have installed many things allready. Framework .net 2.0 is allready on my system. Ive downloaded the 64 bit version and when i try to install it, i get the message that it is allready installed.

Does the file UI Patcher.zip have a special directory structure, which i dont extract correctly ? All 10 files in the main directory of the game or maybe something else ?

I also tried something out, which maybe helps to solve my problem. I made a backup of Ultima and then deinstalled the game. After that i ran the UI Patcher.exe and it finally started fine. So the first screen of the patcher came up ok and clicking Reinstall button worked too and it downloaded all the files. Should i copy all over to an installed version of Ultima Online ?

I really would like to use the UI. What should i try out ? Maybe someone can pack the whole UI up for download, please ?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there must be no sub folder for the patcher on the main game folder, that's why you get the error.


there must be no sub folder for the patcher on the main game folder, that's why you get the error.
I checked my backup and in the main directory, there is a folder named: patcher/splash/english and there are 3 files: patch.html, UO_bright.jpg, UO_dark.jpg

Should i delete the whole folder patcher, right ?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this folder is part of the game, my patcher has no folder...

however be sure to run it as administrator..


Is there an issue with Item Intensities? Sometimes when I mouse over items I see the items overall intensity and sometimes I do not. I read through the last page and am slightly confused. Is an item's intensity calculated and displayed on the UI based off of a formula?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there an issue with Item Intensities? Sometimes when I mouse over items I see the items overall intensity and sometimes I do not. I read through the last page and am slightly confused. Is an item's intensity calculated and displayed on the UI based off of a formula?
the intensity is not shown on plain items and it's not shown if the item intesity is disabled by options.
and yes, the formula on the other page is the one used to calculate the values.


I figured it out thanks Pinco. The option to show intensity was disabled...Not sure how that happened it was on at one point. :)

Great UI it really makes the game playable. Keep up the great work!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Remade the waterstained sos window. Now when you open a waterstained sos the window can create automatically a waypoint on the map on trammel or felucca.
Uh! that sounds great!

Now I only need Dermott to update the skins...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Pinco I've had to redownload UO EC and since then it will NOT let me use your UI patcher.

Everytime I try to run it it tells me access to Patch Temp file is denied.????? What am I doing wrong?

NM...... After (*&)(*&))* with it and messing with permissions (*CURSES windows7*)...... I think I got it running now..... *curses*...



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Pinco.

With the mobiles bar I cannot heal or cure my Red guild mates, when I click on it no action happens. Is this something that can be coded to allow?




UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

- Fixed a bug with the healthbars buttons that don't work if the query criminal action is disabled.
- Fixed 2 bugs with the crystal portal gump:
	* Removed Papua and Delucia from the Felucca list.
	* Fixed a typo in the Ocllo name.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Pinco you are the best! Thank you for all your hard work.
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