Leader of Al-Qaeda in Yemen is relatively young actor Scott Walker with white beard and some prosthetics, as usual.
AirAsia black box bomb detonated Jan 15, 2015 (1), alias I (am) ISIS in date format.
Mass arrests and Internment of millions starts in the IV Reich.
Finally this End times paradox will become visible for many:
Liberated Syria, the physically most destroyed area EVER, is in fact much safer than the IV Reich.
Hidden In plain sight: the illuminati religion's commandment of mocking the human cattle
(1) As predicted and timestamped 01/13/2015 05:53 PM
AirAsia black box bomb detonated Jan 15, 2015 (1), alias I (am) ISIS in date format.
Mass arrests and Internment of millions starts in the IV Reich.
Finally this End times paradox will become visible for many:
Liberated Syria, the physically most destroyed area EVER, is in fact much safer than the IV Reich.
Hidden In plain sight: the illuminati religion's commandment of mocking the human cattle
(1) As predicted and timestamped 01/13/2015 05:53 PM