When I'm referring to tamers I think the best example of gimplates are those who ditch vet and replace it with something like ninjitsu or whatever the skill of the moment should happen to be. It's hard to nail down a specific definition, but for me it's leaving out a skill you'd normally put on a template so you can fit something uber in its place.By "Gimplate" I am not really sure what you mean. Is that pretty much a template you don't use yourself and is therefore considered 'gimp'?
Well I'd kinda expect the devs would buff something else up to compensate for changing monster casting. But as I said before, it's not my first choice for balancing. I'd say that the first lines of attack should be to stop logging out from saving a pet and making vet required for bonding. Those 2 things would knock out the templates that don't have vet and seem to be the worst offenders just now. Then work on what's necessary from there. Otherwise the gimplate tamer is still going to be stronger than his fellow tamers because he can safely remove vet from his template. No matter what you change elsewhere, an extra skill is going to put the gimplate a chunk above tamers who have the real skills to handle their pets. I think that's a crazy situationI think you are dead wrong about the effect that nerfing all casting creatures would have on PvM. It's all pretty much too easy with too little risk now. The reason most players die to mobs anymore is spell chaining, and missing a heal or something. Peerless and Champs are different, but I just don't see how nerfing regular mobs is a good idea. Archers and mages would pretty much become completely invulnerable in PvM if mobs had to follow player casting rules.
Well, I've said why I'm not really keen on a cap. I don't want to break PvM for PvP, I just want to see the problem tamers dealt with once and for all. I do think it'll be really quite odd if all pets were capped the same regardless of how powerful they are for PvM. And folks new to PvP will be wondering why their pets are suddenly doing nothing to a PvPer who attacked them. I think that system will be very awkward to work with. The problem from a non tamer's perspective isn't that pets do variable amounts of damage, it's several pets specifically which they feel need to be toned down.Again, I don't see the purpose in breaking PvM to fix PvP, when the easier solution is to just cap all damage in PvP. That pretty much stops the whining because no one can say 'Her dragon did 80 pts of damage to me, while I could only do 60 pts of damage to her'. It becomes 'we did 35 damage to each other' and no one can complain. Well, there will still be people complaining because none of this does anything to address ganking, speedhacks, script-farmed gold bought weapons and armor, stump hacks, etc. etc.
Well as I've said plenty in this post, why would I, with 7 tamers, try and mess up the future of my favourite templates? I'm not suggesting anyting that will mess up taming for the majority of tamers, because I'm in that group myself. But at the same time, I realise that as with the rune beetle, some pets are in need of change and I accept that if it makes the game better for PvPing. There's no fun for a tamer who PvPs if there are no folks to fight with. I certainly don't want to play tamer v tamerBut hey, like I said, I don't PvP much anymore, and if the devs cave in and make tamers useless in PvP, I just won't PvP that much less. No worries. I can find other things to do. I just don't want them F'ing up taming in general because a few so-called 'l33t' PvPers got their butts handed to them by a few tamers.